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Jan 16, 2009

Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil


January 5th 2014
São Paulo, Brazil

Seven Months since the C-Virus outbreak in Lanshiang, China.

A loud roar from a motorcycle engine echoed down the road to São Paulo, riding the motorcycle was Jake Muller and he was after answers. The past seven months since had been full of questions for him, questions about his past, his DNA and of coarse his father the infamous Albert Wesker. With a pair of black shades covering his eyes as he zoomed up the dusty road he almost looked the spitting image of Wesker. Jake was clad simply in a white vest, black fingerless gloves and black combat trousers that were tucked into a pair of black combat boots.

With the city of São Paulo in his sights and a name 'The German', his only lead on a man who could potentially answer many of Jake's questions at the back of his mind he was on a mission. This information had come from some of his underground contacts he had gathered over the years of working as a mercenary, hackers and criminals who knew ways to get information on even the most secretive people but for the man Jake wanted they could only find a alias 'The German'. the man's nationality was obvious but besides that, the alias and a the city he was in Jake had nothing.

Cruising into the city of São Paulo Jake weaved in and out of cars caught in traffic jams as he made his way through down town São Paulo, his first stop was a bar on the outskirts of the city next to one of São Paulo's biggest slums. Jake thought if he asked around about 'The German' among the city's low lifes, after all how many Germans were living in São Paulo. As he made his way to the bar he drove past a Hotel where a man watched him pass from his balcony.
"Somebody's is in a rush.. jeez, has he got a death wish.." The man on the balcony muttered to himself as Jake disappeared into the distance, shaking his head he turned away from the balcony and walked back into his room that looked like something out of a police drama. With a map of São Paulo on one wall, piles of files stacked on a table and a series of monitors linked up to local CCTV.

This man was David Mullany a rookie D.S.O. Agent who had been in São Paulo for the past five weeks gathering information and setting the ground work for the arrival of his partner Sherry Birkin who was due to arrive sometime today. The Hotel was a nothing special but it was discreet and as far as the owner was led to believe David and Sherry were here as students writing a paper on São Paulo slums. David stood around 5'10" with a slim yet muscular build, he had shoulder length dark brown hair, a clean shaven face and his apple green eyes were bordered by a pair of stylish black framed glasses. David was currently clad only in a old Ivy University t-shirt and a pair of green plaid boxer shorts. He had not long got out of bed and had become very used to having the hotel room all to himself and saw no reason to get dressed.

This was David's first mission in the field, he had since held a desk job working behind the scenes helping the men and women on the ground. However even though he was tech specialists and logistics expert he was capable in a combat situation and could handle a gun. In particularly his modified Samurai Edge 9mm Beretta 92F pistol, which he received as a gift from his father's friend Barry Burton after he graduated as a agent. The Samurai Edge lay on the coffee table in the middle of the room next too a few 9mm hollow point magazines ready as a security measure. Besides the gun the room's door was locked and bolted with both the doors locks and a few extra David added himself.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

It was hot, boiling in fact. The sun was high in the sky by the time the agent departed the American government owned private aeroplane but the air threated to continue its humidity throughout the rest of the day. She took a hold of her briefcase and adjusted her gun holster which was pulled over both her shoulders, a small pouch pressing securely against her left side where her 9mm handgun sat safely. After agent Sherry Birkin had collected her single small suitcase from the luggage collection department, she was quickly loaded into a black car which would take her to her destination; a large slum in São Paulo, Brazil. She had been sent to meet a rookie agent there under the name of David Mullany to search for information about a man named Dr. Udo Berkel. She didn’t mind as to looking after a rookie, though she was positive he would be able to handle himself, but she had a bad feeling about the picture and name she had been given for her target. There was just something not right about it all.

Traffic was terrible getting from A to B and she opted just to get out of the car and walk the rest of the way when the cars began moving once again. The blond remained in the car and within the hour, she was pulling up outside a tall building with the name of the hotel sign posted on the exterior. Apparently this was where she would be staying. Pulling herself from the car, Sherry glanced to her left, then her right, her light blue eyes hidden by a pair of large brown sunglasses. The driver brought her case around to her and she thanked him before watching him get back in the vehicle and beginning back toward the capitol, the way they had originally came. Sherry turned on the spot, glancing around the place before giving a small sigh and taking her case in one hand, she began to wheel it into the hotel lobby.

