A Fun Little Game of Cat and Spider (Vash x Bubbles)


Mar 19, 2012

Peter woke up to the incessant sound of his alarm clock beeping. He rubbed his eyes trying to wake up, groaning. "Oh man, why did I have to have class today?" When he finally came to he reached over to instinctively shut the stupid alarm clock off, but all he felt was air, not the familiar feeling of his wooden night stand. That was odd. He looked around and saw not the familiar sight of his desk or computer, not the posters he had tacked on his wall, or even the pictures he had around the room. All he saw was the plain white color of his dorm room ceiling, then he looked down and saw his bed and everything else, "Oh man not again!" He had come back to the dorm so late last night he didn't even make it off of the ceiling before falling asleep. He looked at his hand and saw that he was still wearing his suit, wonderful. He crawled down from the ceiling and and laid down on his bed, trying his he's to ignore the alarm. "Five more minutes," he said to him self as he shut the alarm off of his clock. He finally fell asleep.

When he woke up again in a jolt and looked at his clock, he was late!! "Oh man! Doctor Conners will kill me!" He jumped off of the bed and grabbed whatever clothes he could find, a pair of jeans, a green t-shirt and a red button down that he wore over it. He took the gloves to his suit off and and put his web shooters in his backpack. He ruffled his brown hair and flew out the door to his dorm. Sometimes this hero gig really killed him, all of the constant swinging around and beating up bad guys was exhausting and for what? J. Jonah Jameson to print BS about him in the Daily Bugle?! Thanks to that nut case half of New York feared him a quarter of them wan to kick his ass (mainly cops who don't like him) and the rest.... well he figured they were undecided. What was even worse was that he worked for said nut case taking pictures of Spider-Man in action or in J.J.'s words, 'Cathing him red handed in the act!' Sometimes he wondered why he still even did this job, but everytime he does the same six words his uncle said to him before he died ring like church bells in his head. 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' After last night though he knew things were about to turn south even more, so his responsibility was now on double time, thanks to a theif he just missed robbing a jewelry store. It was fast and efficient, whoever they were knew what they were doing and that made Peter think that there were about to be more of these. When he was out of his dorm building he sprinted across campus, his super speed and agility helping greatly, and he skidded to a halt at the front door to the Natural Sciences building. He fast walked to Dr. Connors classroom and silently opened the door and tried to sneak to a seat in the very back, but Dr. Connors stopped his lecture to welcome Peter with, "Why Mr. Parker, lovely for you to join us! I hope sleeping in was worth it since you missed about half of my lecture. Get the notes from one of your fellow classmates, if they should be so willing as to do so." Peter hung his head and slunked over to his seat.

He sat down and pulled out his notebook and began to take notes on the rest of his lecture. He tried to look around for anyone willing to give him their notes but he was not seeing any takers on that. "Great, what a fine start today!" He was gonna have to beg Dr. Connors for his teaching notes after class. Unless someone would step up and help him out. He was doing so well here! It was an upper level course and he was just a freshman. Dr. Connors was at first not very happy, like most of his upper level professors, that the university allowed that thinking that Peter wouldn't be able to handle and drop it within a few weeks, Peter couldn't blame him. So he did his best to be on time, attentive, and to study hard for highs classes and up until now he was doing well, but surely now Dr. Connors was beginning down the train of thought where Peter couldn't handle the work. Fantastic!
"Well, I think that does it."
Peering into the mirror, Felicia Hardy did the finishing touches on pulling her hair back. She did the traditional female head tilt, looking at herself from all angles. It was a new day, and a new school and she for one, felt like making a bit of effort. However, as she peered a bit closer into her reflection, she scowled. The dark circles were still under her eyes. She dabbed on a bit more cover up, smiling slightly. The tired she felt was worth the exhilaration of her, side job. She stole a glance at a pearl bracelet upon her dresser, and despite the temptation to wear it, left it where it sat. She couldn't risk being found out, not so soon after returning to New York. Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Felicia grabbed her backpack, patted down her black skirt, and grabbing her keys and phone, sauntered out the door.

