Married Life (Facade x Albedo)


Nov 20, 2012
The group had just come out of the from the Mountain Path as they reached Mandain Sari, haven met Eiko on their way and being taken to the destroyed summoner's village to learn more about the eidloons Garnet could call forth. She had been too busy wondering about about Eiko's gift to also summon them, wondering if there was any kind of connection between her and the villiage to even think about what her and Zidane had to do at Conde Petite to even get on the Mountain Path.

He had freaked a little about it when she had the idea, but it was the only way to pass and get to the Lifa tree to stop her Mother and to find Kuja. She was willing to do anything, after all, Quina and Vivi also had to get married in order to pass with them. She was also ignoring him a little, not out of spite but her head was a million miles away. Not to mention Eiko seemed to be talking his ear off about how grown up she was and that she was able to take good care of herself. Obviously trying to impress him.

When they came to Madain Sari itself, the whole place felt familiar to her, and that didn't help her mind being ignorant of Zidane's feelings. She was impressed that Eiko had managed to live here all by herself for so long, even if she did have a company of moogles. The whole thing was saddening, and the whole place seemed to hold something that she couldn't put her finger on that was relevant to her.
Zidane walked with a bitter stride towards the back of the group. Ever since they met Eiko she had not left his side and was rambling on about childish things that he was pretty sure he stopped listening to hours ago. He really wanted to speak to Garnet whom was going by the name Dagger now, about their marriage that took place at Conde Petite. He knew she probably had a lot on her mind lately. Finding out about other summoners, and trying to find out a way to deal with her mother, it was a lot to take in. He happened to have found their marriage important to him, but it didn't seem like she felt the same and he wanted to be able to have a talk to her alone about it. Traveling with group that contained a little black mage, a giant gluttonous humanoid and now a little six year old kid that won't leave Zidane alone was making it very difficult.

After walking for a day Zidane spots a town not to far in the distance. He turns to everyone who seemed to be dragging his feet behind him. "Lets stop over there and see if they have an inn we can stay in for the night. "We can make out way to the Lifa tree tomorrow." Zidane points with his thumb extended to a town down the road. The large Lifa tree could be seen from where they were but it was at least another half a day walk to it's base.

Zidane gave his group a nod as they walked past him heading in the direction of the village. His eyes met Garnet's as the turned to walk in the same direction. Hopefully tonight he'll be able to talk to her.
Nodding with the rest of the team, only to pause a second when Zidane caught her glance. She wondered a little what that was about, thinking that perhaps he was getting fed up of Eiko talking his ear off constantly. Her wanting of Zidane's time made Garnet a little lonely, but she didn't mind really in the end. It gave her time to think for herself while she walked, not wanting to burden anyone else with her troubles. It was already a lot for Zidane and the rest of them to accompany on this journey.

The trip into the village was certainly a welcome one, being just as exhausted as everyone else was when they finally reached it. It was small and filled with the same type of people that lived in Conde Petite. She didn't speak much either when they reached the inn, giving everyone a small good night before departing to her room. Hopefully they would all understand, if they didn't she'd apologise in the morning. She didn't like being blunt with everyone, but so much was going on and without her Eidolons, she felt all the more empty. Slipping out of her red boots, and taking off her gloves was all she did before settling to rest on top of her bed sheets. Laying there for a few moments to rest her aching limbs from all the traveling.
When they reached the inn Zidane walked up to the counter where a friendly dwarvish fellow greeted them. He probably wasn't used to seeing the sort of bunch that walked through his door but was generally pleased to help them. Zidane rested his hand on the counter top looked back at his companions and turned to the dwarve.
"I need a few rooms for the night please." He said taking some gold coins out of his pocket and placing it on the counter. The dwarve took them and inspected the coins, smiled and grabbed some keys from underneath the desk.
"Let's see, a key for you." He said handing one to Vivi whom waited patiently next to Zidane, his mage's hat just poking up over the counter.
The innkeeper handed a key to Quina giving the creature a puzzled look. Next the Innkeeper handed one to Zidane himself.
"I'll take one for me and Dagg......." He was cut off when Garnet took the key for herself said goodnight and head off upstairs. Zidane looked puzzled, perhaps she wasn't taking this marriage thing as seriously as he wanted her to.
The Innkeeper handed the last two keys to Zidane and told him to have a pleasant night. Zidane gave an expression of vexation before he turned to see Eiko staring up at him.
"You can spend the night in my room Zidane." She said batting her eyelashes. Zidane tossed her her own room key and walked past her heading upstairs to his own room. It seemed as if everyone had already retreated into their own quarters.
Zidane shut the door looking the room over. It was small with a bed, a night table with a candle on top that was lit, and a dresser. One window overlooked the street below. Sitting on his bed he took his boots off and wiggled his toes stretching them out. Travelling had definitely taken its toll on this old thieves feets. He gave a bit of a sigh.
"I have to go talk to Garnet." He said to himself, "If I don't tonight I don't know when the next chance will be." getting up from his bed, he walked barefoot to the door of his room, opened it quietly and peeked his head out making sure Eiko wasn't around.
He walked to the door of a room and slowly opened the doorknob opening the door and peaked in. "Hey Gar....." He trailed off seeing Vivi putting his hat back on. Something that should never be seen. "Oh hey Zidane." Zidane's eyes were wide with shock.
"Oh I was looking for Dagger." Zidane said.
"Oh I think her rooms at the end of the hall." Vivi said tilting his head in curiosity. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing goodnight Vivi." He said before quietly shutting the door. Zidane turned and saw the room at the end of the hall light peering through the bottom. "Hopefully that's hers." He said making his way to it. He slowly turned the door knob but the knob wouldn't budge. "Garnet..." He said quietly.
Garnet had started to doze off without meaning to, the candle on her beside table still shining bright as she slept on her side facing away from the light. She was still snoozing a little as he opened the door, laying still and peaceful. However when Zidane called her name, she gave a quick start, jumping up from the bed and looking completely panicked. "No!"

Realising she was back in the room of the inn and saw Zidane in the door way, she blushed angrily. "Zidane! You scared the life out of me!" Her voice was a little hushed as he snapped at him, not impressed by his antics of trying to scare her like that.
Zidane takes a step back startled and quickly walks into the room and closes the door behind him.
"I'm sorry Dagger it was not my intention to frighten you." He says quietly to her approaching her bed.
"I just thought, it's been a while since we talked, and you have been quiet lately." Zidane scratches the back of his head looking around the room before focusing his eyes on Garnet again. "I wanted to talk to you about our marriage." Zidane steps up to her bed and sits down on the mattress. "I know a lot of stuff has happened since then plus our new companion whom has been quit the handful, so it's been hard for us to have some quiet time together, but now that we can shouldn't we spend this time together?" Zidane asks taking the marriage more seriously then Garnet probably anticipated.
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