Noticing things in class (Tenty x Mera1506)


Mar 9, 2009
It was the end of another day at Hogwarts. Classes had come to an end, the students were filing out quickly in order to get out of their uniforms and into more comfortable and casual clothes before dinner that evening. There was one student that wouldn't be leaving Severus Snape's potions class just yet however, he had discreetly requested that she stay behind once class was over, a student in his own house by the name of Fala Takoya. She wasn't in trouble, far from it, she was an excellent pupil, however for a few years now Snape had always thought she had potential to do more, that something was holding her back or distracting her during class. In the recent months he had finally figured out what that was.
Several times now he had caught her sneaking glances at him, noticed her staring at him when she seemed to think he wasn't looking. Even out of class he'd noticed her occasionally looking at him for a little 'too long'....though the more he'd noticed her doing that, the more he'd noticed himself seemingly doing much the same back to her...letting his gaze linger perhaps longer than was appropriate. It had gotten to the point that Severus himself was being affected...he had found himself distracted, momentarily forgetting things that should have been second nature to him by this point. He knew how inappropriate it was...she was a student after all, he shouldn't feel this way about someone so much younger than himself, the girl was 16 after all, but the more he denied himself the worse it became. Finally though...he had decided enough was enough...things couldn't go on like this. One way or another things were going to be resolved this very evening, and if it ended his career then so be it. But damnit he had earned some small happiness after everything he had been made to go through. All the unsung victories of his.....all he had done to safeguard these people and earned nothing but hatred in return...

Well, it was time to change that now. As the last of the other students left it was now only Fala and Severus in the potions classroom, the door loudly slamming shut behind the last student to leave. For a few moments, there was just an eerie silence that filled the classroom, broken by the occasional bubbling of a potion at the front of the room on Severus' personal workstation. He let the silence hang there for a few moments, back to Fala as he pretended to organise things on his desk, before finally beginning to turn, slowly turn, looking at Fala in another moment of silence. "....Miss Takoya..." His voice pierced through the silence like a hot knife through butter. "I think the time has come that we had a little on one..." He was approaching her desk slowly, his footsteps echoing loudly in the empty room as he came closer and closer, until he almost suddenly seemed to be standing right infront of her desk, leaning forward slightly, looking down at her as she was still sat. "....I you have been watching me recently...and....I believe it is time..." His hands were on the desk, agonisingly close to her own. "...that we discussed this. I must say...I do not mind you looking at me....however...looking is no longer enough. Do you...understand what I am saying...Miss Taokoya? No....Fala" For Severus to refer to someone by their first name was a rarity indeed. It would either indicate something very very good....or very very bad....
Fala was a sixth year Slytherin. Her parents had moved here from the US, belonging to one of the native American tribes who still lived in the traditional ways, their magic having protected them and their land. But even this tribe was looking to have contact with the outside magical world, they weren't fond of muggles to put it mildly. Yet the purebloods here weren't very happy, despite the fact that Fala and her family came from a long line of purebloods. She didn't care really. At sixteen she stood 5'11ft tall, almost as tall as a certain professor and her head of house. Her well build body had gotten her attention from a lot of boys, be it most weren't Slytherin. But Fala also held a secret, she was a hermaphrodite and hiding that in Hogwarts was a challenge indeed.

She'd fallen for her head of house, she thought it would pass, just a crush, but it had been three years now. She would sneak glances at him, but lately she'd noticed or thought she'd noticed him looking ar her as well. When he asked her to stay her heart skipped a beat, even though it probably wasn't for what she was hoping for. She watched him as he aproached her. There was something about the pale skin and the small pinkish lips that turned her on, but there was more to it, than just that, she just couldn't put her finger on it. He came so close....

Fala couldn't say she was surprised that he had noticed her sneaking glances, almost nothing could get by him. The tension in the air one could almost cut with a knife and his voice, she just loved it. She thought he'd blow her off, tell her to look elsewhere, but to her surprise he wanted more than just looking. She couldn't help but smile when in not so many words told her he wanted to fuck her. "But of course." She said, she couldn't be happier, though she wasn't sure how he would react when he found out that she had something extra. She looked into his eyes, which were rather close, beautiful dark eyes....
What was he doing? Severus remained silent for a moment when Fala responded simply with an 'of course' and a smale....he had been partly expecting...perhaps hoping...she would freak out and run away, or politely inform him he had got the wrong impression. At the same time however a calm, accepting reaction was also just what he was hoping for. His expression however didn't change at all, as usual giving absolutely nothing away about how he might be feeling or what he might be thinking. It wasn't too late...he could still put a stop to all this...tell her it wouldn't...couldn't...happen...let them both just put this behind them as an embarrassing incident. But....he wouldn't do that....he wanted this...he needed this...he deserved this far more than anyone else. If everyone around him was going to find some kind of happiness....if he was going to be surrounded by horny teenagers fucking each others brains out...then damnit he was going to find happiness and satisfaction as well.

