Crossing The Line (Snake Plissken & Missmisfit)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Draco crawled out of bed after his mother banged on the door letting him know he needed to get ready to leave for Hogwarts. The blond wasn't too excited about going back to school especially after he was given the task to kill Dumbledore. He knew that he wouldn't be able to do it and he knew that was going to be a big problem. The young man was scared but he would never admit it nor would he ever let his fear show, he was a roller coaster of emotions and the last thing he wanted to do was go back to Hogwarts and deal with the people there. Draco ran a hand through his hair as he walked into the bathroom. When in the bathroom he closed the door then turned on the shower to let the water warm up while he stripped down. The water felt nice against his skin, it soothed him a bit and after he finished washing up he stood there just letting the warm water run over him for a little bit before finally getting out. After Draco finished getting dressed and fixing his hair he made his way downstairs into the dining room where his breakfast was already waiting there for him. Draco took his time eating not really wanting to rush to get to King's Cross station, after he was finished he walked outside with his mother and got into a car that was waiting for them.

When they got to King's Cross it was packed as usual, Draco let out a sigh as he exited the car and made his way onto the platform. His mother already had people loading his stuff onto the train as she hugged him. Draco held his mother close for the first time in a while and he nearly cried not wanting to leave her. After a few moments he finally let go and boarded the train waving to his mother one last time before he disappeared from her sight. Draco met up with Crabbe and Goyle and the three walked the aisle of the train looking for someone to mess with, it was normal for the three Slytherins to cause trouble on the train to school so a lot of people made sure to stay out of their sights.

A smirk came across Draco's face when he came across Jessica sitting in one of the compartments. He opened the door without knocking and took a seat, both Crabbe and Goyle followed suit then Goyle shut the door. "Well well well if it isn't miss priss" ,he sneered. Both Crabbe and Goyle started snickering at Draco's lame joke as the three sat there. "Tell me Jessica how's your dad doing"?

It was around ten in the morning when Zachary finally got out of bed and dressed for the day. The man didn't look like the typical wizard, he had piercings and tattoos in various places on his body and his clothes were unique to say the least. He made his way to the dining room and sat down he then made himself a cup of tea and lit a cigarette. Zach took a long drag off of the smoke as he opened the Daily Prophet to read up on things. After a few moments he got bored with the paper and decided to find something more fun to do. Zach made his way up to Bellatrix's room then kicked the door as hard as he could knowing it would wake her up. The man loved to start with Bellatrix, it was like playing with fire and he loved the rush it gave him. "Wake up you lazy bitch don't you have something to do other then lay in bed all day?" ,he shouted through the door before taking another drag off of his cigarette. The man stood patiently waiting for the door to fly open and Bellatrix to either yell at him or start swinging.
Jessica had a rough summer particularly, knowing that the Death Eaters would be coming to the school. She knew what they were going to prepare for... And the fact that even someone as supportive as Snape was at Hogwarts didn't comfort her... she still felt alone in this.

She had gotten up by herself, took a shower and made sure everything was packed before she managed to wake her uncle up in time for him to drive her to King's Cross. It wasn't that her uncle didn't care, he just wasn't a very emotional person. He preferred to keep emotions to himself and thus didn't prefer to get involved in Jessica's life. He had a hard time coping with the loss of his brother and therefore had a hard time raising Jessica.

When they had gotten to King's Cross, she surprised her uncle by giving him a tight hug- fearful of leaving to attend yet another year. "Bye, I love you..." she said softly before pulling away and grabbing her trunks. He gave her a small, rare smile as she took off to get onto the train.

Once her things were loaded she made her way into a compartment and sat down silently. Jessica had changed over the summer in physical appearance as well. Her face had gotten longer, looking more elegant and less babyish than it did in her previous year. Additionally, her chest had become increasingly ample and her rear was also a bit curvier as well. Despite this increase in curves, Jessica still had her long, lean legs and small torso. She was a petite girl with a 'gifted' chest and rear. It was this year that made her look more like a woman than she ever had before.

When she spotted Draco walking in, her fists clenched slightly and she looked away, her face paling as she looked incredibly troubled. Here he was again, ready to torture her. However, the moment he asked about her father, she turned and looked at him, her eyes wide and hurt looking. "You're a horrible person, Draco..." she hissed in her soft voice.

