To Bend Fate (DE & Myself)


Jan 18, 2009
Blue eyes opened to a stone ceiling, the cracks in the earth like lightning frozen in time, though despite the wear the structure held. His fathers people had indeed crafted sturdy dwelling, and it was all the better as they resided high over mountains and hidden within clouds. It was cool up here, different from the warmth of the Fire Nation. He felt at ease up here though, and a closeness to his father he rarely felt aside from when he was bending.

It had been months since they arrived at the Western Air temple. The thin air made bending harder to achieve, unless one was a master of the art itself. Kaido Yawned gently as he got up, feeling refreshed after the nights sleep. The morning was gloomy, though it had been made so, the cover of clouds was a good place to hide in. Though some found it unfavorable.

"Blast this can anyone light so much as a candle up here!" he heard the young prince shout for the fifth time this week. Zhan had been against going up to high, it made fire bending hard in this thin air, not to mention the moisture of the clouds kept fires at a very low. The Fire Prince was more inclined to huge massive explosions and displays of power, though Iroh seemed pleased with the change of scenery, and it wasn't a surprise the old man was sipping tea out in the courtyard of the temple.

Stifling another yawn he walked out of his room, free falling a few feet before a sudden gust of wind cushioned him inches from the solid ground. He slowly walked towards the two. "How can one complain and yet waste so much hot air," he muttered, Zhan gave him a dark glance, but then simply huffed and walked off to another part. "Good morning Master Iroh," Kaido greeted the older gentleman. "Is our pupil awake?" he asked as he was poured a cup of tea by the old man.

" It would seem not....though perhaps give her a few more minutes too rest...after all she is learning two bending skills at once now" the old general spoke and sipped. Kaido nodded, he was a patient sort, aside from when he was fighting, he took after his father in the sense of teaching.
Silence filled the room as a trio slept on in a bedroom. On the bed, a dark haired figure was covered almost completely by a blanket, just a little bit of tousled hair and an arm showing. Meanwhile, one ball of fluff slept on the figures back while another was curled up above the persons head. Mika gave a soft groan as she stretched a bit, slowly beginning to wake up. As she stretched, the lump of fur on her back rolled off with a screech of surprise as it rolled onto the bed then fell onto the floor. Hearing the screech, Mika pushed herself up with a start and looked over the edge.

Sitting on the ground now was one of the lemurs that had become a common sight with both Mika and Kaido. This one was Kaidos usual companion while the one that was still sleeping on the pillow on the bed was her own, Kya. In the time that she'd had Kya, the small lemur had gotten over the obsessive crush she used to have on Kaido's lemur. "Sorry boy." she said to the male lemur before swinging her legs over the edge of her bed and stretching a little more with a sigh, her back cracking a couple times before she stood.

The young woman stepped over the lemur who was pouting and moved around her room, getting dressed and ready for the day. It was only a few minutes later that she was stepping out of her bedroom with two lemurs trailing after her. Mika was wearing a pair of simple light pants and a simple top, the outfit in the colors of the air benders. Because she's been training to use air bending lately, she's been using her air bending a lot more lately, wanting to practice as much as possible.

"Come on guys, we're late for breakfast." she said as she hurried along the path towards where they usually gathered for their meals. When she saw Iroh and Kaido drinking tea together, she waved at them before smiling as she slowed down. "Sorry we're late. Slept later then I meant to." she said while her lemur climbed up the back of her clothes onto her shoulder. Mika moved over to a seat and sat down with the two men.
Kaido looked up as she walked out towards them. It was a bit different for him to see her as his student these past few weeks. Iroh had told him not to allow himself to stray from the path of mentor, and the air bender had indeed not strayed, though he would have liked too. He busied himself when he was alone, studying more of Aangs scrolls and methods. He devised his own means to teach as well.

"Good morning," he replied as she joined them. Iroh was already pouring a cup of tea. He waited for her to sit down. He did not say much though, pondering if the older man would want to take the first lesson for the day.

Iroh however was content to finish his tea before asking her what she planned to do. It was unlike him to do so, after all he was the master, it wasn't proper foir a student to decide the curriculum.
Mika smiled at the two men as she took her seat. It had been a little difficult to transition from friend to student for her when it came to Kaido, but when it came to her studies, she was as serious with his lessons as she was with the rest of them. She took her studying and lessons very seriously, especially if there was anything dangerous going on with them. Like with the fire bending, she could always hurt herself or others, so she wanted Kaido and Zhan to keep away from each other during it.

