Something Different

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Jul 31, 2012
Hello there:)

My name is Que and I'm looking to do some writing that is ridiculously plot heavy. I'm posting it in the non-sexual forum, however, that doesn't mean our characters can't have chemistry or develop a relationship of some sort. I just don't want to write out their sexual encounters, nor do I want a plot and characters to be left underdeveloped in order to race to bed.

I don't have a specific character, setting, or plot in mind but I'll go ahead and throw out what I'm in the mood for. I'd like do something with immortals and I'd love to have interactions across multiple time periods. It's rare to be able to have characters let alone relationships develop over such a long period of time and I think it would be interesting to rp with that in mind.

I'm not to set on that though. I'm also open to cyberpunk or steampunk, something saturated in magic, even something with a superhero or conspiracy flavor. I love love love mysteries and conspiracies. Alchemy is also a fun option if your interested in it rather than magic.

My favorite RP is modern fae story that takes inspiration from Puck and Oberon in Midsummer Night's Dream so if you'd like to do something that draws from famous literature that sounds good to me as well. The main thing for me is that you can write and that you are interested in creating a plot and in-depth characters/settings. ((That entails having multiple characters; ones that can be used by both parties or ones that are specific to just one of us.)0

I will note that I tend to play characters that are a little on the wild side in personality.... so be warned. ;)
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