Bellatrix had been sleeping soundly, her hair a mess as usual when she was in bed. She was having some rather dirty, detailed dreams about her and the Dark Lord when she suddenly heard someone kick her bloody door. Springing up in bed, her eyes narrowed. Flinging off the blankets, Bellatrix made her way over to the door and abruptly made the door fly open to look into Zach's eyes.

"You little bastard! I was having a well deserved rest from putting up with you yesterday! You have no right to treat me like this!" She then attempted to punch the other in the face.
Draco and his two cronies laughed when Jessica said Draco was a horrible person, "Well you're not all sunshine and rainbows my dear or did you forget your a death eater" ,Draco snapped back. He had an evil little smirk on his face and he was ready to torment the young woman the entire ride. Deep down Draco knew what he was doing was wrong and he sort of felt bad but making fun of Jessica helped him let off steam so he would brush any feelings of guilt away rather quickly only being concerned with his own feelings. "Personally I don't think you're cut out to be a death eater, you're too fragile and weak" ,Draco pushed. "Almost pathetic if you ask me". Crabbe and Goyle began laughing again after Draco spoke a smile of satisfaction now spread across Draco's face. The blond loved to get a reaction from his two dunderhead friends and whenever he got a response it only added fuel to the fire.

The young man had definitely noticed how much Jessica matured and he had to admit to himself he liked what he seen when he looked at her, of course he would never admit that he found Jessica attractive but that didn't mean he couldn't admire her from afar. Draco had matured quite a bit himself, he got taller and his face looked more manly then it had the year before, he had a toned body and now looked more like a man then a boy.

Draco crossed his legs then clasped his hands together and rested them on his knee as he looked directly into Jessica's eyes, he simply glared at her as he waited for her to respond to his last insult. He knew he could get a rise out of her and that's what he was aiming for, he wanted to piss her off to the point that she couldn't contain her anger, he wanted control over her emotions.

When Bellatrix opened the door and began to snap at Zachary he snickered a bit and when her fist came towards his face he caught it in his hand and smirked at her, cigarette hanging from his perfect lips. "Now now Bellatrix hitting people isn't nice at all didn't your mum teach you any manners you rabid whore?" ,Zachary mused. "As for having no right to treat you the way I do I beg to differ because you see I do whatever the fuck I want whenever I want so get used to it besides you have no room to talk after you crucioed me last week". Zachary took a drag off of his cigarette then twisted Bellatrix's hand as he slowly pushed her back into her room. When he had gotten her back into the room he shoved her lightly as he let go of her hand, he then let out an evil little laugh that could send chills down someone's spine as he slowly backed out of the room. As soon as Zach got to the doorway he took another drag off of his cigarette then blew Bellatrix a kiss before walking down the hall.
Jessica listened to the insults and her body shook with increasing anger. She looked away sourly, hugging herself and closing the book that had been sitting on her lap. She had never stood up to Draco before, because she was definitely scared of him. However, she would never admit it out loud.. it was hard to keep it a secret though, especially this year now that Draco surely looked even more grown up than ever. It made her feel he was more powerful than last year. He was very handsome, she'd give him that, but being that cruel can easily make a man hideous regardless.

She bit her lip, beginning to tighten her jaw in discomfort, fearing the tears that were threatening to push through. She just needed to tell herself 'don't cry, Jessica... don't cry...'

"It's pathetic that you cannot leave me alone, after all these years of valuing my company when we were children..." she looked towards him, looked him in the eyes, her eyes tearing up a bit. The idea of standing up to Draco scared her. She feared the consequences. That was why she still could not fully stand up to the blond.

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed, "I don't need any manners!" she hissed, "I am one of the most feared female witches! I shouldn't be concerning myself with 'pleases' and 'thank yous.'" She growled. However, she laughed her high pitched, warped laugh when he reminded her about the curse she used on him last week. "And well deserved it was, boy..." she hissed towards him, moving forward and getting in his personal space with intentions to make him uncomfortable, something Bellatrix did all too well.

However, she hissed in pain when the other twisted her hand and pushed her back into the room. Secretly, the pain was partial pleasure in Bellatrix's twisted mind, but she wouldn't say that to a little shit like Zach. She listened to him laugh, shivering just a bit, but more in agitation. "Little prat... thinking he can tell me what to do.." she grumbled under her voice, walking around sounding like Kreature the house elf. She got herself washed up in the bathroom and then dressed, wearing the usual attire that gave her cleavage a nice enhancement. Then, she grabbed her wand which lay by her bedside and walked out of the room and down to the kitchen.

