Wishverse Revisited (Annika and Google)


Sep 9, 2010
Drusilla was dead, that was the thought that had been playing inside of Spike's head for the past few months, ever since he had arrived to late to save her from the insane ministrations of an insane human Inquisitor wanna be. That Inquisitor had suffered immensely under Spikes hands, everything that Angelus had taught him all those years ago was brought to use as Spike made the man beg for death for days before leaving him a mewling and broken wreck... and then he had almost fallen apart himself.

He had been with Drusilla since the beginning, since his birth as Spike from the... human that he had once been. She had been with him every step of the way, delighting in his predisposition towards incredible violence and anarchy... the one who he had killed his first Slayer to impress though the second he had killed all for himself, just to show that he could do it. At his peak he had been perhaps the most feared vampire active on the planet, as older vampires became more introspective and fell towards plotting Spike went out of his way to cause trouble just for his own amusement and of course... because Dru had loved to noises that his victims made.

Now he was far from his peak though, feeling almost no direction at all he had fallen apart mentally, living in the slums of a European country that he couldn't name if he tried, feeding at random as the urges struck him rather then forming what would otherwise be called a 'healthy' feeding habit. Even his normally perfectly colored hair had started to show its roots... he had even considered meeting the sun because he felt lost and without purpose.

But before he could do anything the rumors reached him, word that the so called Master had risen in a town in California, a town with a Hellmouth. Spike had only encountered the Master once, a random whim of Dru's had taken them on a long and rambling tour of the States in the early twentieth century... crossing the pass of the vampire who was the source of their own lineage. Spike had not been overly impressed by it but had been smart enough to show enough respect to avoid being killed, The Master seemed more interested in summoning the Original Demons to the Earth rather then just enjoying the experiences the Earth held for them all, trying to bring the ride to an end in Spikes less then humble opinion. In truth Spike cared little for meeting the older vampire ever again but... something like him walking the Earth would draw a Slayer and Spike knew what to do with Slayers.

It was all so simple, it had struck him like a bolt of lightening. Dru might be gone but he was still there, she wouldn't be impressed by his mopping around and drinking himself into a stupor every night. He was William THE FUCKING BLOODY, and he was going to get the hat trick by killing himself Slayer number three.

Feeling filled with new purpose Spike set out, fixing his hair, slaughtering his way out of the ghetto that he had found himself in, feeding on just about anyone that crossed his path... oh yes he was back.

Unfortunately his delay in finding himself meant that he was too late, by the time he reached the states word was getting around that the Slayer was dead at the hands of the Master who had then fallen, rather pitifully to a random crossbow bolt to the heart. The town of Sunnydale was still apparently terrified of vampires who practically had their run of the night but there was a power vacuum with the Master gone and a Hellmouth drawing all sorts of crazies to it... another Slayer would probably show up before too long and Spike wanted to be there when it occurred.

SO he made his way across the states, driving like a mad mad to ensure that he got there before the other Slayer showed up and got herself killed by being an idiot. Before long he was pulling up to Sunnydale, this town with a Hellmouth, it was something every vampire could feel, like an electrical current over the skin that made everything so much more real. With a grin on his face he drive his car right through the sign that announced you were entering the town, parking just a few feel further on and climbing out with a sneer on his face, taking a deep breath in a town where even the air seemed charmed with dark power... it was a rush all its own.

The people of this town thought they had it bad before, but they had no idea at all what they were in for. “Oh this is going to be fun.” He whispered to himself, looking about to see if there was anyone to eat nearby, he was starving after his long drive and the sooner he was able to eat the better.

Car left where it was still idling Spike only stopped long enough to grab a bottle of liquor from the passenger seat before setting off in the direction of the town proper, there would be fun to be had there.”

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"Get it out of my sight."

The command was sotto voce but nevertheless demanded immediate compliance.

Two male vampires rushed to do her bidding, hunched and cowed in a traditional and animalistic posture that denoted submissiveness. Neither one so much as attempted to glance at her. Pussies, the whole damn lot of them. Zander's maimed carcass was cast outside, where he would lie screaming for the dawn. Willow had known he was too weak to lead and he had swiftly accepted her as his personal alpha but there had been something familiar about him and that had been reassuring while she was winning the support of vampires centuries old in the pursuit of her new world order, well Sunnydale order. The world could wait... for now.

The factories that had been Zander's brainchild were burning to the ground. Willow preferred a more personal touch to feeding. Since Buffy had died at the hands of a half crazed Angel, whom she herself had tortured beyond the point of madness, there was nothing to push against. Willow had returned the vampire class to the shadows but only because that was where the fun was to be had. There were no curfews now, no blood tithes. The people of Sunnydale could run their lives as they pleased but if they were fed from and/or killed they had no form of redress. Burning the draining factories and blood tithe stations had been enough of a sop to the human ruling elite. They weren't about to start splitting hairs if the town retained a rather high death toll, particularly amongst the young, strong and beautiful. Humanity adapted, as it always did and already blood banks were overflowing with volunteers. Donating regularly was an insurance policy against the unthinkable and many lives were saved by the hospital's sky high - but nevertheless barely adequate - blood stocks. Willow was fine with that. Let them patch one another up only to be fed from - or worse - again and again. Let them feel like they were achieving something and scoring a point against adversity. Anyone who fell into the clutches of one of her followers would learn very quickly exactly how pointless human endeavour truly was against the might of immortal vampires with super-human strength, speed, agility... and depravity. Humans' lives were fleeting; breeding and dying like vermin.

No human was to be turned without her express approval, since turning humans into the undead really only increased competition in the long term. Any human who was turned had to already have been subjugated into the obedient slave of an existing vampire. They were tattooed about the throat with the name of their owner and that owner was responsible for keeping them in check. No single vampire could have more than 3 slaves and Willow did not intend for the vampiric population of Sunnydale to increase above 30% of the human population - a population which had taken quite a recent dent. Walking Happy Meals had to be plentiful or the vampires would swiftly turn upon themselves, undoing her work and destroying her vision of the future.

