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I Submit to You (Male/Female looking for Dominate Females)

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Dec 21, 2012
Right. Hello, there. I'm new, but please don't let that scare you off. You're here, so you might as well have a look around.

Let's start off with who I'll play and who you'll play. I'm male in real life. But I can play females. That said, I only play opposite of females, preferably the dominate kind. I don't care what your gender in real life is. I enjoy being manipulated, taken advantage of, and in certain instances, abused. I'll play a sub with a backbone unless you tell me to do so otherwise. I am willing to play multiple characters if need be. I would be much more willing to compromise on my maybes (see below) if you're willing to play a dominate female next to my multiple sub males.

Now, onto the no's, and the maybe's. I don't really have a list of the kinks I like, because generally I work them into the actual plotline or starter for the RP. Though I do like a mind control element included, it isn't a necessity.


-Extreme Pain
-Toilet Play
-Characters under the age of 15

I may be forgetting a thing or two. If you're unsure about anything or really wanting something, make sure to let me know.

Basic Scenarios:
(Unless the role is gender specific, I'm willing to play either role as either gender)
-Teacher x Student
-Father x Daughter
-Pet x Mistress
-Man x Maid
-Knight x Princess
-Servant x Princess
-King x Queen
-Succubus x Man
-Angel x Demon
-Priest x Mistress
-Government Official (Cop, Congressman, etc.) x Mistress
-Butler x Mistress
-Witch x Man

1. More Than a Butler
-A young man gets hired as a butler for a rich couple's teenage daughter (her age is up for discussion). Initially, the daughter appears to be kind, humble, and sweet, and this is certainly how she composes herself around others. But when the butler and her are alone, however, she has a much more malicious side to her, one that loves to manipulate, control, and command. And she has an inherent charm to pull this off, for the butler slowly falls for her, finding her irresistible, much to her delight. He becomes more than a simple butler for her.

2. All the King's Men
-A relatively simple plot. A succubus has been spotted living outside of a relatively large city in a medieval kingdom, sneaking inside the city's walls during the nights to seduce young men, while returning to the forest right outside the city before sunrise. Nearly all the king's men have tried and failed to kill the succubus, leaving the king's best soldier to try to stop her. Will he succeed?

3. To His Knees
-My character, a young, dominate male in his prime, is kidnapped and brought to a secret facility. Dazed and confused, little does he know that he is about to begin a program that will make him into a submissive male ready to serve his lady.

More ideas to come. Of course, I'm more than willing to listen to any ideas you may have. Thanks for reading.
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