Soldiers on the Farm (Cerberus and Violet Submissive)


Jan 9, 2009
The sun was shining and it seemed to be a wonderful day. The country of Emmeria had seen no problems even after the Ulysses 1994XF04 Asteroid. To the people on the Emmerian side all they had seen was shooting stars as it passed over them and landed in the neighboring country of Estovokia. They had gotten it much worse with a high death toll, their government collapsing and falling to a military government. Had the Emmerian government aided the creation of the Stonehenge project then perhaps things might of turned out differently.

Back In Gracemeria the day seemed like any other day, good weather forecasted for the day and nothing seemed to be of any trouble to a small little farm outside the city limits of Gracemeria. Suddenly rockets flew over head before dissapearing over the horizon where the city would be after a few minutes someone had come out side shouting. "The Bridge, They took out King's Bridge!" It wasn't long until tanks and troop carriers started to roll down the road. Toscha got out of the jeep and looked around as he checked his rifle. "Spread out, get those people back inside." The other soldiers nodded and started to crowd the people back into their houses. Toscha nodded and laughed abit. "Soon Gracemeria will be ours."

Vao yawned as he started to get up. pushing off his covers he looked down seeing his own mutt sleeping curled up. "really you steal all my blankets then sleep under the covers, really shadow get up." The dog just yawned and cracked open an eye at his master before curling up tighter. "Get up you lazy mutt, we have chores to do before the day can even get started." He just got dressed and pulled the dog off of the bed and headed outside to the back to start dealing with the animals.
Tricia had been up before the sun rose, as usual. She had to in order to have time for all her chores every day. At 36 years old, her lifestyle on the farm kept her in very good shape. She had fairly long golden hair that reached down to her shoulders, although she almost always wore it in a ponytail. She wore a simple white dress and apron which fell over her tight, rather petite body. She stood at 5'5'' tall and had a rather narrow frame. Her breasts were a modest B-cup and her eyes were a normal brown. One thing she did cling to from city life was using makeup. She plucked her eyebrows regularly to keep them thin and sexy, for what? She didn't know. Her husband was barely around these days and her son Vao basically ran the place, even though he stayed in the guest house with his dog, unlike in the main house like the usual man of the house does.

Tricia walked out into the morning air, dawn had just broke and she relished in the smell of the fresh dew from the fields. She was originally a city girl, but married her husband when she was only 16 years old, and quickly having a daughter with him and then a set of twins, boy and a girl, a couple of years later.

She walked out to the hen house to pick up some eggs for breakfast later. She hummed a song she had written herself many years earlier, back when she was truly happy. Now her duties as a mother were the only thing keeping her sane around this god-forsaken land on the verge of war. Luckily the war had not reached their front door, at least not yet. She returned to the house to put up the eggs and then went back out into the fields to find her best cow to milk. Just as she placed her stool and bucket in place she heard a distant screaming sound.

She got up and looked to the rising sun, seeing a few small clouds of smoke rising from the horizon. Her eyes squinted as she tried to make out what they were. As they got closer her look of curiosity turned into sheer horror. "Rockets!" She exclaimed to herself, kicking over the stool she ran quickly back to the house. By the time she arrived the rockets had already sailed over their property, headed in the direction of Gracemeria proper. "Girls!!! Wake up! It's happening!" She called up the stairs and then ran as fast as she could to Vao's house. Hopefully he was already at least as much aware of the situation as Tricia was.
Toscha looked at the road map then to his driver. "Up there along the hill, a small house, Lets go and see just who is living up there. The soldiers nodded and some got back into their jeep. Toscha got back in and they drove up the road. He checked his watch for a second before sitting back and enjoying the ride noticing the people mostly obeying orders from the Estovokian soldiers. The Jeep pulled up and the soldiers got out. He made a motion with his hand for his soldiers to wait outside. Some of them looked at Toscha while others walked around the house. Toscha waited outside and watched his soldiers. He turned down his radio for a second as it was starting to bother him. He walked up to the door and knocked on it. It was true that the enemy was on their front doorstep.

Vao was outside and was hearing the jeeps pull up but thought they were just passing by for another farm or something. it was a nice countryside and people would often pass by for the scienic view. Once shadow was done with his morning bathroom break he trotted back over to Vao and barked. Vao laughed and just patted him on the head. "Well time for breakfast so go lay down." He walked back through the sliding glass door and to the living room and sat down watching the news as he always did. He stopped when he heard the knocking on the door. "Wonder who that could be."
Tricia's side began to hurt as she ran the fairly long distance to Vao's house in an all-out sprint. She came up behind the house just in time to see Vao slide the door closed. "VAO!" She shouted, but he didn't seem to hear.

The next thing she noticed was the sound of running engines. They were already here! She broke into tears realizing she was too late to get her son, but her next priority had to be getting the girls to safety. Her side was aching, now with the added burden of heartbreak as she wondered what would become of her son. She had to get back to her house though, and fast. As she ran over the small hill behind her she looked over her shoulder, falling down to the ground as a soldier seemed to turn his head her direction. Christ! She hoped he didn't see her. She crawled a bit further down the hill until it would be safe to stand again and dashed back to her place.