The native man behind the counter spoke broken English as she stated her name and that she was meeting someone here, to which she responded with a simple nod, and then she began towards the stairs. The blond made it up two flights with ease to the second floor, where she began down the corridor making sure to look at all the numbers. Upon finding the right one, Sherry paused outside the door and moved her free hand to her sunglasses, pushing them up onto her head. Some of her blond locks slipped through, falling into place on her face while others didn’t comply with the action. The agent was dressed in a pair of tan khaki shorts which reached her mid-thigh, leaving the rest of her legs exposed before reaching her brown leather ankle boots that had a slight heel to then which laced up securely. On her torso was a simple white vest top which she had pulled over her shorts casually and that was it. It was just too hot to wear anything professional. The girl had actually flown to Brazil in a pair of tight black trousers and a long sleeved white shirt, but she had to change once she’d gotten into the country.

Raising a hand, she gave a small knock on the door and cleared her throat, awaiting an answer.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

David had not received any visitors during his stay at the hotel and even though he was expecting Sherry he was still on edge at the sound of her knock. This was his first experience as a field agent and already he had seen the darker side of São Paulo with a gang shooting happening at least twice a week in the area and the recent kidnapping of two British tourists from a near by club. David stood still for a moment, frozen on the spot with his eyes fixed on the door. His eyes looked to his gun on the table and without second thought he rushed over to the table, picked up his gun and aimed it at the door. The red dot from his laser sight danced across the worn wooden door roughly at the center where he expected an average sized man's head would be on the other side of the door. "WHO IS IT?!" He yelled confidently, the gun obviously boosting his confidence and with the situation seemingly under his control he felt like real agent though his nerves were still on edge. David awaited a response as he stood still in just a t-shirt and boxer shorts with a gun in his hand, the excitement and the humid air gave his exposed skin a slight shine as sweat lay upon his flesh.

Meanwhile a few blocks down the road at a local bar Jake had arrived, pulling up his motorcycle beside a few other motorcycles he climbed of his bike and walked into the bar as if he was one of the locals. Eyes from all around the room fixed on him as he entered the dark smoke filled bar filled with all kinds of crooks, gangsters and low lifes. Portuguese hip hop played in the background as the numerous conversations began to stop as attentions turned to the tall white man who had just walked in like he owned the place. A smug grin slid across Jake's face as he he chose to sit at the bar beside the biggest and meanest looking guy in the room.
"Ei cara grande!" ("Hey big fella!") Jake greeted the behemoth beside him in fluent Portuguese before patting the large man on the back. An angry growl was all Jake got in reply as his attentions turned to the young half naked women behind the bar. "Ei querida eu posso tomar uma cerveja para mim e para o meu grande amigo aqui?" ("Hey darling can I get a beer for me and my big friend here?") Jake asked polity with charming smile to which the Bar maid blushed and nodded before she rushed off to fetch two beers.

"Eu não sou seu amigo americano!" ("I am not your friend american!") The large man replied as he stood up from his seat. The man towered over Jake and was at least three times as wide as Jake, a mixture of muscle and fat made up this monster who glared down at Jake with eyes full of fury. By now the bar maid had returned, she gasped and froze as she saw the big man stand knowing trouble was coming. With a cold beer in each hand the young women stood shaking unsure what to do, Jake smiled at her once again and gave her a reassuring nod. "O que está errado garotão acordou do lado errado da cama de manhã?" ("What's wrong big boy woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?") Jake said in a cocky tone as he stood up to face the big guy who by now had his fists clenched and looked ready to explode. "Mãe espertinho..." ("Smart ass mother...") The large man growled as he went to punch Jake whom before the big guy could finish his sentence had grabbed the incoming fist and broke the connected wrist and elbow before throwing the huge man over his shoulder and onto the floor. With a loud thud the big guy hit the floor and everyone in the room watched in amazement. "Você deve ter o amigo tomou cerveja e uma coisa não digo palavrões na frente de uma senhora!" ("You should have took the beer pal and one other thing don't say bad words in front of a lady!") Jake added as he turned his back on the big man who lay on the floor clutching his broken arm, crying like a baby. The bar maid smiled with joy as she rushed forward and set the two beers in front of Jake. "obrigado" ("Thank you")
She whispered not wanting to appear to friendly to Jake before shuffling off to serve another customer.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Sherry waited, shifting her weight from foot to foot before she heard the male inside call out. Both her eyebrows rose for a moment as she blinked; was he not expecting her? Her pale pink lips parted to reply. “Agent Mullany? It’s me, Agent Sherry Birkin!” She reached for the door handle pushing the hotel’s wooden door open ever so slightly so she could stick her head around the corner, a smile breaking onto her face as she spotted the man. “I’m Sherry Birkin. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She continued to grin as she pushed the door fully open, making her way into the room with her suitcase in tow.