"I see..." He leaned a little bit closer, staring into her eyes...they were fantastic...deep and unlike his own which hid the years of pain and suffering he had been through, masking the emptiness he felt every day of his miserable life. In a way....those eyes reminded him of her...of Lily...the woman who should have been his until she was stolen away from him. Well he wasn't about to let Fala be stolen away as well...oh no...he was going to lay his claim right here, right now and to hell with the consequences! He just didn't care about them anymore.
The silence lingered for a few more moments, before suddenly Severus lunged forwards, his hands moving from the desk to suddenly grab Fala's shoulders, his head moving forwards and tilting to plant his lips firmly upon her own. Maybe she was just teasing him, maybe she had just intended to mess with him and never go this far...but he wanted to at least taste her lips before everything came crashing down. Years of suppressed lust and passion were suddenly unleashed into the kiss, his tongue roughly forcing its way into Fala's mouth, exploring her, tasting her, claiming her for his own.
As always he was stoic, he had one hell of a pokerface. But in those eyes, though beautifully dark she saw the pain and emptiness. Fala just hoped he wouldn't be feeling so empty anymore soon, pun intendeted. The tension rose further as they looked into each other's eyes. Of course they weren't supposed to do this, but Fala wanted it, she didn't care that it was against the rules or aynthing like that.

Suddenly she felt those lovely lips on hers and returned the kiss immediately. She cupped his face in her hands as the kiss deepened and she felt his tongue into her mouth. She used her own tongue to play with his as he was getting her aroused and she new she was getting aroused, she knew she was beginning to get both hard and wet. For three years she had hoped for this, waited for it, their kiss as passionate as it could be as she stood up, that desk in between them was in the way. As she was kissing him finally she couldn't help but wonder how big would his cock be? She had to break the kiss and stepped around the desk before kising him again, this time, pressing their bodies together as she moaned softly into the kiss, siply liking the closeness.
Severus was slightly surprised when Fala returned the kiss just as eagerly as he was giving it, feeling their tongues rubbing up against one another...oh god she tasted good...she tasted incredible...far better than he could've imagined. When she broke the kiss he watched her as she came around the desk, but before he could say a word she was kissing him again, her ample bosom pressing against his firm chest....oh how he'd longed to feel those...almost immediately his hands came up between them, grasping her chest, squeezing at her breasts through her clothing, feeling her flesh yield beneath his fingers.
He could hear and feel her moaning into his mouth, pressing back against her as he continued to play with her breasts, his hands moving roughly, ever so slowly pushing her shirt upwards in order to reveal more and more of her tanned skin...her perfect tanned skin...oh he wanted to see more of wanted to see all of it...every last inch of her body....none of it was going to be a mystery to him.
Fala moaned again when he grasped her breasts, she loved him playing with them. Her nipples soon hardened when he played him her big breasts through the fabric of her school uniform, but something else was getting hard too and with their bodies pressing together it wouldn't be long or he'd feel the bulge between her legs. Hiding that big cock and balls of hers was hard normally because of the rather short skirts the girls were supposed to wear, hen hard there would be no hiding it.

When he began to push her blouse upwards her robes fell to the ground. She undid the top two buttons so she could take it off, showing him a white lace bra underneath, holding her E-cup breasts. She broke the kiss again, a bit out of breath by now and began to undo te buttons of his robes, wanting to see more of him, all of him.
Severus could feel her clothing disappearing beneath his hands, heard the noise of her robes dropping to the floor, then felt her hands reaching up to undo the top buttons of her blouse. He slowly pulled back a little, looking down at her, staring down at her huge breasts tightly encased in a white lace bra....not for much longer. He let out a very low, almost inaudible growl of lust, then grabbed her blouse, tugging the rest of it open, popping off several buttons in the process. His hands immediately went grasp her breast flesh more directly this time, lifting and squeezing her, his thumbs flicking over her nipples through the fabric of her bra.