Any vampire who trespassed on another's property had to forfeit their own slaves and in severe cases become in turn the property of Willow herself. Already it seemed as though she would never have enough of the most loyal acolytes to ensure her every command was carried out promptly. Her acolytes swiftly broke and bridled her acquisitions from inter-vampiric property disputes.

Willow received extravagant gifts and donations from the oldest vampire houses and even those who were privately sceptical of her paid monetary lip-service while her dark star was ascending. One such gift was the mansion that now served as her base of operations. By human standards it was derelict but vampires preferred boarded windows and had no use for heating or other modern conveniences. The building was structurally sound, boasted extensive cellars and even a few very recently excavated oubliettes, while inside candles and oil lamps provided the kind of low lighting that vampires tolerated. The furniture was ornate and antique and if the fabrics were a little dusty and ragged, they served their purpose; appearing rich and sumptuous in the soft, flickering light.

Willow stalked up to her master bedroom, where a naked teenage girl was hunched in a corner, sobbing. Her minions had tenderised this one but it remained intact... internally as well as externally. Willow wasn't hungry but she was restless and she knew that this one would taste sweet, young and unsullied as it was. She took in the young blonde's slim curves and chuckled when she saw where a crucifix shaped burn was seared into her décolletage. Incredible what some people thought would protect them. Even now it was twisting its fingers pointlessly into a cross.

Willow crowded the girl into her corner and licked from the burn at her throat up to the salt of her tears. The girl's palpable fear caused Willow's face to transform, revealing her fangs. She ignored everything the girl said and did, lifting her slight form bodily from the hardwood floor and then slamming it down again, knocking the fight out of her.

"It's ok... I've fed tonight." She said reassuringly, before parting the girl's legs and pinning her thighs down with her considerable superior strength. "But there's always room for dessert." She admitted.

Willow sank her fangs into the girl's mound, not trying to feed but just to pull enough that it would be hard for her prey to dislodge her. Willow's tongue snaked out and flicked directly against the teenager's exposed mound, lashing over it ferociously and gripping its asscheeks while it bucked, fought and screamed.

She persevered until the screams cracked and became despairing, pitiful moans of capitulation and self-loathing. Grinning sadistically into the juicy little cunt she was devouring, Willow growled and picked up the pace further.
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This town still had one hell of a vampire presence, Spike could practically feel the fear and dread of the people behind every closed door that he passed. Humans never ceased to amaze him in the lengths that they would go too in order to deny what was right in front of their eyes. This entire town had become a haven for vampires and unless his nose was lying too him, more then a few other things that liked to go bump in the night and prey on the walking talking snacks that were humans. Really he had no idea where he was heading as he walked through the empty streets, flickering streetlights providing more then enough illumination too him as his eyes were much better adapted to the dark then any humans.

There was movement all around him though, more then just the quick and shaky movements of a human peeking through their blinds to see if the night that they would be taken had come, but also it seemed that he had picked up a tail of a few vampires. They were clearly new too life after death, their ability to stalk him without being noticed was almost laughable to a vampire with more then a century of experience. He hadn't done anything yet inside of the town limits to attract attention so it stood to reason that they had been watching him since he first arrived at the outskirts and took down the sign welcoming him to the town. Anyone else might have been annoyed by the tail, or at the very least try too loose them but Spike welcomed it, he had no idea what the current set up in the town was and a little information from a local would be a welcome thing to him. With a grin he doubted they would be able to see from their vantage point behind him Spike took a deep and long gulp from the bottle of whiskey that he carried and continued to amble along until he saw a place that would suit his purposes.

Almost at random he turned down a dark alley, as soon as he was out of sight of his pursuers he took up position near the mouth of the alley and within moments he was rewarded as three vampires barreled into the alley after him, the first through met with his bottle to their face and the second had his head smacked roughly into a dumpster with enough force to leave a noticeable dent and rang out like a bell in the night. The third one, a shorter man with dark hair that hadn't been washed in some time only remained unharmed because Spike needed one of them still conscious for a few questioned to be asked. That vampire tried to take a swing at him only to have his arm broken just below the elbow and after taking a moment to grind the bones together nastily Spike started to ask his questions. Occasionally a question was met with some resistance, this resistance was broken along with several fingers just to get the point across... he was not in the mood to be lied too, he did not feel like fucking around all night just go get a few simple answers...

It took a little time but he soon had the layout of Sunnydale down as well as the political lay out. He learned that the Master was indeed dead, that the Slayer had died, and that Angelus had been there... done the Slayer in... only to be dragged down by a few local humans who managed to get lucky. Apparently Angelus had been like a wild animal, the vampire he was questioning had seen him, covered in burns and Spike suspected he had crossed the Master. None of that really mattered though, what mattered was that a young Vampire by the name of Willow was running the town. She hadn't been a vampire for very long and yet she had been one of the Master's favored servants when he was still around... word was that she had a sadistic nature that brought even the nastier vampires under sway rather then cross her.

That information was also accompanied with where he might be able to find her, a mansion that she had been given not all that far away. With a smirk of amusement he quickly dashed his useful informant against a wall and left him slumped in the alley, if this was the quality of vampire that worked for this Willow then Spike wouldn't have much trouble establishing his dominance in this town... settle down for a bit until a new Slayer came for him or until he heard of a new Slayer active in the world, either way he was going to get his third Slayer and establish himself as the nastiest vampire walking the Earth.

Following the careful directions that he had been given Spike made his way towards the mansion, though on his way there he took a moment to slake his thirst, tearing the throat out of a perky big titted blonde who was out far too late for her own safety and feeding messily, not even bothering to clean his face once it reverted to its more human appearance, blood still dripping down his chin... he did want to make an impression after all, if the head vampire here hadn't heard of him then he would need to let her know that he wasn't someone she should fuck with.

