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Something sweet, something sour... ((CutieBooty's req thread - - f for m))

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Dec 12, 2012
After a long, grueling, awful hiatus due to many factors - well, just one really, we'll call it life - I'm back! I hope... and I do apologize to anyone who had anything going on with me. *sigh* What else can I say other than shit happens?

That said... since life has been pretty hectic lately, and I don't want to fill my plate up too much, I'll likely be very picky with roleplays until I am certain life isn't going to come and kick me in the ass again. And with THAT said... my first priority is my highest craving, a Pacific Rim roleplay.

Speaking of which, anyone know any other good Ron Perlman movies? :3

If I don't have plots listed under something, especially a fandom, but I have canon characters listed, I probably DO have a plot, I just haven't written it out yet. Just ask and I can fill you in!

Sorry to say, I'm not interested in doing... I'm not sure what the term would be, "real life" roleplays. Yes, my Mafia idea is a "real life" roleplay but it's got something of interest added to it. I WILL NOT do anything like high school or college or plain, boring real life roleplays. They hold no interest to me whatsoever.

Nor will I do multiple female characters... sorry, it's silly, but I'm the Queen Bee, thank you...

Hi there, CutieBooty here... you can call me Cutie if you want...

I'm new here and, well, kind of new to all... this. I haven't roleplayed on a forum in a very long time... mostly I keep it to friends but everyone's got busy schedules, so I need some new people to roleplay with, to keep me busy and writing.

Anyway... I don't have a F-List or a Rabbit Hole yet, I'm sorry for that. What I like is pretty vanilla, I guess... once I do make those up, I'll link them here. For now, just ask. The only hard squicks I have are scat, vore, gore, and obviously whatever is not allowed here. Other than that, I'm not terribly hard to please...

All I ask is that my partner have a good grasp of English. At least good enough so that I can understand you.

I don't play tall, skinny, big-titted Barbie bimbos. Sorry! Most of my character types are pleasantly soft/chubby/plump women, simply because I believe some softness is more attractive. That said, I'm not really looking for the typical roleplay male character. Square-jawed and tan ((except sometimes in the context of comic books)) or femininely androgynous does not for a happy me make - it's just boring. I like all types besides feminine. /All/ types. Don't be afraid to do something a little out there. Trust me, if you think it's unattractive, I probably like it just fine, haha.

Listed in order of craving ((highest to lowest)).

Pacific Rim - looking for Hannibal Chau, Gottlieb, or Hercules Hansen I am so seriously craving this that it hurts a little. Seriously. I will take this over just about anything. I will do just about anything for a Pacific Rim set RP where my character gets to fuck Hannibal Chau. I mean. Come on. RON PERLMAN. I JUST. I can't even. I don't really have a plot for this so much as a character idea I'd like to try out (a showboating punk-ish Jaeger pilot type of girl, true to the 'rockstar' image of said pilots, who gets into a lot of trouble, but is just as loud mouthed and dominating as he is - power struggles, anyone?)

Hellboy - looking for Hellboy/Anung and/or Abe. I don't really have much in the way of a strong plot for this, as I don't know much outside the movies. I'm working to get into the comics though. :3 Needless to say, there would be no what's-her-face, I can't even remember. The fire chick. Don't even get me started on her.

Tintin - looking for Tintin and/or Captain Haddock (Or young male adventurer/detective/reporter/what have you - so this idea can totally work with just OCs, but I am looking for a boyscout that she can, and I use this term very loosely and in a non-BDSM way, dom)
Paris. City of Lights. City of dreams, adventure, and romance. City of fun! When the circus comes to town, it's excitement all around for children and adults alike. The best act is clearly their acrobat, Mademoiselle Abeille, in her glittering gold and black costume, who does death-defying acts of agility and grace with a smile and a laugh.

The only thing that could possibly spoil this relaxing trip to Paris is that a new burglar has appeared as well, stealing valuable jewels and artifacts from stores and museums.

Funny, the burglar showed up at exactly the same time the circus did...