Sherry understood why he was so on edge; it was just a part of the job, a part of the job that she had gotten used to. She was so used to it, in fact, that she didn’t even realise how paranoid she could get. She didn’t think twice about moving into the room as he aimed the gun at her defensively; she was sure he’d lower it once he realized it was her. The blond closed the door behind her, releasing her suitcase to let it rest on the floor. Her eyes scanned the room for a moment, eyes on the map against the wall. She moved over to inspect it for a moment before moving past David to take a peek out onto the balcony. Her hands reached forwards to grip a hold of the rail and she glanced around, leaning over the edge ever so slightly while letting out a small sigh because of the heat.

Sherry waited for a moment, taking in the scenery. It was so different to what she was used to, she’d never been somewhere so hot or run down. Everything looked as if it were falling apart. She was sure she’d end up running into some nasty characters while searching for Berkel. Turning, the smaller female began back into the room, stretching her arms over her head with another sigh. “Oh! I look forward to working with you.” With that, she extended one hand out towards him for a professional handshake while her other rested against her side.

( Sorry for such a short post ;-; )
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Sherry's words seem to go in one ear and out the other as the door handle moved David pulled the trigger, luckily for Sherry he forgot to turn of the safety. He grew more tense and dropped the gun before holding his head in his hands. "Shit.. I am sorry... I been abit on edge lately.." David let out a tongue tied apology as he watched Sherry enter the room and walk past him. As she walked out onto the balcony he picked up his gun and set it back onto the coffee table before returning his focus to Sherry. He had never met her before but he knew alot about her, he had read her file many times in the past while he was stuck behind a desk preparing vital information for her mission in Edonia. His eyes looked her body up and down while she stood with his back to her, she was just as attractive as he expected her to be after all he had only seen photograph of her face. As she turned back to face him he shook his head before taking her hand as it was extended to him and shaking it firmly. "Its a pleasure to finally meet you Agent Birkin, I look forward to working with you too. Well working with you on the ground rather than from HQ!.. haha.." He replied rather awkwardly, still very embarrassed by chaotic first impression he just made. The sweat on his skin growing worse as his skin began to itch. "You know what I am gonna go take a shower and get dressed.. your rooms through the closed door their make yourself at home I wont be long.." He continued to speak a little too fast as he quickly made his way into the bathroom, locking the door swiftly behind him. "Stupid, stupid, stupid ass..." He mumbled to himself angrily behind the door as he undressed. As he stepped into the cold shower he sighed with relief knowing he was finally no longer alone here, though being a man he could not help worry that he had to protect Sherry. The cold water rained down onto his roasting flesh cooling him down quickly in a refreshing instant as he calmed down.

Once washed he emerged from the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist, his slim yet slightly muscular torso was on show and was dripping wet. His shoulder length brown hair hung down over his face in a damp disheveled state as he made his way into his bedroom to change. Closing the bedroom door behind him he then began to dry himself off as he picked out a green short sleeve shirt and a pair of jungle camouflage cargo shorts which he was quick to put on before slipping his feet into a pair of brown hiking boots, he looked like a tourist but he was comfortable. Soon he emerged from his bed room with his glasses back on and his hair tied back into a pony tail.
"Thats better..." He said with a smile feeling alot more calmer than he did moments ago.

