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Harley and the Joker (Waffles x Nails)


Nov 28, 2009

  • He was a mad man. He was insane. He was a creature void of any humane emotion and numb to the line of right and wrong. Her supervisor told her not to do it. Her colleagues warned her that it wouldn't be a good idea. She needed to do this though. To think of all recognition she would receive from this assignment. How much better and more intelligent she was than all of them. her professors would applaud her and her colleagues would be amazed. Taking on the criminal known as The Joker was major step in her career. She had spent year ins grad school for an assignment like this and it would be foolish to pass it by now.

    Harleen had did her research on him. He was responsible for several homicides, countless robberies and with a myriad of attempts on the mayor of Gotham Citiy's Mayor. He did all that and much more with a smile on his face. She remembered the pictures she'd seen of him. That tortured grin against a pale face, eyes black and empty. She wondered what could drive a man like that. If a man is what you called him. He was something else all together. She needed this opportunity to find out just what mad that man tick and her opportunity was now.

    Pulling up to the Arkham asylum in her coupe classic. Harleen glanced at herself in the rear view mirror. Her blue eyes bright with determinative aptitude as she brushed her lose strands of blonde hair back behind her ears. Pushing her glasses up along the bridge of her nose she got out the car. Her heels clicked against the pavement as she made her way up to the security desk to check in. Showing the man her i.d. he let her enter through the steely gate and it was there that she would be escorted in the building. She was join by another man and all three would enter the long hall. This is where the held the most dangerous of criminals. Clayface, Two Face, The Puppet Master this place was for the maniacs and crazies all together. They shouted out her through the thick glass, impenetrable as it was she still could help but feel a little vulnerable. Like they could break right when they felt ready to. Composing herself she kept her eyes straight to look ahead. Finally they stopped at the door. Beyond it would be her prize. The chance to get inside the Joker's head. Something no one had done before, well except maybe the Bat , but no one normal like her. One guard open the door and she walked in. The door closing behind her she looked around the room. There was no hint of individualism in here. The wall were just walls as much as the ceiling and floor were just ceiling and floor. However there on the cot next to the right wall she saw him.

    "Hello, I am Dr. Harleen Quinzel" She said taking her place in chair next to him. She looked up at the camera's in the room and she could hear the guards cackling about something out side. "If you would Mr. J, I would like to begin your first session" She said in her Boston accent.


His eyes peered up at her as she walked by, but quickly turned away once she realized where in the small room he was. As the guards ran down the rules and regulations one last time for her he started to whistle as he laid down body outstretched. It wasn’t until she took a seat next to him did he start to acknowledge her.

“Harellen Quinzel.” He whispered softly taking the time to elongate each letter as if just saying her name gave him some sort of pleasure. In all of Gotham the Joker was one of the only villains that all of the citizens both feared and where attracted to. Books had been written about him in a attempt to dissect his psyche and come up with some excuse as to why he was this way, and some of them where actually good reads, but even better kindling. Its not that he mind the publicity knowing his name was on the tongue of every citizen brought a smile to his face at night. Rarely did he ever deny an interview finding a small amount of pleasure with toying with the interviewer twisting his words and making the entire process fruitless for them. It also warmed the old crusty crevices of his heart to be able to tell an uppity guard that he would kill them the next night even though he was locked up and be able to upheld his promise, because he was a man of his words, or at lest the ones he liked. At first he had an entire plan set out to ruin the poor girl’s life, but after finding out her name he decided on doing something a little bit different this time.

“Ya, know!” as if coming to a great realization he sprung up on his cot quickly catching the attention of the on looking guards. “ If you where to rework it a bit and you get Harley Quinn, like the classic clown character, Harlequin, the very spirit of fun and Frivolity!” chuckling softly at his realization he took the time to drink in her looks. He watched her carefully like a little boy eager to open up his Christmas gift. “Now that’s a name you can trust!” Standing up he started to wonder around the room circling her as she continued to speak. “Well then just tell me where to begin Harley” purposely he used the nice name he gave her making it obvious that he did so. Jumping onto the coat from the side he returned to his resting position. “I got all the time in the world to kill!”

