The High Elf of the Horde and the Draenei [Himeko x Dreadpaw]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
Today was the last day of summer, which made the High Elf a bit sad. Sighing to himself he figured he'd enjoy the lake one last time before fall would hit and then winter where everything froze. See Dath'Remar Sunsorrow wasn't like the rest of his people, he didn't join the Alliance with the remaining High Elves, instead he had chosen to stay close to his family who had followed Kal'Thas Sunstrider, his uncle who had found a way to curve their appetite for arcane magic by feeding off of fel magic. A foolish choice for his family, but yet he wouldn't turn his back on them. Instead he sat back in the dark and watched as they became converted into what they were known now as Blood Elves. His two younger siblings Mio and Himeko were always off doing their own thing nowadays. After the fall of their uncle they knew that they had to re-find their original paths and find a new hope. Dath didn't have that lust for magic anymore, he instead had turned to nature where he had originally stayed with. He was a druid, which wasn't rare, but the Night Elves had mainly taken that route. The Night Elves were High Elves but in a different form, like the Blood Elves, but different. As he stared at the lake, completely lost in thought he felt the warm breeze hit his hands and face as he then shook it off.

He would always stay to protect his family and even though High Elves were not really supposed to be within the Horde ranks, he was the only exception. He liked Thrall and enjoyed serving him, to him he was like another father. One who didn't abandon not only his people, but the other races who followed him. A true leader. Him and Thrall had spent many long weeks together just talking about one another as they both learned a lot. What hatred he had once bore for the Orcs was almost completely gone for he saw how Thrall was and that he wasn't like Blackhand who had once been the original leader of the Dark Horde, and the others before Thrall. Thrall was different, kind and caring, not like the other barbaric Orcs before him. Which this is why Dath admired him and begged to join the Horde so he could watch over his family. Thrall didn't care that he was a High Elf, what he cared about was making sure that one of the families under his watchful eye would be safe, knowing that Dath would protect them and other members of the Horde. Too many wars had passed and most of his family had been killed off. His family thought he was dead because of Arthas, but he had managed to get away in time by transforming into a bird and flew away. He had been watching in the shadows for far too long, wanting to tell his family that he was safe, but too afraid to do so. One day he would find the courage to do so, but that day wasn't today sadly.

He had stared at the lake for far too long as he had been lost in deep thought and then slowly started removing his gear so he could get a nice swim in before the last day of summer ended. When he removed his hood his long white hair fell out as the wind caught it, causing it to float gently. His goatee was was also white like the rest of his hair, his body was nice and tone from all of the training and working out he had done. He was a druid so he either spent most of his time in his lynx form hunting or in his bear form defending himself. He left his boxers on as he jumped into the water and normally he'd change into his aquatic form, but today he wanted to enjoy the water in his normal form. He didn't know he was being watched but right at that moment he didn't care. For all he knew it could be the other animals around him. "This water feels so great... It's sad that today is the last day of summer..." He said as he swam around in the water as he took a smiled softly before diving in deeply. His normal lunges couldn't allow him to breath under water, but he could hold his breath a lot longer than most. He swam to the bottom of the lake as he enjoyed the scenery down there before having to come back up for air. When he came back up he shook his head and laughed heartily to himself as he enjoyed this last beautiful day of summer.

After about an hour of playing in the water he slowly got himself out as he shifted into his lynx form to shake himself off dry. He then changed back into his elven form as he gathered his leather clothing and put half of it back on, leaving his top and hood off so that he was only half naked. He put the rest of his gear into his small magical pouch which was located right next to one of his daggers as he made his way to his favorite spot near the lake and laid down. He let out a long drawn sigh as he laid on his back and stared at the sky. He didn't even realize he had drifted off to sleep. But he was so calm and so relaxed that it didn't mater at that point. Nor did it mater that he was still being watched. He was comfortable and needed a nice nap after that swim in the lake.
Traveling much farther away from his home than he normally would, Krefiin knew he was bound to encounter many enemies on his journey to find greater knowledge of the other races. He knew there was no other way though to obtain such knowledge other than to confront every obstacle that comes in his path. Although like most of his people he hated to fight because it goes against everything profit Valen has taught him after all those years of studying under his leader. But he also taught him to seek every bit of knowledge he could possibly find.

Finally he came upon a lake where he could rest for a bit and be safe from any nearby threats. However, he felt something out of place around him. He noticed a blood elf Just leaped into the pond and instantly readied himself for combat."Foolish elf" he mumbled to himself ready to make the first move if need be. He hated blood elves more than any other race because of their past with his people. Further examination of the elf though as he came back up for air showed him that this elf was a high elf still. A mixture of relief
and confusion arose that was not there a few moments earlier. Still this did not mean he was clear from combat by any means.

He watched the elf for several minutes until he finally go out of the pond and began to rest. Knowing the elf was asleep he wandered over to the elf who didn't seem to be disturbed from his slumber. He made it right beside the elf and began to question if he should stay here or move along."This is not safe to be here I know but.." he murderer to himself and cut himself off on the chance of awakening him. He continued to stare down on the elf wondering what he should do now.
Dath slept peacefully as the intruder came closer to him. He could smell the stranger now and slowly opened his eyes as he saw a Draenei standing over him. He quickly shifted into his lynx form and stood on all fours as he hissed at the Draenei. "Why are you here Draenei? What brings you into Horde territory like this?" Dath asked as he kept his pose. See most druids couldn't speak in their animal forms, but Dath could. He was a rare case and he feared that if there was one here, there surely would be more. "How many do you have with you? And just how long have you been staring at me? Were you waiting to strike me down while I slept? Speak before I end your life where you stand!" She snarled as he showed his massively large canines to the Draenei, hoping to either scare him or back away slowly. Either or didn't matter to him, but he was going to make himself VERY clear to his enemy here. His golden eyes watched the Draenei carefully as if waiting for him to make a move, which if he did it would be a terrible mistake.
Krefiin was not shocked when the elf awoken, it was indeed expected of him being a druid.He then watched as the druid quickly changed into a lynx and sighed. He knew the druid would not willingly enlighten him with the knowledge he was after by simply walking up to him and offering a pleasant chat. Still there was not much else he could do.

As the lynx questioned krefiin about why he was here as well as threatened him he was both surprised and amused. Krefiin knew he could hold his own against the druid so the his snarling remarks meant nothing to him. However, never has he seen a druid speak in any other form except their own."Save your threats high elf, I am only here to better familiar myself with you'r kind. We do not seek conflict where none is needed" He watched for the elf to make a move or a reply not know how this would turn out.
Looking at the Draenei he tilted his head as he listened to his enemy. "Better familiar yourself with... My kind? Dear boy, I am the only High Elf here that sides with the Horde. My reasons are my own though. I cannot abandon my family nor will I. Alliance are not allowed here in Horde territory. If I wasn't in a good mood I'd kill you right where you stood. I can see you can hold your own, but what I have and you don't have, is age and experience." Dath said as he began circling the Draenei. It had been so long since he had seen a Draenei that he had almost forgotten what they looked like. He wanted to know the truth, to know why this Draenei was here and what his true purpose was. Hopefully his 'guest' would intrigue him. This man... Interested him. Made his elven curiosity grow strongly now. Maybe he might find out the truth and he may or may not have to kill him. He didn't want to kill the Draenei if he didn't have to.
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