The Lost Captain (Mech Pilot x Pinkyonyx)

Mech Pilot

Oct 3, 2011
The subistitute Shinigami sighed, looking at the dimentional vortex that stood strangely in front of him. They had told him very little about what exactly he was doing there and what he was looking for, but Kuchiki-senpai, his contact in Soul Society mentioned that was some kind of Quincy Mojo, some kind of barrier those Quincy people, whatever the hell they were, had. Someone could have actually taken the time to explain what exactly were those guys, but it seemed they didn't had the time to do it, in which case Souma was left in the dark, roaming through whatever hole they wished, with actually minimum knowledge of how and why.

He had discovered everything not long ago, after almost dying in the hands of a hollow. Until then, he had been a perfectly normal sixteen year old boy, son of a simple woman who ran a small dinner, except for the fact that, since he could remember being a person, he was able to see and freely interact with spirits. Apart from that, he was even more than perfectly normal. Karate, Aikido and Kendo club superstar, honor student, and popular both with boys and girls. He was fairly handsome if he said so himself, dark brown hair, straight, with bangs up to his brown, penetrating eyes. The rest of his face's features were pretty much delicate, easily built into it. He had normal constitution for his age, although a little more ripped than most boys giving all the exercise he had, which combined with the way he usually handled himself, made him look quite bit mature for his age. Obviously he had his personality quirks but still, was respectful, gentle and fairly easy-going, which made him popular both with students and teachers alike, something he used to enjoy.

Suddenly, his world had been turned upside down, with the misterious appearance of a woman, clad in a white kimono, who claimed to be his Zanpakutou. Some knowledge about Shinigami, Soul Society and Hollows, but it was, in essence, pretty basic. Luckly, his senpai at school, also a Shinigami, was able to shed some light in all his doubts, and little by little he was getting used by it. Actually, according to Kuchiki-senpai, he was doing it pretty quickly by the way his powers grew by the day, the girl having mentioned they where captain level by now, and he knew for a fact that something was off about him, because he kept being mistaken for someone else that everyone seemed to be very impressed with. Still, he was only a substitute Shinigami, and so had little contact to Soul Society itself, if not for some orders to hunt some low level Hollows, and nearly anything was disclosed for him. That was the first "different" mission he had ever done. Although, no matter how much he thought about it, he still did not now what he was looking for in that Shinigami Spiritual Fortress thing, sealed with "Quincy Mojo".

"Well, let's get this over with so I can finally go home..." - he said to himself and quickly hopped through the vortex, seeing himself in some kind of stony hallway, which seemed to lead him further inside what he thought to be a building of some kind. A fortress used in some war between Shinigami and Quincy. The place was immersed in darkness, but not enough for him to be completely blinded, although he couldn't say what kind of light source was helping him. The atmosphere of the place was clearly different from the one on Earth. He obviously wasn't in Karakura Town anymore.

Souma followed through the halls in a fairly quick pace, seeing nothing but empy stony rooms, some ruins here and there, and a lot of dust. When he finally reached the end of the hallway, though, he saw himself in some kind of chamber, with some kind of Altar in the middle of it. Skelletons and corpses, both Shinigami and otherwise, decorated the room, with dead Zanpakutous and ragged Kimonos. The place gave him a very bad feeling. Above the altar was some kind or rectangular barrier or energy field, and for his surprise, a fairly beautiful woman laid inside it apparently sleeping. Or dead.

"For that long? No way, she would be dust by now!" - he answered to his own foolish thoughts, once again looking at the woman. - "But, I'm fairly sure she's is probably what I'm looking for. Or at least the only thing worth notice in this Mausoleum."

That said, the boy unsheathed his Zanpakutou, raising it above his head. The sword lightned up with eletricity, the room glowing blue with it, and the cut that followed quickly shattered the already vanishing barrier that kept the woman there.
Air rushed into her lungs like a freight train crashing into a building, demanding her system to restart. As she fell to the floor, she regained consciousness, her pink eyes opening only slightly. She felt way too tired for the amount of time she had been sleeping... for how long was anyone's guess. Her black custom styled kimono was in ribbons and barely covered her body. They were also stained with blood, along the slashes made to the fabric one would see scars which lined up perfectly with them. A flowing long white coat fell over her body as she landed face first on the alter, she being unable to sum up the strength required to catch herself. The coat resembled a captain's coat, but it looked severely outdated, and there were two large slashes in the coat where a number had been.

