The Evil Running Through Your Veins (Snake Plissken & Outsane)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Zachary sat in his cell watching as the dementors passed by. He had been in Azkaban since he was seventeen, after Voldemort was killed by Harry Potter Zach was brought in along with a few other death eaters that had been caught by the aurors while trying to make a run for it through the forest. After Voldemort fell a lot of the death eaters that had gotten away lost their loyalty to the dark arts but not Zachary even though Voldemort had killed his father Severus Snape in the shrieking shack Zach stayed faithful. He blamed both Dumbledore and Harry Potter for his father’s death after all if Severus had never tried to protect Harry Potter then maybe he’d still be alive.

There had only been one successful escape from Azkaban prison and that escape was made by Sirius Black and if a blood traitor like that could escape then Zachary knew he could. He remembered just how Sirius escaped, the man had transformed into his animigus form and slipped right past the dementors and that was exactly what Zach was going to do. It had been 15 years since Zachary was captured and locked in Azkaban, he had 15 years to think and plan and for both the muggle and wizard world that was a very dangerous thing.

It was just about time for the evening rounds and Zachary had a window of time to do what he planned to do. Two minutes before the dementor making the rounds came to his cell Zach transformed into his animigus form, a large grey wolf with piercing blue eyes. With a loud clank his cell door was opened and the dementor peered in, Zach walked right past the thing and down the hall. A few of the other prisoners gave him a smile as he passed, mainly death eaters, they all knew the man had plans and that sooner or later they’d be free again. It didn’t take long for Zachary to get outside of the prison, as soon as his paws hit the ground outside he ran as fast as he could until he was a good distance away. When he felt safe enough he transformed back to his human form and apparated to Spinner’s End.

Walking around the house Zachary looked around and began to gather a few things, he took the time to take a shower and tidy himself up before apparating to Malfoy manor. When he got to Malfoy manor he made his way up the path leading to the large house then knocked on the front door. It wasn’t long before a small elf answered the door, “M-may I h-help you s-sir?” ,the elf asked shakily. Zach looked down at the creature with disgust, “Where’s Narcissa?” ,he snapped, his blue eyes staring into the elves large green ones. “GO GET HER ELF!” ,Zachary snapped when the elf looked him over for a few moments. “Y-yes sir” ,the elf replied before scurrying off to find Narcissa. Zachary fixed his tie as he stood and waited and after a few minutes the door opened again and Narcissa looked at the man before her and Zachary looked at the woman standing before him, she had aged quite a bit but was still absolutely beautiful in Zachary’s eyes. “Narcissa” ,he stated quietly. The woman simply stepped aside with a look of shock on her face, Zachary stepped inside and took a moment to look around, “I see things haven’t really changed here” ,Zachary stated after a few moments of silence.

“How did you escape Zachary?” ,Narcissa asked quietly. “Would you like a drink? Something to eat? You look terrible”.

“Of course I look terrible Narcissa I’ve been in prison for fifteen years, as for food and drink that would be lovely I haven’t really eaten much in fifteen years” ,Zachary stated in response. “So tell me Narcissa how has life been for the Malfoy’s since I’ve been away? Lucius get his job at the Ministry back? Did Draco get a good position at the Ministry as well?” ,he asked sarcastically.

“Yes” ,Narcissa responded honestly before making the elf prepare the man some food. “We are terribly sorry for what happened to you Zachary you know if there was anything we could’ve done we would’ve”.

“No need for apologies Narcissa I’m not here to talk about the past after all I’m here now right they couldn’t hold me forever” ,Zachary stated with a smile. Even though the man was slightly bitter with the Malfoy’s Narcissa had helped him out a lot when he was younger and for what she did he owed her. “I need a place to stay and a wand could you provide me with those things”?

“Of course Zachary you are always welcome here” ,Narcissa stated. “DRACO!” ,she called. Soon after Draco appeared, as soon as he seen Zachary standing there the man went speechless, “Draco go grab Severus’ wand and bring it to Zachary” ,she stated. Draco nodded then made his way up the stairs to get the wand. When he returned he handed the wand to Zachary who took a moment to look at it before placing it in his pocket.

