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Deadly Afterlife

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Nov 15, 2012
Ever wondered what if there is an afterlife after you die? Of course there is but you do not go straight into heaven or hell. Here you are in a limbo, inbetween the two. Father of heaven and Father of hell will be the ones deciding whether you go to heaven or hell so enjoy your stay your wait will not be a bore but enjoyable.

Wraith had just finished escorting another ghost into the afterlife. Soon he will be decided what rank he shall be. Wraith wad ranked Grim Reaper. He knows when, how, and who will die, he owns a death note and a scythe. "Right over there boy the archangels will help you decide what rank you will go." Wraith pointed to a group of archangels talking to a few Fallen angels, the boy glided over to them and joined in.
Joy was in the passenger seat of the car talking to her hubby looking back at their kids with a smile on her face. She was in heaven life could not get much better then this. She turned her head back to her hubby just in time to see a car out of the conror of her eye and she yelled out "look out". but it was too late they had been hit bad. She had blood on the side of her head and she felt pinned down she could hear voices then everything went black. That day would be the last day joy would ever see her family again.

Lilly was a ghost for the longest time she could remember and she floated over to the grim reaper as he was escorting a boy over to some angels to be ranked. she looked sad just floating there watching she felt kinda alone for the longest time .
Lawliet's job was one of the real busy ones as he is a guardian angel. When one or more needs guidence, he's the one to summon. Lawliet was amongst the poltergiest who were known to haunt people but all ghosts, daemons, and angels speak to the living through mind, dreams, and oujia boards."
Leila sat in her home, all alone, her heart torn in 2. "I can't believe it" she sobbed. "I can't believe he's gone." She sat there, still in the attire she was wearing to her fiance's funeral. He was her rock, and had helped her out of the darkest times of her life. Without him, she could feel the darkness overcoming her once again. "There's only one way" she thought, "if I can't have you in life, than I shall join you in death."

It took her a little bit to get everything in order. She managed to write a beautiful goodbye note to her parents, and laid it where it would be found, if and when her body was discovered. After a few moments relishing the last few breaths, she placed the rope around her neck, and jumped off the chair. She felt no pain, only saw darkness. Her body quickly went limp and cold. She was gone. Her spirit was now at the mercy of the dead.
Wraith saw a young woman by the name of Leopard and walked over to her. "Welcome to the afterlife my dear. We will soon see what rank you will be. So please take a seat anywhere." He gestured.
There was no telling how long Leila was floating in the darkness. Time no longer had a meaning. A light was seen off in the distance, and she could feel her body being pulled towards it. Upon reaching the light, everything was a bit fuzzy. She felt weird, different, than her normal self. Although, now that she was dead, what was her normal self? She didn't know. As things became more visible, she looked around and noticed what looked like a room. Many other people, well, the essence of what used to be people, were seen sitting in chairs. She walked over and sat down in one herself, waiting for what would come next.
Lilly floated around watching wraith at work and thought boy today was a busy day for the grim reaper. She soon looked over and saw a young woman laying there boy she looked pretty too. She floated over to her and held out her hand saying "the name is lilly what is yours" The young woman opened her eyes to the ghost and let out a scream then sat up and said "where am I where is my family " Lilly smiled and said "your dead my dear and sorry you lost your family they are not here but i can be your friend if you would let me". Joy looked shooked and cryed for a minute then said "okay my name is joy".
John was a starving writer, literally. At 19 he left from home and started his life, with a friend. barely making end meat at a small gas station but it was his life and he could do anything he wanted with no one to brother him.
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