The Heart of The Hidden Leaf(Venomous Carnage x SweetSerenity)

Nov 29, 2011
- Limping through the woods, Kunai. whipping past we find a young ninja, headband wrapped around his borw, his face dirty and cake with blood, his hair dripping with sweat. "Almost there, Almost there..." He said to himself, his body pounding with pain every step gets much harder then the one before it. his breathing was becoming labored, his vision blurring, he wasn't going to be able to run much longer, but, he was closer to his destination, As he slowed down he saw a fire burring near by, and caught a glimpse of who was there, "The Akatsuki" he whispered to himself, he Sighed and scratched out the leaf symbol on his head band and began staggering into the camp, Blood dripping from his mouth, the tranquilizer he just injected quickly taking effect, his body collapsed on the ground. -

"Several Hours Before...."

- In the Hokage building sat, Naruto, who has been Hokage for a short time but, long enough to use what he could to track and capture Sasuke, from the door came a young Ninja, aged around 20, he stood at 6'2, weighing 185 pounds his shoulder length hire was a light brown his eyes a dark blue, he was one of the more sought after bachelors in the Leaf, but, he stayed alone and single due to what happened to his family so many years before. -

- On the long road between the sound village and the leaf, was a small wagon that was being pulled by two horses, on the wagon it self was a supply of food, after the attack by pain on the hidden leaf village they were hurting and some of the other villages helped them to recover, Akio's Father, was a farmer and his mother was a healer. So, they were called into the Leaf to help with recovery efforts, on the was to the village the small wagon was attacked by a gang of Rouge ninja, his parent were both slaughtered leaving him alone in the wilderness, it was only by the grace of god, that he was found a short time after by an older couple, who were from the Leaf Village, he was brought back and raised there, after the War with P.A.i.N, he was now a Jonin, and an elite Member of the ANBU Black op's which is why he is now in naruto's office. -

Akio - "You sent for me, Sir?"

- Naruto turned around from the window in his chair and put his arms on the desk -

Naruto - "i have a mission, for you Akio, it will take time and it requires you to use all your skills. you will be going deep undercover on this...i need you to...Spy on the Akatsuki..."

- Akio's eyes went wide, and a look of shock on his face -

"A-Are you kidding, sir? if they find me out they will parade my head around on a pike!"

Naruto - "You are on of the most elate ANBU member's we have, im sure you will be fine, i wouldn't trust anyone else to do it..."

Akio - "Well, sir, i-i guess if you think it's best..."

"Sometime Later..."

- Akio's eyes began to open his vision still blurry, he could smell something...something sweet, he couldn't tell what it was, it was sort of like a vanilla smell, he turned his head as his eyes cleared up he could see a woman, with dark colored hair he smiled some before passing back out. -
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