Jake casually drank the first of his two beers as a few men lifted the injured giant to his feet and escorted him out of the bar and then a old man sat in the corner of the bar began to clap, the first sound the break the silence caught Jake's attention as he looked over his shoulder to see a man in his early 50's dressed in a white shirt and matching trousers smoking a big fat Cuban cigar, applauding him.
"Bravo American!.. You really showed my nephew a thing or two. He is always so angry, but then I don't pay him to be nice to strangers.." The man spoke perfect English with an obvious Portuguese accent. Jake turned around on his stool while still drinking his beer to face the old man. "Hey, I did not want any trouble. I just came in here for a beer and hopefully some answers." Jake replied in his mother tongue as he watched the old man closely. The old man took one final drag from his cigar before stubbing it out in a ash tray on the table beside him. "Answers eh? This ain't no tourist information center boy!" The old man replied as he lifted a glass of whiskey from his table and took a long hard drink emptying the glass in one sip. "I am no tourist 'old' man!.. I am looking for a 'The German'..." As Jake made his intentions clear the other people in the room began to act strange, a few of them leaving in a hurry while the old man sat still. His friendly facial expression turning stern and serious. "There is no German here boy, not since the 60's and they all got rounded up by the Americans and the Israelis!" The old man replied as he stood up from his seat and lifted a white fedora hat from his table and placed it on his head, he was referring to Nazi war criminals who came to south America to avoid being captured after the Second World War. "I am not looking for no Nazi. I am looking for a German man who lives or works around here.. I know he is here some where!" Jake replied in a hostile tone as he finished his beer, The old man now refusing to look at Jake as he made his way to the exit. "I suggest you go home boy, before you bring a whole world of shit upon your head!.." The old man's parting words as he left the bar, Jake growled under his breath as he stood up from his stool ready to chase the old man only to be greeted by two men armed with AK-47 assault rifles. "Congelar americano!" ("Freeze American!") Yelled one of the men whose face was partially covered by a red bandanna wrapped around his head like some kind of bandit as he raised his Ak up aiming at Jake's chest. "Wow wow.. Easy pal!.. I don't want to have to stick that rifle up your ass!" Jake replied in english knowing full well the men would not understand him.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Sherry’s grip was firm as he took a hold of her hand and she shook it gently, her smile never leaving her lips. She’d not met David prior to this moment, so it was only polite that she introduce herself and treat him like a colleague, even if she did happen to read through his file. Her supervisor had told her that he’d not been out on a field mission as of yet and that he expected Sherry to show him the ropes. After all, it would only be a simply investigation mission where they would need to apprehend their target at the end of it; what could possibly go wrong? She was also told that he was very good with the paperwork side of things, so if she was lucky and things did go according to plan, maybe she could even get the paperwork at the end of the job finished quicker. That sounded great. Usually her paperwork took just as long as the missions seemed to, and if she was working away on a mission for a month, that wasn’t something she looked forward to.

As he mentioned he was going to take a shower, the blond gave a curt not and began back to her suitcase, eyeing up the door that split the two rooms into two adjoining bedrooms. As she grabbed a hold of the handle on her black luggage, she turned and called back to the now closed bathroom door that David had disappeared into rather quickly. “Oh! Please call me Sherry!” It was more natural for her to be called by her first name; Agent Birkin was just too formal for her most of the time.

The girl pulled her case to the wooden door and pushed it open with ease. She noticed the double bed in the middle of the room with a small, dark wood bedside table to the left of it. On the same back wall a little to the right of the double bed was a large wardrobe made of the same wood that the table was made of. There were two further doors in the room, one leading out into the hallway and the other a bathroom, or so she assumed. Sherry closed the door behind her and made her way over towards the bed, lifting and dumping the suitcase onto it effortlessly. It didn’t take her long to unpack. Her suitcase consisted of a few different types of clothes, which she discarded neatly into her closet, a few sets of underwear, which were placed in the draws on her bedside cabinet, her laptop, which she immediately plugged into the nearest electrical socket to charge and a few other bits a pieces like a bag or two, her phone and charger, hair and makeup products, bathroom necessities and a few more weapons. She pulled a small knife from the case and hid it in her underwear draw, covering it with her bras and panties.

Once Sherry had unpacked, she slipped her empty suitcase under the bed and let out a small sigh, flopping backwards onto the double bed while one hand removed her sunglasses. She laid there for a moment, stretched out, simply looking up to the ceiling. How long would this mission take? She hoped that the two didn’t run into any more trouble than they needed to. Hopefully things would run smoothly this time. Not like the events in Edonia or China seven months ago. This made her sigh. Without realizing it, she reached for her phone and checked for messages. Nothing. No calls. No texts. Nothing. Pouting for a moment, the blond quickly sat up and closed the gadget before placing it on the bedside table. She jumped to her feet and made her way over towards her window, pulling the curtains apart quickly to let the hot sun invade her room. Thankfully, everything was light and tiled in the room, so it kept it nice and cool.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

((Just a quick warning my replys today may be very slow as either my internet connection or Firefox is working sooo slow!))

Jake's senses were heightened to almost super human levels thanks to his father's DNA and as he saw the gunmen who was aiming at him about to pull the trigger he acted in self defense. Before the trigger could be pulled Jake grabbed the rife of which its owner held onto for dear life and aimed it up to the ceiling. Short sporadic bursts of gun fire echoed from the bar as the gunman fired into the ceiling in panic, people began to scream and run in all directions away from the bar as Jake quickly pulled the rifle down hard onto its owner. The wooden butt of the AK-47 crushing the man's nose and knocking him out instantly. The other gunman watched in disbelief of what he just witnessed and with a loud battle cry he took aim and fired at Jake. Jake dived to the left with a swarm of bullets following him which sprayed across the bar hitting walls and furniture. Bottle exploded as bullets whizzed through them as the gunman frantically tried to kill Jake who moved with exceptional agility and grace as he dashed around to the back of the gunman and delivered a hard elbow to the back of the man's neck. With a loud crash the man fell forward through a table and his gun slipped from his hand, people outside continued to scream as the panic began to spread like wild fire attracting the attention of not only the police but local gangs.

