Changing Celebrities's Minds (Cerberus and InMyKage)


Jan 9, 2009
First Victim: Hillary Duff

Saturday, now there was a day that could never be ignored. A day where you didn't have people bickering at you and no work to do. Just laze about and enjoy the day as it slowly went by. Plus the fact that it had now become summer only made this Saturday even better. In the Leto's darkened room the soft sounds of dog's feet were softly heard plotting on the floor before jumping into his master's bed and licking Leto on the face. "All right all right im up, gah!" He sighed and yawned and stretched before sitting up and throwing the blankets off of him and onto the bed. "All right Shadow lets get you some food." He smiled and ran his hands over the husky's muzzle and pulled on his p.j pants and a white tee-shirt. Leto knew he had to get up and at least start the days chores, feed the animals and then he could relax.

Leto then thought about it for a second and looked at Shadow. "Oh sorry boy come on lets let you go out back for morning bathroom. Sorry boy." He laughed and grabbed his shoes and slipped them on and headed to the back yard and let Shadow go and head out" Once shadow was done with his morning bathroom break he trotted back over to Leto and barked. Leto laughed and just patted him on the head. "Well time for breakfast so go lay down." He walked back through the sliding glass door and to the living room and sat down watching the news as he always did.
Its a normal day for Hilary Duff, sure being a Celebrity it was hard to do much of anything with getting, but at the same time can do just about anything she wanted. Lately though she has been looking for new casting since her last one got cancelled. She was looking forward to a lot of interviews but she had to wait for emails from directors and such. It was a lot of hard work since fired her manager but she didn't mind.

Saturday she could relax all day if she wanted, she slept until noon before getting out bed she did her normal routine in getting ready for the day. Hilary had on her favorite outfit faded jean and a red tank top. She check her phone and went to the computer in her room. She may look like a teen but she was actually 21 and lives on her own. She sat down in her desk chair and her feet stank into her plush carpet bellow as she looked through her emails. A lot of it was junk mail, a lot of fan mail, and a lot of invites to the latest parties, though she enjoyed parties she was planning just relaxing today. The sound of her mouse clicking echoed through her empty house, she lives alone and enjoys her privacy.
Once leto finished with the news he headed over to his computer and grinned. he had been working on a subliminal message bug that would play through e-mail and affect anyone that he messeged. He was determined to make it work on the lovely Hillary Duff. He knew that she had a press confrence today and hoped she would read the message before it because he would dress her. He would put her into a lovely black and brown dress and black silk stockings. he would also make it for her to show off her stockings abit just to prove that it had worked. He would make her into his own living barbie doll. And if it worked on her then he had even bigger stars to set his eyes on but right now he wanted to set it on someone whom hasnt been really big time recently. (The Dress is her picture)
Hilary clicked into a couple different emails and felt a shock on one of her fingers and felt somethings funny through her, "Ow." She said softly to herself, she quickly shock it off, she mind fogged some but she didn't seem to realize. She closed out of her email and went to get re-ready to go she had some place to go and had the perfect idea on what to wear.

Hilary dug through her closet looking for the right outfit, she had already picked one out but something made her want this one more than anything right now. She put on the tight dark dress and stalking and black high heals, she pulled her hair up into sexy pony tail. Hilary made sure her make-up was perfect and went on her way to the press conference. A lot people were shocked at how pretty and much more mature she looked in the outfit she was wearing. Everyone was use to seeing her in what made her look more like a teen now the outfit she was wearing made her look more womanly and she couldn't help continue to smile. When asked about the outfit. "I don't why I wore its been in my closet for many years but I felt like I just needed to wear it something I needed to do I guess." She said smiling brightly again.
Leto had tuned in to see the press confrence and seeing that it had worked he tweaked the influence to be even stronger. He got it all set up before sending her a message that before she went to bed she would stay in her silk outfit and set up a video camera and have it recrd her showing off her dress for her "master" telling him how she looked in it and how it felt on her. he would have her tell him how loyal of a slave she was that she would dress how he wanted her to and would do what he wanted. he would have her end it by telling her master how she could be tied up in her outfit and played with before going to bed. Once he was done he told her to upload the video to her computer and send it to his e-mail. He was going to have fun molding her before he moved on with other celebs but right now he wanted his Hilary Duff. Leto licked his lips and looked over at his dog and smiled. "well my friend it seems that this works and if it truly does there can be no end to what I can do and who I can affect."
Hilary got home and usually she would get undressed and watch something before going to bed but tonight she felt like doing something different. She went and pull out her video camera hooked it up and set it up. Her outfit came into view and soon her whole body was into view, she wore a bright smile on her face. "Hello Master, I just wanted to tell how amazing I feel in the dress. I have gotten a lot great comments at how good I look in the outfit." She explained to the video camera. She lean on her elbow and leaned her head to the side a little "You know if you want I would mind having a little fun, if you want I'll leave my outfit on, you can come and tie me up play a little..." She said with a wink before moving forward and turning off the video camera.

Hilary then up loaded the video to her computer and attacked the video to the email and sent it. She sat at her desk and play with her hair some with a little smile on her face. Hilary had no idea that someone was control her, she didn't question it at all.
Leto saw the video and grinned and was assured that it had worked. He made one last set of orders that would seal her into place as his loyal slave. He sent instructions that after her day was done she would secretly pack up outfits that she thought her master would like before packing them away and heading over to her master and being dressed and ready and looking good for his return That she was to wait in the living room for her master. He licked his lips and sat back thinking about having the lovely Hilary Duff in his home. he then went back to the orders and started working. He also added in that now she would know what she was doing but knew that she now belonged to her master and was his obediant and loyal pet that she was to always do her best to please her master.

The last thing he added was that she was from now on to always wear pantyhose or stockings on her legs. He sent the orders out and instructions for her on how to find the place. Leto looked at Shadow who barked and he smiled. "Well lets go, when we get back we'll have a lovely new addition to this house." He got a small bag packed as he had to make a small trip out but would be back by the time Hilary had come later during day. All during his trip he was thinking up new ways to play with his pet.
Hilary only needed to read the email once and it body automatically knew what she was suppose to do. She went through what she needed to before packing her back and secretly left her house without anyone realizing it. Hilary made sure to pack every piece of clothing that she thought master would like, there was a large variety. She looked at the clothes she was already dressed in, and thought about. "He's already seen this outfit..." She thought then went and changed into something just as tight and showed off just as much only the sides of the dress was cut out and laced up showing off a little more. "That's better" She said to herself putting on pantyhose and high heals.

Hilary took her second car, it wasn't as flash and making it hard for anyone to know that she left her house. She took the directions her master had given her. She parked her car took her luggage and made her way up to the house. She went into the house, just as she was told and into the living room and waited there for her master to return and find her.
All during his trip all the he could really think about was playing with his new pet who by now would of been at his house dressed up and waiting for her master, made to look good and pose and trail her fingers over her own stocking clad legs. He kept driving making his way back before he finally parked in his driveway seeing a new car there he nodded and licked his lips knowing his pet was there. He grabbed his gear from the previous day and walked to the main door and opened it. Shadow barked and ran into the house first going right past Hilary and to his food bowl and barked. Leto laughed and nodded. "Yes yes I'll feed you soon enough." He walked in and looked at Hilary and licked his lips as he looked her over. "well well well what a vision of loveliness do we have here?"
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