Oedipus Wishes [closed for X-Vash00 and CutieBooty]


Dec 12, 2012
To find one well-preserved, unaged Super Soldier was a miracle in and of itself. Captain America had supposedly died in a fairly large plane crash. For him to be alive and well and practically unchanged – physically, at least – it was… well.

But to find two? It was almost like some big, weird, cosmic joke.

Well, to be honest, they hadn’t known she had been injected with a super soldier serum too. For her to be well-preserved too, it was likely, but they couldn’t be sure of it. However, after thawing her out , after letting her wake up and acclimate for a little bit, they had done a necessary physical exam, including getting blood drawn. That was when they found that her DNA was similar – not exactly identical, but similar – to Steve Rogers’.

Although a nuclear physicist and not a medical doctor or even a psychologist, Dr. Banner had been present for some of the physical exam and now sat in the medical office with the woman as tests were run. He had been on hand at the time, that was really all, and asked to keep her company, and had seen it as a good opportunity to get to know someone who might soon be asked to join the Avengers. Potential team mate, and all that.

She was sitting primly in the medical office of the Helicarrier, looking utterly calm for someone who had just been woken up about 50-so years later. He had to admit, she looked great.

She was tall and very womanly. Not fat, not even chubby, just fertile and soft. He could see that, even under the nice suit she wore – the pencil skirt accentuated her thick thighs, her very round bottom, the way her hips flared out. Her legs were encased in sheer black stockings, her feet in high heels that made a lovely tapping sound when she walked. Her ample breasts were buttoned into a white blouse, but they were all but popping out. But it wasn’t just her body. She had stated that she was 42, but her face only had a few cursory lines - some worry lines in her forehead, light crow's feet. She still looked almost ten years younger than her recorded age, and her peach pink skin was almost entirely smooth. Her hair was a dark, chocolate-fudge brunette, long and thick, done up in a loose bun at the base of her neck. Tendrils curled down across her ears, into her heart-shaped faced. She had very bright, green eyes, with square-framed glasses perched on a very regal nose, and her lips were soft, touched with a little bit of red lipstick.

And still, that wasn’t what astounded Bruce most about it. No, it was that steel trap mind of hers.

“I mean, they say quantum entanglement won’t work because data cannot be sent through a single bond, but if you use trillions to the Trillionth power, well –“

It wasn’t very often in his life that Bruce met someone – especially a woman – that could keep up with him and talk physics with him. He almost laughed as she smiled, chattering on and on… she sort of reminded him of Stark, to be honest.

"So, Miss Myers -"

The woman grinned. “Please, call me Noelle. Or Ellie. I insist all handsome, smart men call me Ellie.”

“How did you get frozen near the same spot as Steve Rogers? As Captain America?" Bruce blushed, but tried to hide it as he tried to stay serious.

"Oh, yes, I suppose that does seem like some serendipitous luck, doesn't it?" She laughed, it was a rich, sweet laugh. "No tricks though - we were looking for Steve. We would have started sooner, but..."

"I'm sorry, we?"

Noelle nodded, sipping her coffee and shifting a bit in her chair. Bruce tried not to eye her strong legs as she easily and gracefully changed their position. "Yes, Howie and I were hoping to find him. Howie was a friend of his, made his shield, as I was saying, we would have started sooner but Howie was trying to -"

"Wait. Howie? Not Howard Stark?"

She nodded her head, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. Bruce shook his though, leaning forward. "You knew Howard Stark?"

She laughed, waving her hand at him. "Knew him? Dr. Banner, darling, we were official, Howie and I. Oh, he hadn't popped the question, but neither did his father, or his father's father, the Starks are just scared of commitment, like to keep their options open." Her smile turned into a smirk as she examined her well done nails. "I kept him happy and occupied though. He couldn't have asked for a better woman than me, someone who kept his mind sharp, someone who prodded him on. His inventions wouldn't have been half as good without my input, I'm a decent engineer myself, you know? And then, when I got pregnant, well..."

