Team Possible

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Oct 24, 2012
Kim Possible had a new mission. She had been preparing herself a few weeks for this, training hard after school, and helping Wade to investigate the latest news about those young actresses that were suddenly acting as completely defferent selves.

It all started after after young actress and singer Selena Gomez gave an interview and she declared she hated those damned children, she hated Justin Beaver with his tiny dick, and that she would now change her career into being a porn actress.
That was what she said live on national tv. And not only she said it. Next week she had already filmed 3 porn movies, doing the most extreme sex acts and perverted acts you could imagine.

And Selena was only the first one. Then it was Miley Cyrus, Mila Cunis, the Olsen twins and a few more actresses. A huge scandal all over the world.
Nobody had any idea of what was happening. But after some investigation, Wade discovered all those actresses had been in a retirement new high class spa in a private island in the caribbean. Something was happenning there.

When Kim told her mother, Dr Ann Possible, neurosurgeon, her mom insisted in helping. There had to be some brainwashing, a drug or anything done in their brain so they changed their personality and behavious.

Kim wasn't happy with this, but she had finally to surrender and accept her mom making team with her.
The plan was infiltrating in the spa, undercover, and then investigate what was happening there.

A week later they were ready, had make the booking of a room for a weekend and were on the plane flying to the island.
The island was as remote as it was beautiful. Three times larger than Senior Senior's island, wit beautiful marble "Walk ways" a true mix of nature and human. the main building was a four story building that looked cutting edge. The entire facility was run by Dee Dee's. Many former villains hadn't gotten patents on their illegal devices so a few "Shadier" companies had stolen the designs, and were mass producing them. Although Thomas's had what were known as "Skin jobs" to took like normal humans a skilled eye would notice.

Thomas Alexander Hellsing himself, well a lot of people said he was almost a god. He'd had six degrees ((Major ones rocket science etc)) by the time he was six. He and Wade had clashed a few times and both knew each other by name. Thomas's fire walls were well more hack resistant than Wade's. However Thoma himself physically looked more like the kid who shoved people into lockers rather than the one who got shoved. He was tall at 7' 5", 500 pounds which were all muscle. The man looked like a greek god and had the natural grace of a martial artist. Almost white blond hair,brushed back into a mid back length ponytail, brushed back smooth on top, he had sapphire blue eyes and as he smiled and waved to the arriving Possibles he said, "I will give Wade credit those fake I.D.'s he made were decent but he should know I'm better at cyber detection than he is Miss Possible."

Kissing Kim's hand he smiled, he was wearing a dark blue Hawaiian shirt with red black and grey tars on it. Unbuttoned it showed off a washboard set of abs and pecks. The sleeves were rolled up. The gloves he wore were fingerless after the second knuckle black leather and reinforced. BDU bottoms and steel toed combat boots on his feet. He smiled "Amazing girl badass Kim Possible if you wanted to come here, you could have asked we here at "The Resort" are the definition of anonymity."

Kissing the elder Possible's hand he said "And the beautiful bodacious Doctor Ann Possible, skilled neuro surgeon, master of a scalpel, and recognized across the world as one of the best brain doctors on this world, I honestly can't believe Kimberly is your daughter she looks more like your year or two older sister."

He shot the woman a sexy smile and wink. Leading the two towards the resort he said, "The reason "The Resort" works so well is the fact that it has total anonymity, 300 cabins exist on this island, only communication to the outside world is a tablet in your cabin, you want any sort of food, any sort of beds any sort of company the list is literally unlimited real life holographic projectors borrowed from some aliens who crashed on this island, they make your rooms literally anything you want, from bondage dungeon to church steeples, you and your mother will be totally free to do whatever you've come out here to do."

Nodding he said, "If you want to do something else, for example swimming, or hiking, simply state what it is into your pad, and beacons will light up to show you the distance, this is to keep our residents from running into anyone else."

He lead the two to a jeep saying, "This is your jeep for your stay on the island I'll drive you out to your cabin, and then it will be locked into it so encase you get lost it can redirect you we don't have any roads on the island."

Soon they were at, well it was a beach house but at the same time that underscored it. It was a five room art deco designed beach house on a hill over looking a totally untouched beach and ocean. No pollution no well anything. A small pool and jacuzzi rested outside, the place looked like a land scape painter's wet dream full lush trees a few hundred feet from the house. This place had a serious price tag and the view alone was worth most of it.
Getting to the resort, Kim and Ann were really impressive at how luxury it all looked, nice and with good taste. If they weren't in a mission they would really enjoy being there.
They were guided from the plane to a car and right to the reception of the resort.
There was where the shock came.
That giant was the director and owner of everything, and he was right waiting for them.
And even worse was that he knew who they really were. All the cover up was lost. They almost panicked and run away, they had to fight hard against the instinct of running away safe from who they thought was the guilty of all those strange behaviours.

"I guess you caught us " -Dr Possible said with a smile - " I hope all your promises of privacy are kept for us all, we don't really want anybody to know we are here".
That man, Mr Hellsing, was being gentle, even flirty with them, showing no fear or suspicious on them, apart from knowing who they were.

They couldn't help looking at him, his huge body, almost doubling them two together. So tall, and heavy, and strong. All you could see were muscles. Quite intimidating if they would have to fight him.

Still confused from the receiving, they got in the car with him while he guided them and explained them about the resort and their cabin. That cabin was bigger than their own home, and with no lack of any luxury they could think of. Nice sights to a wonderful beach and ocean, jacuzzi, pool, big comfortable beds or anything they wanted.