The trip took only a few minutes before he was standing before the broken down mansion that she had made her home. It wasn't that bad of a place all considered, as long as he had a roof over his head and some cable TV to pass the daylight hours away Spike was a rather happy vampire... someone had even recently introduced him to X-Box which was a great way to kill time when even going outside could end up causing him to experience a terminal sunburn. So long as he could get some wiring working in this place it would make a great place for him, better then the Crypts that Drusilla had always favored.

With a swagger in his step and a good amount of blood still showing in his teeth with the grin that he wore Spike stomped up the stairs of the mansion, not even bothering to knock as he kicked the door in, a first impression of course was a vastly important thing.
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The girl had long since given up offering any resistance. She bled from deep nail gouges raked across her body and multiple puncture wounds, her sobs now little more than a low keening that nevertheless was tinged with arousal. Willow flexed her fingers and watched the bitch squirm, her other hand working her own clit furiously. Her victim had lost a tooth the last time she came, this climax would be gentler... but no less sweet.

The whole house reverberated as the front door caved in. It was dry wood and brittle but that had been irrelevant until moments ago. No human or vampire in Sunnydale would have dared to enter unannounced... uninvited.

Willow listened to a fight break out downstairs as her personal slaves attempted to defend her. For one hideous, terrifying moment the Master's gruesome visage dropped into her consciousness but just as swiftly Willow batted it away. He was dead. Not undead, dead dead. Which begged the question; who the hell was trespassing?

Willow yanked her fist from the blonde girl's cunt, wiping her hand on the bedclothes. Almost absently and without hesitation, she leaned over the girl, pinned her down and tore her throat out. Now was no time to be distracted by hysterical screaming. Willow scrambled down naked from the curtained four poster and pulled on a robe, belting it as she strode for the door.

On the threshold of the doorway Willow checked her pace. She would be nobody in this town for long if she panicked every time some local, older male vamp started dick swinging. It was always some old male vampire who had amassed great personal wealth and sat in a basement with his thumb up his ass while the Master had operated. Only Willow had known the true evil within her old nemesis and alpha but it had been self evident that destroying Earth would suck the fun out of being undead. Still the elder, vampiric elite had done absolutely nothing. In the end it had been Willow who was the Master's undoing and it was only fitting that she now ruled in turn. She had more than earned the fucking right.

Willow strolled nonchalantly onto the landing, where an rather angry vampire with ridiculous hair stood amid two felled undead. Oh looky... another whiny little bitch who never had the balls to stand up to the Master but now couldn't handle the thought of a young female running the gig. She wondered which family he was from. Blood dripped from his chin as it dripped from her own. Willow's own features were just returning to normal, her fangs retracted. Her gothic make up was smudged and her flame red hair tousled. Luckily her black silk robe was floor length, training behind her across the carpet as she was so petite.

"Can't a girl play with her food in peace? You old guys are such spoiled little brats"

She was rattled that he had overcome her servants so easily. Elder vampires might show support or fail to cross her but they weren't about to put themselves at her beck and call. Her acolytes were new to life after death.

They were at least... plentiful.

A second wave raced out of the cellar, half a dozen vampires, two of them female, all of them armed. Stakes and flaming torches flailed in the intruder's direction.

Willow seated herself at the top of the stairs and watched the show, confident that her uninvited guest would soon be restrained and persuaded to answer questions about his motives. She seated herself with the eagerness of a kid in a movie theatre, raising an sardonic eyebrow at the intruder as her posse ranged about him and moved in for the kill.
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Really Spike didn't care in the least about taking over the town, it seemed that another vampire already had the reign of things. In truth he was just there to offer his services as a Slayer killer, because it was inevitable that a Slayer, or some other form of vampire/demon hunter would come to the town to figure out what had happened, the Master's demise would be noticed by those who paid attention to that sort of thing like the Watchers Council. The earlier vampires he encountered had been left alive and more or less intact because he had been trying to play nice, it was sort of like he was applying for a job and slaughtering other employees might not be the best way to get the attention of the person who would write the pay check. Of course he expected that sooner or later he would be doing away with whomever thought they were incharge, but that would only happen because they would probably end up getting on his nerves and need to be removed less he be driven insane. In the past Dru had been a... stabilizing force at times. Reminding him that killing the people who worked for them might not be prudent at any given time... though she would often end up encouraging him to kill for her amusement before very long.

That in mind, he didn't kill the two vampires who charged him when he first entered the mansion, one was dumb enough to run straight into his raised boot, being undead didn't change the basics of the male anatomy and he crumpled to the floor. The other was a shorter female, she crashed against a wall when a small wooden end table was smashed up and used to bludgeon her in the face. This left Spike with two dropped vampires and some rather broken table legs in hand within moments... it was tempting to just stake the idiots at his feet but fodder was always useful and he could just kill them later if they didn't come in handy, so the ready made stakes were dropped.

Then she showed up, he heard her coming, smelled it too and was considering commenting on her need to wash her hand when she was done eating but she prattled on for a bit about old vampires lacking respect and Spike only rolled his eyes, drawing a pack of smokes from a pocket and patting around to find his lighter as more vampires spilled up from below, six more of them and in truth they looked no more dangerous then the last two that he had just dealt with. There were a few of them though and they were armed, it could get interesting. “Right, and the young pups here are really doing you much good.” He sneered as he managed to light up his smoke, taking time to appraise what was before him, it would be a challenge and it would be a hell of a lot of fun. “Lets call this a job application Red, right now I am going to kick the shit out of the little posse that you have assembled here, probably going to kill a few of them... and then you and I can have a little chat about how you greet your guests.”