"Did you make anything for anyone other than yourself, you little bastard?" she growled towards the other, flipping some hair over her shoulder as she stuck her wand into her left boot. She bent over looking through the cabinet where she kept the oatmeal.
When Jessica bit her lip Draco knew that his words were affective and it made him smile, "Oh did I strike a nerve? Good, as for valuing your company I never did you were just the only other kid around when we were younger so don't think for a second that we were ever friends I don't associate with people like you" ,he spat. The blond looked back into Jessica's eyes and noticed her tearing up and even though he felt bad Draco still didn't let up, "So how was your summer? Do anyone interesting?" ,he asked sarcastically. Again Crabbe and Goyle laughed at Draco's insults.

In all reality Draco did miss her company but he had made new friends over the years and the two faded apart, the blond knew it was his fault because he treated Jessica like crap. Draco would never admit that he was wrong though even if it hurt him when Jessica cried knowing he was the cause of it. After a while the snack trolley came by and Draco shook his head when asked if he wanted anything, of course Crabbe and Goyle stocked up, grabbing nearly everything they could get their hands on.

Zachary was sitting at the table when Bellatrix came in a cocky smirk on his face. When she asked if he had made anything for anyone other then himself he laughed, "What do I look like? A fucking house elf" ,he stated. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out another cigarette and lit it taking a drag from it then blowing the smoke in Bellatrix's direction. Zach had to admit Bellatrix looked damn good in what she was wearing at the moment and when she bent over he couldn't help but look her over. "Hmm, Bellatrix have you been working out? Your ass doesn't seem as fat as it usually is" ,he teased right before taking a sip of his tea.
When Draco disproved her, she recoiled slightly, sitting back further in her seat and scooting over closer to the window to look out it, in attempts to distract herself. Dammit, Draco... why was why so relentless? She held tightly onto her book and then felt annoyed at the other's casual question.

"Well, m-most things I did this su-summer didn't involve you... so I could say it was enjoyable." She glanced towards the other again, tracing her book with her long, slender fingers absently. "W-what were you u-up to..." Without her noticing, Jessica's skirt had rode up a bit, showing her smooth, shaven, firm upper thighs. Crabbe and Goyle couldn't help but give a little glance. Jessica was very naive to such things, however.

"Certainly not, but you're still to respect your fucking elders... and don't make a crack about my age, because I can move just as well as you can!" Bellatrix snapped. Her eyes narrowed when she heard the other speak about her ass, she turned around and glared towards him, now holding a box of cereal.

"I wish I could say the same for your fat head!" she then flounced over to the counter to fill a bowl with cereal. After that, she walked back over to the table and slammed it down, beginning to eat disdainfully. "You little beast..." she hissed softly, "Why would the Dark Lord trust someone like you... incompetent prat... insolent little snot..." she spoke with her mouth open as she ate.
Draco glared when she insulted him back he could hear the nervousness in her voice but he still didn't like the fact that Jessica had actually said something back to him, normally she wouldn't. "Don't talk to me like that you little bitch" ,Draco spat. His blue eyes staring into hers while he continued to glare. "As for what I've been up to that's none of your business" ,he stated. The blond noticed his two friends looking at Jessica then looked down to see what they were looking at, Draco elbowed the two idiots in the side then turned his attention back to Jessica, "Hey you might want to pull your skirt down, people may get the wrong idea" ,he said in an angry tone.

Zachary simply laughed at Bellatrix's comment about him respecting his elders, "I'm sorry but I don't show respect to people who don't show it to me it doesn't matter to me if you're an old fuck or not" ,he stated with a smile. He took another long drag off of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly as he looked at Bellatrix for a moment the cocky smirk still on his face.

When Bellatrix made the comment about his head he brushed it off and simply shook his head and watched as the woman made her way to the table and began to eat. He couldn't help but laugh at the way Bellatrix insulted him it amused him to know he could get such a rise from the woman. "The dark lord trusts me because he knows that I'm loyal plus I'm a sick twisted fuck that likes to get my hands dirty but of course you wouldn't notice something like that seeing as you're too busy daydreaming about the dark lord all day, you really have a one track mind it's quite sad if you ask me" ,he responded. Zachary's eyes shifted and he very blatantly looked at Bellatrix's chest, "Mm if you weren't such a bitch I might have slept with you" ,he told her in a very cocky tone.
She recoiled quickly and looked down at her lap, "Sorry..." she said in a broken voice, knowing she shouldn't have stood up to him. When he said it was none of her business what he was up to, she murmured gently, "I was just trying to be polite... because you asked me..." She played with her hands. However, when Draco brought it to her attention that her skirt was riding up, her eyes widened and she quickly adjusted it.

