Dark Secrets, Mythical Science (CFxShebi)

Vailed In Black

•´¯`•. lέᵐ𝕄𝒆 ⒽєΔ𝐫 үo𝐔 Ⓢᶜ𝓻𝓔𝒶m ≾3 .•´¯`•
Jan 9, 2009
Life Support, critical failure, weapon systems critical failure, navigation offline evacuate immediately...

Charyl could hear her ship go over status of what was left of it which was barely anything, some how when one of the latches on her ship flew open she was ejected while she slid into the planet's surface. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light she found herself literally perched on a branch not in a gentle way but heaped over with her body on each side. A groan escaped her lips as she looked around noticing her fire arms weren't on her person though in the panic she did put on her tight commando suit she had been awarded by the Asari government on Thessia.

When her body began to agree with her to move she began to check her omni tool noticing that most of the programs were offline, something messed with her systems though she began to concentrate she realized that she had her biotics though they were weak she managed to use them to get to the ground. Her body ached from the ejection though she had managed to get one medi-gel and patch up her wounds. However she was stranded on the planet with no escape as it seemed no communication buoy was nearby in the system that she had flown into. ~Wait till mom hears about this, her commando daughter finds herself crashing onto a planet after graduating and having some missions already under her belt. I need to get back to Allience airspace to continue my missions to graduate in their honor for my mother shepard.~ Her thoughts flowed from when her mother was lost to when she was now with her other mom, Liara.

Though there was no time to fully think as she managed to get into the wreck of her old ship she found a beacon, despite there being no communications out in this distant system she'd set up a beacon just in case there'd be a passing ship that would manage to help her out, when she programmed the VI interface to project an S.O.S she turned to the wilderness that stretched out in front of her, her eyes scanning at least the forest line to see if there was anybody near by though she didn't notice anybody as she slowly made her way into the brush and into the forest.
Deep in the forest south of Anaelon, where daylight struggled to reach and few dared to wander, the sound of soft footsteps filled the still air. If one were to simply look around through the flora, nothing would appear to be moving. At least, nothing that was normally visible. A closer look would reveal a massive area of pitch black drifting slowly across the ground, leaving no trace but a set of small depressions in the soil. In the middle of the darkness was a small blonde girl, arms outstretched as she stepped between bushes and around wet and bloodstained ground, singing quietly to the branches above.

♪ See upon your road
Humans who have strayed, forgotten
Offer them your hand,
So you can lead them
To their final days! ♪

Dim light turned bright for a few seconds as a ship passed overhead, disintegrating in a great ball of fire as it fell through the sky. Its sudden appearance startled the girl, the shadow dissipating as her concentration broke. A few kilometers away, trees were already snapping like dry twigs, the earth trembling from a series of violent impacts. She immediately took off running in the direction of the crash site, following glimpses of a plume of black smoke. It wasn't as though nothing had ever fallen from above, but it had never been close enough to go look at before the area was quarantined.

She took a moment to catch her breath when she got near enough to see the wreckage, staring in awe at the sheer size of the thing. Even as broken as it was, it still towered overhead, creaking and groaning as it smoldered in the new clearing. A long stretch was leveled behind the ship, littered with chunks of hull and people. Careful not to make too much noise or get too close to any of the many bodies on the ground, she walked around to the front of the ship, warped and discolored after reentry and "landing". With so much of the canopy gone and all the light pouring in, she didn't realize just how near the forest's edge she had come, and how little cover there was if she was seen.
Charyl had moved through the brush on a path into the forest slowly as she had her vindicator already drawn going into the forest, however, getting a little way in, she already heard foot steps back behind her as she remained still listening to the sounds of the foot steps as they were back near the crash site. She quickly turned heading back slowly her assault weapon pointed out in front of her as she slowly made her way back to the crash site. While she had set up the beacon, she had grabbed some thermal clips for her weapons, so they wouldn't be completely useless for what she had found scattered all over the crash site.

When she had moved onto the site, she noticed a girl moving around the site curiously though on the fringes of it, while the girl moved about the site, she moved cautiously around her as she was a commando, she made sure to use the training to avoid detection. When she established the girl wasn't armed she slowly stood up looking at her, "identify yourself!" Charyl wasn't exactly happy about her ship she finally had been awarded was now a heap on the ground so her day was not going so good. Charyl then slowly moved toward the front of the girl making sure she knew that she was being aimed down on by Charyl's Vindicator, her eye trained on her despite the girl's appearance.
Rumia was too focused on the ship to hear the rustling and crunching of an approaching figure. The longer she looked, the less any of it made sense. An object of that size should never be able to get off the ground under its own power, let alone one made from such a volume of heavy materials. It didn't seem to be leaking anything dangerous, either, although the smoke wasn't exactly helping to see. And what was with all the bodies lying around? Those that were intact didn't look anything at all like regular people, and the clothes they wore were just weird.