Bruce felt his stomach tighten, his heart fluttering. No, there was no way this could be true. It just couldn't be. She... she couldn't be.

"And I hated leaving him, he was only 2."

"You... you had a son with Howard Stark?"

"Yes, his name was -"

"Anthony. Anthony Stark."

Noelle's eyes widened as she stared hard at Bruce. "Yes. How did you -"

"Please, will you just excuse me a moment, Miss Myers? I'll be right back." He rushed out of the office, fumbling for his cellphone, and managed to press in Tony Stark’s number with shaking fingers.

“Tony, pick up, pick up, pick up… oh thank God. Tony, you need to get to the Helicarrier. We have a… I… we just…” Bruce sighed, running a hand through his hair, wondering how to phrase what he needed to say. “There’s someone here that I think you’ll want to see.”
Things had certainly been... interesting the past few weeks since New York. Especially for one Tony Stark. He was coming under a lot of heavy fire since he and his friends had saved all of New York from nuclear fallout AND an alien invasion/ take-over. The fire mainly came from the media and some government officials. They were questioning where in the hell did they all come from? Everybody knew that Tony was Iron Man, but only the older crowd knew who Cap was (mainly because he was from sixty years ago), no one knew who The Hulk was due to the fact that he was a government accident turned secret, then there were the two S.H.I.E.L.D agents that only those that had high enough clearance knew about, then came the god; no one knew about him. They were all a secret and their involvment in New York just blew the secret wide open and many were demanding to know.

It was stresfull now. Before it was something easy to handle since it was just criticism about his weapons and actions as Iron Man, stuff he knew like the back of his hand. Though now the questions were all about The Avengers and each of the members. Now Tony did know things about his fellow heroes, but he didn't know whether or not to let things slip or keep it all under wraps. This led to him just slipping his way out of those questions with quick words and his irresistable charm.

That's how the past weeks have been publicly for Tony, but privatley it was just him working on his armor. The fall from space really took a number on the new Mark VIII and put Jarvis and the robots in the shop on overhaul to just get it back to functioning capacity and was jst now starting to put the finishing touches on the paint job when he received a call from his partner in science, Bruce Banner. The call was rushed, hushed, and didn't make sense until he fianlly told him to come see what was happening on the Hellicarrier. He really doubdted it but he would humor the big green guy.

He suited up with the newley repaired armor and took off, uploading Jarvis for help. Jarvis picked up the Hellicarriers flight path and Tony followed it until he saw the aircraft carrier sitting there. He still found the whole flying deal a bit... odd. Sure the aircraft carrier idea was good to hide it in plain site but why not just skip the whole hiding part and just keep it in the sky all the time. They already had cloaking technology, so why not just have it permanantley in the sky?! He was just knit picking. He landed in the cargo bay and moved around to find Banner, not even bothering to take off the armor. The plan wasn't to stay long so he didn't want ti have to take of the armor just to put it on again about ten minutes later.

Tony asked around until someone could direct him to the med room where Banner was. He entered and removed the helmet. "Alright Banner, what was so important to see that you had to take me away from my work?"
Bruce had nervously returned to the med bay to find the woman peering out of one of the large windows that acted practically as a wall for one whole side of the room. He cleared his throat and she turned to look at him, giving him a smile that he knew all too well, but on a different face. How did they have the same smile?

"I see one of your engines has been heavily repaired recently."

Bruce chuckled. Yeah, that had been fun - he had been... angry at the time, and hadn't heard about everything until later. "Yeah, well, we had a problem - if one of these engines goes down, we're in deep trouble."

"It can land in water, can't it?"

Bruce nodded, surprised at to how she was able to figure that out so quickly. But then again...

"Why don't you just keep it in the water? Submerge it? Losing an engine that way wouldn't be a catastrophe then."

"Hah, well, it's not really my ca - oh! Tony! Good."

Noelle returned her gaze to the window as Bruce ushered Tony forward. He wasn't sure how to do this, how to tell them. Should he give Tony a clue? Or maybe Noelle? Or maybe...