An hour or so later, Felicia was more than a bit flustered. She was late for class, her first day. That was making a good impression. She groaned inwardly to herself, knowing she had to keep up the air of a simple student. 'If you want something, go for it 100%.' her fathers words rang in her head and she squared her shoulders. He was right, she wouldn't let this little bump mess up anything for her. Looking up, she could just see the tip of the school building just a few streets away. With a quickened pace, she strode forward, determined to do what she was best at, giving that 100 percent. As she neared the school, she saw another boy running across the lawn, and couldn't help but grin. At least she wasn't the only one who was late. Although, she was a special case, transferring into the school nearly a quarter of the way in. Yet, her finances were stable and her grades were good enough for the school to see past the strangeness of her sudden transfer in.
"100 percent." She muttered, looking up at the large school before her. She could have gone to a different campus, one that was easier and more relaxed. Yet Felicia felt herself drawn to this particular school. Perhaps it was the grandeur of the building, or the complexion of the topics she was taking. Despite the reasons, here she stood. After taking a moment to soak it in, Felicia took the first step.

She gave a tentative knock on the classroom door, opening the door with a soft squeak. She bit her lower lip for a moment as the attention focused on her.
"Excuse me, are you perhaps Dr. Connors? " She asked tentatively, double checking a piece of paper her classes her marked on.
"Yes? And might you be." He asked seemingly annoyed that she had interrupted his lecture.
"Oh, Felicia Hardy, Sir. " She muttered the last part of the sentence, "I just transferred here, I hope the board informed you I would be joining this class." She continued, her gaze fixing itself on the teacher.
"Ah, yes. I hope you know class started about an hour ago. Transfer or not, there is no excuse for tardiness. Isn't that right Mr. Parker?"
Dr. Connors seemed amused by his joke.
" Find a seat, and we can talk after class Mrs. Hardy."
Felicia gave a curt nod, and readjusting her backpack found a seat just a row down and a few seats to the left of the "Mr. Parker." who Dr. Connors had mentioned. She vaugly wondered if he was the one she had seen earlier, sprinting across the grass. Giving a mental shrug, she got herself adjusted, mind already starting to wander to the jewelry store she planned on "visiting" soon.
Peter sat in the back of the class, his head down in what looked to be his notes and some of them were, the rest were his own little notes about the one Achilese Heel to Spider-Man, his web shooters. That was the one thin he didn't receive from that spider bite and it was starting to annoy Peter to no end. He had spent months workin on perfecting them but there were still a few bugs to work out. He noticed when he took off the gloves to his suit that the plating on the shooters were dented beyond belief and needed to be replaced. He scribbled that down on his notes, 'Need stronger yet flexible metal for the wrists... Nickle-plating? Would need to be annealed.' there other notes scrawled on the notbook paper like that on a variety of things, PSI of the web fluid in the cartridges he used, the material of the turbine component, the spinnerets used to eject the fluid, Ångstrom-resolution structures of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and complexes thereof. Wait that wasn't his. He noticed the handwriting was nowhere near as messy as his chicken scratch and there were even small annotations at the bottom of the page. These were the notes to the first half of Dr. Connors lecture. There was a God! His head shot up to see a sight that caused him to smile seeing who it was.

The generous person who had lent him the notes was his red headed best friend, Harry Osborn. He was greatful for them and mouthed a thank you to her before he immediatley grabbed a new sheet of paper and began to copy the notes. As he mindlessly wrote them down he noticed that they were surprisingly good notes.