She turned around at the unexpected shout, jumping back in surprise at the sudden appearance of the creature. She stumbled further into the clearing as her heel hit a root, but kept her balance, eying it cautiously. Not particularly tall or strong-looking, but the color of its skin and the tentacle-like things on its head were too unnatural, something just didn't feel right. It took her a little while, but she eventually realized that she had understood the words. As alien as this alien was, it spoke the same language as everyone in the city. "Who I am doesn't matter... Who-- what are you? And what is that big metal thing?"
Charyl looked at the girl her face remained cold, but she lowered her weapon. "I am an Asari; I thought you knew who I was...most everybody does in the galaxy.", she spoke to her like she was a backwater human or something it was very odd to have a human that didn't know what her species was. "...That is a ship, that is what I was flying in until I was brought down here on this planet.", she answered another question by the human that stood in front of her once again her eyes scanned the landscape.

Charyl turned her back on the girl for a second to see if there were AA guns around that disabled her ship. However, she could not find any close to her crash nor could she see anything that looked like pulse or energy generator either. The mere thought of a planet or something just taking down her ship was crazy! She turned back to the girl as she held her weapon, "what is this place? What is this planet? My ship suffered colossal damage before crashing here. I didn't even think I would have made it seem like most of the other asari I was with didn't..." She asked the girl noting the others that didn't make it forcing her to remind the decisions that her late mother had to make.
Rumia relaxed noticeably as the weapon was pointed at the ground instead of at her face, but she was still ready to start running. "Asari... Someone said something about that once... It didn't sound real then, either, but right here in a place like this..." She kept her mouth closed while the woman spoke, listening as carefully as she could through disbelief and confusion. "A ship? But those belong in the water. Why would anyone want to make one fly?" Her voice was soft, almost an inaudible mumble, but it carried well over the short distance to Charyl.

"This place... this planet... is very old. The city people might have some books from before <event>, but I can't take you there," she said, looking away nervously, trying to avoid saying too much. What if there were others who would use the information to do something evil? Her body tensed again and her eyes turned past Charyl, focusing on something in the distance. "So soon... How did they..." She shook her head, a dense black miasma leaking from beneath her dress. "It looks like you'll be there by tomorrow, whether you wanted to go or not."

Before there was time to react, a dozen or so military and research vehicles surrounded the crash site, offloading a variety of personnel and equipment at a staggering speed. They immediately went to work gathering bodies and pieces of the ship into separate piles, showing as much respect and care as they could at such a pace. An older man, apparently not having any more orders to shout, approached Charyl directly. Without so much as a glance towards the shorter girl, he gestured at one of the smaller personnel transports before returning to continue overseeing the operation.
While Charyl listened to her as she noticed the black material flow below her, however, Charyl's attention was pulled away by a sudden noise. The occupants of this planet had already begun an investigation into her crash as well as other things as they all surrounded her crash site. The Asari holstered her weapon to make sure they knew she didn't mean harm. It seemed like the occupants of this planet were unknown to the galaxy around them as there was knowledge of space travel, Eezzo mines, etc. Discovered in locations on different planets in the galaxy.

Charyl bowed her head a little, though she looked at him, "I want to know why there are researchers around my crash site; we need help with wounded, not scientists there isn't anything here that is special that isn't common knowledge!" She spoke with a polite tone; however, the strain that followed her tone suggested that she was highly irritated with how they were taking the situation. "Something pulled my ship onto this planet, I only wish to know what it was! The Citidel will have much to say if you have some kind of secret weapon that grounds ships planet side!" Charyl barked more as she waited for some half assed excuse from these soldiers even their commanding officer didn't really seem important. While she walked with him back to where he originally stood waving over the little girl that she had recently met just a few minuets ago, this whole planet seemed like they hadn't even touched the sky yet or gone into space. Charyl was skeptical to why they hadn't been supplied with reaper tech as well as normal tech that existed in the galaxy today.
If the cautious "Asari" person thought it was safe to put her weapon away, the soldiers around the clearing probably weren't planning on doing anything, at least not yet. Even so, Rumia's deep-seated hatred for city dwellers kept her from relaxing properly, although the miasma did dissipate, faint wisps just visible as they drifted across the ground. She followed slowly, looking around the entire area for any signs of someone not keeping in line with the rest. Her mouth stayed firmly shut while she listened to the various conversations, waiting for someone to let slip a useful bit of information.