"Onde está o alemão?!" ("Where is the German?!") Yelled Jake as he walked over to the second gunman who now lay on his front on top of a broken table, Jake grabbed him by the arm and rolled him over onto his back so he could see the man's face. The was in pain and very scared, Jake had obviously put the fear of god into him with his unnatural ability's. "Você é o diabo?!" ("You're the Devil?!") Cried the man, who was in shock and a little deaf from the gunfire. Jake let out a slight growl as he lifted the man up to his feet by the collar of his shirt. "Onde está o alemão?!" ("Where is the German?!") He yelled again this time right in the man's face, who upon hearing The German mentioned looked even more terrified. The man closed his eyes in panic as he sobbed like a scolded child who then began to mumble prayers and begged for his life.

"What the hell is going on out there?!" David asked as he rushed out on to the balcony as police sirens raced past the hotel to a bar down the street. From the balcony David could see a crowed had gathered outside the bar and police who looked more like soldiers were quick to arrive on the scene. "Sherry come look at this!" David shouted as he watched the police break up the crowed in a less than civil manner. Civilians were pushed and beaten to the ground while others were immediately arrested and loaded into police vans. These were officers of São Paulo's B.O.P.E. unit, a military style special forces Police unit that helped keep the peace in the gang land war zone that was the slums.

((Have to cut this reply a little short something is really wrong with my internet or laptop.))
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

[ No problem! Just reply when you can :) ]

The sirens and frantic screaming caught her attention as they echoed loudly through the streets and into her room through the recently opened windows that lead out onto her balcony. She blinked and rushed forwards, hearing David's voice from her right calling for her to take a look. Leaning ever so slightly over the iron railings, Sherry bright blue eyes widened at what she saw happening just down the street from their hotel. Police were beating civilians as if they were nothing, pushing them aside and detaining as many of them as they could fit into their vehicles. People were running from the bar and trying to escape the line of officials that blocked the entrance, she even spotted some diving from a window down a small back alley. What could be causing such utter chaos. The blond jumped back from her balcony and tucked her US government official badge into her shorts pocket before starting towards her door which lead out into the corridor. "Let's go!" She was eager to find out what was causing the outbreak. Everything seemed so peaceful before.

Sherry hoped David would follow after her, though she wasn't sure if he had even gotten dressed before the events had unfolded just down the road from them. Maybe they could even ask about the man they were currently looking for? She simply couldn't pass up this opportunity. The blond waited uneasily for her partner to join her in the hall and then started down the stairs, taking two at a time with skill. The muscles in her smooth, sculpted thighs and calves flexed with every step and she only picked up her pace as she entered the lobby, exiting through the front door where the man behind the counter from earlier was currently positioned, staring out at the pandemonium with a strange calmness. Sherry didn't even offer him a second glance as she jogged her way out onto the dusty street, the sun hitting her bare flesh with that brutal heat you couldn't forget. This time, she slowed so that David could catch up if he lagged behind at all. She began to make her way slowly towards the disarray, her eyes trained ahead of her though she was fully aware of her surroundings in case of an ambush of any kind. What on earth was going on here?

Once up behind the small, scattering crowd, Sherry moved her head to glance around people to try and see into the bar, occasionally stepping up onto her tip toes to try and see over people. Things were starting to settle down outside, but inside was a completely different story. Police had made their way into the building now and Sherry cautiously made her way up towards one of the front windows, making sure to remain to the side of it to take cover if need be. She squinted ever so slightly to look into the bar, it was a lot darker inside then it was out in the open and she struggled to see anything but the outlines of people and furnishings. Sherry wasn't sure if it was wise to enter straight away, so she remained outside, trying to make out anything she could from behind the dirty glass.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

((I think the problem has resolved itself everything seems to working..))

"What?! Wait Sherry this ain't part of the mission!.." David protested as he watched his partner leave the room. he shook his head as he grabbed his gun and slid it into the back of his waistband hidden beneath his shirt and also his identification. He followed her closely and was obviously not happy about her idea. "You know these people hate Americans interrupting in their affairs!.. These ain't no beat cops!.. Sherry?! Are you even listening to me?!" David protested all the way out of the hotel in a frustrated fluster as he followed her closely trying not to fall to far behind. As they got closer to the crowed David shook his head once again as he tried his best to avoid making eye contact with the Police officers. "Sherry, I hope you speak Portuguese cuz mines pretty damn rusty!" David added to his seemingly endless protest to Sherry's idea.

