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Ohh La La ~ ♥ [ Lit.+ Female | Original Ideas && Fandoms ]

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Oct 30, 2012

  • ▐ ██ ████ Hello and welcome, everyone, to Ohh La La ~ ❤.

    • This thread is purely for smut-based searching and RP hunting. While I do stick by my preference for plot over smut, I am open to some smutty RPs with a minimal focus on plot.

      Admittedly, I have quite a few more fandoms than ideas, but I do suggest giving the fandoms a look through as well even if you do not play canon or are not familiar with the series (this is explained below). If anything here interests you, feel free to contact me via PM or IM, or simply post here.


  • While I stand by my general guidelines, I'm going to list some here that are modified to fit with smut-based RPing and to reflect this thread.

    • 001 . ] No matter the RP, I expect quality writing (proper grammar, spelling and punctuation). I love creative posts that move and develop the scene - even a flat character can convey plenty of life.

      002 . ] If we go with one character each, then I expect around a paragraph and then some to each post. If we have more? Then at least a couple of paragraphs. Yes, that includes smutty scenes. Tell what your character is doing and thinking, and expand on the environment!

      003 . ] Multi-chara is not a requirement for these RPs, but I do strongly prefer it. It is also easier to introduce harems/other sexual partners this way. Nonetheless, I expect both of us to have a "main" character. [ And of course, if you are going to ask for a harem, be prepared to offer one! No exceptions. At all. ]

      004 . ] No real people, celebrities or anything related for image references. All images should be some kind of art/animation/illustration/CG/whatever. Also related, no realistic/realism scenes. I still need and expect some fantasy and such.

      005 . ] Even though I would really love longer-term RPs here (pervy adventures for the win), I am open to short-term RPs as well. Short-term is pretty short for me, just as a warning.

      006 . ] I am still open to playing male and/or female characters in a het/GL/BL pairing, though I still want a het pairing where I play the female.

  • This little section is not for guidelines, but just some notes and specifics about the thread (and my preferences).

    • ► There will be a separate posts for kinks, covering ones that are no's and preferred kinks. However, each idea will also have kinks for it that are kind of the highlighted/select kinks.

      ► Yes, I am open and willing to play canon characters for you. And yes, you also need to do the same for me if you're even considering asking. [] I am also open to "creating" characters for each other to play.

      ► Returning to the fandom/canon/series bit; I do not enjoy or prefer playing in canon; I'm somewhat open to AU-ish stuff though. But, I like basing ideas (sometimes heavily) on canon works; thus, even if you do not know a series, the idea may still be appealing and worth discussing!

      ► If an idea is here, it's already something that I'm craving. I'll probably be able to pick out a specific favorite for a time though~. [] Feel free to inquire about any other series or ideas that interest you. It's quite likely that I will reject them, but it never hurts to ask.

      ► A pairing is not a RP. Not for me, anyway. As such, I have a premise/scenario for every idea, series and pairing. Seriously, if you come to me with just a pairing, I'm probably going to say no.

      ► As a general note, I feel that my partner and myself should both have a character important to the RP, and their scenes should be equally important as well. It feels weird to have to say that, but I think a lot of people forget it (sadly).


  • █ ▌ O R I G I N A L · I D E A S ▌█

    • Chikan Platform

      • A rather typical chikan-style plot. On a late night train, there's a young, demure woman in the corner is a rather provocative outfit.
        Whether your character is an experienced pervert or just feeling bold, he finds himself too aroused to pass up such a great opportunity
        and so he advances. What starts off as the usual groping turns into far more.

      Born Again - !

      • After a long slumber, your character (an aged vampire preferably, but demon is acceptable) and yearns for the taste of blood.
        However, once he steps out into the world and chooses a target, he finds himself yearning for their for than just blood. . .

      Now stretch this way ~

      • Your character is a coach/teacher or fellow student of my (student) character. The girls' gym uniform proves tantalizing enough for him to call
        her in his office/the gym/elsewhere later for more practice. Needless to say, things get hot and steamy pretty quickly.

  • █ ▌ F A N D O M - B A S E D · I D E A S ▌█

    • Nerdy / Otaku Assassin

      • Based on NMH, obviously! Your character is an otaku with an overbearing neighbor/friend. When she's kidnapped obviously he saves her.
        However, he wants something in return. . . what starts off as small sexual favors (maybe some picture/video-taking in cosplay, groping, etc.)
        turns into something even smuttier.

      Heat in the Cockpit

      • Your character is a mecha pilot and in a usual monster/demon beat-em-up, gets stranded and his ship damaged. However, with the time on his lands
        and lack of release of his inhibitions, he decides to take advantage of the situation. My character can be a civilian he saves, one that happens by him and
        lets him recuperate at her place, a partner pilot or whatever.


      • Not quite sure of an appropriate title to this yet, but it is essentially a superhero/vigilante RP of sorts with a different take. I've mostly themed it around Jack
        Kirby's New Gods; or more specifically, a couple of pairings. I thought it'd be fun to juxtapose a pairing similar to Mr Miracle and Big Barda against one of a
        character similar Orion and another character. One pairing is the opposite of the stereotypical relationship as far as appearances and roles, and the other
        embodies it - but the complexities and nuances of each pairing would be fun to RP, as well as allowing an opportunity for some awesome, hero-based fun.

  • █ ▌ F A N D O M · I D E A S ▌█

    • █ ▌: Assassin's Creed : ▌

      • 【 assassin x civilian 】

        【 teen connor x oc 】

        【 adult connor x oc 】

      █ ▌: Xiaolin Showdown : ▌

      • 【 heylin fighter x xiaolin monk 】

        【 xiaolin monk x xiaolin monk 】

      █ ▌: Thunder Cats : ▌

      • 【 cat x human 】

        【 lion-o x oc 】

      █ ▌: Transformers : ▌

      • 【 autobot x human 】

      █ ▌: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : ▌

      • 【 turtle x human 】

      █ ▌: ? : ▌

      • --

      █ ▌: ? : ▌

      • --

      █ ▌: ? : ▌

      • --

( premise || characters || kinks || long / short -term? )


  • ▶ I'm going to be organizing, detailing and coding the ideas + fandoms post shortly.

    ▶ The reserved post may be turned into an update and/or links post.

    ▶ I will probably be adding more to the first/top post, but nothing significant.

    ◆ As of now, feel free to message me about anything on the thread. I can clarify any idea and maybe even offer other ideas and fandoms if need be.


        • THESE ARE THE GUDLINES follow them closely

          ★ ┊▌ x Multi-chara is also a necessary thing in my RPs, of both parties.
          x x x x x I certainly don't mind working with a small number of characters, but I do love a large cast!

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