School of Dominance [Himeko x SpellBinder]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
The sun was slowly coming up as the clouds in the sky were dark and looked promising of rain. Misaru still laid in bed sleeping from the night before. She had spent all night studying for her exams that was two days away. Her alarm clock started going off causing her to roll over to turn it off. "Nnn..." She groaned as she rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of bed. She was tired and exhausted from last night due to her tossing and turning all night. Sleep was normally not hard to come by but her dreams have become more vivid than ever. She didn't know why her dreams were like they were right now but she had heard rumors that it normally happens to people before Walpurgis. Where her and her sister were from, they didn't know of Walpurgis, so this was something new to them. Some say bad things happen on that night and some say differently. But it was just three days away and her and her sister had only lived here for eight months. Her sister had gotten a job at the local pastry shop, which was something she had been looking forward to since she loved baking and working with pastries. Yawning loudly she got out of bed and headed downstairs to go have some breakfast before getting dressed and ready for school. She put her slippers on and left her bedroom, closed her bedroom door and started walking down the stairs. "I'm up sis." She called out as the *thump, thump, thump* sound could be heard from her walking down the stairs. "Good morning Misaru!" Her sister called back from the kitchen. As Misaru entered the kitchen she sighed as she saw her sister, Kana was busy making pastries and lunch for Misaru. "Well looks like you're in a good mood sis. And ooo you making me lunch even?" She said as she walked over to the fridge for a bite to eat. "I got a call this morning from my boss saying she is giving me a promotion and a raise. So I thought I'd treat us both to something special. And I thought I'd make you happy by making you lunch. I will be home late tonight so I will be making dinner for you for when you're hungry tonight. I hope you don't mind." Kana said as she finished decorating her cake as Misaru got her breakfast together. "Well grats on your promotion sis. That is very good news to hear. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine tonight. Thank you for making me lunch and for dinner tonight. I might be slightly late tonight as well seeing as I might stay a little later after school to work with the art club." She replied as she heated her food up in the microwave. "I haven't been getting much sleep and I think it's just cause I'm stressing out over the exams coming up. Hopefully things will go back to normal after the exams and I will be able to get good sleep again." She said as the microwave went *ding, ding, ding* letting her know it was done. Tilting her head to the side Kana looked at her sister with a concerned look on her face. "Well... To be honest I did hear you groaning in your sleep last night. Sounded like you was having a horrible dream or something. Please try to not stress yourself too much Misaru, exams aren't all that bad. I admit I use to get nervous over them when I was in school but it was nothing like you're going through. Just relax and try to get some rest tonight. And if you need to stay after school that is fine. Just relax and get some rest tonight. Exams are two days away, so just study and relax. Don't over stress yourself or else you will fail the exams, okay?" Kana said as she finished wrapping up her sisters bento lunchbox. "Yeah... I cannot describe my dreams, but they are weird and don't make sense at all. Maybe it's just from the stress, but who knows. But I'll try to relax a bit." She said as she finished her breakfast and then headed for her bedroom to brush her teeth and get ready for school. It only took her fifteen minutes to get ready and gather her things for school when her sister met her at the bottom of the stairs. "Have a good day at school and take care sis." Kana said as she handed Misaru her bento. "I will sis and you take care and have a good day at work." She said as she accepted the bento and walked over to the door, taking off her slippers and putting her shoes one before walking out the door.

