Howl at the Moon ~{For Raeona and Danzo}~


Jan 10, 2013

Screaming filled the air as Saiyuri rushed out of her home, seeing tons of people running about. Her eyes caught the flickering of fire and as she looked around, she saw their enemies running at anyone in sight and killing them. Biting her lip, she turned and ran, holding her kimono skirt in her hands.

Suddenly, she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull. She screamed as he pulled her over and threw her up onto his shoulder. He chuckled, making a comment about her being a fine prize before he ran off with a small group of their tribe, bringing her back to their home.
(I was wondering where this thing went. lol)

As soon as he arrived home, a spear was lodged in his chest, and he let go of her, falling over slowly, and seeming to know he was dead either way. "You'll make a fine carpet, you piece of shit!" Danzo told him. But five of them turned on him, with one unexpectedly breathing fire at him. The searing flames scorched and maimed him, blasting him back over a cliff, and down into a river.

That was her only window of opportunity to run, for the five of them turned and growled at her.
"No!" She cried, having realized who it was who saved her. Scrambling to her feet, she bolted, holding the skirts in her hand as she ran. She dodged around one of the five and sprinted as fast as she could. She ran through the forest, following a path down to the riven. "Where are you, where are you?" The young girl named Aria asked over and over as she tried desperately to find him in the waters.
He was down there, clinging to a rock in the strong current. Maybe she had some kind of magic that would help get him out of there, but he was at a loss, and the Tiger demons were following her down there. A searing fire stream came down at her from the top of the cliff, and the others were readying arrows and firing them.
Aria gasped as she tried to hurry and stay away from danger. She had nothing to really help, but dove into the rapids, frantically clawing her way through the water towards him. She clung on to the rock and put her hand on his cheeks. "Come on, get up, you need to wake up" She said frantically, scared that they'd come after her since they'd been after her before.
One of the tiger people had a long lud chuckle, and as he stuffed his hand into the water, a strong electric current lit up the whole place. If Danzo wasn;t awake before, he surely was now. The entire river conducted and amplified the shocking current, and he was forced to let go, and was swept away toward a waterfall.

"Fuck... " he grumbled. "How can they be this powerful?"
The pain it sent through her made her gasp and let go as well. She struggled to stay above the water, the surprise and current trying to pull her under the whole time.
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