A long drag was taken, smoke was exhaled and he pointed at one of the vampires, the biggest one who was carrying a baseball bat that had been sharpened at one end into a shape/club combination that looked intimidating but in Spikes experience was just downright impractical to use. “And that one, I am just going to shove that bat right up his bloody ass.” A predictable taunt, clearly meant just to piss off the vampire that Spike saw as the largest threat and one that worked as the vampire broke ranks with the others who had been advancing slowly and charged madly only to be stumble back howling with a cigarette put into his eye.

The others didn't seem too happy about what they had just seen but three of them quickly recovered and charged, two hanging back. What followed was a brutal melee as Spike showed the younger vampires what that age for vampires not only made them stronger but also came with a great deal of experience. Blows were thrown and a few of theirs managed to connect including a swinging torch connecting with him in the chest, burning him quickly before he was able to bring that vampire down, the wound superficial but painful enough to make his more animalistic face show up and he fought with all the more ferocity.

The fight didn't last long from there, soon Spike was surrounded by a few unconscious vampires and some scattered dust from those who had managed to really piss him off in the sprawling melee. The only one still conscious was the vampire whom had gotten a cigarette put out in his eye, he was still on the ground clutching his face when Spike approached and picked up the bat, holding it for a moment as though considering actually making good on his promise of wooden sodomy before bringing it down on the vampires skull with enough force to pulp the head. Spike had enjoyed himself a great deal with all that, he had been banged up a little bit but it was still the best fight that he had enjoyed for a few weeks and moments like this really made him feel alive... or as close to alive as he could really feel.

“Is that all that you got?” He asked with a sneer, looking back up to the red headed vampire who appeared to be in charge, making his way up the stairs towards her. “I mean really, I come here to offer you some help when the retaliation eventually shows up and you have me attacked by a group of fucking idiots. What made you think that this collection of Wankers could ever ever slow me down? Do you know who I am... I AM WILLIAM THE BLOODY, better known as Spike.”
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“Lets call this a job application Red, right now I am going to kick the shit out of the little posse that you have assembled here, probably going to kill a few of them... and then you and I can have a little chat about how you greet your guests.”

Ooh... what a dreamy English accent, Willow was very surprised that he was European. She merely raised a sardonic eyebrow however, in response to his announcement.

"Guests. Knock."

She watched him light a cigarette, his nonchalance in the face of what should have been improbable odds. Willow noted his good judgement in goading the biggest of her acolytes and then the 'job interview' began. His strength and speed impressed Willow very much but she wasn't the kind of girl to get weak kneed at the first display of bravado. It was clear he outclassed her acolytes by quite a margin. They had been enough to see off the other pampered old-age vamps but not this guy.

She watched his shirt ignite and a torch sear his flesh. His tall, rangy frame was well muscled. His reaction to the burn was frenzied, taking out the remaining vamps with a savagery that made her bite her lip. By the time he was done, his eyes blazing with triumph and utter contempt, his exposed torso rippling with strength and blood still smeared down his chin and throat, Willow was half smitten already.

No vampire had thus far come close to being able to replace the Master as her alpha. Until right this minute Willow would have sworn that the last thing she wanted on this cursed earth was another fucking alpha. But now... now she was momentarily ambivalent.

"Do you know who I am... I AM WILLIAM THE BLOODY, better known as Spike.”

Willow rose but stayed on the staircase where she could keep her distance and stare him down. Her nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her robe, aching at the raw lust that had just lanced through her. She gave no sign that she was aware of this however. She wasn't the kind of girl to fall that easily.

Look where it had gotten Buffy.

"William the bloody annoying." She actually rolled her eyes. "Look at my door. Look at my doormen! You barge in here interrupting my meal, when you could have simply knocked and announced yourself. You want to be treated as a guest, act like one."

She descended the staircase gracefully and walked around him, examining him from every angle as though he was a horse at market. When she stood before him once more she stepped closer. If he was expecting intimacy he was going to be disappointed. Willow plucked his smokes from his jacket pocket and lit one, before stepping away.

"I don't suppose you know who I am, but this is my town. Whatever you call that little display, it wasn't a 'job application' because guys like you just can't take direction." She smiled slowly. "I think that's why I prefer women."

She took another long pull on the cigarette, regarding him suspiciously. When she spoke again she might as well have been addressing a small child.

"Yes, this is the hellmouth and I know it's all kindsa fun but if every jumped up vamp from every corner of Europe flies in demanding a hunting permit... pretty soon Sunnydale won't be fun any more." Her mouth-corners drooped in a parody of sadness. "So you wanna tell me to what I owe the dubious honour of your presence? Believe me, while I might not have the most elite fighting force at my immediate disposal, if I call in favours from the influential families with which I'm acquainted, not even you will stand a snowball's chance in a human cunt."

She shifted her weight and held his gaze. If he had come here to attack her, she would be ready and he'd have more of a fight on his hands than he'd ever have imagined. He didn't seem to be here to fight her however and Willow thought she was reading him right.
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Nothing like a good little fight to get the blood pumping, or in the case of a vampire... get the body reacting as though it still had a heart that pumped blood. Though he didn't need to breath he still was breathing as though winded, and like his observer there were signs of arousal there to see if you bothered to look. Spike didn't fail to notice the fact that her nipples were showing through the robe that she had slipped on, vampires were wired differently from humans, blood and violence seem to excite even those who had been tedious little wall flowers before their deaths. Before his own experience Spike had been a sad little would be poet who had never thrown a punch or even seen a punch thrown... undeath had changed him though, awakened every hidden urge that he had felt. Where before he was happy to just stand on the edge of a party and hope to be noticed he was now the person that crashed a party, drank all the liquor, and probably fucked the girl who was there with the person throwing it... maybe after killing said host. He like so many others had embraced undeath the way they had never managed to embrace the life they once had.