"Congelamento de todos! Mãos ao ar!" ("Everybody freeze! Hands in the air!") Was yelled out as four armed police officers charged into the Bar and within seconds surrounded Jake who was still holding a gangster up by the collar of his shirt. Jake glanced left and right at the police, he was not stupid and knew pissing of B.O.P.E. was a big mistake. "Deixá-lo!" ("Drop him!") Yelled one of the officers and Jake was quick to comply, dropping the man who fell flat on his ass. The man looked up to the Police officers still terrified but then one of them gave him a quick nod instructing him to leave. The man wasted no time in picking himself up and rushing out of the bar past the police. Jake was confused why the police turned a man who shot up the bar loose as his arms were pulled behind him and his wrists were restrained. "Your coming with us American.." The officer who restrained him said in perfect English over Jake's shoulder before he was dragged out of the bar. As he was dragged outside Jake looked around him at the crowed and then suddenly spotted a familiar face. "SHERRY!.." He yelled hoping the government agent could once again save him from being arrested a second time. "Cale-se!" ("Shut up!") Yelled one of the officers who punched Jake in the face in response to his outburst. "Sherry?.." David asked as he watched Jake being dragged away, he knew who Jake was on file but had never seen what he looked like. David looked to Sherry as he awaited a response from Sherry.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

[ That's good news. I think the internet it just being a little slow today is all. It's the same with me. ]

Sherry watched blacked out figures arrest someone inside the bar and they were soon dragging him out after they nodded for another man to leave. The first man ran out of the bar quickly, his eyes filled with pure terror while he clutched his rib cage protectively. The a group of four police officers made their way out of the bar with their suspect in custody. That's when she saw him. Her jaw dropped ever so slightly, her eyes wide as he lips parted, unsure of what to do or say. As the familiar man called her name, she instantly responded, completely ignoring her partner beside her. "Jake!!" Her voice was a mixture of emotions, the same emotions that flicked across her face in seconds. Relief, anger, joy, excitement. It had been so long since she'd seen Jake, let alone heard from him. Before she could question him about that though, she had to get him out of the predicament he'd gotten himself into. Sherry knew Jake just couldn't stay out of trouble.

The blond agent dashed forwards, pushing a few people aside as she reached into her pocket, pulling out her identification badge and flashing it in the police officers direction. She was only a few feet away from them now, standing straight and confident. She hoped her government badge would be enough to stop them in their tracks. "Stop! US Government." Unfortunately, David was right. She couldn't speak Portuguese. Thankfully, she remembered that Jake was quite well versed in languages and she noted he was in a local bar that probably wouldn't be able to speak any other languages, let alone English. "Jake. Tell them you're currently under US protection and that I request they release you immediately." She hoped to god this would work. If it didn't, she wasn't sure what she could do next other than to let him be taken into custody and put in a word with her boss to get him released. That could take days, maybe even weeks though and she wanted to see him now. She wanted to talk to him now. The blond pressed her lips together into a hard line as she eyed up one of the police officers intently, hoping that her confidence would be enough even if she was half the size of all the men in front of her.
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

"Oh, great more Americans!" The officer in charge responded sarcastically and with a simply hand gesture ordered his men to stop. Holding Jake still the commanding officer whose face was masked approached Sherry and took a closer look at her identification. After a moment or two he turned to face the officer stood behind Jake. "Conseguiram soltá-lo!" ("Cut him loose!") Ordered the captain before the plastic cable used to restrain Jake's hands was cut with a combat knife. As he was released Jake stepped forward casually rubbing his wrists as he turned back to face the police as he walked backward toward Sherry. "Sorry guys, I am gonna have to take a rain check on our sleep over!" Jake said still grinning as he turned to face Sherry. The police captain snarled as he watched Jake walk away. "You Americans get out of my town! I got enough trouble without you coming here and pissing of the local gangs!" The captain yelled in a threatening response as he turned back to his men and with another hand gesture ordered them to move out.