"I'm sorry!" she apologized profusely, her face turning bright red as she grabbed her robes and laid them across her legs. She bit her lip, looking terribly uncomfortable suddenly. "I-I'm not trying to give anyone the wrong idea..." she swallowed stiffly and looked back out the window to distract herself.

"So what if I think about the Dark Lord!? I'm being realistic! He's has an eye for me, I'm sure of it!" she said in a very self-righteous tone, glancing angrily towards the other. She then continued to eat in a disdainful manner before he dared to say the next few words. Her eyes narrowed slightly and a wicked smile came across her face, "You wish, Snape..." she then kept on eating, fixing herself so that her cleavage was perfectly adjusted.

"You can look all you want, but you're not getting any..." she kept on eating in her rather wild way before getting up to put her dishes in the sink.
Draco fell silent for a moment when he seen her reaction to the last thing he had said maybe he had gone too far this time. The blond shook his head for a moment to get any thoughts of letting up out of his mind before he said something. "I was being sarcastic when I asked you I didn't expect an answer" ,he stated. It wasn't much of an insult but he was running out of things to say to her at the moment which was very unlike him.

For the most part Draco stayed quiet the rest of the ride and when they finally arrived at Hogwarts he made sure he was the first to leave the compartment. The blond had some business to tend to so he left the compartment first and headed off before anyone could follow him, after he did what he had to do he exited the train and made his way towards the castle. When he got to the castle and was told that they needed to search him he simply shook his head then let Filch get on with it.

As soon as Draco got to the great hall he made his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Crabbe and Goyle. He sat through Dumbledore's speech like he did every year then made a plate when the food appeared. Even though Draco made a plate he didn't eat much, there was too much on his mind and he just couldn't stomach anything at the moment especially after seeing Dumbledore, his target.

"Yeah right now you're delusional eh? The dark lord doesn't have time for lovey dovey bullshit" ,Zachary stated in response. He took one last drag from his cigarette before putting it out. Zach watched as Bellatrix fixed herself not really caring if she noticed him looking or not and when she got up to put her dishes away Zachary got up and followed her to the sink. "If I wanted any I'd just take it" ,he growled before pressing himself up against her as he held her against the counter. A cold quiet laugh came from his mouth as he suddenly slapped her ass, gripping it possessively for a few seconds before he released and backed away. "You let me know when you wake up to reality and realize the dark lord will never want you the way you want him too then maybe we can get together while Rudolphus is away" ,Zachary stated in the same cocky tone he was using before.
Later that week, Jessica was walking to her first class, running a little later than usual because she had been sidetracked by a rather curious looking entrance from behind a statue. She had been given the task of finding possible entry and exit ways for the Death Eaters to come through when they infiltrated the school.

She made her way into the potions class just in time, a rather lost looking expression on her face. It was actually her usual expression. She was far more clever than she usually appeared. Slytherins snickered at her dazed entrance and she payed no heed to it as it had been a normal occurrence since her first year, thanks to a particular blond.

She sat herself down at the only seat left, next to Goyle. Great, she was going to be paired with another bumbling idiot.

"Shut up... you bastard.." she growled, not wanting to hear the other disprove her beliefs about the Dark Lord. She would catch his eye one of these days... after a nice victory... she'd receive a well deserved award from the Dark Lord.

However, the moment that Zach pressed her up against the counter, she let out a small gasp and groaned. Biting her lip, more in anger than pleasure, she gripped the counter tightly when he slapped her rear. "Dammit, Snape..." she grumbled. "You slimy little..." she turned around and whipped out her wand, suddenly using it on him, "depulso!" she sent him flying out of the room and against the front door. She then proceeded to let out her maniacal laugh, enjoying the well-deserved revenge.
The first few days of school went by slowly for Draco and at the time to him the slower the day went the better. The blond wasn't looking forward to killing Dumbledore at all and he definitely needed time to prepare himself mentally to complete the task. He knew that no matter what he was the one that had to kill Dumbledore if he wanted to get on the dark lord's good side and if he didn't want to die or have his family killed.