His pants were already tenting, a more than noticeable bulge sticking out from his crotch. Years of suppressed lust was all coming to the surface....Severus had passed the point of no return by this point and he was going to enjoy every damn second of it....
He certainly was eager, Fala had to admit she liked that. Of course a blouse was easily repaired so she didn't worry about it. She moaned when he grabbed her breasts and played with them, her own cock hard and if he looked down he'd see a bulge under her skirt. Fala looked down and saw the big bulge, that looked really promising. She continued unbuttoning his robes, wanting to see as much of him as he wanted to see of her, all of him. Those buttons were a pain and after a few she just ripped it open. "Much better." She said and it was followed by another moan when he teased her now hard nipples yet again.
Fala's moans were like the sweetest music to Severus' ears...every moan she made just made him want to hear more and more of them, causing his massaging of her breasts to become even more eager. Out of the corner of his eye he did notice something that looked like a bulge in her skirt, but he just dismissed it as a fold in the material, his attention focused more on her breasts at the moment. He gasped as his pants were ripped open, partially freeing his throbbing erection, though it was still trapped within his boxers.

Slowly one of his hands left her breasts, beginning to slide down the tanned skin of her stomach....oh how he loved the look and feel of her looked and felt absolutely perfect...he was going to enjoy ensuring that every inch felt his touch. His hands moved across her stomach and to her skirt, reaching to the side to unfasten it and allow it to fall loosely around her ankles....but then as his hand moved back around he felt it bump into...something. "Hn...?" He looked down, then saw the large bulge in Fala's panties. That seemed to get a momentary reaction from him, a flash of surprise noticeable on his face for the briefest instant, before it was gone again. He seemed to hesitate for just a moment, almost seeming like he might be about to pull away....but instead he just grabbed her panties, pulling them down suddenly in order to allow her cock freedom from its prison and letting it bounce for a few seconds. "Well...have we been messing around with some less than prim and proper magic Miss Taokoya...?" His fingers were brushing the areas beside and above the base of her cock, but he seemed to be taking great care not to actually touch it, intentionally tormenting her.
Well he got his wish. Her breasts were a major 'weak spot'. As he played with her breasts and teased her hard nipples she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling his hands were very skilled it seemed. For now at least she was content on letting him do was he pleased, why wouldn't she, he was driving her crazy like this. She could feel her cock begin to throb, he was good and yet such a tease.

Finally a hand moved down her stomach, teasing her more but then things went faster in just a few moments her skirt was on the floor. For a moment his hand brushed her cock, causing her to gasp. She looked at him when he stopped and for the first time she could see anything on his face, surprise, it didn't last though. The atmosphere seemed tense and he pulled her panties down, which joined her skirt and she felt the cool air from the dungeon around her throbbing cock.

His comment was a downright insult and she glared at him. "I was born like this." She told him, why would he assume she would mess with such magic, wait she was Slytherin. And he was teasing again by avoiding her eight in long and rather thick cock. It was time to get him out of his clothes. His shirt, though it no longer had buttons was still on she moved to make it drop to the floor before pulling his pants and boxers to his ankles seeing he wasn't much bigger than her.
Severus heard the slight irritation in her voice...he seemed to have something of a knack for bringing out irritation in people...maybe he got off on it and didn't even realise it. Who knew....and more to the point, right now who cared? He just continued to circle her cock with his fingertips, occasionally moving a little closer, oh so close to touching the base of the shaft, before he would move away again. "I see....a very special birth then...." He was looking her entire body up and down now, grunting as she tugged his pants away, freeing his own cock. His was slightly shorter than hers, maybe just over half an inch, though his was ever so slightly thicker, though the difference was so little that it was barely noticeable. More noticeable was the amount of pre-cum Severus was producing, clear drops now dripping loudly onto the cold stone floor. The man was backed up to say the least...and now his body was aching for release.

"Well then....I suppose this just means there is more of your body that I will have to claim..." Severus' hand suddenly stopped moving. It almost seemed like he was about to pull it away from her altogether in order to tease her even further. Truth be told the thought had crossed his mind...but he was done with the teasing now...enough foreplay. He suddenly grasped her cock, giving it a firm but gentle squeeze, his hand sliding up the shaft, letting his palm be covered in her pre-cum, before he slid his hand back down her, slowly stroking the shaft of her cock whilst his other hand finally pulled her bra up over her head to get it out of the way, freeing her breasts completely. "....My desk" His words broke through any moaning Fala might be making. "Get up onto it and spread your legs" He wanted to take her right there on the desk, and he wanted her to face him while he did it.
The teasing he was doing was both annoying and amazing at the same time, a drop of pre-cum formed on the tip. She looked at his cock and it looked good to her, she was surprised to see how much pre-cum was coming from it, but she loved it. She reached to gently touch it, carressing the sensitive hard cock by brushing her fingertips over it.