Jake stood in front of Sherry with his arms held out and a smile on his face.
"Hello stranger.." Jake said still smiling at Sherry as he walked over to her and hugged her all the while being watched by David. David watching like a hawk not about to trust a man who was about to be dragged to a Brazilian jail cell. Jake saw David in the corner of his eye and moved his mouth to sherry's ear. "You got yourself a little guard dog?.." he whispered to her with a grin before breaking the embrace and stepping back from Sherry his eyes turning to David. "You want a hug too kid?" Jake joked though David did not seem to pleased. "So your the great Jake Muller huh?.. I was not expecting you to be such an ass.." David bit back in response before turning his attention to Sherry. "Agent Birkin we don't have time to baby sit, lets just let the police escort him to the airport.." David suggested trying to be as serious as he could.

((Sorry its so short... :( ))
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

[ It's fine. Mine have been short too > < ]

Sherry tensed ever so slightly as the larger man approached her to inspect her identification. She remained still for a moment before he turned back to bark an order at him men. She let out a quick sigh before closing her badge and tucking it back into her pocket in one swift movement. Blue eyes watched as the men cut Jake's restraints and she felt a frown pull at her lips, her eyebrows lowering as she heard Jake's little retort. He'd always been able to piss people off at the wrong time and so for that, she gave him a sharp nudge with her elbow before giving an apologetic nod towards the captain. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." With that, Sherry watched as the men loaded themselves into their cars and drove off, leaving the three of them stood there.

Sherry pulled her eyes from the receding vehicles to look at Jake, a bright smile now replacing her deep frown. "What the hell are you doing here, Jake?" She felt herself stepping forwards, her arms wrapping around the man's waist tightly. She felt herself pressing her cheek against his torso and she inhaled in scent before letting out a small sigh of relief. "It's so good to see you." Her voice was low and soft as she spoke; she was ashamed to admit she didn't even think of the agent behind her who was no doubt watching their embrace. Her long eyelashes fluttered open as she felt Jake's breath against her ear and she quickly ended the hug, pulling her arms to her sides while giving a small side step to stand face on so that Jake was on her right while David was on her left. "Jake, this is Agent David Mullany. He's my partner for my current mission." She paused for a moment, before raising an eyebrow at the taller man and passing a comment in a stern yet light tone. "Be nice."

When David spoke, she turned to look at him, blinking a little in confusion. "Escort him to the airport? He could help us out!" Sherry seemed to take David's comment as a joke and she brushed it off. She was just too excited to see him. She quickly turned back to Jake, her hands moving to grip each other behind her back. "What are you even doing here Jake?"
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

"Help us?! The asshole was just involved in a bar brawl and was almost arrested by the B.O.P.E.! Also we cant share mission details with him, he may have saved the world seven months ago but right now he is nothing more than damn drifter!" David replied furiously, not trusting Jake one bit and growing slightly jealous of his relationship with Sherry. As he ranted on he never once looked at Jake he watched on with a cock grin and once David's mouth stopped moving Jake began to clap his hands and cheer sarcastically before turning his attention back to Sherry and once again ignoring David. "I'm on vacation, what about you? What brings you and the boy wonder to this little paradise?" Jake replied to Sherry while keeping his true reasons secret, he could not risk the agency getting in the way of his search and potentially jeopardizing his chance to meet The German. David sighed and walked away from the Jake and Sherry, he walked across the street and looked down at the slums below.

With David out of the way Jake got closer to Sherry.
"I am looking for a guy, a guy who might know something about my old man and my DNA... I got word from a source of mine he is a German scientist hiding out in the slums of this city, I did not want to lie to you but I don't trust your partner." Jake explained in a hushed tone not wanting David to hear. He knew he could trust Sherry after all they had been to hell and back together seven months ago and they had grown very close.

((Sorry again its so short and crap, I suck at the moment. i promise things will improve once things get moving! :) ))
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

[ It's alright haha. Sorry for the long wait for this one. Am ill at the moment and it's hard for me to get up to post. ]

Sherry blinked at David's sudden outburst; it really caught her off guard. She didn't know what to say for a minute, instead, she just watched him talk and then turned to Jake once he started being....well, Jake. She frowned ever so slightly at the taller male, her blue eyes scanning him quickly before she turned back to David. "David! I trust Jake. You can trust him too. He's not a bad guy, even if...he does get himself in trouble a lot of the time....and he has a big mouth....and....well..." Sherry sighed a little, completely loosing her point as she trailed off quietly, her arms folding across her stomach gingerly. When Jake replied he was here on vacation, she turned to glare at him dubiously. "Vacation?" The obvious doubt seeped into her voice, but she didn't say anything more. "Well, we're-" Just as the smaller of the three was about to answer, David began walking away and she frowned, sighing heavily as she slumped her weight onto her left leg, her hip sticking out from her side ever so slightly.