Getting off of that train of thought he returned to the notes given to him. As he did his eyes began to droop and his hand moved instinctively across the paper, copying what his eyes saw. This allowed his mind to wander to his late night activities last night. It was a standard night, the occasional car thief, a mugging or two, all and all a pretty boring night. That was until on his last swing around the city he heard alarms wail and dogs barking, the shear sign of trouble. He swung to it and caught the glimpse of a woman in a low cut leather spandex leap off of a rooftop and shoot out a grappling line and onto the rooftops where she leapt across them. He made a simple deduction and pegged her as the criminal of whatever act she committed and followed her. He didn't catch a glimpse of her face so he couldn't recognize her if he saw her on the street or anyplace at all. He followed her until she hit a roof top and then just vanish into the darkness where the lights did not cover.  Searched for awhile until he looked at the time and gave up the search. How she did that still boggled him, cloaking tech? No, not unless she was a part of some paramilitary orginization. Oh would that be fun! His first break from the boring petty criminals and into the big time of organized crime! Now he really wanted to see her again and see what she was really up to.

The excited thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Dr. Connors ending his lecture and dismissing the class. Peter quickly scooped up the notes and hurried out the room. He waited outside the classroom until Harry came out. He stopped him with a "Hi." He then fumbled around his mass of papers before bringing his sheet out, "Thanks a lot for this, you really saved me back there!" Harry nudged Peters shoulder, "You gotta show up on time Pete, I can't save your ass all the time. So, did you check out that new girl, Felicia Hardy?" Peters brow furrowed, "What?" Harry looked at him in disbalief, "You didn't see her? Figures, you always have your head buried in the books." They both laughed and move on to their next class.
Felicia could barely stay focused in the class, Dr. Connors voice becoming little more than background noise as she mindlessly scribbled in the corner of her notes page. Her attention kept slipping, both from her lack of sleep and perhaps from the fact that the class was just a bit to advanced for her current knowledge. Yet, this only made her more determined to succeed. Felicia ran a hand through her bangs, resting her chin on her palm. Her eyes slowly started to slip as she began to day dream...

It was her most recent robbery. Something a bit more high end than the usual houses of the rich, or small unnoticeable things. Besides, it had been a great night to really put her gadgets to work. The new grappling hood had worked amazingly, while the alterations in her contacts, and the balance sensors in her ears really had outdone themselves. It really had been the perfect robbery. Well, except for that Spider Man character. She had heard of the mysterious character before she had attempted her own little heist. However, she had never actually figured him to be so quick on the update. Yet, despite it all he really wasn't as good as they made him out to be. Or maybe, she was just better than she though. The shuffle of chairs and students packing caused Felicia to jump, as she realized she had dozed through the class. Giving herself a small shake, she rose quickly, gathering her things and walking out of the classroom, her view focused on the small piece of paper that told her her next location.

Her steps were so quick and quiet, it was no suprise when accidentally ran into the friend who was in stride next to the one called Parker.
"Watch where you're....!" She started to exclaim in suprise, backing up a few steps. She quickly looked up from her paper, a slight tinge appearing in her cheeks. "I mean, excuse me." She started, walking a few more steps before pausing and turning back around. Looking at the pair she stepped back over.
"Do you know where this is?" She asked, pointing at her next class which was written on the paper. Despite her usual aversion to talking with men, she needed the information, and these two looked pretty harmless, if not a bit attractive. She stole a glance at Peter.
"I'm pretty bad with finding things. " She started, the innocent lie sliding from her mouth with practiced ease. She knew how to play people, that was for sure, and no better a person to play, than a man. She looked back up at the two.
"You both were in Dr. Connors class too, right?" She inquired, figuring to get a bit more information from the two.
Peter and Harry kept walking until Harry had to break off to go to his own class which left Peter alone. That was until he turned around at the sound of a girl growling at Harry and then quickly apologizing. He went over to the two and got in where she was akaing about where her next class is. Peter recognized the course as Dr. Strohms trigonometry class, he knew that since he had that very class. He confirmed that he knew where it was and pointed her to where it it was. She asked if they were both in Dr. Connors class and Harry confidently said yes, Peter knew what came next so he took his leave of the two to allow Harry to try and charm her. Peter turned around and absent mindedly walked back to his dorm. Then he realized he had Strohms class next, not a free period!

