The Underdome (Vash x thewhiterabbit)


Mar 19, 2012
Pandora. It was a strange place.  A place where those with strength could prove themselves with nothing more than a gun and a bit of willpower. It was a place that could ring four unlikely people together who all shared the same goal, to find the planets largest stash of alien weaponry and tech. Was the intel about it strong enough to go on? No, it was just local legend, a few coincidences, and a strange key, but it all led to The Vault and the four "Vault Hunters", as they were called here, still believed The Vault to be what they were looking for.

Moredcai was only looking for The Vault was because it was what the galaxy owed him. Awhile back he was a part of a sharpshooting league that brought guns, prizes, and fame to the best of them. Mordecai was part of the best of them, but he was too good. During one of their competitions he decided to make it a little interesting, when it was his turn he didn't pull out his rifle like the others, he pulled out his pistol. He stepped up and fired six shots, all bullseyes. When he did there was a giant uproar from the other contestants saying that he cheated and it was unsportsmanlike. Even though Mordecai could prove he didn't cheat he was banned from the league for life. Now, with his buddy Bloodwing, he scowered the six galaxies in search of guns and loot of the highest caliber, it was what the universe owed him for screwing him over like that.

So that's how he ended up hear, in the Deep Fathoms, riding around in a vehicle with Roland driving, Lilith in the front seat, Brick on the gun, and him on lookout with Bloodwing in the sky. It was a humdrum kind of day, no exciting missions, no bounties, nothing that could pull Mordecai out of his boredom. That was until he heard a screech from Bloodwing. The bird came shooting down from the sky and on to his forearm that was stretched out for her, "What's a matter blood? See somethin' good out there?" Bloodwing screeched again and lept off of his arm to pull ahead of the car. Mordecai moved to where Roland was and banged on the driving cage. "Hey! Bloods found something, let's check it out!" Roland nodded his head and manuvered the car to where it was following Bloodwing. Mordecai was hoping that it was soemthing worth their time.

When Bloodwing came to a stop so did the car. When they all got out they were greeted by a flashing neon sign, probably what Bloodwing saw, that flashed "Moxxi's Red Light" and little off in the distance Mordecai could see what ooked like a large stadium being built and another sign saying, "Mad Moxxi's Underdome". "Red Light? Underdome? What the hell is all this and where did it come from?" Mordecai asked out loud as if someone was there to answer him.
Moxxi relied on an army of claptrap's, humans were too expensive, lazy and stupid to bring her dream to life. Someday the Underdome would be seen all over Pandora the second she found out how to send out a video signal along with the audio. Until then she would scatter her hollo-tapes to ever two bit town. Her kids were no help scooter was six weeks overdue on a one week milk mission to find some skags. She was worried she would finnish the dome before finding Mr right for the fourth time.

"Cog what am i supposed to do with a toilet in my kitchen" She yelled to her lead claptrap her childhood servent. The machine turned around and pointed to a stain an oil stain on the blueprint, one he made just yesterday. Moxxi ran her finger through her short black hair no point in getting mad. I will not throw this clank of a cliff, i will not throw this clank of a cliff she repeated in her head. She needed to be finished yesterday already the local bandits were breathing down her neck.

She noticed someone watching her threw a scope she ignored him she had more then one stalker already. "We need those skags scooter what do you want me to do throw the claptrap's at them" That would be good for a laugh but not much else, all of five seconds of shooting and she had hardly enough. "I don't care about that just come back and bring the skags i told you to get. God her son was dumb, not skag dumb but dumber then a claptrap.
Mordecai decided to take a better look at this "Underdome" so he pulled out his handy dandy sniper rifle and took a look through the scope. "What do you see Mordecai?" asked Roland, "Anything Badass?" chimed in Brick. "Stadium structure," Mordecai responded back, "Standard metal shell, couple stories high, I'm guessing lots of bleachers on the inside for spectators but it could just be hollow. Looks like a bunch of Claptraps building everything and- hello mama!" Everyone asked what and Mordecai only chuckled, "Just one fine ass looking woman in a red jacket  pacing around what looks like a foreman's  office. I think she's on an echo." He looked back to see that each hunter had a bit of a disappointed look on their faces thinking that Mordecai had spotted a stash of guns or a clue to the vault. 