The Hobbit - looking for Bofur, Thorin Oakenshield, Azog, Dwalin and/or Balin, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Elrond, Smaug (meh, we haven't really seen him in the movie yet, but still... dragons, yay!) or Fili and/or Kili (or a combination of any?)
I've got a bunch of plots for this. My character would either be a human, an elf, a hobbit, or a (cute Dragon Age style!) dwarf... I guess it'll all depend on what I'm feeling.

The Walking Dead - looking for Merle Dixon, maybe Daryl Dixon
Set during the Woodbury year - There's a fresh young face in Woodbury, a fiesty young doctor who seems to have her post-apocalyptic life all under control. At one point, she is approached by the Governor, but rebuffs his advances, so he teaches her that saying no is not in her best interests by giving her as a "gift" to his lieutenant, Merle Dixon. ((The Governor wouldn't be involved except as a background character. This is NOT non-con, only perceived non-con, ie, she will say 'no' at first but she won't really mean it. I'm imagining things starting pretty vanilla at first, until she breaks and actually comes to Merle instead of him finding her - then things can get really fun. Wouldn't mind some sharing with his brother but I'm mainly look for Merle.))

Who Watches the Watchmen? - looking for Rorschach/Walter Kovacs ((Yes, I'm fully aware he's asexual, but I want my tiny soulless ginger vigilante with a slab of freckled dick on the side, dammit. YOLO, no regrets, since when were roleplays canon, all that.))
Two plot ideas. A) A new heroine is introduced into the Watchmen, one who stays mostly to herself and takes out the scum of the world, much like another member of said super hero group, so he takes a mild interest. B) Remember how in the movie the psychologist said there was nothing he could do for Walter? Well, what if someone decided to take on that challenge? This doctor doesn't have time for Walter's bullshit, and refuses to give up on him. Tough love and all that.

Star Wars - looking for OC clone troopers, Cad Bane, Darth Maul and/or Savage Opress, General Grievous, OC Jedi master
I don't have any straight up plots for this, but I'd like to either play a Jedi ((Padawan, Knight, or Master)), a bounty hunter, a smuggler, a soldier, or a diplomat. I'm also totally fine with many of the aliens from the series. ((Twi'leks kind of bore me, but if you can make it interesting, sure. I love Dugs (don't judge), Nautolans, Rodians, Mon Calamari, and Zabraks.)) Yes, I vastly prefer the Clone Wars timeline. So sue me.

The Avengers - looking for Phil Coulson, Howard or Tony Stark, Red Skull, Loki, Odin, Thor, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner
I've got plots for most if not all of these characters, and I'll post them all up once I've got them written. For anyone interested, I have an incest based plot for Howard and Tony Stark ((yanno, as long as you're willing to go a little AU and such)).
For Phil Coulson or Captain America - I don't know how else to explain this other than basically, female Captain America. No, not female Steve Rogers. The idea is that after he was assumed KIA and about ten years before he was defrosted ((and let's pretend they need another one at this time for some reason)), SHIELD managed to concoct another serum and injected it into another volunteer. It's a bit different - the focus is more on agility and dexterity than straight up strength, but the outcome is much the same, a young super soldierette who can whup ass with the best of them. For Coulson - I think it'd be so amazingly adorable if this stunning, strong, superhoroine was all shy over her crush on the fairly normal, kind of dorky (though amazingly kick-ass) SHIELD agent. What can I say, I like dorkiness. This idea was tailored for Coulson but it can work with a little tweaking for Cap'n too.
For Howard and/or Tony Stark - A) For both (warning: incest based, totally AU!): At the same time as Cap'n was made a super soldier, so was some one else, as a sort of safety net, and because Howard Stark wanted to. Lovin' happens, baby Tony happens, aaaand then she gets put in a coma in some way and is woken up a while after Cap. In some form or fashion ((I bet Bruce finds it out)), it's revealed that she's Tony's mom, so she goes to stay with him. Did I mention she's a total MILF and Tony reminds her of Howard? B) For either, non-incest based: basically, I just want it to be a love-hate relationship where she's a tech genius as well and is constantly ragging on the other for something, because angry sex is fun. ((You'll notice quite soon that I like to do the rival thing. A lot.))
For Red Skull and/or Captain America - I like making female super soldiers, okay? Forgive me. Anyway, yes! Super soldier gal again, except she's on the other side ((as in Hydra)) and is Johann's right hand woman and sex bomb. If adding Cap'n in, she can be on the aircraft when it goes down and found in the same general area as Cap and defrosted as well.
For Loki/Odin/Thor - NOT SUPER SOLDIER. PROMISE. Nope! Instead, either valkyrie under Odin or valkyrie who has aligned with Loki. Either way, corruption can potentially ensue. Or redemption. Redemption through sex. ((Uhm. There is also the idea of her being Loki's champion whom he sends to spy on The Avengers and Shield. fucking them. ...but that require multiple characters on my partner's part and I don't expect that. It is an option however!))
Plots still under construction for Avengers.