"Oh not again!" shouted. He was going to be late to his Trig class if he didn't book it to Professor Strohms class. He sprinted from where he was standing and was now bounding toward Felicia, not wanting to crash into her he shouted, "On your left Felicia!" He juked past her on her left and immediatley saw another student heading right for him. At that moment time slowed for Peter, his spider sense aiding him. He saw the gap between the student and the front of Felicia and he took it. He made a sharp cut to the side of the student and baisically cut Felicia off and into the wall on her right. Before he could crash into it he planted a foot on the wall and took a small leap from it to continue his sprint for the class.

Thankfully the sprint was worth it and he made it to class on time. He walked in to Professor Strohms class slightly winded and he took a seat towards the front of the class and before I started he quickly pulled a few sheets of paper out of a binder in his backpack and went to Professor Strohm. Professor Strohms took the papers confused and then looked at them. His eyes widened slightly in disbalief, "Peter, this is the homework I assigned on Monday," It was Thursday, "This isn't due until next Monday." Peter gave Strohm a small smile, "Yeah we'll I thought I would get it done early and out of the way." That way there was one less stressing to worry about while out web slinging. Strohm took the papers, nodded, and waved Peter to take his seat, class was about to start. Peter obeyed and went back to his seat. He pulled out his web shooter notes as well as a new sheet for the Trig notes.
Felicia nodded at the two boys, and brushed off Harry. Few men charms worked on her ever since the incident...She shook her head, not wanting to relive those moments. With a brisk shake, she started off towards where Peter had pointed, making mental notes of the structure of the building, and the people who flocked around her. It couldn't have been more than a few minutes before she heard a familiar voice. It was the Parker kid again. She turned to see him tearing down the hall, almost as if he was running for his life. Her eyes widened as she realized, he was coming straight towards her.

"On your left Felicia!" She heard the words shouted and just seconds after tore past her pulling a particularly impressive stunt involving a wall jump and a few disbelieving students. She stared after Peter, as he dipped into the classroom just a few doors down. It seemed to her, that this may be a normal occurence for the guy. She quickly glanced at the clock and quickener her own pace, not wanting to arrive late herself. She quickly went up to Strohoms, and after a few quiet words between the two, he nodded, and she turned to take a view on the seats. There were a few in the back open, but she wanted to seem like a student who actually cared about her work. So with a quick stride, she plopped herself down in a seat next to Peter. She casually tossed her backpack under her seat, pausing only for a moment to pull out a note book, and a pen. Heaving a sign, she prepared to sit through yet another boring lecture, wondering faintly why she had picked suck difficult classes.
"100 percent." she muttered to herself, proceeding to run her hand through her hair, before resting her chin on her palm.

The class went on as a blur, Felicia struggling to stay awake. Her exploits from the previous night were starting to catch up with her. She defiantily tried to stay awake, and scribbled a few notes down before drifting off, the sounds of pen's scratching on paper lulling her into a daydream. She briefly though about her next target, but it was disrupted by the thought of Spiderman. That masked "vigilante. " She would have to be more careful of him in the future...or perhaps just take him out...
Peter was surprised to see Felicia walk into the class after he took a seat from handing in his homework. He took a quick look around and  caught a few glares from a couple of classmates. He didnt turn around until he saw Felicia come in and sit next to him, he shot her an apologetic look trying to apologize for almost running her over in the hall a few minutes ago. After that he slunked back around in his chair and waited for Professor Strohm to begin. He started off by writing down simple trigonometric identities, this week was concept review so for those who knew them, it was a free week. Peter happened to be one of those lucky ones and he only made some quick notes about some new things Strohm brought up about them and then went back to his Spidey notes. The web shooter ones were put to the side for later. The ones he was working on now was ones about his travel routes and even a little PR and camera placement notes. He was thinking about changing his travel route and going up 5th Avenue seeing as there were more likely targets for criminals to hit there rather than his old route. So he would have to place a camera on one of the taller buildings around there.