"Uh, Miss Myers? I'd like you to meet someone?"

She turned back away from the window, her eyes showing a bit of surprise at the walking shining suit of armor in front of her. Immediately, she was walking around him, eyeing Tony like a lion eyes a gazelle before it springs.

"Outstanding. Of course, four thrusters, two on the hands and the other two presumably on the bottom of the feet? Can't be made out of metal, not fully, metal wouldn't move like this..."

Without a hi or a how are you, she was grabbing at his arms, moving them, clearly delighted. "You know, Howie dreamed of this one day, of robots that would do the work of -"

Bruce couldn't help but chuckle. "Uhm, that's not a robot, Miss Myers."

"Oh? Human in there?"

"Of a sort. Tony, take the faceplate off, at least... this is Noelle Myers, she was found in Antartica about three miles from Cap, she was frozen too. She's got the super soldier serum too."

But Noelle wasn't looking up at Stark's face, she was looking at his chest, at what powered the suit. Her eyes widened. "What is this? ...What... no, it couldn't be..."

"Miss Myers?"

"Hrm...?" She didn't even glance up.

"This is Anthony Stark. Your son."

Well. That certainly got a reaction. Noelle immediately took a step backwards, narrowing her eyes at the suited man before her. "...Anthony? ...Anthony, darling, is that really you?"
Tony observed the room and obviously saw Banner pacing like a nervous wreck, but who the woman staring out the window was remained a mystery. He didn't have Jarvis run a scan and a background check out of common decency and trying to get rid of his paranoia, something Pepper thought that he still needed a large amount of improvement in. Even without Jarvis running through background checks there was a sense of ease that she gave Tony. A warmth that he couldn't explain. 

Banner broke Tony's study of the woman by waving his hand for him to come over. He walked forward, the metal boots clanking against the floor as he neared the pair. "Look Banner, I've got work I've got to-" He was interrupted by Bruce trying to introduce the woman to him but she didn't even greet him, she just got up from her hair and began to circle him like some predator eying her prey. "Uh hi to you to stranger." Did Banner really just call Tony here to show the armor off to show some girl who's pants he was trying to get in. He knew at some point this would start happening, but from Banner? He expected so much more from him. 

The woman obviously liked what she saw as she began to state the obvious about his repulsors. Tiny rolled his eyes underneath the helmet when she commented on how he was a robot, "Haha, like I haven't heard that one before. Seriously Banner, your taste in women is showing some lack of quality here." Banner finally told her it was a suit of armor and she seemed surprised at that fact. That led to some confusion, "Really mam? Where have you been the past couple of years?" 

That question was answered when Banner asked Tony to remove his faceplate, Tony removed the whole helmet to show his whole face. Bruce then introduced her as Noelle Myers. The name sounded familiar, he thought he saw it when he was rummaging through his dads old notes when he was making the Tridium for his new Arc Reactor. Then the bomb was dropped, she was from the same era as Steve?! "Another one!" he exclaimed, "To think, we could start a business of of this and then make millions... well on top of the billions I already have." He chuckled at his own joke thinking it hilarious. Speaking of jokes, Banner was trying to make one.

While Noelle was staring at his Arc Reactor like she knew what it was, Banner said that Tony was her son. She finally looked up at him and started to go along with Banner. Tony then started laughing uncomfortably, "Ok Banner, did Cap put you up to this? Or was it Robin Hood?"
Banner bit his lip. Maybe he shouldn't have taken her at her word, but she hadn't been talking like it was some big joke. What she had said sounded serious in a natural way. He glanced at her as she once again swept her eyes over the suit, over Tony - the look of interest that had been on her face was swept away into one of sadness.

"It's alright, Dr. Banner. He wouldn't recognize me. I mean, he was 2 years old..." She sighed heavily and turned to glance out the window before approaching it again, turning her back on both men.