She couldn't help but smile when he said he just had more to claim, she was glad he didn't freak out and he was still dripping so much it was crazy, he obviously like it. A few odd moments that seemed to be longer than anything so far...... She gasped when he suddenly grabbed her cock, going from teasing to a hand job in mere moment. She wasn't complaining she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hand on her cock. Suddenly she felt him remove her bra and she felt the cool air in the dungeon on her big breasts.

She opened her eyes when he spoke. It felt a bit strange to walk through the class room stark naked and with an erection to boot. She took her time and walked to his side of the desk sat down on it and spread her legs wide. It would give him a great view, her big round breasts, under it and eight inch long and rather thick cock pointing at him, curling slightly upward at the end and her balls under it. Behind them was her cunt, dripping wet and ready for action, she might have a cock and balls, but like any other girl when horny she'd love to have her cunt filled and he had quite a lot to put in there.
Oh that gasp when he had grabbed her was like music to his ears....he would certainly remember how to make her gasp like that again in future....oh yes, he was going to ensure she made that noise often when she was in his presence. Infact, he decided that he wouldn't allow her to leave his presence until he had heard that noise. Severus licked his lips as he watched her walk across the cold dungeon, paying attention as her breasts, cock and balls all bounced and bobbed with every movement she made, until she sat up on his desk and spread her legs wide just as he had told her to do. "Oh yes..."

He approached her slowly, his own erection bobbing as he moved, pre-cum dripping onto the floor and leaving a glistening trail behind him. "I suspect this isn't the first time you've had an erection in this classroom...." He stood over her, one hand reaching out and grasping one of her breasts, squeezing and massaging it as he gently pushed her down to lay back on the desk, Severus constantly standing over her, looking at her, always watching her face, particularly her eyes. "I can assure most certainly wont be the last" His other hand was slowly reaching down, cupping her balls for a few moments before gently lifting them up out of the way, his cock moving forward to gently prod against the dripping wet pussy beneath them.
The professor grunted as the sensitive tip of his cock touched her body, then he growled as he started to push inside of her, slowly but steadily easing more and more of his cock into her body, determined not to stop until he was buried completely within her.
His eyes had never left her and she knew that all too well. Fala watched him as well, seeing his cock move with each step, the pre cum dripping like a tab which hadn't been properly shut. How is that possible? Who cares, I love it. She thought and a small smile played on her full lips. She blushed when he mentioned it wasn't the first erection she'd had here. That was pretty much the understatement of the century. She wondered how many times he may have noticed? Or maybe he didn't since girls aren't supposed to have a cock after all. "That's the understatement of the century." Fala said, despite her tanned skin he would be able to see her blush.

He grabbed her breast again an she moaned softly, he was good with his hands, very good. She lied down and looked up with him with half lidded eyes. Her dark chocolate brown eyes clouded with lust as yet another moan escaped her lips. She smiled at his next comment. She gasped yet again when she felt his cool fingers on her balls.

That big thing pressing against her still virgin opening could only be his dripping cock. Now his pecum would leak inside of her, a thought that aroused her even more. A short cry in pain when he broke through her hymen, but she was silent after that as her body was adjusting to his large cock. To distract herself from the somewhat uncomfortable feeling she reached to grab his ass and squeezed it. "Nice ass." She said as she prodded his anus with her index finger, gently, enough to touch, not push in. "I'm looking forward to fucking it....hard." She whispered in his ear, making it obvious she had some plans for him too.
Understatement of the century hm? Well....Snape certainly felt rather happy to hear about that...knowing he had gotten her hard without even gave him a great sense of satisfaction.

Severus could feel her hymen break, see the discomfort on her face as he took her virginity. It gave him no satisfaction to cause her that kind of pain, though it was rather satisfying to know that he was her first. Still, she seemed to adjust quickly once he had bottomed out inside of her, his cock twitching inside of her tight pussy, pre-cum leaking inside of her. "Ah...." It was difficult for even him to retain his composure under this kind of pressure, his face showing the pleasure that her body was bringing him. "Nnnn..." He groaned when she grabbed his ass, squeezing it....oh how long it had been since he'd felt the hands of another on that place. "Oh you are? Well....I have no doubt you will have the opportunity to do so very soon..." He squeezed her breasts firmly once again, then suddenly pulled most of his cock back, leaving only a little inside of her, before thrusting back into her hard and suddenly.