He looked up from his notes when he heard Strohm call on Felicia to answer a question. All the class turned to see of she would answer. Strohm assumed she didn't hear and asked her again, "Since you seem so interested Ms. Hardy, I'll ask again. Which formula states that e raised to the ix equals cosX plus isinX produces the following analytical identities for sine, cosine, and tangent in terms of e and the imaginary unit i?" The class waited in silence for her to say the answer or that she didn't know it. Peter thought about the question and remembered the answer. He quickly wrote down the answer on a sheet of paper and slid it to the edge of his desk for Felicia to see. The paper read "Eulers formula." He hoped she could read it. Once she did he set the paper down and went back to his notes. Hopefully the answer would help her out and would make up for earlier.

With that he turned back and carried on with his own scribbles and notes.
Felicia blinked her eyes open, realizing the class was looking at her, as well as Strohms. She was momentarily confused, and glance down at the paper before her only to realize her notes were merely a blank sheet with one word written on it.
Trig. Well that was no help.
She glanced back up at Strohms as he repeated the question, and she could feel her cheeks slowly tinge a red. It wasn't that she was unintelligent, but due to the fact she didn't even know what they were working on. Sshe tried to ignore the slight mumbling from the class behind her, and ran a hand through her hair slightly disconcerned.
"I um.." She started, then noticed that Peter had pushed a piece of paper closer to her. Eulers formula. She raised an eyebrow, and glanced at him, realizing he was trying to help her out. Perhaps as recompense for nearly crashing into her in the hallway earlier.
"It's the Eulers Formula?" still a bit tentative, but trying to sound as if she knew the answer. When Strohm nodded and continued back to the board, she gave a sign of relief. Turning to her paper, she scribbled a quick, 'Thank you!' on a piece of paper, and slid it to Peter. As much as she hated taking help, he did just save her there.
She gave him a quick smile, and leaned back into her chair, managing to pay attention for the rest of the lecture. When it let out, she turned to Peter. She wanted to actually give him a proper thanks.
"Hey, thanks for the help back there. I'm a bit rubbish at Trigonomotry." She gave a slight chuckle, rubbing her eyes to shake some of the tired away.
"So, I've run into you a few times, and never properly introduced myself. Felicia Hardy, pleasure." She put out a hand, offering a shake. It woundn't be a bad idea to at least be introduced to one of the smarter students in the class.

(sorry I got a bit short here, sort of running into a wall here. ^-^')
Peter smiled when the answer was given, though a brow was raised at the tentativeness it was given in. Professor Strohm heard it as well and decided to try and catch her off guard by asking of the tone her answer was given in. Peter heard the confidence, and maybe a little attitude, return to her voice as she confirmed it. He was expecting Strohm to call her out on it and try and verbally discipline her, but he let it slide and went on with the lecture. Peter happily scribbled some more notes down before sitting back in his chair and even dozing off a little. Thankfully this was his last morning class of this track, his next one wasn't until 2:30 in the afternoon. Perfect time to grab the stuff he needed to fix and reload his web shooters and then catch up on some desperately needed sleep.

By the time Strohm finished his lecture Peter was ready to hit the desk hard, the sleep he desperately needed was hitting him now. Professor Strohm had to come over and shake Peter a little to get him up. "Class is over Mr. Parker, go get some sleep." He smiled at the professor and got up from his chair. "Thanks professor, I think I'll go do that." He was surprised to hear a voice come from the side, the girl from before was still there next to him. She thanked him for the help and he smiled brightly, "Anytime. I'm glad to help out the less fortunate," he said with a laugh to show he was trying to be funny and not serious. He firmly shook her hand saying, "Peter Parker, the pleasures all mine Felicia."