Mordecai's curiosity was peaked so he went and hopped in his usual spot on the car and slapped on the metal again. "Come on, let's go check it out!"  Brick, Roland, and Lilith looked at each other and gave the "we've got nothing better to do" look and they all got in. Roland started the car off and they all drove towards the Underdome, Mordecai a little giddy to see what the Claptraps were building and even more to see who that woman he saw was.
Moxxi safes were bursting with guns, acid, fire, electric, and even new types never before seen anywhere. She watched a claptrap being slowly crushed by a crane and laughed out loud. She noticed a vehicle moving on her place not a raider there was no smoke belching from the engine and no skulls or flags. She stood watching it skit to a stop after running over several skags which vanished in a spray of blood and bone. The vault hunters everyone knew them but no one had actually scene or talked to them.

"If you're hear for loot i you will have to face my mighty claptrap army" The robots turned then turned back and started to finish there work for the day. Damn traitors she would have to punish them for that. She looked them up and down, four of them one woman, one giant man, one average joe and the peeping sniper from before with a hawk. "Pretty birdy She cooed stroking under its chin. "so what do you want the underdome is not finnished as you can see i still need some opponents for my competitors"
The car finally neared the dome, running down Scags (Mordecai slashed a few with his sword) and Roland brought it to a skidding stop when they were close enough. Mordecai's earlier recon was right, the alloy on the outside of the dome was standard fair here on Pandora, able to withstand a lot of bullet holes, but still penetrable with a big enough shell from a launcher. It was a few stories high and wide enough to fit a large arena on the inside. As they looked around they saw a woman, the one that Mordecai saw through his scope, come out from her room and shout at them about a mighty Claptrap army. Mighty was an interesting adjective for them. The yellow boxes of annoyance and comedy certainly didn't have the programming to be a formidable force. Just to show that fact Mordecai quickly drew his pistol and popped a shot off in one units eye. It screamed and wheeled around a bit before getting over it and returning to the construction work that the others were doing. "Some army," Mordecai chided, "You thinkin' about giving up that loot now?" 

The woman came down and began to look each of them over, Mordecai did the same. She was tall with curves that women would murder for. Her chest was... well endowed, made prevalent by the fact that her red parade Marshall style jacket was being stretched to its limits. Her face was plastered with makeup, but Mordecai assumed that she had a pretty face when it all came off.  She finally got to him and she petted Bloodwing under her chin. Blood cooed a bit and nuzzled into it. "Funny," Mordecai said, "Blood doesn't usually like strangers." The woman continued on and explained what the Underdome is. "So it is an arena," Mordecai said. "So... what's the prize of winning this here arena? Guns, money, power? All three?"
He was confident she thought he had to become a vault hunter, the lifespan of which was measured in days. She sat on the hood of the vehicle crossing and uncrossing her legs to keep dust from gathering. "Well i was going to have five rounds of five waves, but i was thinking i might have a grand opening, a hundred gunslingers one at a time the survivor, i mean winner of each round gets a token to refuse one challenge" She held up a perfectly manicured finger.

"The prize if someone wins every match, is anything they want save the dome, even a night with little old me" She blew a kiss at all of them but the bird and the sniper were closer to the center of her attention. "Man woman or skag i will honor the winners request as if it was god himself" She stood up brushing herself off her makeup already caked with dust and crime lousy planet.

"So sign up fast only a hundred spots in all" She winked at them and vanished through a door. she did not ass each player could also bet on the match putting up money or gear against there opponent, oh well.
Mordecai couldn't help but stare as she moved around the four and answer his question. She finally settled on sitting on the hood of the car and crossing her legs over and over again, tempting him to just try and catch a peak. The only thing that drew his attention away was the prize and the competition. Going up against 99 other losers for anything he wants? Too easy to pass up. "So two go in, one goes out? My kind of game." She left after blowing a kiss to each and Mordecai was left antsy.

