The Perks of Pure Blood

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Sep 9, 2010
For Draco his fifth year at Hogwarts was proving to be a rather special one by any standard at all. So far that old Mudblood lover Dumbledore had been removed from the school and replaced by Delores Umbridge, who to be fair Draco couldn't stand in the least but she had appointed him to the Inquisitorial Squad, plenty of power for him to abuse and enjoy. Not only was Slytherin far ahead in terms of House Points but they also were pretty much unopposed on the Quidditch teams, in fact they were the first team allowed to reform and that gave them an advantage when it came to practice time... but right now he was about to enjoy another spectacular perk of being not only a member of the Inquisitorial Squad but also the perk of being a Malfoy.

Recently Cho Chang had gotten herself into a bit of trouble, she was suspected of being a part of that tedious DA group that was formed by Potter and trying to undermine the authority of the Ministry, at least that was the official story about why they were banned, but Draco suggested that Umbridge could see the changes that would soon be coming and wanted to ensure that she was on the right side of the coming conflict... being a friend of Mudbloods would soon be a rather poor position to find ones self in.

Of course Cho's mother was trying to protect her, she had a mid level job in the Ministry and was subordinate, through a few levels, to Umbridge but more importantly because she worked for the ministry she was someone who had to listen to Lucius Malfoy... and her daughter had to be taught a lesson and Lucius Malfoy was very fond of lessons by proxy and Draco was more then willing to take advantage of the set up there.

From what Madam Chang had been told she was to go to Hogwarts to tutor Draco, it was of course to be kept quiet because no one else was to know that a Malfoy might need a little help but in truth there was more to it. She was there to be a test subject for him, he had been working on a new potion, derived of the standard love potion but modified, an little experiment that he had hopes to use to undermine Potter, since striking out at the boy who lived didn't seem to work that well, at least not when you struck directly, he would hurt him through others and this potion was only the newest idea that he had, a vial of the final product, ready for testing, in the pocket of his robes as he made his way through the dungeon and too the class that he had been told that Madam Chang would be waiting for him in.

He knew he was running late but it hardly mattered, he was a Malfoy, and soon Madam Chang would be no one...

Madam Chang was fidgeting in the "official robes of a tutor" as the new edition of the "Clothes and Doodads of Professions" described her new robe. She was inspected by no other than Dolores Umbridge when she arrived in the school, her everyday robes left behind.

The thirty something mid level official knew that she was punished, when only her silk underwear was left on her, and the black silk robe really was not that much protection against the slight cold of the dungeons. Hidden in a classroom under the kitchen, accessable by a secret door from the great hall of all things, Madam Chang - for it was her surname, just like her daughters, as both came from the family of Cho - tried to gather her wits about the studies of the fifth years. Knowing well, that she would have to tutor Draco to the mark Lucius Malfoy would see as adequate, the chinese MILF was restless, playing with her braided long hair.

For anybody she looked like her daughter Cho Chang, just twenty years older and her hair twice as long, the braided tresses just reaching under her robe covered ass, cut to the lenght where she was not sitting on it... Of course unbraided even her asscheeks would be covered by it, but that was one thing nobody had seen outside her bedroom...
Entering the room, a classroom which hadn't been used for many years and wasn't likely to be found any time soon Draco smirked at the sight of what had waited for him. He had seen Madam Chang before but her normal day to day robes rarely gave much of an indication as to her form beneath them, right now though in the much more form fitting silk robe he was able to get a good look at her. She might be older but she was in fantastic shape for her age, if he hadn't already known the truth it likely would be possible to convince him that he was looking at Chang's older sister rather then her mother.

“Looks like my father was able too come through after all.” He sneered as he looked her over, not even trying to hide it as he undressed her with his eyes. “Got me a slant eyed tutor and everything.” Draco might be a pure blood who knew the superiority of his breeding over the mudbloods and mixed breeds but his racism also took on a more mundane and normal variety, discriminating on the color of ones skin rather then just their magical heritage. Turning back to the door Draco drew his wand, quickly casting a silencing charm on it to ensure that no one else would be able to hear what transpired in the room, and then another quick charm to lock the door.

“Would hate to have anyone walk in on this.” He said slowly, knowing that it worked as a cover but hardly trying very hard to sell it. “I mean no one else is supposed to know about this little tutoring session, my father would be very disappointed if word got out.” Or he would be immensely amused, Draco might be showing discretion right now but sooner or later the Dark Lord would rise and start to rule openly... and what he had done to Madam Chang would become common knowledge, an amusing story to tell everyone around.

It wouldn't be long, all he needed to do was get her to drink the potion he had prepared, something he had not only poured his own sweat into in a very literal fashion but also contained a generous helping of his seed, and he would have everything he wanted. No mere love potion that would cause infatuation that he had created, but something that would also work along the lines of a memory charm, it would permanently affect the person who drank it, make them not only physically desire the person who had made and given them the potion but would also alter what they found arousing. Once she drank it everything about him would turn her on, sight, taste, even the smallest hint of his scent would be enough to to drive her wild with desire.

“So we should probably get started on this, I was told that you would be helping me with my potions work... I presume that you already have selected a potion we can work on... one that we will make sure works properly by having you drink it.”
"Oh... To tell you the truth, Mr Malfoy, I got no notice of your ... less than stellar subjects. I suppose we could start with Potions... While you gather your equipment, I try to see what would be the good potion to work with, more so if I have to taste it..." she was being smooth and diplomatic, shoving just enough force to be considered a tutor, but clearly placing Draco on a higher pedestal than herself. Maybe it was from her oriental upbringing, maybe her position, or just the situation she found herself.

With the right ingredients and Draco's cauldron they soon was working on the first potion. What Nadam Chang choose was a variation of the Hiccoughing Potion that not only stopped hiccups, but cleared up stomach pain with the help of a burp.
The next one they would be working on would be a lesser form of Pepperup Potion, one that stopped the simptoms of cold before it became too bad. But it would be not causing the steam of dribble from the patient's ears...
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