DARK TREK ( thewhiterabbit & CrimsonMaster )


Oct 30, 2009
The Land of Lost Souls
Bozeman, Montana..............April 5, 2063.............First Contact. It was only moments after the Vulcan scout ship landed that the Humans who were led by Zefram Cochrane attacked and killed the aliens. The Vulcan Ship was then stripped of everything while the Humans acted like wild animals partying around the fallen bodies of the alien invaders. The Terran Empire had just found new technology which it would use to expand acrossed the galaxy. The Terran Empire applied this stolen Vulcan technology to a policy of aggressive expansion which led to many races being conquered. The Andorians, the Tellarites, the Orions, the Trill, the Betazoids and yes the Vulcans soon found themselves under the heals of the Human Empire. The Humans showed themselves to be brutish, scheming, and murderous creatures and they even shocked the Klingons and Romulans with how deceitful they could be.

The Empire's hold on its territories was initially weak. In the 2150's, some of the worlds conquered by the Terrans were beginning to rebel against Terran rule, leading to a long-running conflict in which the Empire came to the brink of collapse. Propaganda, however, conveyed the message that things were going in the Empire's favor and that the war would be over soon. In 2155 the USS Defiant, a Federation ship launched in the 23rd century of a parallel universe, was reported in Tholian space. A mission was undertaken by the crew of the ISS Enterprise which at the time was under command of it's First Officer Jonathan Archer. It was Archer's plan to steal this ship away from the Tholians and use it to overthrow the Emperor. The crew of the Enterprise did in fact steal this ship from the Tholians, but also lost the Enterprise in the opening moments of the battle. It did appear that Archer would take control over the Empire, but double dealing and back stabbing were apart of everyday life in the Terran Empire.......that is if one wanted to get ahead. Archer found out to late that another member of the Enterprise crew had her sights set on ruling the empire. Lieutenant Hoshi Sato, who was the Enterprise's communications officer had ideas of her own. She poisoned Archer then took the Defiant for her own. Using the powerful Starship from the future, Hoshi soon took control and she was pronounced Empress of the Empire.

After the defeat of the rebellion, the Empire turned it's attention towards the other races in the alpha and beta quadrants. The Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Tholians, the Gorn, the Ferengi, the Xindi and the Breen were the only major powers left that could stand against the empire. The Klingons and the Romulans had a long hatred for each other due to years of betrayal and even though they hated the Terran Empire, they couldn't set aside their mistrust for each other. The Romulans would stand alone and face down the Humans without help from anyone. In time the Klingons would join with the Cardassians in an Alliance against the Terrans while the other races just sat back not wishing to get involved.

In 2267 members of the crew from the USS Enterprise, including Captain James T. Kirk, were accidentally transported to the mirror universe aboard the mirror-version of the Enterprise, the ISS Enterprise. Before Kirk left, believing that the mirror Spock would one day become captain of the ISS Enterprise, he tried to plant the seeds of doubt in Spock's mind. However in this reality, Spock didn't succumb to Kirk's attempt to change the empire. The Terran Empire continued under the control of the descendants of Hoshi Sato. But even the great Sato family had enemies inside the empire and in 2275 the Sato family was remove from power buy Grand Fleet Admiral James Maxwell. The coup d'etat ended the rule of the Sato family who had be in power for well over a century. Maxwell proclaimed himself Emperor Maxwell the 1st after taking power. Emperor Maxwell started a program to rebuild Starfleet since years of battle against the rebellion left it weak and if the empire was ever going to conquer the remaining enemies, it needed it's forces to be ready.

An uneasy peace settled over the galaxy for almost a century. There were still battles between the major powers and the empire, but all out war was avoided. In 2368 war did breakout once the Terran Empire was ready and their target was the Romulan Star Empire. For the next 5 years a bloody war raged between these two great powers and by 2373 the Romulan Empire was ready to fall. The Romulans were going to make their last stand at a planet known as Galorndon Core where the bulk of their fleet would mass. The 4th Fleet of the Terran Empire was sent out to destroy the remaining Romulan ships and pave the way towards the Romulan home worlds of Romulus & Remus. But inept leadership on the part of Admiral Stone who was leading this mission and by a number of Captains who greatly underestimated the Romulan's will to survive caused the Terran Empire to suffer a bitter defeat when they out numbered the Romulan ships two to one.

The Terran Empire sent the entire 4th fleet which consisted of 224 starships to Galorndon Core and only 87 made it back to Starbase 173. On the voyage back to Starbase 173 many of those who had been in command were locked up, some were even killed by their own people. One of those locked up by his own crew was Captain Benton Maddox of the ISS Raptor. The ISS Raptor is a Conqueror Class Attack Cruiser NCC 6472 and carries a crew of over 500. This ship also carries an assault force of 150 MACO's which stands for Military Assault Command Operations. These special troops were aboard each starship and served to protect the ship from intruders as well as being used as ground assault forces.

Captain Maddox quickly found himself under arrest by his first officer Commander Mason Kane. Commander Kane and the crew who backed him locked their Captain away then headed for Starbase 173 with the remaining ships. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd who was the first born son of Maxwell the 1st and took power after his father's death in 2359 was outraged over the defeat of his forces. They had the Romulans out numbered and should have won, but defeat has a bitter taste. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd ordered Admiral Stone put to death. Captain Maddox was stripped of his rank and command then thrown in prison. Commander Kane was promoted to Captain of the ISS Raptor then he was given new orders. The Emperor had a new plan, it was a secret invasion of the mirror universe Federation. This invasion was to gather information on the Federation's technology and bring back anything that the empire didn't have. The Federation had been so helpful in the past with the USS Defiant that the Emperor felt they could possibly have new weapons or updated shields that the Terran Empire hadn't discovered yet.