The blond noted as Jake shifted closer to her and she turned her attention to him, blue eyes looking up to search his. "Listen, Jake. Davids a good guy, you can trust him. I wouldn't be out here with him if he couldn't be trusted, right? You know that." Her eyebrows furrowed together as she spoke, but something in what he said caught her attention. "A German scientist who might know about your dad and your DNA?" Her expression turned thoughtful as she turned her head ever so slightly away from Jake, tilting her chin down as one hand moved to press her index finger and her thumb against her lip. Once she was done thinking, she immediately turned to look Jake dead in the face. "We're looking for a German Scientist. His name is DR. Udo Berkel. He's said to be hiding around these parts." Her voice was hushed and she glanced to David who seemed deep in thought for a moment only to turn back to Jake without regret of passing on her information. "If it's the same guy, we could really help each other Jake." A hint of hope reached her voice, but she quickly cleared her throat and took on a more professional exterior and tone. "You would really be helping the US Government if you helped David and I with this. And you can get your answers before we detain him. I'll make sure of it."
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Jake was obviously interested at the the fact Sherry was also looking for the same man, a Dr. Udo Berkel. The name sounded vaguely familiar from his research into his father and Umbrella. Jake's eyes shifted to David who was still looking down the hill at the slums below where news of the disturbance at the bar was probably spreading like wild fire. The thought of cooperating with David made Jake's skin crawl, however working with Sherry again would be a pleasure and her Government contacts could be of use. David's attention was snagged as he heard Sherry's final sentence. "Help the Government? Him?! Seriously Sherry taking him along is a bad idea! Command will go nuts! Berkel is our priority! You should not tell him anything else!" David continued to rant as he turned away from Sherry again. Jake's right fist was clenched and his left hand was held over his mouth, beneath his lips were desperate to part and speak his mind. His eyes soon shifted back to Sherry. "Well I don't know about you kids but I got a German to catch and from what I know he is down there in the slums.. So you coming or what?" Jake took charge of the situation wanting to move things along.

Meanwhile in a makeshift laboratory in a old garage deep within the slums in gang territory, the German was waiting. The old garage was dark with most of its windows either boarded up or covered with black sheets. The room that had once been used to repair vehicles had been some what turned into a lab, some actual lab equipment was present in the room. The red and white Umbrella insignia was dotted across the equipment and storage crates, while Mozart's Requiem - Lacrimosa played from a old record player sat in the corner of the room. A shadowy figure stood in the back corner of the room, a white lab coat hung from his shoulders and his head was hidden beneath a black hood. His hands clad in black medical gloves sorted an arrangement of dirty surgical implements before opening a secured refrigerated steel briefcase in which four glass vials were stored. The man watched them with a sadistic smile, however he was soon interrupted. The large garage door behind him was opened up with haste and through it came a number of the local hoods with a wounded large man in tow. The man Jake had beat up.
"HEY DOCTOR!.. MY NEPHEW NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION RIGHT AWAY!.." Yelled the old man in white who met Jake in the bar, this old man was Don Salazar Delgado one of the São Paulo's most respected and feared gangsters and the giant of a man who Jake threw around like a rag doll was his nephew Hector 'Tiny' Salazar.

"Put him on the table..." Dr. Berkel replied as he turned to face his visitors. Berkel was of average height and slim, he was glad in a pair of black combat trousers tucked into a pair of black combat boots, a black hoodie beneath his lab coat. His face was covered by a blood stained medical mask with only his ice blue eyes looking out at Hector. By now Salazar's men had laid Hector onto a old hospital bed, his right arm was broken at the wrist and elbow thanks to Jake. "Who did this? This man is the size of a elephant!" Dr. Berkel added curiously, o how he loathed having to patch up these goons as part of his deal with Salazar. Salazar was an impatient man and he could not have Hector out of action for too long. "Some American! Looking for you!.." Salazar yelled in a frustrated tone as he watched ten men struggle to get Hector onto the bed. Berkel froze for a moment, they had found him. He turned his back on Hector and Salazar to look back at his desk, in particular the four glass vials. Two contained the T-Virus and the other two continued William Birkin's G-Virus. Berkel could not risk being captured, he was lost in thought before Salazar yelled again. "HEY BERKEL! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND FIX MY BOY!"
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Hello guys:) Long time no see...A blonde man came from unknown place.He was look familiar.It was Vincent Goldman ! A British executive officer who came from Sheena Island.Where is our friend,Jake ? He is Wesker's child right ? He must pay for his father's actions... Give him to me !
RE: Resident Evil: The Man in Brazil (xMILENKOx & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x)

Who are you? By the way this thread is long dead and was not a group roleplay.
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