The girls had already woken up. Carine, the oldest at 20 years old, was dressed only in her white panties and a tank top she had cut just below her B cup breasts with scissors to make it more comfortable to sleep in. She had no bra underneath. Her long black hair spilled over her face, still sleepy and unsure what was going on. Danny (short for Daniella) was Vao's twin sister and had just turned 18 the week before. She was in an over sized T-shirt with no bra or panties. Her hair was in a frizzy ponytail she hadn't bothered to take out the night before. She had just slightly smaller breasts than Carine.

"Girls! Oh thank the heavens! We have to get out of here. The soldiers are here! We have to leave now!" Tricia said, gethering their hands and pulling them to the front door.

"But Momma, our shoes... and where's Vao?" Carine whined, still just a bit groggy from the extra early awakening.

"No time! We have to go now!"

Tears streamed down her face as she really did wonder how Vao was doing. She thought she could hear the Jeeps approaching over the hill and sprinted as fast as she could with the girls in tow past the open clearing of their main property to the stables. It was about as far as she thought they could get before the soldiers arrived. The king had called for all the horses in the land to be used in the war some time ago, as the country was on a desperate shortage of tanks to combat the superior arsenal of their enemy. The family had managed to keep one mustang with a limp, since he would be unsuitable for heavy combat riding, he could still be used around the farm.

They hid behind a huge stack of grain for all the animals, Tricia held her girls close to her on both sides. With any luck they would be able to hide out here the rest of the day and try to make their escape to the palace during the night. That was the plan. however with those rockets roaring overhead, Tricia had to wonder how much of the palace would be left by nightfall.
The soldiers by orders of Toscha had taken Vao and conscripted him into their service as they then used the house as staging while they search the outlying farms. A few soldiers moved up to Tricia's farm as they started to search their house as well. when they didn't find anyone they started to turn but then one of their soldiers said something about the barn and stables to check for supplies for their animals and to see if they had any animals worth taking and adding to their own. The soldiers nodded and turned first to the barn getting feed and bedding for animals before they turned to the stables.

One of the soldiers looked around first calling out to see if anyone was around only to be greeted by a chicken that ran out. he laughed for a second and looked over at the horse. "Well what have we here?" He started to pull the horse out but when he saw the mustang limp abit he shook his head and pushed the large beast back. "well that can't be any good." He drew his rifle and looked at the horse. "i'll put you out of your misery." He readied the rifle but thought he heard something. Turning around he looked over to where he thought he heard the noise and moved over before spotting Tricia and her girls. "You there..Out..Hands up!"
He was going to kill thier only horse. Carine almost yelled but Tricia covered her mouth and held it tight. And then they were spotted. Tricia stood up, bringing the girls up as well. She moved them behind her, protecting them from the man as best as she could. She thought about attacking the man, or making a run for it but she knew they would never make it. Especially because soldiers were probably crawling all over the farm by now.

"Take me, just let the girls go, I beg you." She said, defeated.
After the soldier had the girls step out there were more soldiers now around. The soldier kept his rifle on the women as they were grabbed and hands tied behind their backs. As that was going on Toscha and his 2nd in command walked up and looked at the women. "well what do we have here hmm?" He looked over at the house and nodded. "Im figuring that this farm here belonged to you M'am." He looked at Tricia and ran a hand against her cheek. "well I think that you and your girls will provide some well needed entertainment for me and my men." He had Tricia and her girls marched inside and brought to the living room. "You will all submit. All you need to know is that as long as you obey, You and your daughters will be safe and no harm will come to you but should you decide to disobey then I can foresee that there will be some problems arising, Do you understand?"

Toscha watched Tricia and licked his lips. "You will be safe and no physical harm will come upon you and the girls as long as all orders are obeyed without hesitation or restraint. Anything said all of you will do As long as that is followed You will all be safe and allowed to stay here on the farm and not separated." He watched them wondering if the girls would cooperate.
Tricia pulled her head away from the man's caress, frustrated, scared, and angry. She looked down ashamed, knowing no help would be coming for them. They were all marched back to the house where the man who seemed in charge gave them their new directives.

The girls started crying, but not Tricia. She had to remain strong for them, she stood up straight, head level as she listened to the men talk. When he was done, she spoke, "Please, I'll do anything you want, absolutely anything, just leave the girls out of this. They are just kids. I beg of you sir."

The girls looked down, sobbing, scared, and helpless. Tricia still stood in front of them defensively, willing to endure any evils this man could bring up her, if it meant keeping her daughter's safe.
Toscha looked at Tricia and laughed abit before he had a few other soldiers take the girls and usher them to their rooms to get dressed to look good for them. He then did the same for Tricia, He laughed telling them to look good for their new masters as he waited for them to finish. As that was going on a lottery was being cast on who would be the first to have a chance with the women. It was a while but it was decided that their newest addition to the unit and the dogs would have a go at the women. But who would get who was something different. Their newest addition was also told if he didn't do this he was most likely going to be shot.

Vao was truly worried about his mother and sisters now with these soldiers around and now he was being forced to take one of them when they got back. He kept running it through his head how horrible this was going to be but he knew that if he didn't the soldier wuld probably take them, make him watch before killing him. (their outfits are the ones from their pics)
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