((no worries))
The girl nodded, and quickly gathered up her things. "Well, Peter Parker." She turned to him, getting a good look at the guy. "I'll see you around."
With that, Felicia turned tail, walking out of the class room with a sturdy saunter, tucking her schedule in the side pocket of her backpack. She had no more classes for the rest of the day, and was determined to at least a bit of shut eye before the night started. Her business was far more important than any homework. She quickly managed her way home, the route permenant stuck in her head after getting lost. She scrambled up the stairs, unlocked her room, and with a tired "humph." tossed her things upon the ground. The catsuit she wore was still slung over a chair, and her few gadjets tossed haphazardly upon the small table. She groaned and plopped down on the bed, flipping over briefly to peer out the window. She vaugly wondered if she would see the spider again that night, befrore drifting off into much needed sleep.

The beeping of her alarm startled Felicia into sitting up, as she peered outside, the darkness seeping into her dimly lit room. She streached, and rose to her feet quietly, a slight smirk begining to spread across her face. With more energy, she quickly stripped of her school attire, and padded over to the table, her fingers gliding over the material of her suit. It was slick, and sturdy. She slid into the material, shrugging it over her lean shoulders and zipping it so it showed her chest. The perfect trap. She quickly slid into her shoes, and then her gloves, the white contrasting with the black in an unnecessary but wonderful clash. She flashed a sly smile at herself in the mirror, gentling placing the last detail, her mask, upon her face. Finally, she gathered her grappling hooks, flexed her hand to make sure the claws in the gloves were set, and flicked off the lights, her form melting into the shadows subconciously, from years of practice. She creaked open her window, waited for the signs of life to dissapear, and with a muted whoosh, slid from the window and into the night.

(Time skipping if that's ok, due to the fact I am pretty much brain dead for the school stuff.)
Peter didn't stick around long after Felicia left and he went to go do work that needed to be done. He went back to the University and went to their engineering department where his friend Nick was a promising student there and had a litte pull in their labs. He asked Nick if he could get him some annealed Nickle-platted metal. He got him it and he immediatley went back to his dorm room and got right to work on fixing his web shooters. He pulled them out of his backpack and took all of the dented plating off and began to work the Nickle-platting around the shooters.

When he looked up from his work, it was already dark out. He needed to get on to patrol or else he might miss something. He quickly took his shirt and pants off and reached into his backpack to grab his gloves and mask. After he had strapped his web shooters around his wrists and pulled his gloves on, he put the mask on and leapt out of his window in his Spider Suit. Time to save the city one measly little crook at a time.

((it's fine. Sorry for the wait and that it's short))
It was cool for a change, and as Felicia ran quietly across the building ledges, she could not help but relax a bit. Although her next target was a paticularly difficult building to crack, she had figured a challenge might shake off the whole school girl facade. She jumped lightly between buildings, stopping on a ledge to glance about, eyes narrowed for signs of the spider. She figured he would be out, as he didn't seem to ever sleep. Not that she would mind running into him again, for at least the guy was entertaining. She tilted her head to the sky, the black starless expanse only helping her blend into the shadows. Shaking thoughts of the spider from her head, she lept downward, landing with a slight thud onto the gravel rooftop of the jewely store. It was one with a roof access, leading into the expanse of offices and then the store itself. She had mapped out as much of the interior as possible, yet one could always be surprised at the hidden security in such places. But this was of little concern to Felicia. Regardless of a burglary going bad, she could be out before the cops arrived. Yet it was always more exciting to do things properly.

Making he way to the door, she flexed one of the thin claws hidden in her gloves, and got to work on the lock of the door. So focused was she, that she threw caution to the wind a bit. In her mind, no one else would be able to make it to the roof she was on. She let her guard drop, forgetting for a moment that the Spiderman could also climb walls as well.
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