One uniformed worker, having just finished bandaging a badly bleeding wound on his arm, walked carefully over to stand with Charyl and the others. A subtle nod from the older man and he turned to face the alien woman. "Let's skip the formalities for now," he said, very deliberately keeping his eyes off the shorter one, "If there are survivors, they will be tended to, but that doesn't mean any time should be wasted. The sooner your ship is off the ground, the sooner we can cover this whole thing up. The public does not need to know more than they already do." The worker's eyes flicked back to the old man regularly, catching slight movements and gestures that told him whether or not he could continue. "There is certainly nothing in Anaelon that could reach beyond the atmosphere. Are you certain it was not some kind of internal malfunction? If not that, then--" He stopped abruptly, then continued as if nothing had happened, "In any case, the technology to repair such extensive damage is... not something we are likely to be capable of for a very long time. Surely there must be some sort of beacon that could be recovered?"
Charyl blinked, "Your planet doesn't have sufficient technology to repair my ship? No the signal hit my ship so fast I had barely enough time to brace myself before we crashed onto this planet. The beacon is set up but I don't know if anybody is going to hear it from the Citadel Consul or even another ship in the vicinity. All I can say is that I am trapped here for a long time cause I don't know how to get off a planet hat doesn't even know space travel." She said explaining as she frowned while crossing her arms listening to some of the uniformed worker's explanation.

"Why do you want to cover this up? There will be a time where the people of this city will know what happened in the galaxy so long ago! When they were saved from the Reapers due to my mother's sacrifice!", She shot back at the man as she kept her arms crossed looking down at the short blonde girl she then looked back at him, "Do know you know of this little girl? I mean she was out here all alone, I thought that the parents would do better at keeping their kids safe."She spoke again concerned if the girl had any parents or even if she was able to get in touch with them how the people around them would treat her.
As time passed, the horde of scientists began to thin, leaving behind a very neatly organized clearing and just a handful of people still hauling around bits of broken ship. It was noticeably quieter without so much activity, but the atmosphere hadn't changed a bit. Fires burning inside the ship were down to a smolder, leaving the dark pillar to rise and fade. On the horizon to the south, dark clouds began to gather, creeping across the faded blue of the afternoon sky.

"We can speak only for our great nation, not any other. If there are others who have discovered something more advanced, you must speak with them. Despite the great value this ship holds, that may indeed be for the best if your interest is in leaving this planet," he said, his tone hardening slightly, "As I have said, we know of nothing that could possibly escape the atmosphere, let alone attack something beyond. All that can be promised is that your beacon will be allowed to operate without interference." A shout came from near one of the remaining transports and the worker responded with a wave, turning back to Charyl with a somewhat lighter expression. "Follow the road north for an hour or so and you should come across a small cabin. Forecast says rain, so it will at least keep you dry." Without another word, everyone still in the clearing picked up their things and headed out, leaving the asari and the girl alone beneath a darkening sky.

Rumia relaxed noticeably as the noise died down, replaced by wind and distant thunder. She looked up at Charyl with a strange smile, hands held lightly behind her back. "So where are we going? It's more fun if we're not all wet, right~?" Her tone was oddly cheerful, matching her expression. A louder rumble took her attention for a moment, but she turned back, head cocked to one side. "Do you like the rain?"
Charyl kept her attention on the man as she listened to what he had to say. The man really seemed backward in his thinking however she wasn't going to lord it over him, there were things out there that sometimes even other humans were often ignorant to. When she heard near off thunder with the flash of lightening within the cloud lighting it up she looked to the little girl. Charyl's eyebrow cocked some as she smirked, "I don't mind getting wet I just don't wish to be wet at the moment. A worker said there was a cottage or some kind of shelter an hour away want to go there. I need to adjust to this world after all it seems I may be here a while."

The Asari didn't like the idea of being trapped on an alien planet without any support. She had always taken Citadel Support for granted and now being stranded she felt that they would have been even bigger help than before. Charyl just hoped that eventually her 'mother' would come looking for her with her other mother to possibly get her off of this dreaded planet she was forced to call some kind of 'home'.
"Let's go, then! I'm sure nobody would come and steal from such a huge ship while we're gone," she said. For a short time, she stared at the wreckage, apparently deep in thought. A dark haze drifted across the clearing from somewhere, moving in no clear direction and with no visible source. What little plant life hadn't been trampled wilted and fell, leaving the surrounding forest untouched. Another pause and Rumia turned to head north, motioning for Charyl to follow. Her dress flowed around her legs as she walked, fluffy blonde hair waving lightly in the cool, steady breeze. "… If we're going to be staying together for a while, you need a name!" she said, looking up at the asari expectantly, "And nothing hard to pronounce!"

[size=-3]// So short… I'll try to add more .-.[/size]
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