"That's the arc reactor powering your suit, isn't it? Well, not the arc reactor. The arc reactor, the one Howie and Anton worked on, had to be huge to contain so much power. But you managed to shrink it down. He would be proud. I know I am - I wouldn't expect less from a son of ours."

Bruce glanced between the two, unsure of what to do, when suddenly Noelle turned and walked past them both, pausing in the medical bay door. "I could stand here all day and tell you stories, Anthony, but what good would it do?" She turned to give him a small smile. "But I don't blame you, how could I? I should have never left... thank you, Dr. Banner, I appreciate the conversation. Remember what I said about quantum entanglement, I think you'll find a lot of potential there." And with a curt nod, she tapped out, on her way to check out the rest of the Helicarrier and to potentially meet with Fury, who would brief her and offer her the chance to join the Avengers.

Bruce glanced at Tony and ran a hand through his hair before taking his glasses off. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't even think for a second she could be joking... it's just, she seems very sincere about it. Why would she lie about something like that?"

The doctor who had seen to her exam stepped in, looking curiously at the two men. "Where's Miss Myers?" "Uuuh..." "Well, there's no problems, she's healthy as a horse. She didn't have anything on her, just a picture in her coat pocket. Maybe one of you would mind taking it to her?"

Bruce nodded, reaching for the old picture that the doctor held back and gave it a glance. He did a double-take, staring hard down at what was pictured, before silently handling it to Tony.

The picture was plain, black and white, going a little sepia at the slightly frayed edges. It was of a young, smiling Howard Stark, with his arm around a woman - clearly Noelle - as they sat on a towel at the beach. In her arms, she held a bundle that looked suspiciously like a baby, and on the back were the words 'Howard, Noelle, Anthony (age 1 year), first beach trip, 1964'.

"Talk about irony," Bruce muttered.
Tony didn't know what to think at this point. Some part of him wanted to believe what they were saying, her words had a sincere edge to them that not many could pull of well unless they were actually speaking the truth. But the logical part of him brushed it off as just another poser looking to try and sucker Tony into giving them millions of his money. It was sad to say that there has been more than one time that hs happened. Two people tried to be his father, and another one tried to convince him that he was Tony's long lost brother who Howard hid to try and avoid scandal. At this point Tony needed to remain steadfast and logical about this. He couldn't let his head mess with him.

Thinking about this possibility his mind sent him back to his younger days that were filled with just him and his father, he had a nanny for a long time who he thought was his mother and didn't get smart until she left one day and another came to replace her. At that time Howard told Tony that his real mother came to him and gave Tony to him and then left, never to return again. Tony accepted it without question since it would be something that would happen to his father. Howard was one of the biggest assholes that he ever knew and could see why a woman would not want to raise his child, but then again this new revelation could shed a new light on to Howards cold heartedness. The loss of a loved one does tend to have that kind of affect on people and it would have dealt an even greater blow to Howard than most. Could this be the reason behind it? Could Tony have totally misinterpereted his fathers treatment of Tony?

He shook it from his mind and brought it out of the gloomy thoughts of the past. He looked at Banner to see and hear him apologize for the idea that this could be a hoax or a prank. "It's... it's fine Bruce. When you gain enough money and fame a lot of people try and worm their way into that kind of life." This wasn't the confidetn and cocky Tony Stark that thought he could take on the world and win. His expression was slightly shocked and his voice was shakey. Heavy thoughts weighed on his mind as he tried to keep to a strict and business like manner, but the idea of finding a mother that he never knew. A kinder soul than his father and yet was equal to his mind. Yet a part of his life that he was completely void of that the little boy of his childhood craved.

His thoughts were interupted by the sound of the doctor entering into the room to give Noelle her results. Instead he left them with a picture. Tony didn't know what it was until Bruce handed it to him. He first saw the back and the names of his father, Noelle, and his legal name written on the back with a year, in his fathers handwriting no less. He then flipped it over to see all three of them at the beach, his father was smiling, surprisingly, while Noelle held a bundle wrapped in her arms. He deduced it was him and he felt a little chocked up, but his business like manner charged through and told him it was forged.

