Change Of Heart. (Venomous Carnage x thewihterabbit)

Nov 29, 2011
- The sun was bright in the sky, smoke bellowing from the crater of destruction of what used to be, "Team Rocket Research Labs". near the explosion a helicopter landed whipping the smoke into a light tornado of wind helping it dissipate, nearby slowly coming too, was one of the scientists, his name. Dante, he slowly stood up his 6'1, 250lbs frame stood casting a shadow his dark brown shoulder length hair moving with the wind as Giovanni took off in the chopper, the only thought on Dante's mind was Mewtwo. -

"What happened to you? did we push too hard?"

- He asked himself looking over the rubble, few of his Labmates were alive their bodies most likely crushed in the explosion his blue eyes glazed over with tears as the sun began setting, his mind went to his own Pokemon, he reached for his belt and only found one, his mind in somewhat of a panic he released the only one he had left, a small four-legged Pokemon its red and white fur materializing before him -

"Sparky...I'm glad you are okay"

- the dog Pokemon licked his trainers face -

"We have a problem, buddy...i can't find, Samu(Scyther), or, Leo(Houndour), i need you to sniff them out..."

- Sparky, went right to work, Dante digging right behind him, soon finding his pokeballs with the other two in it, a smile came to his face as he picked up Sparky. -

"Good job buddy, we need to get out of here...i need a boat Luna island is not to far from here."

- After searching the shoreline, they soon found a boat, the rickit little thing was tied to what was left of a dock, he climbed in and sat Sparky down, and he also released Samu, and Leo.-

"Okay guys we are heading out i wanted to make sure everyone was okay."

- He said with a soft smile on his face as he started the boat, he lowered the motor and they were off to the small island in the distance. the wind whipping past them as Dante sped up, his mind went back to Mewtwo, and how mistreated it was, forced into battles by Giovanni, he was slowly understanding Team Rocket's true intentions, he thought back to the machine he was forced to help make that was tuned to different Pokemon sounds forcing them to obey whomever called their names, it was almost sickening to think about now, ripping Pokemon from their trainers arms just to force them to battle. -

"I can't stand for that anymore..."

- He said to himself the realization on his sin's fully weighing on him now, his focus was to find Mewtwo and help it understand not everyone is as evil as Giovanni, who thinks they are mindless fighting machines instead of Animals with feeling's and soul's, his mission now was to take down Giovanni and his former colleagues, he would not let another Pokemon be hurt by them, they slowly approached the shore of Luna island, he knew it was closely related to Gym Leader Misty due to her time spent here after her return from Hoenn, he stopped the boat and shut it off, they all climbed out and headed inland, he saw children playing and adults working, he walked to the nearest home and knocked -

"Hello? is anyone home i need help please, me and my Pokemon were just in an explosion!"

- eh shouted some and knocked hoping someone would answer not knowing he still have the Team Rocket insignia on his labcoat. -
Rain was new to the area as her self appointed duty to hunt down team rocket demanded she never rest or relent. The massive explosion rocked the town smashing in windows. Rain crawled out from under her bed followed by Chilly her Prinpulp. Slowly she stood up she could see smoke rolling from some distance away. Moving to the window she could see that some people were hurt. "We better go help" Rain petted Chilly on the head and opened her door. She could see an injured man knocking on doors. A man in a team rocket lab coat with a dog pokemon. She moved slowly with her penguin shaped pokemon. "Team Rocket i wonder if they had anything to do with this"

Rain emerged from a bush ready for a fight the scientist looked like he already went ten rounds. "You stop where you are, because after i treat the wounds of you're pokemon and self i and chilly are going to pound you until you fall unconscious" Ok that just sounded lame Chilly had her back turned to her. Rain looked deflated but approached the man slowly reaching into her bag. She had a bottle of spray medicine good for humans and pokemon. Se also had bandages and some pain killers she wished they were suppository. "What is team rocket doing here" She asked pointing to the destruction not so far away as to be unnoticeable.
- Dante, knocked on serveral door's before hearing a woman's voice off to his right, he turned to her his hands in the air, His face and hands were covered in dirt and ask from the smoldering pile that used to be Team Rocket Lab's, his face had a hint of worry, but, Sparky stood in front of him staring down the Penguin Pokemon, ready to pounch if need be, Sparky had been with Dante, since he was 10. Sparky was very protective as were its companions but him most of all. -

"Please, i'm not here to hurt anyone or anything i'm done with Team Rocket as of lab exploded and a very powerful and dangerous Pokemon escaped, I need to get to Pallet Town. And inform Prof.Oak of this situation..."