The three moved to the car and Mordecai was shocked, "Come on guys, this is easy! All the loot these guys would bet on themselves just for us to take!" Roland shook his head, "Sorry Mordecai, I think we've got more important things to do." Mordecai stepped back towards the entrance. "Fine," Roland said, "We'll be in New Haven awaiting your obituary." The three others left and Mordecai moved towards where the woman left. "Hey!" he wanted to say he name but she never gave it, "Sign me up!"
Sprocket took his blood type, name date of birth as well as his measurements for any accessories he may need. It was the normal group pf freaks and rejects that couldn't get into Crimson Lance. A few stood out one was a cyborg with an arm that looked like a small arsenal. His name was Jackal go figure naming himself after one of the smallest predators on a dead planet. She stood above them all announcing the first match up between Jackal and Mordecai good to hook the audience from the start.

"First round pistols have double ammo and do double damage all other weapons are cut in half" Jackal gave her a look but she was not fazed one bit. Rule changes kept things interesting and sometimes it was all she could do to level the field. The arena looked like a power station with sniper perches an barricades to hide behind. "I want a good dirty fight, break the rules and you wont live long t regret it" Se had turrets all around the stadium to cover every inch. The other contestants were almost all watching they ma have to fight the winner.
After Mordecai signed up a Claptrap unit came and collected his personal information. It was interesting to list all of it, but it was more interesting to figure out why she needed it. Make an accurate death report incase he didn't make it to the end? Who knows, maybe she just wanted it for stupid reasons. After standing in line with other losers Moxxi announced the first match. It was him and some guy named Jackal, he looked like a freak show. The other contestants stepped away and Mordecai faced his opponent.

Before the round started Moxxi announced a rule, pistols get double everything. Mordecai could only chuckle, "You've made his too easy for me!" The match began and Mordecai dashed for cover, preferring to drag this out for fun. Jackal had no pistols so he charged forward to try and maul Mordecai with his arm. "Blood, go!" he said to Bloodwing and she leapt from his arm and flew at Jackal. She rose and dive bombed him with her beak and then fluttered around him with her claws slashing occasionally. Mordecai jumped from cover and slowed his breath. It was a deep inhale and a deep exhale as he lined up his pistol to Jackals heart, kill shot. When it was steady he pulled the trigger and the bullet fired, only stopping as it buried into Jackals heart.
Seconds later a panel slid away on jackals leg to reveal a scoped magnum pistol. "That it boys and girls you may now collect you're winnings" Jackal was dragged away by a large skag she simply called red. The next fight began some knife thrower against a woman with a flame thrower. Moxxi left the arena to get a drink after five minutes all weapons were band and the two had to go hand to hand. It was pathetic it was clear neither one of them had ever fought without weapons.

"Spring give me a double" She asked pulling up to the bar fifty rounds would take the rest of the day. Cog was watching over the game making sure no one broke the rules or had outside help. A few of the winners were at the safes collecting there prices which included a revolver that shot grenades. the gun had a hell of a kick but was weighted to remain sable even in rapid fire. "A drink for anyone who won in under a minute" She offered "oh yeah for free this rounds on me" She swallowed her drink why was every guy covered in tattoos or piercings, or half robot, its not that sexy.
Jackal dropped after the bullet entered left center mass, apparently he didn't replace his heart along with his arm. After he rolled a round in convulsions a panel in his leg slid out to reveal a scoped pistol, it was nice but not as good as the one he had, it didn't have a scope but it packed a better wallop firing two rounds per shot (not as good as a grenade but better accuracy). He picked it up anyway, it was useful to get him some money. He didn't immediately go to another match so he left the arena and moved over to celebrate with a drink. He let Bloodwing go out for a hunt and entered the bar. 

He saw the woman in charge and heard the offer of free drinks. He ordered himself one and grabbed the seat next to her. "So," he began, "What compels a woman as pretty as you to build an arena?"
Moxxie watched the next fight torch having beat knife to death with her flamethrower which was legal, because while a weapon it was not used to shoot fire but as a club. "Oh this and that money, fame, fun not a lot to do on Pandora but fight or fuck, and i ain't been getting a lot of the latter.