Severus growled with intense pleasure, one of his hands moving from her chest to instead grasp her cock between their stomachs, squeezing it, then starting to stroke it as he pulled back out, his strokes keeping sync with his thrusts.
Like many she had wondered what it would take to get him to show any emotion at all. Well this obviously worked and she liked it, even though still composed he was making nice sounds, sounds she planned on hearing a lot more. Fala smiled when he said she'd have a chance to fuck him silly soon.

But he had a way to making her moan too, her breasts were sensitive and it was easy, though soft a small moan escaped her when he grabbed them again. The first hard thrust made her gasp in pleasure, her body now having adjusted to his large cock. Then he grabbed her cock, which twitched under his touch and she moaned a bit louder and he really started to fuck her. She held onto his ass as he he did so, but him jerking her off at the same time was amazing, though she wanted to spill that load in his ass. It took a little bit for her to grab his hand and stop him from jerking her off. "I'm going to put this load in your ass." She whispered in his ear and guided his hand back to her other breast.
Severus was surprised when she grasped the hand he had on her cock and pulled it away, but when she revealed her plan for could he refuse? "Very well....if you think you can endure for that long..." He growled, then grasped her breasts a little rougher, squeezing them as he started to thrust into Fala's body harder and faster, grunting with every single movement he made. His hands were squeezing her, pinching her nipples occasionally before leaning down to capture one in his mouth, sucking on it hard, enjoying every second he was tasting her body. "Nnnngh...." His cock twitched inside of her. It had been so long that he was already nearing his limits....besides that the lust and passion he felt for this girl were too matter, there would be times to relax and enjoy it later on...right now he just wanted to fuck her raw and hard.

Severus pulled his mouth away, standing upright in order to fuck Fala hard and deep, shaking the desk beneath her, his grunting becoming louder, his movements becoming less and less controlled. He couldn't care less about any consequences right now...all he wanted was to do this. With a loud cry that echoed around the dungeon, Severus gave one final thrust before his cock twitched and erupted with cum deep inside of Fala's body, spurt after spurt flooding inside, years of built up frustration and lost passion all being released at long last.
((Sorry it took so long))

Fala had every intention of holding out long enough to do just that, she didn't know if she could though. He certainly wasn't making it easy for her. With his hands teasing her breasts, somewhat roughly by now, but it was exactly what they both seemed to need after waiting for so long. She loved those hard thrusts, her moans coming every time he rammed his cock into her.

She gasped when she felt his mouth on her tits, damn he was good with it, her cock beginning to leak more pre cum as he was getting her close to the edge and it was getting really hard to not cum, even with no one touching her cock. She looked up when she felt the cool air on her breasts and his thrusting became harder.

She was glad when he finally came, she wouldn't have been able to hold out much longer. She felt his cum enter her pussy, flooding into her like a damn breaking. He'd been leaking a lot of pre cum before she had no idea how much was coming out now, just that it had to be an awful lot. She looked down and by the time his orgasm seemed to have stopped she noticed her belly was a bit swollen from the amount of cum inside of her and she loved it, feeling so full. "Now it's time for me to fuck that lovely ass of yours." She said, but she was still trapped between him and his desk.
((hehe, no worries! It's a busy time of year for everyone!))

Severus' hips twitched throughout his orgasm, his cock jumping slightly inside of her as he pumped a plentiful amount of cum into Fala's body. He had been building it up for a while...not to mention he'd had one or two potions in recent weeks to increase his semen production, though that was more to do with self gratification than expecting anything like this to happen. Once he was finally finished cumming, Snape looked down at her body, rather surprised to see the slight swelling in Fala's normally flat stomach right where her womb was....he had cum more than he thought. As she spoke about her fucking him....a thought about what his potion would to do her unique body did cross his mind....perhaps he'd have the opportunity to find out.

"Well...I suppose it is that time isn't it? Well then..." He slowly pulled away, grunting as his still hard cock slipped out of Fala's pussy, allowing some of his cum to spill out of her over the desk and floor. Severus moved slowly away from the desk, turning his back on Fala and then bending over slightly, placing his hands onto one of the work benches instead, presenting his ass to her. "If you really want're going to have to come over here and take it for yourself"
When he pulled out only a little bit of what he'd pumped into her spilled out, but it was still quite a lot. She looked at his desk and floor, seeing his cum and the fact that he was hard still. She watched him as he walked over to that workbench and bent over.