Captain Kane accepted this mission with a smile on his face. He knew that if they could bring back anything from the Federation, both he and the crew of the Raptor would be heralded as heroes of the empire. Kane left Admiral Grey's office on Starbase 173 and returned to his ship. The Raptor was currently being worked on to repair battle damage received during the fight at Galorndon Core. Losing this battle made the Terran Empire appear weak in the eyes of it's enemies, this was something that couldn't be allowed to last. There was also some disturbing news which had come to Emperor Maxwell's attention a few months ago. A wormhole had been discovered in the Bajor System and this wormhole led to the Gamma Quadrant. The Klingon-Cardassian Alliance who had joined with the smaller power the Bajorans were in control of this gateway. The Emperor wanted this wormhole just as much as he had wanted the Romulans destroyed. Now with the Terran Empire looking very weak, he couldn't launch an assault on the Bajoran System or destroy the Romulans. This was his reasoning behind sending the Raptor into the mirror universes to find new technology. Emperor Maxwell the 2nd would have this wormhole, or it would be destroyed and no one would have it.

In a few hours the Raptor was repaired and left Starbase 173. A device had been attached to the ship's Deflector Array on the inside and was controlled from the bridge. This device would open up an trans dimensional gateway which would take the Raptor into Federation space then bring them home once their mission was over. Captain Kane stood tall and proud in front of his crew as he told them the news of this glorious mission and what it meant to the empire. Mason Kane had finally been given what he had wanted for so long.....command of his own ship. Handsome and powerfully built, Kane was on the fast track to getting a ship of his own one day and made that goal at the age of 31. Kane's jet black hair and charming smile made his a prize for any woman on board and now that he was Captain......the women on board would be throwing themselves at him. The women of the empire knew how to work their way to the top. Hoshi Sato herself had certainly fucked her way straight up and become Empress. The entire crew was standing in the shuttle bay while Captain Kane spoke of the glorious mission. To Kane's left stood his new first officer, Commander Faven Boreas. Although she appeared to be human, Faven was born and raised on the planet Ekos. To Kane's right stood Lieutenant Commander Dixon Webb who was human and Lieutenant Commander Tala Kalel Raioth who was an Andorian female. The blue skinned beauty was the Security Chief and called Commander Tala since Andorian names are not easy to pronounce. Commander Webb was the Chief Engineer aboard the Raptor. It was his job to make sure that the gateway device worked properly. Captain Kane placed his right fist over his chest, then extended his arm outwards in front of his body. " LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE! " This move and the words spoken were repeated by the crew.

Everyone returned to duty once word on their mission had been explained. The Raptor soon approached the location where they would use their new gateway device. All of the ships power would have to be transferred to the device in order to open the doorway, then the ship would enter. Once on the other side in Federation Space, the Raptor would begin looking for a ship, or station that they could attack, over come and take over. After that they would steal whatever information they could find in the computers and take prisoners. Once this was done, the Raptor would return to their universe with their prizes.

The training room unlike the plush holodecks of the federation had no safeties built in to protect the participants. Little larger then a turbolift shaft the training room spanned three decks and could with great effort poorly simulate any environment. The blow when it came stole her breath and knocked her onto her back. The Nausican pirate stood over her gloating working the clasp of his belt to complete his celebration. Taking careful aim Faven drove the mans balls back into his pelvis the rest of the pirates body fell two stories to the floor. Faven stood looking down the last of three pirate prisoners taken from a crew of thirty. Leaping of the edge she landed next to the pirate and raising her dagger overhead plunged it into the Nausicans heart. “Attention all crew we are about to enter the mirror universe” The computer announced in a voice every bit as venomous as its crew.

A wall of energy like a lens washed over her body she felt like she was underwater gasping for air then it was over. She read the reports from the incidents and wondered if each crossing was different then the last. The MACO were preparing in the shuttle bay they were always polishing there weapons of each other damn over sexed MACO. Faven made her way to the bridge men and equipment was being unloaded. Given the technological edge the Federation had over the Empire the fight would be long and hard. “First officer Faven we have sighted a Federation science station only a few freighters are docked” It was to good to be true a target like this was more then they could have wished for and thus must be a trap. “Scan for cloaked mines” She refused to believe that the Federation was as trusting as reports made them out to be.

The first sign of trouble was a exploding photon torpedo over the port nacelle the micro torpedo did not even heavily damage the shield. “Its just a runabout ignore it if you can” She watched an attack from the opposite direction. How many of the small craft could a station of that size have anyways she wondered. The ship fire back the nimble craft evaded the beam with easy but had to break off its attack run to do so. “This is science station Epsilon we are on a peaceful mission” The communication was cut at there end. Did they expect the empire to care if they were friendly or not they still had good tech to steal. Faven had seconds to react before the cargo bay door was torn from its hinges sliding over the floor of the shuttle bay. A piece of the door sliced through two deck and two rooms coming just short of her head in the turbo lift cart. The edge glowed fiery hot she could see the damaged runabout through a gap between the door fragment and the wall of the turbo life.

Faven crawled on top of the door fragment pulling herself through the gash to the shuttle bay as the cart wined then fell to the bottom of the shaft. Faven said a quick prayer for the junior officer crushed in the shuttle. She could see the runabout had plowed through several shuttles in its death roll including the one manned by the MACO's commanding officer. “Who is second in command here” A low ranking officer pointed to the same command shuttle. Turns out all three senior officers were in the same shuttle, stupid were they the Empire or the Federation. Grabbing a weapon Faven shot the fourth ranking officer. “Listen I am now in command first rule one commanding officer to a shuttle, rule two we will not fly in formation and there will be no communications I do not need a bulls-eye drawn on my ship” Taking a set of armor from a storage rack Faven entered the shuttle she would have all the glory of taking the enemy commander for herself.
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