Not that she didn't have a lot of offers she just was not the lovem and leavem type so many women on Pandora were. Men outnumbered women at least ten to one meaning women could either choose, or not depending on if they could defend themselves "What about you why are you searching for the vault, besides money and fame" Moxxie asked turning around on the stool to face him.

He was not the normal fighter not the size of a mouse or loaded down with and arsenal. "Also how did you get the bird most of the ones i see try to fight you over kills" Everything on teh planet was either trying to kill you or fuck you. Skrags like dogs would mount anything they could, skrag, human even car. Moxxie smiled more then one paint job ruined by a skrag.
Mordecai 's drink arrived about the same time as the fight ended. The woman with the flame thrower finally struck the guys head hard enough to snap his neck and sever the spinal chord. He downed it in a big gulp and listened as the woman gave her reasons. He laughed at her lag little quip about being on Pandora. "Yeah, that seems to be it." Mordecai was sure that there was more to do here on Pandora than gunslinging and putting more notches on your bedpost, there was something more here. People just havent found it yet. but for the sake of not upsetting his host he agreed with her. 

She turned the question around on him and asked what was his purpose for the vault. "Well that's an easy question to answer. It's what the galaxy owes me. I was the top shot in a shooting league, but people started getting jealous and bitchy so they kicked me out. I was denied my share of the guns and money those rejects are getting now! So if the vaults got the loot that the legends say it does, then I'll call it even!" The drink must have been stronger than he thought, he normally didn't get this boisterous  about the topic. Luckily she asked a much more relaxing question and Mordecai was able to calm down. "Blood? I found her as a chick on Themis while I was still in the league.  I thought it strange that she was far from her home planet, but I didn't question a gift when it was given. We've been companions ever since." Thinking back on the times he and Blood had brought a smile to his face. 

"So what's your name anyway?" He asked, finally getting around to it. "I think I should at least know the name of the leader of this arena." And my prize he thought to himself.
"Moxxie, mad Moxxie to my friends simply mad" She laughed downing another drink before standing up. The next fight was a skrag trained against a crimson lance one of the big ones with a shield. The guy looked tough but she did not know what was under all that armor. "And why do you want to know about little old me, not thinking of asking for me as a prize now are you" Moxxie began to walk to the arena it was getting late and many of the fighters looked ready to pass hot.

"Want to watch from the top" Moxxie asked pointing to the top the skag trained was trying to double team the crimson lance. The lance struck the skag with a stun baton knocking it out with one hit. The trained began to run trying to get to some kind of weapon she could not see. "I guess he used the skag as a pack animal as well" Bad idea in a fight to let you're gear get away from you.
"Moxxi huh? So why do they call you 'Mad' Moxxi?" It's interesting to hear that she's called "Mad Moxxi", was she really crazy? That may be true since she decided to make a bar and a death stadium out in the middle of nowhere, but he was sure it was just a nickname that someone gave her and it just stuck. He stood up with her and began to walk to another part of the arena to catch a better view of the current fight. A bunch of Skag's against one Crimson Lancemen. "Puh, serves him right," he mocked as the Lancemen scrambled for a weapon.

He was about to leave to find Bloodwing when she asked if he wanted to view from the top. "Sure," he said, "Lead the way."
Moxxi laughed everyone liked to ask no one liked the answer. "Everyone thinks its a pun on an old earth movie, strictly 2-d but actually its just short for Madeline, Madeline Moxxi" There were only two seats hard to see from down below. She watched the Crimson Lancer drop another before one rammed his back knocking him to the ground "How could he think he only had one" She laughed slapping her knee the day was almost over. The next day would begin rounds two, three, four, and the final round. "Yeah everyone looks the same way, they think i am some bondage queen, a regular man eater"
When Moxxi gave her answer Mordecai pondered a bit. She said everyone thought that it was a pun form a movie and he thought about a lot of the old movies his dad showed him. "Mad Moxxi," he repeated over and over again until he started to make the connection, "Mad Moxxi.... Mad Mox... Mad Max! The Road Warrior!" He fist pumped a little figuring it out, or at least he thought he did. Then he stopped for a moment realizing another pun. "The Underdome... The Thunderdome! You are such a rip off Mox!" He verbally jabbed at her, trying to have a little fun with her while he followed her up to the her little tower where they were able to catch the end of the fight, the Lanceman was finally dropped by a pack of Skag's. "I don't know why he thought there was one. You wouldn't make it that easy, except for little ol' me. That pistol rule made it all too easy."