Draco walked into potions class and looked around for a brief moment before taking a seat next to Blaise, even though Draco,Crabbe and Goyle were good friends the blond knew that pairing up with either of them would be foolish if he wanted a decent grade. When Jessica walked in Draco looked at her and gave her a quick glare before turning to talk to Blaise before Slughorn came into the classroom and started the lesson. Draco knew that eventually he would have to speak with Jessica and see if she had found anything yet and update her on how he was doing with his part of the mission and he wasn't really looking forward to it.

As soon as Zachary hit the wall then the floor he got up with a low growl then began to walk towards Bellatrix angrily, his eyes were filled with rage and one thing was clear he was pissed off. When he reached Bellatrix he grabbed a handful of her hair and slammed her against a nearby wall then pinned down her hand that had the wand in it, "Somebody likes it rough eh?" ,he growled before pulling her head back so she was facing him. He looked directly into her eyes, "Bellatrix, Bellatrix, Bellatrix why are you so damn angry all the time? Wait! I know! is it because your husband can't fulfill your needs and the dark lord won't pay any attention to you, well not the attention you want anyway" ,Zachary teased as he gripped her firmly making sure she didn't move. The man knew he would most likely get another curse thrown at him after he let the woman go but he didn't really care he was having way too much fun to care. "Tell me Bellatrix when was the last time you had a good fuck" ,he stated in her ear, his voice was softer then usual and it wasn't filled with sarcasm for once.
Jessica knew that it was death to her grade to be paired with Goyle in a project, but she made the best of it. She was a very bright witch so she naturally had achieved the creation of a proper potion, while occasionally giving Goyle a pointed glance whenever he tried to get involved. At the end, yes, Goyle did get an unfair good grade, but it wasn't fully his fault, Jessica admitted to herself, because she wouldn't let him do anything.

Slughorn came up to her when the potion made the green steam that it was supposed to. "Well done, Mr Goyle and Miss Nott!" said Slughorn as the quiet girl lifted her eyes and gave Slughorn a gentle smile. "First one to finish it correctly!" Jessica rarely smiled, but usually only when she achieved something in a classroom. "Thank you, professor..." Slughorn smiled back to her before walking off towards the next student who looked finished, picking up his pace as he walked past Seamus and Crabbe who had shared a cauldron, a disaster clearly waiting to happen.

Bellatrix groaned when Zach grabbed her by the hair and slammed her against the wall. "Love it..." she retorted in a icy tone as she was turned around roughly again so she was looking into his eyes. "Don't talk about the Dark Lord like that... or my husband..." she growled. Sure, she didn't think her husband was that great, but she didn't want this brat speaking about her love life. However, when he asked his next question, her eyes widened and she swallowed hardly, her face turning just slightly red as she said through gritted teeth, "It's been a while... how long exactly, not your damn business..."
When Draco noticed that Jessica was finished and that she was getting praised, she reminded him of Hermione sometimes they wereboth smart and both of them always got credit for their work. Soon after Jessica and Goyle finished up Draco and Blaise finished their potion and Slughorn was impressed. Blaise was always a good partner to have, he was smart and knew what he was doing even if he didn't show it too often.

After class ended Draco and Blaise bottled up their potion and placed the bottles into a cabinet Slughorn used to put finished potions into before gathering all their supplies. When the two got into the hallway Draco looked to Blaise, "I'll catch up in a little while there's something I need to do first" ,Draco told Blaise who simply nodded then made his way to the Great Hall. Draco leaned against the wall as he waited for Jessica to exit the classroom so that he could talk to her about their mission.

"Oh what's the matter Bellatrix don't like hearing the truth? Face it you dumb bitch, the dark lord will never love you the way you love him and your husband is fucking useless, we both know that" ,Zachary stated in response to the woman. The man smirked and gave another tug to Bellatrix's hair then blew her another kiss before letting go and backing away slightly, "Well have at it then I know you wanna curse me so hit me with your best shot" ,he stated with a smile. Zachary had his wand gripped behind his back ready to deflect whatever she threw at him if he could.
Jessica took notice that Draco was the next to get praise, causing him to smile to herself secretly. Draco was really a smart and hard-working person... he wasn't all irritating.