It was a cloudy day it looked like it might start raining later, good thing for her she kept a umbrella in her locker or she'd be screwed. The walk to her school wasn't a long one, but she was normally early anyways so it didn't matter to her. "Misa-Chan!!!!!!" A voice called out as she was then pounced from behind. "Ack! Well hello there Nami." Misaru replied as Nami let go of her giggling. "Well, I figured I'd surprise you today by sneaking up on you.~" Nami said as she grinned at Misaru. "Lets get to school now, might as well get there before everyone else does and it becomes a mad house." Misaru said as she started walking again with Nami following behind her. As they walked together they talked along the way and Misaru trying to explain her dream to Nami. Nami couldn't make anything of it and sadly wasn't much help to Misaru. Sighing heavily as they got to the school they both took their street shoes off and put their school shoes on, putting their street shoes in their lockers before walking off to their homeroom class. There was some students there and more slowly coming, but when they got to their homeroom class they noticed there were some students already there. The students there was from the magic club. Great... They're already here.. Misaru thought as she made her way to her seat as Nami took her seat next to Misaru. Misaru took her seat as she could hear the students asking for their futures to be read, which made her roll her eyes. I cannot believe they believe in that stuff. I mean, magic isn't real and you cannot predict the outcome of someones future. I mean really.... Who really believes in that crap? She thought as she let out another sigh before she began to feel eyes staring at her in her direction. "Would you like for your future to be read today for once Misaru?" Mira Kitagami asked Misaru as she grinned lightly at her. Sighing she looked over at Mira and shook her head. "No thank you. I have no desire to know of my future and you know my feelings on magic. I just don't get why you think it's real and all when it clearly isn't." Misaru replied. "Tell me Misaru, you've been going to this school long enough to know of the rumors of what happened five years ago during the Walpurgis night, am I correct?" Mira asked as she watched Misaru and waited for her reply. "I have heard of the rumor yes, but it is simply just a rumor and nothing more." Misaru replied as she rolled her eyes at Mira. "You do realize that rumors start from somewhere, right? Also, I'm sure you know of the storage room that has been sealed up since that night, right? And if so, have you ever wondered what was down there? Tell you what, if you manage to find a way down there to find out the truth I will leave you alone. Should you find out that the rumor was just false I will never bother you again, but... Should you find out that it is true, then will you accept that magic does exist once and for all? Clearly this is a nice little bet here and one of which shouldn't be too hard for you to find out." Mira replied as Misaru was thinking about what she had said before nodding. "Fine, it's a deal." She said as Mira smirked. "Perfect. Walpurgis is just three days away, so it would be best if you found out for yourself maybe sometime tonight or tomorrow night." She finished as her head then turned when their teacher walked into the room to start class.

As class began Misaru was lost in thought, wondering if the rumors were real or not now. It was eating at her and she had to find out the truth once and for all. If Mira was true to her word she would leave her alone if she found out that magic didn't exist, but she also knew that if magic was real then... Well she didn't know what she would do then. But she knew that she had to find out. "Hey Nami?" She whispered as Nami turned to look at her. "Yeah?" Nami whispered back. "Will you come with me tonight to check out the old storage room please? I really don't want to go alone and I would rather have you come with me to find out if it is true or not of what happened five years ago." She whispered and Nami sat there and thought about it for a minute before nodding and saying yes she'd go with her. The school day had gone by quickly and now it was already the end of the school day. Misaru and Nami made their way to the art room to help out there today and this way they would have a good excuse to be there after school hours. Students poured into the class room as many started grabbing their things that they were either working on or were starting new. Misaru was the president of the art club and Nami was the vice president of the club. So it was their duty to show up and help out, also to clean up when it was over. Their teacher Mrs. Misaguchi walked into the classroom to check up on the students and make sure that both Misaru and Nami where there. "Good to see you Miss Misaru and Miss Nami." She said as she smiled warmly at the two. "Hello to you too Mrs. Misaguchi." They both replied as they bowed before her. After two hours of being there the students started gathering their things up, cleaning up whatever mess they had made before leaving. Misaru walked over to Mrs. Misaguchi's desk and asked if both her and Nami could stay for a bit longer and said that they'd close and lock up when they were done. Their teacher said it was okay for them and left the key for Misaru before gathering her things and heading out herself. Once when the classroom was cleared out they both looked at each other and nodded as they grabbed their things and left the classroom, closing the door and locking it behind them. They made their way to the teacher's lounge which was empty and returned the key. However Nami noticed the storage room key and pointed it out to Misaru. "Hey isn't that the key to the storage room? Most of the wording is gone but I can make out 'storage' and that's it." Nami said as she pointed to it and Misaru looked at it and nodded. "It has to be the right one." She replied as she grabbed it and closed the key box that was on the wall. "Lets go now and get it over with." She said as both her and Nami left the teachers lounge and made their way to the storage room. The stairs leading down to there was tapped off with police tape, which made both of them wonder if the rumors were really real now. They went under the tape and slowly made it down the stairs. As they walked down there it became darker and darker, making it hard to see anything at all. "Hey Nami? Do you have your flashlight on you?" She asked. "Yeah I do. Lemme grab it real quick." Nami said as she then reached into her bag and pulled out her flashlight. Turning it on they could see the door was close to them and that there was a light switch there. Once they made it to the door Nami flicked the light switch on and a very dim light came on. "Well at least we have the flashlight." Nami said as Misaru took the key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. "It worked. Lets try and hurry in there please I have a really bad feeling about this." She said as they slowly opened the door together and then headed inside. As they opened the door the strong scent of decay and death rushed out of the room and filled their noses. "Eww... What is that awful stench?" Misaru asked as she covered her nose as well as Nami following suite. "I don't know but I get the feeling the rumors might be right. But lets get in there and find out the truth now." Nami said as she took Misaru's hand and led her inside. No one knew what the two would find down there, but what they would find out is that the rumors were true and something horrible had happened down here five years ago.
