Lolipops, Swords, Guns... and Zombies (Vash x Succubus)


Mar 19, 2012
The sun was rising above the horizon above San Romero, California. A new day was dawning, especially for two brothers. They were Vergil and Dante Knight, they were seniors in high school and looking to attend San Romero High School. They were average, Dante was what every high school kid wanted to be: laid back, fearless, crazy (in a good way), flippant, uncaring of authority or rules, he could be smart when he wanted to but he chooses not to on most occasions, and a witt that many crave. Vergil on the other hand was the complete opposite. Vergil is calm, cool, and collected. However, his quietness is not due to a lack of self confidence; it is because he never shows fear for anything. Qualities only craved by a few, but it had gotten him far in his own chosen profession. The profession he, and his brother, have chosen was an odd one (and a rare one at the least), it was technically doing odd jobs for the right price and they all included a supernatural element. They were hunters.  Zombies, demons, etc. it did not matter what, as long as the customer paid them well enough, they would kill it. They weren't the only ones here though, apparently the family known as Starling were prominent hunters in this city, but they were little of a challenge to Vergil, Dante merely enjoyed the competition.

It was Monday, time to go to school. Vergil was already awake by the time the alarm in the house went off. They were 18 so the state left them alone to live as they pleased. Vergil was slightly sore from the job they did last, but nothing that rest and a few asprin could cure. Dante was still rolling around in his bed trying to shut off the alarm. Vergil was cooking breakfast by the time Dante shuffled down. "You better quicken your step Dante, I'll leave you behind if you're not ready when I leave." Dante just shook it off and kept at his own pace. He finished cooking and placed two full plates on the table, Dante dived at the food as soon as his plate touched tge table. They both ate and Vergil quickly finished and left to go get dressed while Dante went for seconds and even more.

He stepped into his bedroom and went to the dresser where a mirror stood and he looked at himself. His silver hair was a mess as it hung down past his ears. He took his hands and slicked it back to its usual look, it was the only thing that made Vergil look different than Dante (he kept his down). After that he put on a dark blue v-neck t-shirt and a black leather jacket. After putting on some dark washed jeans and black shoes he went down stairs to see the surprise that Dante was ready to go with a red t-shirt and khaki cargo jeans, the younger twin with a grin on his face. They both went out to the car, a red vintage sports car that their father left them,  and drove to school, Vergil not fond of the idea but Dante was excited to go. Before the car took off they each put on a charmed jewel to hide their silver hair, Dante wore a necklace and Vergil wore a ring on his right hand. The charm made their hair a dark chestnut color.

When they arrived Vergil saw only what he expected to see. The popular masses all flocking to the symbol of mediocrity, Dante saw it as a chance to meet some pretty girls and flirt his way through the whole school. They both got out of the car  and Dante whistled and cooed, "Oh Vergil look at all of them!" Vergil ignored him and pulled out a book he was reading. Still Dante continued, "Cheerleaders, preps, dorks, goths! All hot!" Vergil shook his head and walked on, his ice blue eyes glued to the pages while his periphery watched for the crowd, "One of these days Dante, all the female population will ban together and deny you everything." Vergil moved on to find a quiet place to relax before the starting bell rang.

"No, no, no! I don't want to hear about your stupid scholarship anymore!"
"Juliet, this isn't just some scholarship. This is my life."

"Well, you were my life and currently, you kinda suck!" A little cherry bomb cried out from the corner of the courtyard, her freshly kissed-eighteen face flushed in frustration as she folded her arms across her chest. Turning her head, her blonde hair swayed with the movement of her ponytails while she huffed and puffed at the once star of the football team: Nick Carlyle.

"Ugh, I swear. You're impossible!" The much shorter beau of hers threw his hands up in frustration, his fingertips accidentally slapping against her San Ramero Knights-printed chest. The bubble-voiced blonde's head snapped back towards him, her blue eyes sparkling with rage before her hand was rushed across her boyfriend's cheek, marking it with the latest gossip across the schoolyard.

"Don't you dare touch me! We are through, you here me? Through!" The captain of the cheerleading squad declared loudly, causing the student body to turn their heads in interest. Nick found himself taken back both by the stinging sensation laid upon his face as well as her startling words. With doe eyes, he looked at her in panic.

"No, wait, Juliet. Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you. We can work this out," he stuttered, fumbling for words to make the zombie-slaying cheerleader change her mind. But it was too late, for Juliet had already turned her skirt to him and marched off. Dust kicked up at her heels and Nick knew by that time, it was over and there was no talking sense into Juliet until her temper relaxed. Which would certainly take some time.

Meanwhile, Juliet shook her head, rubbing at her eyes to hide her frustration into forming into a visual gossip. Her daddy taught her to be stronger than that. Besides, she was eighteen now and it was about time to act like an adult. It wasn't that Nick had "touched her," for if that was the problem, they would have been over by their second date. It was that ever since their almost apocalyptic experience with the undead and Nick was conjoined with a brand new body that wasn't up to "football standards," he had been a complete jerk!

"He should be thankful I saved him. That meanie-head dick!" At least he wasn't just a head anymore, right? Anyways, his scholarship had been challenged into university since he wasn't exactly the star of the San Ramero Knights anymore and the newest addition to the bench warmers. Juliet suggested him trying out for the tennis team or even the bowling team since he seemed to be such a big hit at it during their little adventure, but Nick would have no thought motioned towards it. Ever since the football team downgraded him, he had been so sour towards Juliet. Dates became slim and affection began to disappear soon afterwards and it was almost every time she complimented the chance of her squad winning nationals that she got snapped at by Nick. "I don't care Juliet!" Yeah, sure. What a jerkoff.

