Nymphomaina! (Retsu and Nyarly)


May 30, 2012
((If you know what Rin's outfit looks like. Then would you mind modifying it to look more sexy?))

Alyx was your typical everyday nerd. He was considered ugly by most women, fat, didn't have much real life friends, his only social life was between his family, he watched and read anime/manga everyday, and etc. He hated living his life and would often think of suicide just to rid himself of this tormented life, but he soon found the world of hentai and eroge. Somehow, it gave him the ability to live his life just so he could experience the joys of sex without having to talk to women. Everyday he could be seen playing an eroge, watching hentai, or reading an eroge comic. If ever found himself down in the dumps, just a quick play of any eroge and he would be okay again.

But even the best of things do get boring every now and again. That is exactly what happened with his eroges. He grew bored of them, and they never really gave him that excited feeling that they once did. For months, he searched for a remedy for this problem, but found no such thing. The eroge world soon faded to Alyx, and his life went back down the shitter. It was only until that he stumbled upon an experimental game only made in Japan did his hope get renewed. It took him another month, but he finally was able to get Nymphomania shipped across the states.

Ten weeks later, and the game finally arrived. It came with instructions and an introduction to the game; however, it was completely in Japanese. So, Alyx had to enlist the help of one of his online friends who could read Japanese. He translated the piece of papers, and sent them in an email to Alyx.

Nymphomania is the game for all your wildest dreams. Have you ever wanted to have sex with a girl from Naruto? Or how about Bulma from dragonball? Well you can do that, and much more with Nymphomania! Just follow the instructions within the box, and let your dreams run wild! Alyx spent the next four hours just reading the instructions how on to set up both the game and the hardware. His room was practically filled with wires at this point, but is was finally done.

"Yes! Hello anime girls! Goodbye bordem!" he exclaimed as he booted up his computer, and was instantly greeted with the main title screen. Surprisingly, the game was in English, but Alyx thought nothing of it as he started a new game and scrolled through the characters he could choose from "So many choices! So many sexy girls!" his mouth drooled at the options until he finally picked Rin Kagamine. He soon found himself inside what looked like a bedroom what a heart shaped bed, a recliner, and a couch "Hello Rin, how about we start out simple? Come join me on the couch," He said, moving to the couch and patting the cushion next to him.
The way Rin spoke, it was almost like they had been together for a while. Alyx began to wonder if it was like that for all the characters in this game, but now wasn't the time to focus on that. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her small frame as he drew her closer to him "What can I say, seeing you so sexy like that made me so excited," his mouth moved to kiss her, but suddenly the entire game froze and a menu popped up. Alyx's hands had accidentally did the motion to pull up the option menu. It allowed him to change certain things about the room or Rin. At first, he was quite pissed to find that he had pulled this menu up, but he as he looked through it. He grew more and more interested in it.

"Clothes, make-up, and accessories. Holy shit, this just made the game a thousand times better," he didn't even care that this menu made him have to wait until he could fuck Rin. He was much to enthralled about being able to make her even more appealing to her eyes "Her signature color is yellow, so why not give her yellow lipstick and yellow nail polish?" he checked both those items "And I always did like a girl with fishnet stockings," he said, giving her a pair of white fishnet stockings "And no one can resist a sexy girl with cat ears," the other options looked appealing to him as well, but didn't think they would look good on Rin. So he decided that was enough for now.

He pressed save and quickly got back into position. The game unpaused, and Rin was now wearing everything that he had checked off. She wouldn't even know that he changed things about her, and would just think that is what she was wearing when she got here. Finally, he planted a small kiss on her lips "So, how does my little slut want me to fuck her today?" he snapped his fingers and a whole slew of different items relating to different kinks appeared on a wall "We have many things we can explore today."
Alyx gave her a sultry smile as she told him what he could do to her, and he began to wonder if this would feel like the real thing. Unlike real life, he wasn't a virgin in the game and had stamina beyond what any human can posses, so he needn't worry about not satisfying Rin "All of those are such delicious choices, and you know I can never pick just one," he thought over the choices she had given him, and figured they might as well start out simple "I could go with having your sexy lips wrapped around my cock," he told her.

But his mind made him ask one more thing of Rin 'But first, I have another question for you. Do you want to just cut to the chase and start having sex right way, or do you want to straddle me so I can give you a bit of foreplay?" he let her pick, but he hoped that Rin would choose to have a bit of foreplay first. Alyx would love the chance to be able feel up Rin's body, and would one the first times he would be able to do that. In fact, everything with this game was going to be his first time, and was still thankful that his in-game character wasn't a virgin.
One thing that Alyx was starting to hate about this game was the girl's inability to have their own opinions about things. He was aware that this game was all about all these video game and anime women being your obedient little sluts, but even still they should have an opinion. He was going to have to look through the settings of the game and see if there was not a way to make them able to actually give an answer when he asks 'What do you want to do?' for now, he was just going to deal with it, and pulled Rin into his lap so that she was straddle him "I was hoping you would say that," despite having even less experience than her, Alyx had seen enough soft-core to know how to give a woman some proper foreplay. His craned his neck upwards as he pulled her into a slow, but passionate kiss and his hands began delicately running over her body and feeling all the curves that she had.
Alyx didn't mind in the slightest that she wasn't very curvy, and was more than happy to just feel what kind of curves she did have. He allowed Rin's tongue more entry into his mouth as his own tongue soon joined her tongue as it began exploring her mouth, and wrestling for control. When he felt her hand on his back, he was almost afraid that he would not be up to her standards; however, the women in this game did not see him like the women in real life they did. The game made the person to look exactly like the kind of guy that any woman would swoon over, and made sure the the avatar was exactly the kind of guy the girl would fall for, but Alyx wasn't aware of that. He still thought that Rin saw him as the other women saw in real life, but she was just acting like this because of her programming.