“So anything new happen since I’ve been gone? How are the kids Draco?” ,Zachary asked. When he received no answer he sighed and let out a small laugh before taking a seat in one of the chairs by the fire place. It was clear that there was some tension between Zachary and Draco and the man found it pointless to try and speak to the man at the moment so he simply ordered the elf to grab him a drink when it peered it’s head around the corner.
Bianca ran her slender fingers through her crimson-dyed hair while reading over the newspaper. It was relatively uneventful as usual. It contained the news about politics and Muggles. As terribly interesting as they were in the most sarcastic way she could imagine. Her finger twirled around one of her curls. She had a remarkably similar hair style to her late mother. The only difference being she did her best to tame it and dyed it an obviously fake red hue. Her eyebrows told her true hair colour, a medium-dark shade of auburn. Her face resembled her mother's, but not hallowed from the years of Bellatrix having her hope devoured from her soul. Her lips bore the semblance of her father's, a thin upper lip but a full lower lip. Folding down the newspaper, she heard the door knock and glanced up. Who could be visiting this time?

The young woman kicked her legs off the arm of the chair she sat in and she replaced the pillow she used to prop her back on the other arm onto the couch on the other side of the room. As per her habit, she grabbed her wand resting on the night stand beside her bed and opened the door quietly. No one should really know she was staying at her aunt's and uncle's house. In fact, no one should really know she existed. Her parents wanted her to rise up from their ashes and reacquaint the world with their demented views once she was strong enough, but she knew there was no point with the Dark Lord gone. Their dreams and aspirations for her fell upon a woman more interested in controlling her own life and fate rather than follow the doomed footsteps of her parents.

Once down the stairs, she kept to the last step and listened as the two voices spoke. She recognized one as her aunt's, but the other was unfamiliar to her. Bianca watched as Draco left the room and climbed the stairs shortly after being summoned there. An arrogant smile curled on her lips at the sight of her cousin still being ordered around like the submissive dog he was. She leaned against the hand rail and propped her chin up on her hand and purred. "Playing fetch for your mommy still," her dark brown eyes watched him as he walked past her and she added. "Doesn't she have house elves for that?" and giggled.

She had to make the best of living a secluded life. While she had been permitted to attend Hogwarts under an alias, beyond that she was strictly meant to stay away from those who would recognize her. Her parents begged her aunt to keep her safe and out of sight, which she obliged simply because they were blood. She was raised like Nacissa's daughter, the idea pleased her very much and she instantly became her favourite while Lucius, however, maintained a similar slight contempt towards her as he shared with his son. Bianca got curious as to who was visiting their home. She knew most of their regular visitors, but this one sounded younger and more hardened, like he hadn't had his life handed to him on a silver platter. Being as quiet as before, she walked down the steps and eased over to the doorway, keeping hidden and pressing her back against the wooden wall.

Carefully, she leaned over to try and catch a glimpse of their visitor, but she jumped back startled when Draco walked before her and she gasped, then covered her mouth. Her mind strung together a colourful, unlady-like string of curses at him as she glared in the direction he vanished. Finally, without any disruptions. Bianca crouched down and quietly peeked around the corner and was met by a sight full of couch. Scowling, she slid up the side of the wall and stopped when she could see the visitor. "Who is that...?" she asked quietly, while narrowing her eyes, trying to figure out who he was and why he was there.
There was a brief moment of eye contact between Zach and Draco before the dark lord came into the room, Draco had an expression of utter terror mixed with sadness and Zach could tell that Draco didn't want the dark mark but Zachary was over joyed to receive his and become a part of the Dark Lord's army, something that didn't sit too well with his father Severus Snape. The man sat there and watched as his son smiled. Voldemort walked up to the two boys slowly Zachary knew that the dark lord could sense Draco's fear and so did Zachary's father, Severus feared for the boy and knew he wasn't cut out to be a death eater and the task that Voldemort had planned to give him was a very serious one.

Voldemort grabbed Draco's forearm and pressed the tip of his wand to the boy's skin and muttered a spell, Draco cringed in pain as the dark mark appeared on his arm. When the dark lord finished with Draco he turned to Zachary who already had his forearm presented and ready to receive the mark, Voldemort grabbed Zachary's wrist and did the same as he had done to Draco Zachary didn't cringe or even blink from the pain, instead he had a twisted smile on his face. After both of the boy's received their marks Bellatrix cackled with glee as she looked at the two of them, Narcissa simply kept her head down only looking up a few times when she was spoken to. After the dark lord left and the other death eaters that were there to witness the two boys get marked left Narcissa sat at the table with Severus, Draco and Zachary, Bellatrix was roaming around the dining room jumping with glee. She was probably the happiest out of everyone in the room except for Zachary who couldn't stop looking at his arm and touching the mark.