She groaned as her sore and weak body settled over the stone alter, nice way to wake up, she thought. She laid there for a few moments, trying to get the dust out of her lungs. It was at that moment everything came screaming back. The order... the screams of Soul Reapers, Quincies and Hollows alike... a mysterious light... then... nothing. She could remember the battle so well... watching her comrades fall around her... her lieutenant jumping in front of her to stop a Quincy arrow... She glanced over at where he had fallen, but quickly turned away, seeing the skeleton that now occupied the space. That's when her eyes fell on the boy... her pink eyes narrowed in confusion,
"And... you are?" she asked, trying to push herself up, but her muscles protested, not in pain, but in a weakened tired state.
Souma saw the woman fall, and as he imagined, she was still alive, but that strange barrier, kept her in some kind of stasis, that was broken once he teared it to pieces. Unfortunately, he did not had the time to catch her, and had to help only after her descent. First of all, he put his Zanpakutou back into the sheath, closing the short gap between the two in two light steps. She seemed to be pretty weakened, but otherwise, fine. Which was pretty good, as he had no knowledge of how to help injured Shinigami. If his memory was correct her long white coat meant she was a leader, the Captain of an entire division of Soul Society. For some reason, he thought that coat to be unusually familiar. Looking at her with a little more of attention, he noticed the woman herself was pretty familiar, although he was sure he had never, ever crossed paths with her before.

Of course, that was a lot he didn't know about that world, even about himself, apparently, as a mystery surrounded his identity, but he was fairly sure he never met her. Still, something inside him insisted that she was familiar, and no matter how much he tried to convince himself it was just some silly impression, that sensation nagged at him relentlessly, giving him now plausible way to refute it completely. He was still lost in that train of thought when he heard her voice for the first time.

"Me? Oh, yes, I'm Souma. Minamino Souma, Shinigami Representative!" - he quickly showed her his badge. Then he proceeded to help her, giving her some support so she could stand. - "Here, let me help you, ma'am." - he said, very respectful. After helping her up, he quickly added - "I was sent to investigate this ruins, and found you in some kind of energy coffin. May I ask who are you, ma'am?"
She pushed him back, she wouldn't allow him to help her as much as he seemed to want to. She didn't know this man. And last thing she was ever going to do was let a strange man help her. She looked at the odd badge. Shinigami Representative? The hell was that? As her senses came back to life in her, she could fell his spiritual pressure. It was huge! Not even Captain Yamamoto was this powerful as a normal ranking... he wasn't normal... but yet... he felt so familiar... as if she had known him all of her existence. Even his pressure felt familiar... but she was positive she'd remember meeting someone with such high pressure, but no memories of him came to her...

"I'm Captain Megumi Tsubaki of..." just as she was about to say the number of her division a blinding searing pain shot through her head. She cried out and grabbed her skull with both hands, shuddering as the pain dropped her to her knees. But just as quickly as it came to her, it faded away... leaving her with an empty feeling... she couldn't remember her division!
"Um... I... uh..." she stuttered as she looked back up at the boy as if for some kind of explanation. Why would he know anything about her? She fanned off the subject and held her head, which still had the twinge of a headache,
"How-How long have I been here?" she asked... if she was trapped in some kind of barrier... odds are time had passed without her knowing.
"Alright, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" - Souma backed away raising his hands as to show he wouldn't try that once again. He could tell she was a frisky one. And he was just trying to he kind, and help her. It seemed that lack of respect was something strangely common in Soul Society people. - "See, not touching you anymore." - he finished, backing away three steps. He was under the impression that althought really weakened by her long sleep, that woman was extremely powerful. Her reiatsu was something amazing, way overpowering Rukia and Kurosaki, by far. Of course, them being the only shinigami he knew, he had no one else to compare her to.

The boy was fairly worried when she seemed to try to remeber something, but ended up assaulted by waves of pain. He restrained his impulse to approach her and help given she had refused him before. He certainly wouldn't want to angry someone with that amount of power. Especially a woman. Woman were volatile and violent. He knew. He lived with his mother. Terrible, terrible creatures when they were pissed of, woman were. Still, that feeling of familiarity drew him to her, and a good amount of willpower was needed for him to restrain himself. Once again, the woman was the one who brought him back from his thoughts.

"Tsubaki-san, is it? Nice to meet you." - he bowed, slightly, adressing her by her family name, as custom in Japan. Questioned by her about the time, he quickly scratched the back of his head, not sure of how to break it to her. - "How long you have been here? Well, that's one good question, ma'am. I don't have the slightes idea." - seeing that would only make her even more confused, he decided to be a little more detailed. - "Look, I don't know much either. I'm not a full Shinigami, just a human who happened to awaken to all this stuff. I received orders from Soul Society to search this place and see if I could find any leads to some sort of crisis no one told me about, and ended up finding you." - he played with a lock of his bangs, fairly embarassed, his cheeks taking a little shade of pink. - "That's all I know, really."
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