Lollipops, Swords, and Zombies (HoneyDew x Vash)


Mar 19, 2012
The sun was rising above the horizon above San Romero, California. A new day was dawning, especially for two brothers. They were Vergil and Dante Knight, they were seniors in high school and looking to attend San Romero High School. They were average, Dante was what every high school kid wanted to be: laid back, fearless, crazy (in a good way), flippant, uncaring of authority or rules, he could be smart when he wanted to but he chooses not to on most occasions, and a witt that many crave. Vergil on the other hand was the complete opposite. Vergil is calm, cool, and collected. However, his quietness is not due to a lack of self confidence; it is because he never shows fear for anything. Qualities only craved by a few, but it had gotten him far in his own chosen profession. The profession he, and his brother, have chosen was an odd one (and a rare one at the least), it was technically doing off jobs for the right price they all included a supernatural element. They were hunters, zombies, demons, etc. it did not matter what, only as long as the customer paid them well enough. They weren't the only ones here though, apparently the family known as Starling were prominent hunters in this city, but they were little of a challenge to Vergil, Dante merely enjoyed the competition.

It was Monday, time to go to school. Vergil was already awake by the time the alarm in the house went off. He was slightly sore from the job they did last, but nothing that rest and a few asprin could cure. Dante was still rolling around in his bed trying to shut off the alarm. Vergil was cooking breakfast by the time Dante shuffled down. "You better quicken your step Dante, I'll leave you behind if you're not ready when I leave." Dante just shook it off and kept at his own pace. Vergil and Dante ate and Vergil quickly ate and left to go get dressed while Dante went for seconds.

He steppe into his bedroom and went to the dresser where a mirror stood and he looked. His silver hair was mess as it hung down past his ears. He took his hands and slicked it back to its usual look, it was the only thing that made Vergil look different than Dante (he kept his down). After that he put on a dark blue v-neck t-shirt and a black leather jacket. After putting on some dark washed jeans and shoes he went down stairs to see the surprise that Dante was ready to go. They both went out to the car and left for school, Vergil not find of the idea but Damte excited to go.
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