"Juliet, I heard you and Nick broke up!" Juliet heard one of her squad members yell out after her but Juliet just waved her off. Wow, that was fast.

"I-I have to go show some new students around school. See you at practice!"
Vergil wandered the school walkways as he looked around to view his fellow classmates. They all seemed like the common stereotypes to him, but he was always the over critical one so it could be pure opinion that drove him to these conclusions. Still, in his mind he only saw them as they were, a means to an end. People that he may never known to work as a stepping stone to greater things. "Means to an end," he muttered smugly to himself. Now it was time time to relax and enjoy reading more of "Inferno" the first part to the divine comedy. It was funny to think that Vergul and his brother Dante were named after characters in this book and yet Vergil had only started reading the book only weeks ago. It was so funny to think about it that it actually elicited an audible chuckle from him. It was not his usual chuckle of haughty derision like it normally was, it was genuinely about the comedic value of his thought.

He found a spot under a tree in a courtyard and decided that it was as good a spot as he could find, so he took it.

He sat beneath the tree and rested against the thick trunk. He reache into his bag and pulled out the red leather bound book with the word Inferno pressed into it and painted a deep good color. He began to settle into the book when two teenagers became very audible. He looked up to see that it was a rather unusually short man talking up to an all too familiar cheerleader, Juliet Starling. Just seeing her brought up the reflex to draw his katana, but he only grabbed air as he realized the time an place. Not now, and not here. Here was school, he was here to learn. He would have to play nice with Starling for now and wait for nightfall for the real fun to begin.

Whatever the two were shouting about was pointless to him so all he heard was, "Wah wah wah wah wah." He went back to his book to only be assaulted again by the sound of Dante whooping and hollering about something as he saw the boy run up to him with slits of paper. "Five, Vergil! Five numbers already! This place is paradise, oh why didn't we move here sooner?!" Vergil only shook his head and read aloud,
“Consider ye the seed from which ye sprang;
Ye were not made to live like unto brutes
But for pursuit of virtue and of

Dante rolled his eyes at Vergil, "Buzz kill dude, buzz kill. Why do you have to get all poetic and serious about stuff like this?" Vergil shut the book to look at him, "Because at least one of us has to, Dante. One of these days you might learn why." With that he returned to his book.
"Ooh, geez! How am I supposed to know what they look like? 'Show the new kids around.' Well, what do they look like, for crying out loud?" Juliet bickered to herself as she marched around the courtyard. Juliet was the "pride and joy" of the school since the zombie attack and ever since, Juliet seemed to do everything for the school. When the school received a check from the governor for the repairs, Juliet was the one who took it. When the school opened back up after the repairs, Juliet was the one who cut the ribbon. Juliet was the one on the front page of the newspaper. And now Juliet was the one showing around new kids, like as if Juliet showing them around was going to further their opinion about enrolling in school. The blonde huffed in further agitation, crinkling up a wrapper as she tossed a lollipop between her teeth.

Her eyes scanned the area as she placed her hand roughly on her hip, giving everyone her "warrior's eye." Her sister taught her how to scout better than this. She could do it! She didn't come from a family of zombie slayers for nothing. If she could handle the undead, she could handle figuring out which kids did not fit in with the others.

"Oh, I wish I didn't have to do this today. I'm, like, so totally falling in out of love with Nick. Where's the sympathy?"

Then, she saw them. Two boys nearing each other, one being Mr. Bookworm-Dramatic-Pants while the other hovered over him with his hair falling down, unlike his familiar faced brother. Twins. That was right! They were twins. Suddenly, it was as if the argument between her and Nick had never happen from the glee of her accomplishment of spotting the twins.

"Hey! Hey, guys!" She cried out, waving her hands to flag them down. Funny to do, taking into factor that they weren't even moving. The cheerleader dashed to them, skidding to a stop whenever she approached the tree to have her overly heavy bag she carried everywhere crash into her side. She winced but smiled, trying to play it cool as she removed the candy from her mouth.

"You two must be Dante and Vergil. Nice names, a bit tragic much, huh? Well, I guess not. Wasn't it a comedy or something? Anyways, hi! Welcome to San Ramero High. I'm Juliet Starling. Star and captain of the San Ramero Knights cheerleading squad. We're going to Nationals this year, did ya know? But anyways, I'm also your tour guide here to the wonderful -- and recently rebuilt -- San Ramero High. Officially undead free since 2012, if you've heard the news," Juliet babbled on, steadily keeping a smile on her face as she zipped on senselessly. She rocked on her heels as she talked, making big gestures whenever she was excited -- which was with practically everything she said. "So which one's Dante and which one's Vergil? Where do you two come from? What made you want to go here? Do you play sports? I hope you two aren't football players. Football is so out of season this year -- literally -- so why not try out the bowling team? I heard they're doing good this year. Might cheer at one of their events. Are perhaps the book reading club? B-O-O-K. What do we read? Books! Think it could work? Wait, does the Book Club even go or have events?"

The cheerleader exhaled. "Anyways, it's nice to meet you!"
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