She was left behind, because despite her trying to keep Goyle from touching something, he had managed to spill something on his robes, causing him to go into utter panic, when the substance was very harmless. Jessica had to reassure him it was okay by drying it off, however, Goyle had quickly told her to get away because he was getting aroused watching Jessica wipe the substance off his lap since he was too bumbling to notice where it was himself. It seemed he had learned to appreciate the differences that Jessica underwent in the summer and he was cursing himself for it now.

Jessica made her way back out of the potions room, shaking her head in annoyance when she suddenly noticed Draco standing there against the wall. "Oh, h-hello..." she said, looking towards him. "Um... should we talk..."

"You little shit..." she growled under her breath, groaning when he tugged her hair again. When he blew her the kiss, she instead gave him the dirtiest look she could manage. "Don't look at me like that, you fucker..." she hissed, holding her wand tightly now. However, when she was about to lift her wand, she suddenly felt a burning sensation in her arm, causing her eyes to roll back in pleasure as shut them... groaning, she knew it was her Dark Mark. "He needs us..." she murmured gently.
When Jessica came out of the classroom Draco watched as she walked over to him, "Yes we should talk, come on let's go for a little walk so no one tries listening in" ,Draco said in response to her. He looked around quickly to see if anyone noticed them talking before leading the way out onto the school grounds. When Draco thought it was safe to speak without being heard by anyone he turned and looked at Jessica, "The cabinet needs a lot of work but I believe I can mend it, as soon as I do that I'm going to do a few tests to make sure it's able to do what we need it to" ,he began. Draco ran a hand through his blond hair then let out a sigh, "It's going to take time but I can definitely make everything work, have you gotten anything accomplished yet?" ,he asked curiously.

Zachary laughed when Bellatrix started swearing at him. He felt the burn in his forearm and a smirk came across his face, the man also enjoyed watching Bellatrix's reaction whenever the dark lord called for them. "Well let's not keep him waiting" ,Zachary stated before apparating. He ended up in a clearing of sorts and the dark lord was standing in the middle, a few of the other death eaters had already shown up and were waiting for instructions.

Voldemort looked around at who had arrived he had only called for a few specific death eaters for the particular job he had planned for them. Zachary looked around at everyone who had shown up, Dolohov was there along with Greyback and Rodolphus Lestrange. When Zachary noticed Rodolphus he gave him a look of complete disgust then turned his attention to the dark lord. Zachary didn't like Rodolphus for his own reasons, the man looked down on Zachary constantly and always had some smart ass remark for him whenever they crossed paths. The older wizard was lucky Zachary had been ordered not to harm him by the dark lord himself.

The dark lord's instructions were simple the group was to attack a small wizarding neighborhood to stir up some more fear. He wanted to be taken seriously, he wanted everyone to know he was back and rising to power once more. Zachary was overjoyed the man liked to get his hands dirty and that was one of the reasons Voldemort had chosen him as one of the death eaters to go on this mission.
Jessica walked along with Draco, her hands in her robes, her head down submissively as usual. When they had finally reached a suitable spot to start talking, she turned and looked towards him, listening to his update on the cabinet. Nodding, she cleared her throat, "I see... well, that's good... if you don't mind me asking, may I come along next time... t-to see the cabinet for myself?" she then looked back down at her shoes, "Erm... I found a few suitable places in which they could enter and exit... one of them is an entrance behind a statue of a one-eyed witch in Hogwarts... they can enter through and out of it and it leads to Hogsmeade... it would make sense because then Death Eaters can find refuge in the Shrieking Shack in necessary."

Although neither Draco nor Jessica were being called for the Death Eater meeting, for they would be verbally informed if they were ever needed, Jessica felt a burning sensation in her forearm and bit her lip hardly, tearing up slightly. She didn't manage pain well, but mostly because it reminded her of the consequences. She hated tearing up in front of Draco, so she said in a squeak, "are we d-done here then.."

Bellatrix had apparated just at the same time that Zachary had and was listening intently to the words of the Dark Lord. When she heard the new mission, her eyes lit up and she cackled softly to herself when the Dark Lord assigned her to the destruction of the small village as well. Oh, how she loved to destroy things. It got plenty of tension out of her system and she adored watching the fears in the eyes of innocent bystanders.

"This should be lovely..." she hummed to herself.

They had been sent off to Ottery St. Catchpole, a small little wizarding village that still had a reputation where news would spread fast of the terror.
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