"It feels good doesn't it boy?" ,Bellatrix asked. Her voice was low and almost a whisper as she spoke, "I felt the same way when he first marked me". The admiration for the dark lord was clear in Bellatrix's eyes every time the woman spoke of him she got that look in her eyes and it made her look like a lovestruck teenage girl.

"It feels great" ,Zachary replied. The smile still on his face, it was clear the boy was devoted and willing to do whatever the dark lord asked of him, Zachary had no idea that Severus was really working for Dumbledore as far as the boy knew his father was a devoted death eater. Severus had thought about telling his son the truth but it was too late now Zachary was in too deep he had the same beliefs as Voldemort and he stuck true to them and Severus feared for the boy.

Draco sat quietly just observing what everyone was doing and listening as Zachary and Bellatrix spoke to each other. He knew deep down that he wasn't cut out for this and he too was looking at his forearm but his feelings about it were completely different from Zach's. The boy was scared and didn't know what to expect.

Later that night Zachary and Draco went to Diagon Alley to grab a few things they needed for school when it started. The two boys ran into a man that worked for the Ministry of Magic, Zachary knew the man all to well his father had spoke of him many times and Zachary had seen him around Hogwarts a few times checking up on things for the minister. The man was a supporter of Dumbledore and Zachary felt the need to teach the man a lesson. A twisted smirk came across Zach's face and Draco looked at him with confusion, "Cover your face mate and follow me" ,Zachary stated before pulling his black scarf over the lower half of his face and making sure it was secure enough to where it wouldn't fall off. Draco hesitantly did the same then followed Zachary into a nearby alleyway where Zach pulled out his wand and pointed it at the man. "What are you doing?" ,Draco whispered in shock. "Relax mate I just wanna have a little fun" ,Zachary replied. He then muttered the imperius curse under his breath and lead the man straight into the alleyway and out of sight from anyone who may be walking by. When Zachary got the man right where he wanted him he lifted the imperius curse only to use the cruciatus curse on the man. Draco stood there in utter shock he didn't know what to do or say and it seemed like hours before Zachary had finally stopped torturing the man. Zachary then turned to Draco, "You're turn let's see how strong your crucio is mate" ,he said with a challenging tone followed by a devious laugh that sent chills down Draco's spine. Draco froze up after raising his wand Zachary waited and waited for Draco to take his turn until he finally realized that Draco wasn't going to curse the man. "It's alright mate let's just get back to the manor, you need to grow a stomach though mate you'll be fine" ,Zachary stated with a tone of disappointment. The two left the man laying in the alleyway Draco felt bad in a way but Zachary had no remorse and was even proud of what he had just done.

Draco cringed at the memory then simply flashed Bianca a quick glare as he walked past her after the comments she had made he was in no mood to play any games. When she asked him who Zachary was he pulled her to the side and whispered, "That's Snape's son he's come back here and is going to be staying with us". While Draco feared the man he still considered Zachary family and a very dear friend from his childhood, the two had grown up together and even received the dark mark on the same night. Draco peaked around the corner to see if Zachary was paying any attention to him before continuing, "He's a very dangerous man so be careful and try to avoid him".

"Draco who are you talking too?" ,Zachary asked right before taking a sip from the glass of whiskey the house elf had just brought him. "Don't be shy come introduce me to them" ,he continued with a smile on his face.

Draco sighed then looked at Bianca, "Let's make this quick alright" ,Draco stated before stepping into Zachary's view. He motioned for Bianca to follow him as he made his way over to Zach.
"Snape's son," she asked with a tone of disapproval. "That Mudblood-loving traitor?" She had very little respect for Snape and anything about him. Since his betrayal of the Dark Lord and the discovery of his affection towards Harry Potter's mother, Bianca had a less than favourable opinion of Serverus. She rolled her eyes at his warning. What harm could that traitor's son possibly do? She couldn't take Draco's warning seriously even if she wanted to. He was an even bigger coward than Snape was and living with him was like the rotten cherry on her sludge sundae. At least his mother was the last respectable person in the Malfoy family.