Well he had come here looking for things he could kill, another slayer primarily, but there was no reason he couldn't get his jollies showing an upstart newly sired vampire that being able to boss around a small towns worth of undead didn't make you the big scary vampire that you might think you were. She had survived the death of the Master and the ensuing chaos but that meant almost nothing to Spike, whenever there was chaos, anarchy, and social upheaval he had been there, China during the Boxer Rebellion, Italy just before the rise of facisim, all over Europe during World War Two, exploring the Punk Rock scene of New York during the seventies, and of course the collapsing USSR had been one hell of a scene. Surviving one upheaval and one encounter with a Slayer meant nothing... you had to do it repeatedly to prove that you were something.

As she examined him Spike took the time to light up another smile, the one he had used during the fight had been crushed by the charge of the bigger vampire, unusable now to him. The way she looked at him didn't bother him in the least nor did the fact that she stole one of his smokes, he had taken this pack from a human that he had killed the night before when stopping for a quick bite and a place to rest up while the sun had risen. Her ranting didn't really interest him at all, except for her mention of liking women more then men which got a raised eyebrow but other then that small flicker he made no sign at all to show that he was paying attention to what she was saying, no sign at all that he cared in the least.

“Master didn't bother teaching his crew any history at all did he?” He asked with a small sneer on his lips, meeting her gaze with bored disinterest. “If he had then you would know that I am Spike... the vampire who has dropped two Slayers, from his line... and is looking for a third.” He was appraising her despite his disinterest, wondering what she would think of his killing of two Slayers. “And you are going to need me... sooner or later your set up here will draw the interest of the wrong people. Slayers, the Watchers Council, or even some demons who just want to wreck a good thing. I can kill anything that comes here, hell I look forward to killing what comes through here. Now you can be a good little girl and accept my presence, or I can just drag you outside and nail you to the front lawn to see the sunrise.”

That was one of his favorite ways to deal with vampires when he had a little time, an amusing little method of execution that would make most vampires beg long before the horizon even began to turn pink. “And as for the front door and the door men, both can be replaced without much trouble at all... hell why not just grab yourself a new house while you are at it, preferably one with a build in and well stocked bar.” He matched her aggression with indifference, she wasn't going to intimidate him and he wasn't going to back away from her at all, in fact he moved even closer to her just to push her buttons a little, it was fun to see how she would react after all.
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She had been too aggravated to give the name any thought when he first said it and 'Spike' was something you called a pet dog. When he gave his little history lesson however, the penny dropped. Willow wasn't as impressed as he might have hoped however. Dropping a slayer really wasn't in the same league as preventing The Master from destroying the earth and then bringing about his total demise, never to be resurrected or reincarnated in any way shape or form. Having been a wiccan, Willow knew the ways in which dead dead could be brought back to undead using witchcraft.

Nobody else had been volunteering, certainly not this puffed up sonofabitch. Willow regarded him evenly.

"I have everything I need here. Go get yourself invited into a McMansion with all mod cons, preferably the other side of town."

Just like that, he knew he had won.

"You want to lie in wait for the new slayer and keep the watcher's council out of my way, fine and dandy. Just don't mess with my operation here, because you obviously just passing through."

He moved closer to her and Willow let him. She stubbed her own cigarette out on one of the stairs and her gaze swept from his short breath and aggressive stance to the slight bulge in his jeans that was getting bigger. She reached up and ran a fingernail down his cheek.

"Well since you made such an impressive entrance and all, I am in the market for a beta." She teased, plucking his own cigarette from his lips and holding the burning tip above the hollow of his throat. "My last beta was a guy but... well, I kinda broke him. You probably saw him outside."

Zander had been left a maimed ruin of himself by Willow's games but she had got bored with him and bad things happened when she got bored. She had left him one eye though, so he could witness the coming dawn.

She knew this Spike would be more than uncomfortable with the idea of submitting but he had clearly been trying to unnerve her, probably thinking her a lesbian and two could tease.
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Spike could see that she wasn't impressed about the fact that he had killed two Slayers and probably dropped a many humans as some of the nastier plagues that had ravaged Europe during and just after the Dark Ages. She had survived the downfall of the Master here, hell maybe she had even been a part of the coup that had taken him out, she had certainly risen to power quite easily since then but that hardly mattered at thing point, he was here and while he might not be interested in taking charge of the town he did want to teach this jumped up little vampire a lesson. Everything she said, everything she was doing just put him further on edge and though he was far more intelligent then he let on Spike was not a very patient creature, it was more fun to act then to wait and plan.

Who needed impulse control when you were immortal, untouchable, practically invulnerable and Spike took full advantage of that as often as he could, tonight's little brawl had only whetted his apatite for violence, he needed a good bit of violence the same way an alcoholic will crave a mouth full of wine.

“A beta?” He asked with a sneer upon his lips and a little bit of disbelief showing in his eyes, did she really thing that he would take a position secondary to anyone. He always clashed heads with someone who sought to display dominance and authority over him. Back when Angelus had still rolled with them they had clashed frequently on just about every subject imaginable, from where they should go next to the quality of music that different cultures produced. If Angelus had not ran off with hardly a word then Spike would have probably taken Drusilla off in the night and started up his own little pack of vampires as he tore through Europe.

No warning was given, even someone watching his eyes closely wouldn't have even seen a flicker of intention before his right hand shot up and caught hold of the hand that she had been stroking along his cheek, gripping it tightly and grinding the bones there together as he met her eyes, flicking his cigarette to the floor and crushing it beneath his heel. “Your beta...” He said again, as though the words left a dirty taste in his mouth. “Red you seem to be mistaken about this whole situation, I am not here to be anyone's beta, I am nobodies subordinate.” He had leaned in closer to her now, his face just inches away from hers and his mouth caught between a smirk and a snarl. “I am the one that does the breaking, I am the one that has the power here right now.”
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He didn't disappoint. Willow watched Spike's lips twist in a contemptuous sneer as his eyes widened in total incredulity. This close to him, the differences in their heights bordered on the ridiculous; Willow, barefoot at 5ft tall and Spike well over six foot in his boots. He snatched her hand away from his face and crushed it in his fist. Willow registered the pain but she was too wired to react proportionately. She just stared up at him and the jolt of red hot pain up her forearm overlaid her latent arousal, making her eyes half roll. Spike ground out his cigarette and spoke again, his low, sardonic voice rippling through her.