He turned to leave, but not before asking Banner to give Noelle the address of his home in LA. he then grabbed the helmet and the picture and left to go figure this out.

He arrived home to the workshop quickly and put Jarvis to work at scanning the photo to find any evidence for any alterations made to it as well as scanning for records for Noelle Myers. Jarvis soon came back with results that the photo was unaltered and that the handwriting on the back was not forged. The AI piled it on as he came with her records and a sealed court file that held her blood work, a mathch to Tony, and their marriage certificate. Noelle kept her maiden name to try and avoid the press, but the marriage was official. Tony could only sit in his chair, shocked at the realization that he had actually met his biological mother.
Bruce didn't even know what to say to his friend. He could hear how unsure Tony was - he even sounded a little hurt. It wasn't like Tony to let things get to him like this, but then again, this wasn't really a normal situation, was it?

"You take care of yourself," he said as Tony left, sighing. Clearly, the genius billionaire playboy thought it might be true, else he wouldn't have asked Bruce to tell Noelle where his home was. He wondered if it was true himself, as he exited the med-bay and headed off in search of Noelle.

He found her speaking with Fury in the main front room. They seemed to be discussing her addition to the Avengers team.

"Of course, you're welcome to take your time thinking this decision over. But we'd be happy to have you," he was saying, before he shook her hand and turned back to his computers. Noelle spotted Bruce and walked over to him, giving him a smile, but he could see that it was hard for her to do.

"A little time to think things over will be nice. Director Fury kindly offered me a room on the Helicarrier until I decide."

"That's great, Miss Myers, but uhm... Tony, he wanted me to give you his address."

The woman seemed to brighten up considerably at this news. "Oh? He did? Why...?"

"You'll have to ask him that, ma'am. I'm sure someone would be willing to jet you to LA to talk with him."

But Noelle's smile turned a bit sad as she took a step back from him. "It's... something I'll have to think over as well, I think."

Bruce nodded and decided not to press the issue. She had woken up 50 years into the future, unchanged, everyone she knew either dead or older. Young kids she had known would be close to her age, maybe older. Her own son was near her age. That wasn't an easy situation to be in, not for anyone, no matter what super strength or powers you had.

It wasn't until two days later when she made her decisions - she joined the Avengers, with the promise of having an idea for a superhero identity once she came back, and she was heading to LA to speak with her son.

By jet, it didn't take very long to get there, and she was dropped off right at the top of Stark Tower. Looking unsure, she slowly stepped right into his penthouse as the jet took off with a scream outside as she took another step into the room, looking around for him. "Anthony? Hello? It's your mo ... it's Noelle. Bruce gave me your address... I was hoping we could talk?"
Tony waited in LA for a day or two wondering if his mother would come or not. He finally had to move to the refurbished Stark Tower in Manhattan to get back to work... well actually it was more like Peppers work. She was great with the press and knew how to make sure Stark Enterprises remained profitable, but she lacked in the technical details and hammering out final plans for some tech. Plus, he was Tony freaking Stark, the company wouldn't be near as profitable as it is without his work.

When he arrived he updated S.H.I.E.L.D on his whereabouts and they said that his mother was on the way. He grew nervous and began to pace a little. The idea that his mother would be there somehow elicited this reaction. Should he clean up the shop? Cover up the armor's? Make some drinks. Did he even look decent after flying in his armor for fifteen minutes? All of these questions would become moot as his mother walked in with a knock. Tony made himself known to his mother and greeted her with a nervous smile. "No, no," he said in response to her correction of her title, "I did my homework... you are my mother." He reached his hand to the countertop and grabbed the files. He presented them to her and said, "Here, I figured you would want to look to make sure I didn't miss anything."

He left her to her reading and grabbed a drink from the bar. He then walked back over and chuckled a little. "You know your profile says that you were fourty-two when you were iced. I didn't know that my dad liked older women."
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