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[Long Term] Male seeking Female: My subject headers are boring. ( Updated 3/13/2025 )

Dec 29, 2012
Hey there everyone, thanks for stopping by.

I'm seeking a literate lady who is looking for any type of roleplay. I have a lot of interests and will flow with just about anything most could want, I will say if I am uncomfortable with something though and will extend the same courtesy to you. I don't usually mind length, if you want something quick and smutty, talk to me. If you desire a medium length story or a few paragraphs, I will do my best to match what you send. I am very open and easy to get along with.

I'm willing to discuss any type of roleplay, if presented well and sounds interesting. I encourage you to convince me how it would be fun. I love to see someone excited in similar interests. PM me sometime and give me an idea of what you like and the usual and we'll see what we can get into.

So, I've neglected this a bit, but with the lull I will try to better put some ideas out there that sound interesting.

CRAVINGNaruto - Dying forever for a NaruSaku plot. So many ideas regarding it and no idea where to start explaining.
CRAVINGDandadan - Still currently my favorite anime and manga, with Otonoke ruining my sleep patterns. OkarunxMomo is the vibe I'm looking for, but I can be strongarmed into other pairings.

Harry Potter - I like the world it's set in. Magic, adventure, the theme of love. Fan of Harry/Hermione mainly, talk to me about what couples you like.

Lord of the Rings - Again, amazing world. So much potential. Maybe an elf and a hobbit falling in love? It sounds like it could be fun.

A Wind in the Door/A Wrinkle In Time/A Swiftly Tilting Planet - I haven't read them, but I have heard good things. Time travel is an interesting concept to add in and kind of crave something along the lines.

Chronicles of Narnia - Aslan!? Nope! Chuck Testa! Perhaps someone new in a more modern time could find their way to the land beyond the wardrobe when it needs a Child of Adam/Eve. We can discuss pairing ideas.

Matrix - Red pill or blue pill? I adore the idea of being limited to only your imagination. A Freed Mind could contact one still Jacked In, slowly freeing them and saving them, only until they see the truth of the real world and drama ensues!

The Bourne Series - Action, intrigue, spies, fights and more. A Blackbriar/Treadstone/Outcome/LARX soldier and another from a separate program square off, set to hunt each other and come to respect each other and more. Following Bourne's example they break away at a chance of a normal life together.

John Carter - I just want to go to Mars as an OC and be a total badass and such.

Some can be movies, books, or just about anything. Talk to me about what you like, I'm a pretty pleasing guy. The worst I can do is say no, and it's not all that likely I will decline. I'm not keen on scat, watersports, such like that. If you're unsure, ask.

CRAVING: Dinotopia still sounds fun, but also craving something... Star Wars. Maybe a pair of jedi in some forbidden love story. X-Men, or some kind of meta human thing. Couple of Xavier's gifted students perhaps.

Saying that, my kinks are wide and roam free, hoping one day to grow and be something special. I like ageplay within reason, incest is a huge turn on, especially a little sister madly in love with her big brother. I've always dreamt of a family, so playing it out is a pretty high spot. Sizeplay seems interesting, I call it that as I'm unsure of what you call it when the male is a normal sized human and the female is a much smaller fairy type of character. Really craving something like that right now, actually... And there's more, just ask already. You never know until you do.

Well then, there's my update for now. I'll add more as I think stuff up. PM me sometime and let's see where our fantasies can take us.

Update 2:
Well, it's about that time again. You poor, poor neglected little seeking thread.

All of the above still applies and within reason of course, so there you go. Now, onto the new stuff.

Human male/Female centaur: I am craving this currently. The idea I had for it was quick and sporadic in brainstorms but I think it developed well. It involves a war. Humans and half-humans had always been at odds and the neighboring kingdoms of two of these types of people finally came to a head. War had broken out and the troops mustered, siege weapons readied and general populace scared into soiling themselves. My character would be from a variety of backgrounds; a farmer, a soldier, a noble of some sort, anything really. If he is a farmer, he could be caught in the battle at some point and rescued by a more open-minded of the centaur forces for example. Your char is the same background set; farmer, soldier, noble, etc. She is open to however you wish to play her of course, I do have an idea in mind for her looks though if that doesn't break the deal, but from a more militaristic kingdom she doesn't oppose much as follow her orders.