“Red you seem to be mistaken about this whole situation, I am not here to be anyone's beta, I am nobodies subordinate.” He had leaned in closer to her now, his face just inches away from hers and his mouth caught between a smirk and a snarl. “I am the one that does the breaking, I am the one that has the power here right now.”

"And so modest too." Willow murmured absently.

As he lowered his face closer to hers to intimidate her all Willow could think was that she wanted to kiss him. No. What she wanted was for him to kiss her. Spike was the first vampire to really challenge Willow since she had been ruling Sunnydale's undead. Suddenly what she wanted more than anything was to cede control for a short while and let someone else do as they pleased with her. Sadism and dominance were wonderful fun but they were also bloody hard work, especially when everyone in your sphere looked at you like some kind of all knowing deity.

Her whole body was tensed now and Willow's tiny hand still languished in Spike's fist. The pain would be highly unpleasant to any other vampire but Willow simply wasn't every other vampire. The Master had found a wellspring of physical and emotional masochism in Willow that had proven to be virtually bottomless. While she was capable of leading, it was only in being used and abused that Willow felt truly 'alive.'

If Spike wasn't a total retard he should have worked the obvious out by now. Willow wasn't about to offer herself to him. She wanted to be taken and it had been so long since she last submitted to anyone that she was unlikely to go down without a fight.
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“Modesty...” He practically sneered at her, grinding the the bones of her arm a little bit “Entirely pointless really, I am who I am, I am the biggest and baddest vampire that you are likely to ever run across. The Master was a boring old troll who let himself get trapped in this town and then when he got loose he just stayed in this one little town, trying to bring about the end of the world or something equally stupid.”

Spike was hardly as dumb as he often let people let him think that he was, being underestimated had gotten him pretty far in the world and when most vampires didn't even survive an encounter with a slayer he had killed two of them and was eagerly looking forward to finding another one to drink dry. Killing them had made him stronger then a vampire little more then a century old would normally be, given him much greater resistance to the sun, and of course was the most potent aphrodisiac that could be imagined, a third slayer under his belt would make him even stronger then he already was and make him a legend. Of course it might be a while until that new slayer showed up and until that came about he would need to find some way to amuse himself.

Dru was gone, but even when she was alive they had often enjoyed bringing another pretty little thing into their games, the more pain he could cause them the more they had enjoyed it. If he had died he suspected that Dru would have killed her way through the majority of whatever city she had been in at the time before going off and torturing some other young vampire within an inch of their sanity... no reason he couldn't enjoy the same sort of indulgence.

He didn't kiss her, no that was the sort of tenderness that she wouldn't be experiencing right now as he twisted the arm he held and bent it up behind her back, pushing her up against a wall while he pressed into her back. “Maybe I need to show you the new order of things around here.” He said slowly, his hand moving around to her waist to pull open her robe, uncaring for the sound of tearing fabric, his earlier meal had left him more then a little aroused and the fight hadn't dulled the sensation. Spike was going to have fun and if Willow didn't enjoy herself then it was her problem.

A booted foot between her legs forced her to spread them ad the arm he held was pulled up to force her to bend over, exposing her to him as he ground against her. “Then again maybe you want me to hurt you, maybe your just a slut who needs to have her juicy cunt pounded by a vampire who isn't going to back down because you know how to act tougher then you are.” Reaching down with his free hand he unzipped his pants, pulling his hardened cock free from his jeans and letting it press against her cunt, rubbing it slowly back and forth against her.
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Willow put up almost zero resistance as Spike pinned her to the wall and tore at her robe. Since the Master's demise she had avoided males completely when it came to sex. Willow felt far more secure with women, usually weaker or more submissive women. She had fully believed that the last thing she ever wanted was to be subjugated by a male ever again... right up until Spike had crashed through her door and applied for the job.

"...maybe you want me to hurt you, maybe your just a slut who needs to have her juicy cunt pounded by a vampire who isn't going to back down because you know how to act tougher then you are.”

After such a long time favouring lesbianism, Willow felt as though for the first time every square millimetre of Spike's cockhead as he shoved it against her. Despite the fact he had to bend at the knee a little, Willow's toes barely touched the floor. She was effectively pinned to the wall by what was indisputably the largest cock she had ever encountered and by quite a margin.

"Oh I'm still a lot tougher than I look." She informed him, her voice already beginning to betray her arousal. Her arm still throbbed with pain and Willow's pussy was soaked. She didn't have it in her to refuse Spike and right then Willow couldn't have cared less about how letting him fuck her would affect her tenuous hold on Sunnydale in the longer term. Willow smiled at the wall in front of her and pressed herself back against him, grinding her clit onto his cockhead. She tipped her head back and regarded him, her kohl lined eyes completely glazed with lust.

"I wanna suck it." She murmured, wondering at the same time whether his fat cockhead would even fit in her mouth... or down her throat.
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Spike didn't care at all about taking control of the town, likely he could but really it wouldn't mean anything to him. Angelus and Darla had always given a fuck about taking control of a region, it had been a plan of theirs to one day find a place where they could rule over a cowering and fearful populace, but Dru and Spike had always wanted to keep moving, killing and causing as much chaos as possible, Drusilla enjoyed the fear and for Spike it was all about the challenge, killing humans was amusing, other vampires put up a fight, demons were interesting but you couldn't feed afterwards... but a Slayer was the ultimate prey. They existed to kill his kind, they had the instincts, the strength, and the speed... their blood was the most potent thing that Spike had ever tasted and the mere thought that he might find another before like was almost enough to get his heart pounding again.