Bianca would make a point to avoid the others in the house except for Nacissa. She liked her since she was the only one whom she could relate to, and because Nacissa was blood-related to her mother. She felt like there was a platonic connection between herself and Nacissa and she always enjoyed her company. Her aunt treated her like a daughter and she was always grateful for it.

When Draco was asked to whom he was speaking with, Bianca shook her head furiously and waved her hands, silently telling him not to say she was there. Of course, he ignored her request and offered to give a quick introduction. Her lips pursed together with displeasure and she scowled at him. She'd get him back for this later, though now, she'd introduce herself and get the pleasantries aside so she could avoid him like Draco. Bianca stood in the doorway and bowed, dropping her head and cascading her hair to the side gently and standing back up to present herself properly. "Bianca Lestrange," she said with a fake graciousness. "And you are...?" She had a face and lineage, but no name. In her mind, she rolled over the amusing idea that he was named after his late father and a light smile touched her lips. 'Well, at least he's good-looking,' she thought to herself. 'And names aren't everything.'
"Lestrange eh? I'm Zachary Snape" ,he stated in response right before extending his hand to the young woman. "Why don't you two take a seat I know I want to catch up with Draco a bit and I'm definitely interested in getting to know you Ms.Lestrange" ,he continued. Zachary looked at Bianca and then to Draco before relaxing back into his chair. Draco faked a smile then reluctantly took a seat, Zachary could tell Draco was uncomfortable by the way he was sitting, how he tensed up whenever he was spoken to, and the sweat forming on his brow. "Why you so nervous Draco?" ,Zachary finally asked.

"I'm not nervous mate, Why would I be nervous? I-It's nice to see you again" ,Draco stated in response. Of course it was a lie, Draco was definitely nervous even the man knew exactly how Zachary was and although he considered the man family he still feared him to an extent. Unlike his mother Draco couldn't see past the sick and twisted personality Zachary had, he seen the man torture and kill amongst other terrible things and just witnessing the things Zachary was capable of scarred Draco for life.

Zachary was already thinking about his first move the man wanted to follow in lord Voldemort's footsteps and become the next Dark Lord only he wasn't going to make the same mistakes that Voldemort did. Of course Zachary respected Voldemort but he knew he had to do certain things differently if he wanted to be successful. The man knew he wasn't going to be able to do anything too drastic without gaining followers first, Zach knew he could get Draco and Lucius easily the Malfoy's would be too scared to refuse him. Zachary wasn't sure what Ms.Lestrange would think but he was surely going to try and persuade her to join him.
Zachary Snape. The name stuck in her head and she smiled politely once more to him while nodding. So she'd have to play nice and get to know him. He didn't seem like a complete fool like his father, so there might still be hope for him yet. Bianca turned and took a seat in an arm chair and crossed her legs while resting into the high back. Sighing a little, she decided to rehearse her history in her mind in preparation for the inevitable questions of her past that would be brought up. She was born a year before her mother died and kept in hiding by her gracious aunt. She went to school with a fake name and had done nothing since. That was a perfectly decent history if she had ever thought of one. The less he knew about her, the better. The last thing Bianca would need was some man poking and prodding into her life just because he felt it was the polite thing to do for the sake of conversation. Who did he think he was, anyway? He thinks he can just show up and she'd be willing to 'get to know him'? She leaned over to one side of the chair and propped her chin up with her hand as her fingers traced along her lips and watched with disinterest.

Her eyes flickered over to Draco as he spoke and a soft smile played her lips. Was he really nervous around Zachary? What could Zachary possibly do that would make him unable to hide his discomfort? Granted, Draco was a coward and pampered weakling to begin with, but he was usually good at masking his fear with snide comments. Yet he didn't attempt to with him. Her brow arched, intrigue piqued and she got comfy in her chair while goading Draco. "Oh come on, Draco. You're stuttering like a shy school girl." She smiled playfully while watching her cousin. He was so easy to tease and get riled up, just like a child.

There was a quiet moment between them and Bianca ran her tongue across her teeth as she thought of a question to ask their house guest. Shifting in her chair to sit more upright, she said, "So, I heard you will be staying with us. D'you have business around here?" She'd pry into his life first, get the information she wanted and decide whether or not if he was worth her time. Giving Draco the creeps was a plus, she's always wanted to frighten him just with her presence and she's met some one who was able to do that. She heard Lord Voldemort could do the same.
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