  • She was already amused with him and began to study everything by just watching him waltz about the room. His motions were quick. It was like she waiting for him to pull out something crazy to out her with, but that wasn't the case.He called her Harley Quinn and amazingly she found herself chuckling. Never before thinking of her name like that. He was like a child in a way and she felt somewhat sorry for him the poor thing. Reaching into her bag she pulled out a file. Every crime he committed was written on this paper and yet no one knew anything of his past.

    "I want to talk to you about your childhood. Your mother, your father and brothers and sisters." It was how these sessions usually started by getting to know the patient on a personal level. The idea was to treat them like the most fragile things in the world. She couldn't help but to smile a bit as pushed her glasses back up along the bridge of her nose. Taking a pen out the pocket of he skirt she crossed her legs and began to jot down a few things. " Just tell me a little about yourself."


“My father hit me a lot.” He started off his voice much more serious then it ever was before. “You see when he went off to war my mother was pregnant with me and decided that it was best not to tell him. So when he came back he was surprised by a two year old son and one thing my father hates more then anything else is surprises.” As he spoke he continually moved his hands adding some visuals to his story. “It seemed whenever I did something wrong he would hit me and even when I didn’t BAM he would still hit me.” Sitting up on the cot he remained hunched over as he spoke. “I would try to impress him by doing some of the jokes I heard him listening to on his records, but he would just yell at me for touching them and hit me again. The hardest times where when him and my mother would argue with each other, cause he would hurt her and no matter how hard I would try he would just use his anger on me. I still remember the blood in my mouth. I thought that by making him laugh I would get him to be happier, but it seemed that only after drinking and beating me would he be really happy.”

“Yet, that was my first lesson, not everyone gets the joke. My dad didn’t get nor does batman!” just saying his name seemed to make the joker cringe slightly. “They are both the same just muscular self righteous men who just can’t get the pun.” Looking over at her his eyes slightly closed almost as if looking for sympathy. “But your not like that right?”

  • Child abuse? The Joker was a victim of child abuse? She jotted these things down on her notepad as he spoke to her about his father. He sounded like-no he was an asshole. How could someone treat their own child like that? She pursed her red lips together in concentration Slicking back a lose strand of blonde hair. Ok so the abuse was one thing and apparently he always had a sense humor since then. It just developed into something more serious. They way he presented his jokes now were more than social stigma that developed in the mind of an abuse child. Poor thing.

    She looked at him when he asked her if she was like that. Her blue eyes bright and curious. "No, it's terrible that your father would do those things to you. It would make anyone angry. " That was truth no doubt. Harley needed to know more about him. " The way you relate your father to your involvement with Batman, do you think of them the same?" She looked at him. It was like watching a child watch his favorite puppy get run over by a truck, and then came the rain, yet the child was still out there watching the dead puppy get washed away, completely away. She was feeling sympathetic, but had to remember to be professional.


"I don't know.." he whispered softly sitting back and rubbing his chin in contemplation. “Actually.. Yeah! Now that I think of it.” As if he was putting the pieces together in his mind he walked back and forth pacing at he spoke. “I mean all I want to do is make people smile, but the both of them just punish me for it. So I try harder and harder, but no matter what I do at every turn I am faced with the cold harsh stern glare of disapproval.” Sitting back down as if surprised by this revelation he looked up to her in confusion. “But what do I do? No matter how hard I try for a better life the big man keeps putting me down.”

A red light started to go off showing the end of their session. “What we are over already?” Joker wondered as he saw the guards approached putting his hands into shackles. It had already been discussed that the session would be short, due to the types of criminals in the prison. As it stood it was already risky having him outside of his jail. “Well we will just have to continue some other time.” With that they took him off leaving her in an empty room the door open for her to leave at any time.

In her car rested a vase holding a single rose with a note saying, “Come Back Soon” there was no signature or anything else, but it was clear who it could be from.

  • Was time up already? She didn't notice but their session was up. She felt a wave of overwhelming emotion take her over. Could they have been wrong about The Joker all along? He was just a poor abused child inside trying to make people laugh, but no one would give him a shot. Just a punch in the face, cuffed and thrown into a cell. "I'll be back next week" She said as the guards took him away. She didn't want him to go. She wasn't read. Just when they were getting somewhere.