It was funny the things that did and didn't work when you pulled yourself out of the grave, your heart didn't beat and you didn't bleed anymore... but your cock could still get hard and you could still cum, though you were far from fertile. You didn't need to breath either, you could go indefinitely without taking a breath but you body would still draw breath on reflex and of course if it was your desire to you could smoke, eat, and drink... all you really needed was blood but what you wanted could be yours.

Right then Spike really wanted to fuck this red headed slut mindless, to break her in half, and show her that if he really wanted he could be in charge easily... that she would rule only because he had no desire to.

Of course he could be patient though, breaking the slut would be immensely enjoyable and he had all the time he could ever want... but if she really wanted to suck his cock then who was he to deny her? As she bent her head back he only sneered at her, wrenching her arm tighter for a moment just for his own amusement before releasing her, pushing her further against the wall before he took a step back from her. “Of course you do, worthless cunt like you... only thing you know how to do properly.” He mocked her, watching closely. “Well make it worth my time then, get to work.”
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Willow yelped as her arm was wrenched again but by the time Spike had spun her around to face the wall all trace of discomfort had evaporated from her expression. She hit the wall hard and bounced off of it slightly, her eyes locking with his as he smirked down at her. He took a pace backwards and Willow arched against the wall.

“Of course you do, worthless cunt like you... only thing you know how to do properly.” He mocked her, watching closely. “Well make it worth my time then, get to work.”

His words had zero impact on Willow. She had heard far worse and from scarier adversaries. All she needed to know was that he arrogantly still believed her intentions to be altruistic.

She sank to her knees at his feet and reached out to stroke him gently, bringing her other hand up to cup his heavy balls. Willow nudged his swollen cockhead sideways and proceeded to lick and kiss her way up and down its length, lubricating it in readiness for trying to take it into her mouth. She heard his breath catch and worked faster. If he got impatient that she wasn't sucking him yet and tried to take control her chance would be lost. Willow moaned softly onto his shaft, lulling him into a false sense of security.

He was hot and pretty with a gorgeous accent but Spike had still broken into her mansion and taken out her entire household staff... well, the ones currently here anyway. And Willow just couldn't bring herself to care right now. She was going to give herself to him... but he wouldn't be thanking her for it.

The Master had tortured her so cruelly, breaking her down mentally, physically and above all, sexually. Willow had been forced to endure torture that had driven other vampires completely insane and at the same time, the Master had forced orgasms from her until Willow was virtually incapable of cumming without suffering for him and hearing his voice mock her. She had got past that since the Master's demise but now for the first time she was desperately craving hideous maltreatment.

She didn't want Spike stood there chuckling at her while she sucked him. It simply wasn't going to be enough for her to get nailed to the wall while he jerked his own ego.

She wanted him livid. Cruel and brutal. Off his fucking leash.

Her tongue suddenly slashed down across her chin, where blood from her last kill was still congealing. Instantly her face transformed and her fangs appeared. Willow licked her way down from his cockhead to the fat purple vein ridging his length. She bit down and fed from him as Spike's body momentarily went rigid with shock.
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Spike was hardly very patient, he was far more intelligent then he was given credit for but he was intensely impulsive. He would often put together some subtle and well thought out plan but before too long he would get bored and just go with the most direct approach. Right then Willow was fighting against his impatience, her talented tongue wasn't going to be enough to satisfy him unless she really started getting to work but it felt fantastic, a sigh of pleasure audible as he closed his eyes, enjoying himself. She wasn't going to be the first that he fucked since Dru, he had enjoyed others but she was putting some real effort into it and was doing a wonderful job teasing him. Really she was lucky that he wasn't pressing his cock down her throat and roughly fucking her face, he was curious to see what she was up too and that curiosity was keeping him under control.

His patience was running a little thing though and Spike glanced down to the pretty red head who was servicing him, ready to grab hold of her face and just fuck it like he wanted too. However what he saw gave him a moments pause, she was licking away the blood and then the shifting of her face, a moments confusion passing across his face, the fangs in her mouth would hardly make for an enjoyable experience, she was still teasing him with his tongue which felt pretty damn good but...

Then she bit him, he should have seen it coming, it should have been obvious from the moment she sank to her knees that she was up to something but Spike was off his game, lust and confidence clouding his vision and what should have been clear had been missed. For a moment he was silent, the pain intense in a way that he had rarely felt, so unexpected that it took a moment to react.

The silence didn't last long, a roar of mingled pain and rage escaping his lips, there were no words, he was beyond words right then and there. How dare she do that to him, did she have any idea what she was dealing with, the sort of trouble that she was in right then and there? She was soon going to be in pain that she could only imagine, she might have suffered at the hands of the Master but Spike had been taught by Angelus and while he normally lacked the patience or inclination to put those skills to use the amount of rage Spike felt right then was ensuring that he would be putting his considerable talents to use.

He moved on reflex, once he got over the initial shock of pain his right arm swung with blinding speed, the back of his hand crashing across her face just to dislodge her from her cock before his knee snapped up to crash into her chin. To a normal human either blow would break several bones, vampires were more durable but it would still be painful... this however was just the start, part of him wanted to kill her but he was still hard as a rock and she couldn't get off just that simply.

“Stupid fucking bitch.” He growled, taking a breath to calm himself before he just pulled her head straight off, slamming a heavy boot into her stomach with all of his strength behind it. “I was going to play nice, going to let you stay in charge of this little shit whole of a town but now you really pissed me off, I think you need to be reminded of what you proper place is.”
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His blood-curdling roar went straight through Willow even as she pitched backwards and skittered across the floor. Instantly she was wetter than she had been in a very long time and she actually moaned as his booted feet closed the distance between then once more. He snarled down at her and booted her in the gut but Willow barely reacted.