Ericka had been up late the night before in a meeting with the select few inside her group, there were only about half a dozen of them right now trying to gather everything they needed to go with the ritual that would free the demon and give them all the power they could ever want. They had been slowly building their power base over the last year or so after having come across the black book, it had been an amazing wealth of information to teach others how to use and control magic's and how to get even more power. It had gotten truly disappointing how little their power had been growing over the last few months, it was as if they would have to take the next step to get the power that they craved. The question was who were they going to find and how to get the demon free from its current host, was there really anyone they could find to make it happen. It was too soon to tell they still did have time still to find someone to complete the ritual. She let out a sigh as she walked with her head down as she thought about the things that would be needed to help their master to get free. She had gone into a kind of a daze as she traveled to the school and then went into class and took her seat. She could not help a little smile coming to her face when she heard some of the others talking about what had happened five years ago to the new students, it was a shame that they did not know how true what was being said truly was. It would be something interesting to see if one of the girls really did go looking for that place and started to snoop around and came across someone that would find them both interesting little toys.

Melisa walked around the dark room, with only a few candle lights and a cloak that covering her body the only things that hid what she looked like. She was going through the plans in her head with how she would free herself from this vessel, sometimes it was a little annoying with the thoughts of her host that she easily beat down. Though sometimes it helped to have someone to talk to when planning things out, since this had been a willing host after all. She was the nurse of the school it was great cover for everything that she wanted to do, it made it easier to find what she would need in followers and everyone would see the nurse at one time or another. She went around the room talking softly to herself, thought her words were loud enough to carry threw out the room. The lights flickered around her hiding her looks from any that may come by as she talked to herself about the planning to the ritual what she would need to complete it to free herself. She started to debate with herself on the best days to do the ritual and where to find and get a hold of everything she needed, it would be no small thing she still needed to find more followers and take some more human females to help increase her power. She so really caught up in her muttering and would be hard pressed to notice anyone coming down into the darkened room, though she did not worry about such things since no one came into this area of the school. She then walked into the shadows and picked up the black book, that had been sitting on a table hidden in the shadows. Then she took it and brought it to the light and set it out on the ritual table to review anything that she may have forgotten for the ritual.
Misaru had never been in a scary situation like this before and didn't know what to do. She didn't know what horrors lay beyond the door and feared of what she might find out. Clenching onto Nami's hand tightly she looked at her friend as her eyes showed just how nervous and scared she was. "It's okay Misa-Chan. I'm here with you. We will go in there, see what we must see and leave. We don't have to stay in there that long, okay?" Nami spoke to her as she slowly nodded. It was nice to have her best friend with her, she knew full well she couldn't do this by herself and was thankful that Nami had agreed to go with her. "T-Thank you Nami... I cannot help but be scared.... The smell is horrible and I fear that what we might find out will be the truth that what happened back..." She was cut off by Nami placing a finger on her lips. "Shhh... I'm here with you and I will protect you the best that I can. Don't worry Misa-Chan." She said as she smiled at Misaru and they both nodded together. They didn't know someone was behind the door and in the room, but they still unlocked the door together and with a deep breath, slowly opened the door. At first they heard nothing when they entered the room. But once they were fully in there the door seemed to have closed on its own, locking them inside. That was then when they heard the faint sound of a female's voice from somewhere in the room. Looking around they could see a small shimmer of a light as Nami moved the light of the flashlight to where the main light was coming from. The moment the light hit the figure they noticed someone cloaked and their face completely hidden from their sight. Misaru swallowed hard and was now clinging to Nami at this point and fear was starting to take over her. "Just how... How did the door close on itself? And why... Why won't it open anymore?!" She whispered to Nami who could only shake her head. "I do not know... But maybe this person might know..." Nami replied as she cleared her throat and spoke out. "Ummm.... Hello? Can you umm... Help us please? We only came down here to see if the rumors were true about what happened five years ago and well... The door shut on itself and it won't budge... Stupid of us to listen to the other students and their dares... But we just wanted to see for ourselves... We are sorry to bother you down here... If you can open the door we will leave and never return.... We... We won't even say what we saw down here, though it's very dark to see anything down here..." Nami said as they saw the hooded person go silent and slowly lift their head, keeping their face hidden for the time being. They had hoped the person was able to understand them and would help them out. Little did they know they had walked into a trap without even knowing it was set.
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