    Walking back to her car her mind was racing. If only she had been allowed more time with him. Really getting to know your patient was her goal. Firth thing in the morning she would ask her supervisor for more access and longer sessions. How else would she reach her goal of getting inside The Joker's head? Unlocking her car she hopped in and to her surprise she found red rose sitting in a vase. There was note on it saying three simple words that placed a smile on her face. It only took her moments to realize who the gift was from and then her eyes widened in shock. How did he? She got out of the car and looked around the empty parking lot. There was no one out here . Getting back into her car she took off and drove home.

The Joker

At the next meeting she was left in the large interview room by herself for quiet some time as the guards seemed to have issues getting the Joker. Alone she was able to think over the week and the strange things that seemed to happen to her. She seemed to always find herself around a small gang of thugs who whenever someone accosted her would come to her rescue. Yes, they weren’t the smartest, but they did do one thing write and that was beating up people. Quickly she started to see a change in her office as more of her peers paid respect to her offering her tickets to concerts or invitations to parties that she never got before. Hell all in all this had been one fantastic week for Harley.

“I am sorry miss, but he is demanding that you two do the interview in his own ceil. It seems that ever since you came along he hasn’t really been acting up lately and the chief want to keep it that way, but there will be safe risk. We are doing a search of his room and if everything comes up clean we will put you in and you two can have your session.” As he spoke he was actually pleading her to go along with it. The Joker had been well know for injuring a guard every other day, but now not one. It was a good thing and he didn’t want to lose it.
Harleen Quinzel
Well wasn't this a surprise. She had never gotten so many good reviews from her colleagues. Thinking back to last week she still had the rose and vase and even kept the note. Wondering if he wrote it himself. It would of been awfully nice if he did. For some reason it was like her life had improved since her first meeting with Mr. J. That's what she called him (in her head anyway). Nodding to the guard as he ranted on about something she was in complete accord with it. "That's perfectly fine with me." She couldn't wait to see him. It was almost going to the fair for the first time. You knew what was going to be there ,but you didn't really know what to expect.

As the guard escorted her down the hall she couldn't help but notice how the other criminals were quiet. No one shouting disturbing or rude remarks to her, whistling or hooting. She arched an eyebrow in curiosity. They stopped right in front of his cell. The door being opened for her as she walked in with a very bright smile on her face. She really began to think just how much influence The Joker really had if could makes requests like this. Her chair was already placed next to his bed as if it had been waiting on her. "I've heard you made a few requests, I'm surprised really." She took her seat and placed her bad down on the ground next to her. "Ready to begin?"
Harleen Quinzel
Well wasn't this a surprise. She had never gotten so many good reviews from her colleagues. Thinking back to last week she still had the rose and vase and even kept the note. Wondering if he wrote it himself. It would of been awfully nice if he did. For some reason it was like her life had improved since her first meeting with Mr. J. That's what she called him (in her head anyway). Nodding to the guard as he ranted on about something she was in complete accord with it. "That's perfectly fine with me." She couldn't wait to see him. It was almost going to the fair for the first time. You knew what was going to be there ,but you didn't really know what to expect.

As the guard escorted her down the hall she couldn't help but notice how the other criminals were quiet. No one shouting disturbing or rude remarks to her, whistling or hooting. She arched an eyebrow in curiosity. They stopped right in front of his cell. The door being opened for her as she walked in with a very bright smile on her face. She really began to think just how much influence The Joker really had if could makes requests like this. Her chair was already placed next to his bed as if it had been waiting on her. "I've heard you made a few requests, I'm surprised really." She took her seat and placed her bad down on the ground next to her. "Ready to begin?"
I am sorry to inform you all be I may not be posting for a while.. (I had to move to the big apple and I thought I would have my lab-top but thing arrived broke so I have no way to get a computer really.) I will return I just don’t know when. If you want you may use any of the progress we have done in our rps with others. Well, until I get my computer back or buy a new one, peace out.
((Aww sorry to hear that, but good luck. I hope you return soon . It's a shame that our computer was broken))
RE: Harley and the Joker (Waffles x Nails)

"Well they can be nice to me when they want to" he whispered softly. Laying on his small coat he staired at the wall of his jail cell. Spinning around he sat up before huching over to face her. "Plus i dont want us to get desturbed." It took him a few minutes before he spoke again just watching her as she walked. "I thought we should do something a little different. I mean you know so much about me but i have no idea about who you are. So what about today you let me ask you the question. Please?" he askedk her his eyes pleading her. (sorry a little short using phone)
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