Down one Sunny (Fox&WhiteRabbit)

Dec 28, 2012
South Carolina, USA
Feeling the heat of the sun beating down on his face Zorro lifted his arm from where it laid across his eyes, the bottle of saki easily slipping from his fingers to stay nestled in the sand just inches from his ear. It took him a moment to remember just how much debauchery he and the others had gotten into the night before. It had been a night of celebration here on the tropical island, full of feasting and in his case a whole lot of drinking. That thought brought a smile to his face as his sleepy fingers traced lazily at the scar that ran over his right eye and down his cheek.
"What a night."
He mused to himself as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. At some point in the night he had taken off his shirt and so he found himself sitting in just his shorts in the warm sand of the beach. Absently his hand dropped down to the three swords that he never removed from his side as his eyes wandered the beach in seach of his crew mates.

Nami had risen when the sun did, there was a promise of treasure and she was not going to miss out on a moment of it. Sitting at the table of the girl who had offered them a place to stay she sipped at her coffee and stared contemplativly at the map she was going to have to navigate them through. Who could have guessed that mere moments after arriving here on the island that they would not only meet another devil fruit eater but gain access to a forgotten treasure map. To Nami this seemed almost too easy, like they had been set up, but the draw of treasure pushed her forwards. Crossing her legs under the table her small white dress ruffled up around her thighs, her serious eyes lifting to the door as she heard someone enter.

Standing at the door was Kisuna, the devil fruit eater that Nami had just been thinking about. The girl stood just a hair shorter then Sanji and was a year or soi younger then Nami. Though she hadnt disclosed how she came into the posession of the fox-fox fruit it had changed her to have a much more lithe appearance with large copper colored ears and a long fluffy tail. The afternoon sun caught her hair and almost seemed to set it ablaze, not that the half asleep canine female cared. Sleepily through the long sleeve of her pajama top she rubbed at her eyes, stumbling towards the kitchen, obviously forgetting the crew of pirates she had surrounded herself with the night before. Feeling eyes on her though she cautiously looked up to meet Nami's eyes, her own sapphire ones taking on a look of surprise.
She made a small sound and looked down over her cotton lavender pajamas then back up to the female navigator. Humming to herself in displeasure she retreated back down the hall of the small home to where her things were.
Sanji spent the first hour of his morning making breakfast for the rest of the straw hat crew. Each and every one of them was his Nakama people he would gladly die for. Using his powerful leg he broke up some more wood for the cooking stove. He was very curious about the two new crew members who joined the ship at about the same time. Both were girls and both were breath taking. He took out a locket with pictures of all four girls on it. "Well i better see if those two are fishing again don't want them trying to pass me another wood fish"

Robin was getting some much needed sun she noticed Zoro playing with his knives again. "I heard there is supposed to a city around here filled with treasure" She looked at Nami who seemed to be trying not to look like she was listening. She held out a map unlike the grand line compass the map had its own marker. It showed the ship and the city so getting there was almost too easy. "See they had all kind of tech like the sky people" She smiled maybe they could use it to finally defeat the world government and make Lufi pirate king.

Azure was an Atlantian with the ability to copy his enemies form and at will change it. Azure could for instance become a male robin or combine Robin with a cannon. Azure was hiding from the world government because he could imitate any power. They wanted him to take down the pirate lords. "You don't want to go there" He smiled at Robin. The ship was only a few hours away if they did not turn around now. "It has to be a trap i mean no treasure is that easy"
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