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Dominant Male Looking For Female For Abduction And Enslavement

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Oct 28, 2012
Alright, so this thread is being dedicated to finding a partner for a specific plot involving a little abduction and enslavement. The enslavement part of the RP can take a couple of different routes from blackmail, rape, or even from a dark and most assuredly twisted romance. The choice of enslavement method will depend on my partner's personal kinks, so I will leave that part of the plot open for interpretation. No matter the method, I am going for full on, twenty-four seven enslavement of your character - not just the usual 'bedroom fun' style of slavery. The RP WILL involve public scenes and voyeur from time to time. That said, a partner capable of playing several characters at once would be preferred so that I am not playing every character in the RP except for the enslavement victim.

Now then, for the plot itself... MC = (My Character) and YC = (Your Character).

MC is the leader of a rather large gang in Portland, Maine. YC is the younger sister of the leader of an upstart new gang that has been pushing into the turf of MC's gang. Now, MC's gang has never been one to cause too much trouble in the city. They have their own underground crime circuits going on but for the most part, they do not hurt anyone. They have an underground street fighting ring under their thumb and they run the local street racing operations. They also traffic some low-class and low-risk drugs through their legitimate business front, the nightclub known as 'The Pulse'. What they do not do is extort local business owners or cause open violence on the streets where innocents could get hurt - the original incarnation of the gang life. They do what they have to do to look out for one another; nothing more.

YC's brother's gang, however, has brought high-level drug trafficking, gun trafficking, vandalism, and senseless violence to the streets - a newage gang out looking to cause trouble and mayhem while making some profit on the side. Needless to say, MC does not appreciate this and he devises a plan to put an end to the rival gang as quickly and quietly as he can. After nearly a month of having a mole planted in the rival gang, MC learns about YC - the rival gang leader's little sister. He gets reports that YC's brother is very protective of her and he decides that kidnapping her and blackmailing her brother will be the quickest and most quiet way of dealing with the problem.

Once YC is in MC's control, however, he decides that he doesn't want to just blackmail her brother then let her go. MC can't help but feel draen to YC. She is one of the most beautiful girls that he has ever seen and she is just his kind of girl (what kind of girl she is will be your call, of course). Instead, MC makes YC his slave and starts to blackmail YC's brother with the promise that he won't kill YC as long as her brother keeps his gang on a tight leash and stops operating in MC's turf.

That is the general gist of it. Like I said, the abduction and enslavement are the basis of the plot but how the smut comes into play is your choice. I wouldn't mind playing a dark and obsessive romance; I'd love to, actually. If you would prefer a more 'rapey' RP, perhaps the rape can be combined with the dark and obsessive love affair.

Hope to hear from someone soon.

PS: I am only interested in RP via thread.
You went idle on AIM right after I tried to message you xD but I wouldn't mind doing 2 RPs with you. Assuming you haven't found someone at least. Get back to me ASAP though; this sounds like a good idea~

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