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On Open Roleplays...

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Nov 10, 2012
I have more of a personal concern over a question. I understand the whole "post your character before even thinking about joining an open RP" thing, but...the one I want to join is already a significant way in. My question is, should I wait for the activity to die down a bit, or should I just go ahead and introduce my character? As an additive...would it be considered courteous if I choose the first option?
If this is for Open RP, you are free to jump in at any time. You do not need an invitation or anything along those lines. You are indeed within your right to just make a profile and join in the fray and fun. Group RPs is another story. For those, you should do the courteous thing and read up on things, contact the thread/RP creator and proceed from there. Hope that helps you out. :)
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