“I was going to play nice, going to let you stay in charge of this little shit whole of a town but now you really pissed me off, I think you need to be reminded of what you proper place is.”

Her tiny pale body lay curled around his boot, only partly covered by the robe now and she raised eyes to him that were full not of pain and fear, but awe, wonder... and lust.

Vampires didn't drink from one another as a rule, because it was largely pointless. As a symbolic act of intimacy or ownership there was a place for it in what could loosely be termed their society. Occasionally a gang of would drain a single vampire in order to weaken him. Aside from that however, it was virtually unheard of.

She had only wanted to provoke Spike and she had only managed a couple of swallows but there was something potent about his blood. It had invigorated her in a way that feeding from ten humans could never do and its taste was... well it was addictive. There was no other word for it. She could feel no pain and it was as though she had limitless energy.

Willow was unable to give any more thought to this unexpected phenomenon however. Her wide, lust glazed eyes regarded Spike reverently as he prepared to tear her limb from limb. He was still hard and fat drops of his incredible blood trailed slowly towards his cockhead. Willow did not think she had ever witnessed anything so erotic.
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The taste of his blood, if Willow had been given a chance to express the experience to Spike right then and there he would have recognized it as a diluted feeling of the feeding on a slayer. He had been changed after that first feeding and the second one hand changed him even further. He was stronger then a normal vampire his age would be, faster, tougher, heeled swiftly. It was as though the blood of a slayer never really left him, the power continued to accumulate and Spike couldn't even imagine what a third would do to him. Right then though the next slayer who would be coming hardly mattered, what mattered was this young upstart who had dared to sink her fangs into him, into any part of him let alone his cock, how dare she think that she would be permitted to drink from him, she hadn't earned the privilege.

As she continued to look up at him Spike's vision was clouded red with rage, unable to think clearly, desire to fuck her warred with the desire to broke every bone of her body, his face shifting as though he were about to feed when in truth it was just his more aggressive nature coming to the fore. He didn't recognize at all the look that was in her eyes, no he would just destroy her however he could, and he was going to enjoy it immensely.

Approaching her with heavy foot steps Spike knelt down beside her face, grabbing hold of her by her hair and quickly slamming her face down against the floor, not realizing that his blood had left her invigorated and uncaring about pain, only wanting to make her suffer. “Fucking whore...” He growled at her, still unable to really put together a coherent thought, as his right hand held her head in place with the grip in her hair his left hand pulled open her mouth, squeezing the sides of her jaw tight until her mouth opened and he pressed his cock forward, he had wanted to fuck her throat and he would do just that, let her understand just how powerless she was, the bleeding had already stopped, and her tongue had been enjoyable until she had decided to do something rather foolish.

“Any teeth I feel I will pull out.” He warned her as he held her in place, pressing his hips forward, uncaring of any discomfort she might feel, the pressure steady until he felt his balls pressing against her chin and her nose against his flat stomach. “You made a mistake red, maybe the biggest mistake of your life, and I am going to ensure that you regret it.” Really he was just starting, what little sex he had enjoyed of late had been far to quick, often he killed his victim as soon as he was done, but red would be satisfying him for quite some time, something Spike reflected on as he started to move, pulling his cock back and then thrusting it forward again quickly, less then half his cock coming from her mouth every time but he was thrusting quite roughly.
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Even slamming her head into the floor didn't serve to jolt Willow out of her reverie. She lay unresisting as he forced her mouth open, revelling in the savagery of his actions. She tipped her head back and arched her neck as he forced his way into her tight little throat. The Master had long since annihilated Willow's gag reflex and as she didn't actually need to breathe, she lay there still stunned. Spike's thrusts were brutal and she had to keep her jaw stretched painfully wide in order to avoid grazing him. Her fangs were no longer visible and in any case, now that she was in what could only be termed a blood-thrall she had no desire to rile him further.

“You made a mistake red, maybe the biggest mistake of your life, and I am going to ensure that you regret it.”

He fucked her face hard, yanking back enough of his cock to churn the thick saliva welling in Willow's mouth. She was about to swallow reflexively when the diluted taste of the blood that had been on his cock registered with her tastebuds. It was a delicate flavour that she could not have described had she had a stake to her heart, it just tasted fucking awesome. When she did have to swallow down some of the fluid she swallowed hard, flexing her throat on his cock in an ardent desire to please him.
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Seeing that her face had returned to normal Spike knew that he had gained a measure of compliance from the red headed vampire, at least she had stopped resisting his actions. She might not need to breath and she was handling his girth without much difficulty but Spike wasn't just going to give up on this just yet. With a snarl and his hand wrapped tight in her hair, he began to pull her back and forth along his cock, thrusting roughly against her face over and over again, feeling as she soaked his cock in her saliva, an inhuman amount of precum pouring from the tip of his cock. His movements were fast and rough, his large balls slapping against her chin over and over again while he pulled her nose into his well trimmed pubes.

Feeling her throat convulsing around his cock Spike knew that he was close to a climax but he was no where near finished with this red haired slut of a vampire just yet. Wrapping his hand tighter in her hair he pulled her away from his cock, quickly slapping her across the face with the thick length, chuckling to himself at the sight of the long wet smear that was left there. “Not half bad red, though really I like a little more effort from a slut sucking my cock.” He told her before pulling her by the hair, “But lets see how you do with something a little more strenuous.”

Gripping her by the hair he pulled her along further, pressing her down and pulling her ass higher with a hand between her legs, roughly rubbing her cunt as he moved into position behind her, never letting go of her hair as he pulled her head back, pressing his moistened cock between her ass cheeks, grinding there for a moment before pressing the head of his cock to the puckered hole there, maybe she wanted to have her cunt pounded, but he was going to enjoy ripping open her ass, making her suffer at his own pleasure... foolish little bitch deserved no less.
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