A more developed idea of this line that had been started but unanswered thus far would be that they are both soldiers on the opposing lines before a winter battle. They would not meet on the field but an avalanche would occur during the skirmish and many are wiped out. Our characters would be swept down into the valley below and trapped. Cold, hungry and injured, they would seek shelter and likely find each other. While at odds, they would quickly come to understand that alone they would likely perish and work together to heal and take care of each other until the snows melt several months down the line and the pass to the valley is open. At least, that is what they plan at first, but emotions have a funny way of sneaking up on you and the pair could decide to ignore the kingdoms and spend their lives together in the valley. The outcome can happen any way we plan, but I have a large preference of them staying together no matter what they do and possibly starting a family.

Hunger Games: I recently saw the first movie for the second time and while I had never read the book, it seems rather interesting to try to turn into a romantic plot of some sort. This one hasn't been planned out to any length so it is completely free and open to suggestion. Some ideas for it could be two Tributes from different districts forming an alliance and the fear and loneliness escalating into something more. Perhaps a resourceful young man or woman could sneak their way into the Games when the one they care for is taken in the Reaping. I personally like that one best. An unknown, seen only in shadows and untracked, stealing weapons and food, setting elaborate traps decimating the competition while making the officials go ballistic. Chaos usually makes for good drama.

The Incredibles: Yes, that movie. I always did like it and recently Starz started playing it again. It gave me the simple idea of Violet Parr, having grown up a bit, seeking to branch out from her family finds Edna to make her a new suit. On her own in a new city, she is nervous and a little alone. It branches off two ways now; that either she could befriend another super that aids her or gains a nemesis. In either case, that man is a fellow student and they are unaware at first. It's free to ideas and suggestions, so plot away if it sounds good, do share your ideas of course. I can't read minds... Yet.

Update 3:
Huzzah, updates!

Monstergirls: So, this one is more all-encompassing with no set plotline and allowing for a bit of freeplay amongst it. Essentially, I'm craving something with monstergirls. Slimes, lamia, kitsune, centaurs, etc... Some plots could be they live in a world where monsters and humans have always existed together. Wars could've been fought, maybe an outlying peace since they were still infant civilizations but discrimination still exists because face it; there is a fear of the unknown. Want to adapt an anime/manga/book storyline to it? Fine, let's do that. This and the centauress rp are priority for me at the moment, having been craving them for ages.


I had a couple of others buuuuut... Didn't write them down. I'll post them up as soon as they come back to me. As always, I am open to you ideas as well, so fire away and let's hear them.


New Stuffs:

This. Because I found it and why not share.

The Necromancer's Plight - Imagine a coin. This coin is no different than most others but for some reason when flipped, if it lands on heads then that cut on your hand heals up. If tails, your hand is removed. Magic is much the same way. Something meant to heal can easily disregard that objective and based upon the user, remove the problem entirely. You aren't so much worried about that cut anymore, now are you?

The story involves a young man of grievous health in a world where the modern medicines have yet to come to be. Over the years as he deteriorates, he turns to the study of magics in order to at first heal himself if possible, turning to anything from advanced cures to divine interventions. As the time passes, it looks more and more bleak. His body becomes weaker as it takes more energy to do the simplest things. As a last resort, the dark magics he read of are returned to and the unholiest of books becomes his salvation.

Your character can be anything. A simple thief looking into the old city where stories of ghosts, the damned and the dead roam. The speed in which the old people of the area left definitely means there is some treasure to be found. A paladin in search of the vile creature living in the vale, raising undead to terrorize the countryside and take whatever it is they so desire. A simple sorceress hearing of the books and ingredients for concoctions and the like that now are part of the blighted valley. What will be your story?
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