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Looking for Persona 3 or 4 [MxF]

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Nov 4, 2012
Hello! Thank you for stopping by this wonderful thread. I'm assuming you are here because the title caught your eye, which is great! I'm craving an AU Persona 3 and 4 roleplay. The idea is for a very long term, and is more plot based than sex based.

The main idea I've had was to take the MC from either game, and instead of just being the guy that fixes all the problems, what if he's creating the problems? What if he's pulling the strings behind everything, and no one realizes it. This could work for either game, but it would be MAJORLY AU.

I don't really want to set any in stone, as this idea could potentially branch off into any way we want to take it. However, I want this to be canon characters only.

For this idea I have no limits, as the games can be quite dark-themed to begin with, and I'm wanting to twist the universe even more. Please tell me your limits before you start with this, as I do respect that everyone has their limits.

Depending on the day or how much time I have free, I can post anywhere between 1 beefy paragraph to 4 beefy paragraphs. Depending on the time I have I may go longer.

Thank you for visiting my thread. Please PM me if you want to give this idea a shot.
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