Seeing that Irioh had poured her a cup of tea, she smiled wider and picked up the cup, lifting it to her lips and taking a sip before sighing softly. For a while she just sat there enjoying the tea before she coughed after swallowing wrong when she was asked what she planned to do, the question taking her a little by surprise. Mika was used to Iroh and Kaido deciding what she was going to do.

"Well, I didn't have any plans." she told him. "I was going to do my lessons like we usually do." she said, one of her hands going to her lemurs head and petting her while the other one scurried over to Kaido and climbed up onto his shoulder.
Kaido gave a very faint smile, as if thinking Irohs' sudden change of events had been a trick of some sorts, though the old man betrayed any thought of that by not responding aside from sipping the rest of his tea and pouring yet another cup. He liked tea as much as anyone else, but he thought perhaps Iroh had an addiction to the stuff, he kept these thoughts to himself though and instead put down his empty cup.

"Well, I think perhaps today...our air bending training will consist of gathering a few rations," he said as no one else spoke. There was a long object by,his side, it seemed like a sort of walking stick perhaps, though none were sure as it was wrapped in a silk sheet and tied with twine. "You'll b needing this to help me find the trees that grow along the mountain cliffs," he said and a gust of wind slid the parcel around the fire towards her.

He had worked on this for weeks now, the make was lost for some time, but of course Aang had left not just scrolls for his son, but scrolls of the crafts of his people. So Kaido had been working long and hard on a new glider. Of course it was a bit different, as he used small light pieces of metal to keep the hinges together, aside from wood like his father had. It was still flight worthy and had deisgned of the four elements on it's wings and tail rudder. Of course she had only used his, which was the blue lemur winged glider his father had received as a gift. It had been damamged upon his fathers death, but remade anew.
Looking at Kaido, she saw him smiling slightly and she tilted her head slightly, curiosity showing on her face. However she remained silent as she watched her two teachers from over the rim of her tea cup. The young woman slowly sipped the warm tea, enjoying the scent and relaxing a while. When Kaido finally spoke up, she glanced at him.

"A few rations?" she echoed. Mika hadn't noticed the long object by his side right away until Kaido said something and she arched an eyebrow as he said that she'd need it to find the trees that grew along the mountain cliffs. Hearing the parcel sliding towards her, she used a little of her air bending to bring it to her and she caught it with a gentle grasp. Holding it in her hands, she glanced at it then back up at him as she set across her lap.

Mika had a feeling that she knew what it was just by the feeling of it and her eyes lit up a bit. "Is it?" she started before untying the twine that was tied around it and she opened the sheet before gasping. "It is. A glider." she said, her excitement showing in her face as well as her voice as she lifted it from her lap and looked it over. "You made this?" she asked Kaido. She had only ever used Kaido's glider and ever since she'd started her air bending training, she'd wanted her own so that she wouldn't have to borrow his all the time.
He gave a nod. "Usually, an Air bender earns that after being able to...well properly bend," he said with a grimace as it sounded as if he was saying she could not. "Though you are new to will catch on, and there is no better way to learn, then to feel it for yourself," he said. "So today we will be riding the air currents, and you will feel them with your body and mind....physically and mentally," he said.

Iroh did not say anything, whether he approved or disagreed Kaido did not know, but he took his silence as a sign that he should go ahead with it.

"When you are ready, meet me in the room of the western tower," he said. Since the building where upside down, he chose one of the largest towers, that hung lowest, it would have a nice current around there, but not one soo strong that she would be sucked away by it and unable to control.
Mika smiled brighter when he nodded and she glanced back down while running her fingers over the glider in her lap. "It's beautiful." she told him. She wanted to hurrying around to where Kaido sat and hug him in thanks for what he'd done, but since he was now her teacher, she though it would probably be better not to at the moment.

As he told her about what they would be doing that day, she nodded while once more returning her gaze to him so he knew he had her full attention. After she was told to meet him when she was ready, she nodded quickly. "Okay. I'll be there in a little bit." she told him. She needed to eat breakfast first. Gently laying the glider next to her, she began eating some of the fruit that was there. Mika didn't eat too much and she was soon heading off for the western tower.
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