Batman ((Mostly dealing in the realm with The Animated Series or the Arkham games)) - looking for Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin ((I can feel you judging me, stop it - I will accept The Batman version but only for him)), Johnathan Crane/Scarecrow, Roman Sionis/Black Mask, Warren White/Great White Shark ((like anyone knows who that is)), Harvey Bullock, Jim Gordon, Victor Fries/Mr. Freeze ((Nora would have left. Or disappeared. Or died. Because I don't do cheating but I can't deny my love for him)), Weylon Jones/Killer Croc, Bane, Harvey Dent/Two-Face, Edward Nashton/Nygma/The Riddler, Ra's al Ghul))
Plots still under construction for Batman.

Fallout ((3 or New Vegas)) - looking for any canon ((male, non-feral)) ghoul, an OC ghoul, Three Dog, Butch, The King, Benny, Fawkes, God, Marcus
For OC ghoul - Two versions of the same (sort of) idea here. a) My Vaultie character is captured by slavers. Your character buys her for his own use. Can be benign and turn sexual, or start off sexual. b) My Wastelander has been born and raised by the Brotherhood as a ghoul killer. She has no idea that there are non-feral ghouls. She is wounded on an excursion one day, only to wake up being taken care of by your character. (If you don't want her to know he's a ghoul at first, he can be entirely covered up from head to toe and it can be a surprise for later.)
For Ahzrukhal ((potentially with other ghouls involved)) - I hate spelling his name... anyway! This is actually pretty smut heavy. Basically, my Vaultie/Wastelander wants to buy Charon and doesn't have the caps, and has no way to get them quickly. So Ahzrukhal offers her a deal - be his "bar slut" for a ((insert time here)), and she can have him.
I have other minor plots for other canon ghouls if you're interested. I like both 3 and New Vegas equally.

The Fink and the Shrink ((Hey, that's rather clever.
For this, I'm kind of looking for a more subdued, maybe even paranoid little fella, someone totally unassuming.))
He thought working for the Mafia would be cool, you know? Get him some respect. But now, after seeing all the bad things he's done, he's having regrets. Maybe call it a mid-life crises. So he goes to the cops, and instead of being thrown in the clink, he's taken in as a double agent. The life of a rat is dangerous though, and just so he doesn't freak and break, he's ordered into compulsory psychiatric visits every week. They're not so bad though, the doc is a pretty young thing who really seems to understand him...
((This idea is actually based on the idea of a novel I'm writing. I will NOT steal scenes or characters from my partners - I've already got the characters planned out. Roleplaying just helps me think where I want it to go. This one's gonna be pretty story heavy, and I've got some twists planned, but I'd really like there to be some hot, heavy, sex.))

I'll edit this tomorrow with any other ideas I have... if I have any... until then, if someone does either of the two top ideas with me, I will adore them forever, but feel free to offer your original ideas as well.
I'd just like to add that I'm constantly editing this with more stuff, it's just taking me a while. So please keep coming back to check!

((Edited just now with Fallout and Avengers. Avengers plots coming soon!))
Edited with some Avengers plots, a bit more info on Star Wars, and a list of canon characters from Batman I'd like.

More plots coming soon hopefully, with maybe some better layout.
Back from a long rest that I sorely needed, even if it was unplanned. Sorry for that, hopefully I'm well for a while!

Edited with new genre: The Hobbit!
Back from a ridiculously long hiatus - which I do apologize profusely for - and edited post with two new fandoms. Might add more soon, but Pacific Rim is being craved like crack, so I can't think about much other than that right now...
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