Encounter in Egypt [WhateverHappenedToSanity & x-Snorkle-Rainbow-x ]


Sep 10, 2010
The sun remained in the sky for most of the day and beat down on the Earth mercilessly, not caring for the inhabitants and how they coped. Of course, almost everyone coped there; but Sherry Birkin wasn't used to it. At all. It did, however, make a nice change from the last mission she was on. Edonia was cold, freezing, and it was winter time when she was there. She had a lot of down time after the drastic events in China and after they had tested Jake Muller's blood and evidently found the antibodies they could make a cure with. The antivirus wasn't made to the public straight away, instead, it was spread by air to rid the world of the C-virus all together. Apparently, Neo-Umbrella had been completely disbanded, but something about that claim made Sherry very uneasy. It wasn't that she didn't want them to disappear, but she was sure they were still lurking somewhere.

"Agent Brikin?" The familiar male voice called out to her, but she did not respond right away. "Sherry!" Her pale olive eyes snapped in ahead of her, finding the source of the voice instantly.

"Yes?" She scanned agent Jared Knight with an urgent stare. It wasn't easy for her to disconnect with her work. Paranoia was a part of her job and it followed here wherever she would go.

Jared stretched a hand out across the table to her, giving her shoulder a soft, reassuring squeeze. "Are you alright? You haven't touched your tea." The blond glanced down to her steaming tea cup for a moment before raising her head to look at her partner once again. "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm just hot, is all." Sherry flashed the man a quick, tired grin before lifting the teacup to her lips to take a sip of the liquid, watching Jared all the while.

Jared Knight was currently overseeing her new mission in order for her to get the promotion she was told she was deserving of. What stopped her supervisors promoting her straight away after China was the fact that she had been so close to Derek Simmons. Of course, Sherry didn't see his involvement in the latest global terrorist attack; she couldn't have known he was involved. She trusted him, and for that she cursed herself. Another thing that stopped them were her parents, but of course that was in the past. Apparently her relationship with her parents would hinder her as well, maybe they simply didn't want to promote her. If that was the case, they could have just told her so rather then putting her through constant tests. Lastly, her little experience on the field also made them rethink their choices, though Sherry assured them she could handle herself.

Jared was a tall man, though that wasn't hard considering Sherry wasn't very tall herself. He had dark, black hair that reminded her a lot of Leon's style, though it was shorter and less tidy. His eyes were a dark, alluring chocolate colour and she found that she sometimes lost herself in them if she perchance happened to look at him for a little longer then she should have. He noticed this and unbeknownst to Sherry, he actually held a bit of a torch for her.

Currently, the two were sat in a small, run down, 1 bedroom apartment that they were hiring whilst on their current mission in Egypt. Sherry wasn't used to the sun, that was for sure. She pulled herself from the small, two seater breakfast table and began to the kitchen, pouring the hot tea away down the sink with a sigh. "We've been here for almost a week now and haven't found anything, Jared. This is harder than I expected it to be, but we need to find something soon." Their mission? They had been sent to this small, run down town in Egypt to investigate into the supposed underground Neo-Umbrella lab that was being occupied. The residents were the least bit helpful and tended to change the conversation every time either of them would question anyone about strangers who came by or people who disappeared to work for hours at a time.

What drew her from the small kitchenette was the sound of a scuffle in the dusty street outside their building. She perked up, turning to look at the window before beginning towards their front door hurriedly. Jared called after her and instantly got up to follow her and she pulled the handgun from the holster that was pulled over her left shoulder. She padded with haste down the cool stone stairs that lead to a small stone corridor. She peered around the corner, staring intently towards the street. She could see two people in a scuffle, but she couldn't make out their characteristics or what had happened. Sneaking quickly around the corner, Sherry held her gun to her thighs as she continued along the wall, Jared following after her slowly with a frown. It irritated him how paranoid she always was, yet how oblivious she could be.

Stopping at the street entrance, the blond watched the scuffle for a moment before frowning and stepping out into the street. "Hey!" Sherry called out as the two stopped their fight immediately. The two skinny, tanned men stared at the woman who was now standing only feet away from them and they muttered something in their native language before getting up and separating; disappearing as if nothing had actually taken place. This made her blink in confusion, she turned to stare in both directions, before turning back to Jared with a shrug.

Sherry slipped her gun back into her black leather holster with a sigh and she moved to wipe her hands on the back of her beige khaki shorts which rested on her hips comfortably. They were slightly baggy around her sculpted thighs. On her torso was a simple white tank top which she tucked into her shorts out of habit. It clung to her petite body because of the kind of material it was and partly because she was always sweltering in the heat. It circled her chest, showing the top of her cleavage casually. Sherry had kept her hair short, like she had always had it, and it remained still in the humid air; without a breeze to lift it, her locks simply stuck to the back of her neck and the sides of her face. Her brown, knee high boots that were slightly raised with a heel held tight to her calves, concealing a hidden knife on the right leg; she didn't feel safe without it. Her hands extended to her face, pushing her hair back off her flesh before beginning back over to Jared.

"C'mon. Let's go. I'm tired of sitting in all day just waiting for something to happen." Jared simply gave her a nod, before shaking his head at her with a fond smile

"Sure thing, Sherry."
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