A Incantation Mishap {Kei~Rave}


Jan 18, 2012
Long Beach, California

Raven had just returned from a brutal training session with the rest of the titans. It had been a no power session and she felt completely battered. What she wanted was a hot steaming mug of herbal tea and to curl up with a book for the rest of the night. Of course Cyborg and Beastboy were pumped typical males and their testosterone. Beastboy at the moment was begging her to ref a game of their favorite sport, Stankball. Raven was of course refusing as usual. "There is no way on earth I would ever take any part of that ridiculous game of yours!" she said

"Duude come on Raven, Starfire doesn't get it and Robin is stick in the mud!" The green changeling commented.

Raven shot him her infamous death glare as she walked down the hall to her room Beastboy still trailing after her "I said no..." she quipped as she walked into her bedroom. She leaned against her door with a soft sigh as she lowered her hood and her amethyst eyes flickered around the her room. She walked over scanning to her bookshelf for the next thousand pages of quiet time text for the night. She pulled down one of the texts of Merlin and was about to walk out to get her tea when she decided better of it and pulled down an old Greek spell book, one of the books of the goddess Aphrodite.

"Hmmm... haven't gone over this one in a while" she said off handedly as she looked over the pages and smiled lightly.
As the whole team walked in, Robin took a large breath and sighed as not a minute after they're home, Beast Boy and Cyborg were yelling and screaming about another videogame. He ran a hand through his dark black hair and made his way to the kitchen, somehow managing not to slip on some sort of Jelly thrown all over the ground. They were a complete mess, the kitchen suffered the most of corse. He turned his head to glance at Beast Boy as he followed Raven around, begging her for help. He smirked playfully as she quickly shot him down, before eyeing her for a moment. She really was beautiful, not like Starfire but...she had something more seductive about her. He took his mind off the subject, and opened the fridge to find something to eat, only to close it a second later.

"Who...left their underwear in here..." He grabbed his staff from his belt and extended it, grabbing the underwear out of the fridge with it. He saw it had cartoons all over it, so with a little bit of anger he swung the staff and propelled Beast Boy's underwear right at him. "Go to the Hangar and keep your laundry out of the kitchen!" He yelled in a little of frustration as both Beast Boy and Cyborg left, leaving him in the common room. He sat by the large tv and took another sigh, placed all his notes in-front of him and began going over mission details. No one really paid attention, but someone had to take care of all the paper work.​
Raven sighed softly as she sat down on the end of the long black sofa, book in hand. Her legs falling naturally into her lotus position beneath her as she opened up the leather bound book. "ἐπιθυμέω" she spoke "Now what good would a lust spell do me?" she mumbled quietly but then she shrugged. Many of the incantations she practiced were never ones she used but as she found there was more to her powers than just what she thought was left by her father she noticed a wide variety of practice spells helped.

"Se.... agape, tu er-os, vos loro.... demos mor?" she murmured and she nodded her head slightly as she adjusted herself.

Ahe opened her hands and black magic danced above her fingers she smiled slightly then as she started the incatation, maybe she would just project the spell on the coffee table... after all what could that possibly do?

"Se agape," she spoke the words cleary and black sparks changed to a shade of violet "Tu eros..." shifting in the color again as she let the energy flow "Vos loro demos mor..." the sparks expanded and glowed in a warm swath that seem directed at the table in front of her but then they changed and fled back against her enclosing the space around her in a purple-pink haze of dust.

Raven coughed loudly for a minute as the dust settled and frowned slightly, what had she done wrong? Oh well, it seemed the spell wasn't very potent anyways...
It took just about a minute of paperwork for Robin to give up on it. There were so many things to take care of, damage reports to the city, bills of every single kind, If it wasn't for beast boy alone he'd have to spend so much less money. Never-the-less he sighed and put down the papers, getting up to stretch his legs and body tightly. His body was as toned as ever, he had not missed a day of practice since he became what he is, a masked vigilante. It took all his strength to keep up and lead the team, of corse him being the only one without an actual ability he had to work three times as hard as anyone else.

He glanced down at the table, and noticed one of Raven's books with some scribbles on it, probably stolen by Beast Boy. He picked it up and started making his way down the hall. "Well, should probably return this..." He exited the common room and started making his way to Raven's room, unaware of what's happening within it.
Raven puzzled over the sppel for a moment before she read some more of the sub-text. "Uni prosopon a evo ahho... one person unto another.... that's why it didn't work it needs a life force to cling to so it clung to mine since I was the only living thing present..." she pondered on that for a moment before flipping through the pages for the reversal spell, or at least how to break it... It would probably not be great to walk around with a lust spell hanging over her

"Why isn't it affecting me yet then..." she wondered aloud as she shut the book and pulled down another greek text... "Ahh that makes sense, if the spells was meant for attraction means the first suitable male I see should trigger the reaction..." she froze for a moment before returning to vigorously scanning the pages of her text on how to break the spell.

"Oh... how could I be that dull... I should have read the whole text first... not supposed to just thorw those spells out..." she mumbled as she started rifling through her book shelf nosily tossing books out onto her sofa her bed and her floor
Robin finally made his way to Raven's bedroom, glancing at the book before he entered. The title read 'How to transform every-day objects into food'. Of corse Beast Boy stole that particular book. He snorted quietly before looking up to Raven's door, and before he knocked he heard a bunch of things being thrown against walls and tables. "The hell is she doing in there?" His eyebrow perked, before he shrugged it off and stepped inside the room. "Hey Raven, Beast Boy stole your book and drew scribbles all over it." Just then, he realized how incredibly angrily she should probably be and cringed. Instantly he put it on the table. "Now...don't get mad now...I'm just the messenger...no need to turn me into a bat like you did last time I found some of your stuff..."

He was somewhat joking...but not. That was a rather hectic experience, and everyone knew that when Raven got angry, you really didn't want to be on her bad side.​
Raven was stil focused on tearing apart her booksheld when Robin stepped in, but as soon she turned to yell at him for barging into her room, the spell took it's effect. "Oh, Robin!" she said in a voice very unlike her own dead monotone. She walked up to him a slight smile lingering on her face as her eyes traced over his form then landed on the book on his hands "Why would I be mad when you were just returning my book... in fact I think I should reward you" she said in a sultry tone as she took the book from him.

She gave a sigh and placed the book in her wrecked and now disorganized bookshelf before turning back to him. "And actually I found the bat rather funny, ironic too...." she said before giving a light laugh... wait a laugh? Raven laughed?
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