Thanking him, still unsure of what was going on here, they closed the door and started inspecting the cabin. Without talking, they looked for hidden cams or mics, they found nothing. Feeling a bit more safe, they talked about Mr Hellsing, and if they should leave. They decided not, they would stay and try to investigate as it was planned, only that they would have to be very cautious.

So they settled down on the cabin, undoing the bags, getting separate rooms and getting comfortable in fresh clothes. They would ask for some dinner and rest that night, to be rest in the morning and start the investigation.
Thomas knocked on the door after a few hours jut a bit before their dinner arrived. He was wearing a wife beater that certainy didn't' hurt his physique. Tall and strong with a good reach. He was still wearing the gloves he had been before but his arms were wrapped in leather wraps from the elbow up. He was wearing shorts that went a bit below the knee, revealing wraps simular to his arms but from the knee down.

Thomas smiled as he said "I brought your food two medium done Rib-eyes, baked potatoes freshly made french bread with honey butter and sundae supplies for desert along with apple pie."

Smiling at Kim he said, "I am sure this seems awkward but I was wondering if you'd be interested in a full contact spar I've seen some of your videos online, and your style interests me greatly, it looks like a personalized mix of Parkour cheer-leading muay thai and kung fu, I myself stuffy a mix of Parkour kick boxing normal boxing muay thai and dragon style kung fu picked it up while I was with the military, and I figured you'd want a good work out before a good meal."

Thomas's style focused on power but also on reach, a skilled fighter would recognize a fight between the two would be a challenge Kim would have to move while Thomas would have to follow her, Kim exploiting openings, and hoping she was fast enough to avoid his attacks, while he had to hope he could catch Kim before she got the ten points necessary to win.
Kim accepted the challenge, some good excercise and fight would help her now her enemy. She didn't like this man, she didn't trust him, she was sure he was involved in all they were investigating.
But anyway he was trying too hard to look nice and gentle, and unconcerned of Kim being there, as if he didn't have anything to hide. That was another hint that made her suspect more on Thomas.

Thomas was big, and strong, very strong. Kim would have to take advantage of her speed. But she still didn't want to show him all her power, to keep something hidden in case of she had to fight him for real.
After some stretching, wearing some protections to avoid unnecessary damages, they started fighting. A few exchanges of hits, feints, dodging, no really punch was landed. Kim saw Thomas was faster than you would deduce from his size, really fast for a giant, still not as much as her.

Her mom watched the fight, a bit scared and admired at the two skilled fighters. Would he be as dangerous and evil as they thought? That was the question in her mind.

They fight lasted only a few minutes, no serious hit, mostly movements around each other, like measuring the rival strength, that was all, just starting to sweat when Kim smiled and stopped the fight.

"That was a good training, Mr Hellsing, but we should stop now. I don't want that delicious dinner get cold. Thanks for the fight".
With that, they headed back to the cabin. Kim wasn't sure she could beat this man.
Thomas smiled and nodded, leading them in he said I'm sorry if i seem a bit nosy but well honestly I'm just a bit impressed to see well "normal people" out here."

Sitting down and serving out the food with a practiced air he said, "I grew up state side, and haven't had time to get off of the island in almost 4 years, I love my work, but at some point I fee like an extremely well paid Janitor."

He chuckled a bit, as he said "I also like to get to know our guests the holograms are often pre set a certain way to cause the most joy for our customers, for example one of them like white pool boys some black some unable to speak English and while any of my holograms are awesome well."

He spoke outloud as the sun set "Computer initiate Thomas 15."

the walls flickered and suddenly the group was sitting on rocks over looking the most amazing sunset ever You could taste the salt in the air from the ocean the rocks were sightly sick. It was a breath taking view considering it was all fake. Thomas then said "Computer, Alpha stand by subject 1334127"

Suddenly everything took greenish tint and the rock was made of money somehow instead of rock. Thomas said another pas code ad they were sitting on a giant cookie floating down a river of luke warm caramel, the sun was a giant ice cream sandwitch.

Smirking he said "The best part is, the hologram projectors, they generate as realistic or not realistic environments as you want Computer, subject Sanfernnando valley water park Jesus mode."

They were in a crowded water park sitting O the water, the chairs and the table, however as he scooped up some "Water" drops dripped on the table flicking a small amount at the women they'd feel as if they had just had a it of perfect temperature water flicked on them. Smirking he said "Computer Rocket Man."

Suddenly they were sitting on the outside of a space ship the view was insane but perfect you could see the stars and such. Thomas smirked, "You want to sleep on the bow of the Titanic, or I myself sleep with this simulation running, however certain safety comes make sure your safe it's actually impossible to drown."

Thomas smirked as he said "Believe it or not I started this technology because of an od friend, he cudnt' go into water a rare disease but I've always been part fish, I felt bad for my friend, and when I found the technology I rigged it up he cudl go deep sea diving without any water issues it was amazing."

Thomas ate some of his steak as he said "Unfortunately, these rooms cost 5 mill a night for a reason, between energy consumption general ware and tear on parts, I end up making about a grand a night on the rooms, when you figure in world class chiefs ll the things the people who stay here require I'm barely breaking even but the struggles their worth it in the end, some day I'd like to open up an affordable version of this place imagine it "Come stay at The Apartment of your dreams" an entire family vacation for the cost of a hotel room for a night, everyone could afford it."
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