Soon his hands teasingly traveled to her breasts until they were playing with her apple-sized breasts. He always did have a thing for small breasted women, and that was partly the reason why he chose Rin as his first girl.
Her sudden express of saying that she had fallen in love with him partly for his body was odd. So Alyx snuck a quick look at his body and saw that it was not what he was used to. Instead, he had a body of a god and he could probably even rival the jocks in his school. His game avatar didn't do this, but the real Alyx gave a sigh as he realized that this body was going to go away once the game was turned off.

As his hands began massaging her chest, Rin backed up. Not in fear, but to give him better access to her breasts. They felt so good in his hand, and he always did have a certain love for women with smaller breasts. Sure, he didn't mind women who had large breasts, but there was nothing cuter than a woman with smaller ones. Which is why he chuckled at her question and let his other hand start to massage her other breasts "I don't mind in the slightest. In fact, I think that having small breasts actually makes you cuter, and that is just one more reason why I chose you," he gave another chuckle before he started planting kisses along her neck.
Alyx found it rather cute that Rin was staying shy like this, but was also glad that she gave him her permisson to touch other parts of her body. Not like he really needed it, but it was nice to know that he wasn't bad at foreplay. His hand was just about to snake up her shirt, but she asked if she could see "it". He knew what "it" was and it made a smirk appear on his lips "Alright, but you have to take off my pants and boxers." 
As Rin was descending down to take off his pants and boxers. His mind was reminding him about something odd in the main menu screen. It was just simply titled "what if...?", but Alyx hadn't really bothered to look at it because he just wanted to check out the girls. Now that he did have some time to think about it, he pondered over what would be inside. He assumed that it would allow the player to say "Well what if this happened to this girl?" and just go from there. If such was the case, then he had the perfect situation for one of the women in K-On! who was particularly shy. 

Rin brought him back to reality as she spoke about his cock, and a faint blush appeared on his cheeks "Glad you like it," same thing with his avatar body, he had no idea what how long or thick he was. So he looked down and found that he was the same length as he was in real life. Despite being a nerd, Alyx would easily be able to out do even the best of jocks in size. Where most men were about four or five inches, he stood at seven inches, and it seemed the game had noticed it "So, what do you plan on doing down there?" he asked, with a slight chuckle. 
Alyx still couldn't get over how cute Rin looked whenever she was shy like this. In all the different kinds of fanart people did about her, everyone usually has about one piece of her acting shy, or blushing. If these people could see what he was seeing at this moment, then they would know that how they were making her blush was far from what she was like now. So it was a bit of surprise to him as her boldness suddenly got the better of her, and she now began licking his cock.

Her hands were surprisingly soft around his cock, and that alone brought a good sense of pleasure to him. He had expected the game to just try to mimic the sense of pleasure on ones body, but found it to be a lot different. Yes, he was still a virgin and had no idea what sex truly felt like; however, he knew what it should feel like and knew that is what this felt like. It was almost like the creators of this game knew exactly how to give the right kind of texture to the game that actually made it seem like the girls were real. Even the feeling of her tongue felt like something warm and wet was running along his entire shaft. It made him place a gentle hand on her head "Getting a little bold, are we?" he chuckled "Mind getting bolder?"
((You said rape was okay, right?))

Rin's  hesitation seemed to disappear as she got bolder and bolder. Her lips were soon wrapped around Alyx's cock and she was bobbing her head up and down with her tongue always tracing his length. Oh, it felt so good, but his mind once again reminded him about that what if section. The more and more he thought about the possiblities, the more he wanted to try it. In real life, he gave a sigh as he pauses the game "Sorry, Rin, but this is hard to pass up," he pressed quit to main menu, and there was "What if...?" sitting just below the play option. Upon selecting the menu, he was given a whole slew of choices. Ranging from what girl to how they act. Alyx was truly surprised that the creators if this game had so many options in this one menu. Hell, he could even make Misty have blue hair if he so choosed; however, he had the perfect what if in his head. Mio out with all her friends and kidnapped right out from under their noses, and raped; however, she has a rape fetish and shows signs of it. After picking all that, Alyx soon found himself in a dark alley dressed in all black ~Well, this is gonna be fun.~ soon enough, he heard the sound of footsteps and girls giggling. 
Being dressed in all black and having it be nighttime really had it advantages. Alyx was able to easily hide away in the shadows and let the five girls pass on by him. He thought about kidnapping Azusa too and killing her, but figured the game didn't include violence like that. Nevertheless, he waited until the time was right and was thankful that Mio had lagged behind a little when she walked past the alley. He almost feared that she was going to see him, and she would run away; although, that would go against what he wanted the game to do. Without a moment's notice, Alyx jumped out from the alley way, put a sponge soaked in chloroform over Mio's nose and mouth, and dragged her back into the alley way without any of her friends noticing. Even though he didn't condone such actions in real life, he had to admit that it was pretty exciting.

With Mio out cold for the time-being, Alyx somehow brought her to a secluded cabin in the woods, but chalked that up to the game just interpreting his request like that. It was good though, that meant he wouldn't have to fuck her on the cement ground. He took her into a small slightly darkened room, and threw her onto the bed "Wake up, Mio~" he said, in a singsong voice.
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