He sat down next to her and listened as she talked about how people thought she was a bondage queen. "Can you really blame them? It seems like you get a kick out of watching people get shot and mauled by Skag's. Also the leather jacket doesn't present a good case." He idea of her being a man eater was funny. He laughed at it, "Man eater? Now where would they get that idea?"
Moxxi threw up her hands she didn't even watch the movie who watches a movie that could be a biography or you're life. "And i bet the nickname you have is so much better, what is it more, or ki" She asked watching two men take each other out with close range shotgun blasts to the face. Great they would posthumously declare the one who lived longer the winner of the round. "As for eating men only eat the liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti" She smiled showing all her teeth which were very white, straight and not pointed like fangs. "Look people talk and this dress gets peoples attention which is good if you want them to listen" She watched the next pair a sniper and an engineer he had mines and a turret. "So what do people say about you and the bird"
Mordecai out on a face as if to say "excuse me?". "My name being original? Sure there have been some Mordecais over the years, but none like me, Moxxi." Mordecai had an ego about himself, claimin to be the best marksman in the galaxy and to be all original. Then again, there was one time when he was reading a rifle book that talked about how this Corproal Mordecai revolutionized the idea of how a military should be efficient with superior marksmanship rather than raw firepower. He brushed that off as pure coincedance and allowed his ego to grow.

Moxxi still continued to talk while he was stroking his ego and made a reference to a very old movie that his father only talked about. "Ok there Hannible, easy does it." She went further and asked about what people say about him and Blood. "Nothing that's relavent. Atlas thinks I'm a poacher holding a rare bird hostage, others think I'm a cheating shooter, and others just call me a drunk. I ignore it all and just shoot em'."
Bloodwing landed on her shoulder she was quickly growing bored with the blood and carnage of the underdrome. "Yeah i feel the same way can't let people tell you what to do" She was very tired, wanted to invite him for a drink but he might get the wrong idea. Maybe later after he proved himself but they just met a few hours ago. "You want a drink, just a drink, beer maybe" She stood up looking him in the eye the bird returning to its true master. She began to walk to her room under the area floor. She did not look back to see if she was being followed. flywheel was cleaning up her room she had weapons and ammo all over the place. "You are not done already" She complained taking a cold beer from a pop vending machine before making a spot to sit on an old sofa.
He was glad that Moxxi agreed with what he did in those types of situations. He watched the end of the match as she got up from her seat and moved over into what he was assuming to be her bedroom. He would make that assumption based off of the decor of the room. The same style tha ther coat was in the same shades of red and had that flamboyancy that her coat had along with the weapons and smmo strewn haphazardly around the room.

Bloodwing returned to the area and surprisingly landed on Moxxi's shoulder. Blood wasn't really one to get friendly with newly met strangers, normally she was more accustomed to ripping them to shreds. Blood didn't hang around long on her shoulder and returned to his own and settling in and nuzzling her beak into his neck.

She offered him a drink and he accepted, "Yeah, I could go for a beer right about now."
Moxxi leaned over a cooler sliding the door open she took out two beers the cold doing a number on her chest. "You like i designed it myself" She pushed a few revolvers and speed loaders onto the floor before sitting down. Many of them were parts guns keeping top end gun top end was a full time job. Se handed one of the beers to the fighter it was so hard to remember names when most lived only minutes. "So you like to shoot and keep pretty birds and other interest" She asked pressing the ice cold bottle to her lips before taking a drink. She did not like music it made it harder to hear if someone was sneaking up behind you "I like blood, gore and sewing" She have a look that said and what is wrong with that "I mad these myself"
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