- He explained, he was still on edge tired and sore but ready to battle if he had too, Sparky began to shake some it too was worn out due to the explosion as well, it began growling a little more at Prinplup, Ready to attack. -

"Please, the last thing I'm looking for is a fight, this is a matter of urgency if something does not get done soon all of Kanto could be in danger..."

"The wind began picking up and the smell of wood buring began sweeping across the landscape and through the tree's, all Dante wanted was a shower and a bed and if not then a boat to the mainland. -
Rain had the man sit on a rock while her Chilly watched the mans pokemon keeping him at arms length. "I don't care you work for Team Rocket, you are all liars as far as i know" She tore the sleeve the rest of the way up. She sprayed the wound and began to wrap a bandage around the wound. It looked nasty some kind of electrical burn or something like that. She eyed the pokemon who looked more then ready to bite her head off. "You keep him on a leash or i might just get the cops" She warned.

After she was finished with a few other wounds she led him back to the house she was being lent. Luna Island Refuge had supporters all over the world. She hated to think what this one would say when he saw what happened to his home. "You smell bad yo and that, that electrical hazard need to bath" Like all water trainer she hated fire and electrical types , why just because. "I will get you some food then you can leave but next time i see you" Se warned leaving to change her own cloths she was a mess from the explosion and treating him.
- He looked over at Sparky, and he backed down sitting by it's Trainer. Dante. soon followed Rain, to a small home nearby, the hsattered windows let the wind in, the curtians blew as the wind came through the home, he could smell something sweet mixed with the smoke that had begun to reach the island. he sighed when he saw the couch, he loked around somemore seeing the pictures on the wall, none of which included her. -

"This isn't your house is it?"

- He asked grabbing a picture off the wall showing a man, a woman, and a Nidoran, and Nidorana. he guessed that it was the couple that owned the home, he turned to see her going into the kitchen. -

"Well, thank you for the update i was just in an explosion and you have any clothes i can use so i can shower?"

- He asked in a sarcastic tone towars her he could tell already he wasn't going to like her or her attitude, he pulled off his lab coat and looked down at the insignia, and shook his head and thought to himself, "I was a fool, made promises of working with the best minds in the world, and all it got me was electrical burns....i will find you Giovanni, you will pay for the Lie's, Crime's and Broken Promises." -
"There should be some in the top drawer" she began to strip out of her own cloths tossing them into a hamper. She felt dirty all over he penguin pokemon closed its eyes. She stood before the closet in the guest room she had so many choices. She decided on a purple sun dress and red hat to go with it. Chilly did not seem to have an opinion one way or the other as she slid into the new cloths.

"There is food in the fridge for you and, and that electric rat" She knew it was a dog she did not care. she moved taking out some break and sliced deli meat from the fridge. She tossed chilly a fish puff one of his favorite foods, with vitamins added it was even good for him. she looked back at the man ad his pokemon. "You should have known better i mean they try to steal pokemon"
- He dug through the clothes, and found a pair of jeans, and a white t-shirt, it was good enough for now, he changed and looked over his lab coat. he stared at the Rocket logo, he sighed and began getting frustrated and angry with them and himself, they forced him to work on the "150" Project, knowing what the result would be he still worked on it, The poor thing suffred on his watch, Sparky began to growl, Dante, shook his head to get his head back on right, he heard the muffled words of Rain about the food and walked into the living area of the home -

Dante - "Thanks, and, Sparky. is a fire type that you very much, atleast get your insults right."

- He sat on the couch and began pulling at the Rocket logo. Tearing the threads of it on the underside pulling and managing to tear it off, a sigh escaped his lungs he had finally gotten rid of the part of him, that part of his life. Now, he could look forward to his future, as a trainer, and protector of Pokemon, and his new mission was to take down Giovanni, and the entire, Team Rocket Army. -

"Thank you for allowing me the use of the shower and clothes, and, i didn't know that whnen i joined them...unfotunatly now, i have to track down something i helped create."

- He spoke as he walked into the kitchen, getting into the fridge. -
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