"Oh I intent to." Fala said and walked over slowly. The first thing she did was slap his ass, enough to sting, but not really hurt. "Tell me something ever had a cock up your ass before?" She asked, sounding so casual they could be discussing the weather. Either way he had a nice ass and she planned to take her time. She squeezed his ass and let one finger move over his asscrack, pushing against his anus, but pushing in this time. She wanted him to like this, love it even and she needed more information.

She wiggled her finger inside, feeling around as it slowly entered further, stretching the tight channel. Then she put a second finger in, slowly, carefully, teasingly. She was wiggling around her fingers to try and make him moan, really moan....
Severus looked over his shoulder at Fala as she approached him, watching her breasts and cock bounce with every movement, cum dripping from her pussy down her thighs and onto the was an incredibly erotic sight, he certainly had no problems staying hard with being able to see that. "Certainly not...I have no interest in men, despite the many rumours circulating to the contrary..." He shivered as she squeezed her ass, then turned his head away so she couldn't see him bite his lip slightly as her finger brushed across his ass, then slowly started to push in.

Snape closed his eyes, doing his best not to make any sound, whilst his ass squeezed at even just her finger tightly, even moreso when she added the second finger, wiggling them around. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't stand it...he couldn't hold back a low, deep groan of pleasure which echoed around the classroom.
Gotcha. Fala thought, knowing fully well that severus was very good at keeping his composure that moan told her all she needed to know. She rubbed her fingers against the same spot to hope for the same result. She felt the angle and knew which angle to use and how to fuck him right, she wanted him to scream in peasure, of course with someone as composed as Severus Snape that would be anything but easy. She kept teasing that spot for a while to be sure.

Then she decided she'd need lube of some kind, a spell would do it, but that wouldn't be very erotic. Instead she offered her cock to his mouth. "I think you know what to do." She said with a grin as some precum appeared on the tip. Besides she wanted to know what his mouth would feel like and this was as good a chance as any.
As Fala continued to rub at that same spot Severus couldn't help letting out another moan of pleasure, followed by another and another as she pressed against him hard, his low voice echoing all around them in the stone walled dungeon. Then when she withdrew her fingers he gasped, clutching the desk beneath him tightly, his cock twitching beneath him, pre-cum dripping to the floor. He felt harder than he'd ever felt before after that stimulation....and it was all only just beginning.

He looked up slowly as Fala presented her cock to him, his glance moving back down to watch the cock infront of his face twitching, dripping pre-cum. She was right...he did know what to do. Slowly he moved forward, parting his lips and taking the head of her cock into his mouth, suckling it curiously, this was his first time doing this with a cock after all. Once he got a little more used to the taste, he slid forwards a little, taking a little bit more of Fala's cock into his mouth, tasting the girls shaft as it throbbed in his mouth, swallowing at her pre-cum.
Fala smiled and moaned softly when she felt his lips close around her cock. She figured this would be the first time he sucked on a cock and the slow and curious exploring was a big tease. She looked down seeing her cock going further into his mouth. The sight was so erotic. She moaned again, a bit louder as he continued and seemed to be getting the hang of this rather quickly.

She could see him swallow, knowing he was swallowing her pre-cum it too aroused her even more. She looked at his ass and squeezed it as she felt him suck on her cock, he'd have to slick it all the way up before she could put it in his ass, at least without ripping him apart. She didn't want to cause any damage, nothing too severe at least.
Fala's moans were like music to Severus' ears...he most certainly wanted to hear noises like that wanted to hear them all the time...oh if only that were possible. Well....perhaps summer and Christmas holidays would be rather more interesting from now on...not to mention far less lonely.
Severus' got just over half of Fala's cock in his mouth before he started to experience some difficulty...this was his first time after all. He tried to get a little more of her in his mouth, but he didn't quite seem capable of it just yet....but with practice perhaps he'd develop that skill.

As an alternative, Severus' suddenly pulled his mouth off her cock, leaving half of it glistening and dripping with his saliva, before moving to start running his tongue up the shaft, making sure to start drooling all over the parts of Fala's cock that he hadn't been able to suck on, making sure to get the entire thing plentifully lubed up in preparation for what was to come next.
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