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Steampunk: Postapocalyptica Interest/Coordination


.:The Vampiric Fae:.
Jan 26, 2010
Why do you care?

The year is 2650. It has been 200 years since the comet has struck the planet and destroyed a fair amount of the many marvelous advancements the human race had made over the centuries. Now that the dust has settled and life has begun to renew itself once more, people have more or less settled back into the ways of old, ways of a time meshing with the modern and the futuristic creating a strange blend that provide a odd sense of comfort given the bleakness of the current existence humans face. However, in that bleakness there is a light, a hope as advancements are made and technology is found amongst the ruin and rubble of the destruction caused by the comet...

When the comet came, it caused scorching fires in the immediate vicinities, incinerating most life within a 2000 square mile radius. Dust rose and blocked the sun causing the world's weather to become chaotic, erratic. Rains were acidic, the air cold. At least half the population (if not more) of the planet, along with its animal and plant life died. The planet's geographical surface altered from the comet's strike along with the quakes and other natural disasters that ensued from its touchdown. When the Earth finally settled, those who survived the worst were horrorstruck at what they found--an Earth forever changed, destroyed, a planet needing to be fully rebuilt for all had truly been lost.

Eventually, small towns began to spring up. Those remembering the technologies of 'before' (and using what resources they could given what was left after the destruction) slowly began to rebuild things. Advancements were slow, but advancement occurred as those with inventive minds created devices beyond imagination (clockwork devices, steam devices, gas devices, on the brink of electrical devices…). Leaders stepped up to run the towns. Leaders stepped up to lead groups who wished to remain outside of towns or wander while some remained lone wanderers. And still some turned to crime. Piracy became an issue as advancements grew, their ships taking both to air and sea (or, in most cases, both). Some felt the need to take the law into their own hands while others just wanted to survive and live their lives and still others had the yearning to explore or advance society more, to get it back to how it had been prior to the comet's strike against the planet.



This story takes place in a pocket of civilization incorporating 4 cities and an island in the country of Tara, each one different in size, locale, how its run, etc. It is unknown exactly as to how far Tara extends to the west (just as it is unknown as to how many islands are off the eastern coastline, save the one) as explorations are still occurring at the time in which this story is taking place.The cities and island of current importance are:

Inalt - It is the largest known city in Tara. It has a section known as the slums and is located near the ocean. To the south of it is Miljoc, a smaller city. There is a locomotive station there and travel between Inalt and Miljoc using the locomotive is common. It takes approximately 1 full day to travel between the 2 cities via locomotive.

Mijloc - It is decent sized city, though still much smaller than Inalt, which is located to its north. It is located near the ocean and also has a locomotive station. Travel between Miljoc and Inalt is common and takes approximately 1 full day to complete.

Uscat - It is a city located in the wasteland desert to the west of both Inalt and Miljoc. In order to travel there, one must either travel by foot, airship or some other means since no locomotive runs there. By airship, it takes approximately 1 full day to reach Uscat from either Inalt or Miljoc. To the east of Uscat, there are ruins left behind from the disasters of the quakes from when the comet hit Earth.

Munte - It is a city located in the mountains, which is northwest of Inalt. In order to travel there, one must either travel by foot, airship or some other means since no locomotive runs there. By airship, it takes approximately 1 full day to reach Munte from either Miljoc or Uscat, much less if from Inalt.

Insula - It is an island located approximately 30 miles off the coast of Tara. Ships can leave from either Inalt or Miljoc to get there and it takes less than a day's travel to arrive there.

As this story progresses, more locations (ie, cities and/or islands, etc) are welcome to be created… with approval, of course… given that exploration is indeed occurring and who knows what the characters might stumble across OR what characters people might wish to create should there be interest. Yes, if people are interested in pre-creating a location and having their character hail from there, that is perfectly fine.

Anyway, if there is interest, a profile thread and OOC thread will soon follow. But for now, pre-discussion can go here for some basic plot ideas. Some ideas I'm thinking are: that perhaps in the largest city there is some corruption or some such going on. Perhaps some of the 'enlightened' (ie, inventors) are working with those who run the place and seeking to possibly come up with a means of technology that will place them in a position where they can truly overpower the city and then target Miljoc for take over. Another would be that there are pirates seeking communication devices they've heard rumors about as a means to better their crews with. So, say in Inalt there's an inventor who has come up with a means to do the telegraph and this will help pirates communicate to crew members long distance. They can then split up and do things perhaps a bit more efficiently. Just some ideas……… so, discuss, expand, suggest. Get the ball rolling and hopefully there will be interest and maybe… just maybe a group RP going. :)


To help give people some idea of the sorts of characters needed to fill up the country of Tara and beyond, those needed would be the following (though feel free to suggest others, of course):

Outlaws/pirates (any type of criminal or sort with a bounty on their head)
Nomads/wanderers (lone or part of a group)
Town leaders/officials
Group leaders (can be within the towns or outside)
Inventors/the enlightened
etc etc etc

Again, if there's interest, a profile thread will be put up with a template to be filled out for submission for approval (an explanation of that will accompany the template within the thread). Hope this helps spur on some interest and inspires. :)
I think this sounds like a great idea. Outlaws and/or Mercenaries would be more my style of character, I think. Wanderer might work as well, if only because that archetype would be open to heavy interpretation.
Thanks. :)

And that sounds great! I'll probably make a few characters, I'm sort of known for making a few (typically at least 3 and as many as 5) in a single group RP. Especially if it's one I'm creating/running. So, if you're inclined to making more than one, do feel free to if this thing takes off, which I so hope it does. Anyway, mine will probably fall in along the lines of a few areas. I might have one have ties with a merchant of some sort, perhaps a daughter of while another might be related to an inventor or scientist or something. So those are the sorts I'll be creating. I'll probably also have one tied to a political figure of some sort, though I'll have to see. It'll depend on the interest and ideas people throw out there on top of the couple I already have. XD

Also, if this does become something, I plan for it to become a multi-thread group RP since I prefer that style of organization SOOO much better. There will also be headers since I like those a lot as they help to keep track of the characters being used when people are posting for more than one along with help set the tone and ambiance of things in general. :)
Oh, sure thing. Having more than one character handy has always been something that I have tried to do when possible or appropriate. Hell, back when I played World of Warcraft, all of my character slots were full with supporting characters to my main character's story. =P
*nods* Same here. Though my 'support' will probably fall along the lines of NPC as opposed to main. Because I fully intend to have those as well. Yep. I'm a dork like that. XD
Well it is really hard t have NPCs that a player is controlling. =P Idiotic joke aside, I get what you are saying.

On another note, I know there has to be a whole slew of steampukers on a site like this. Stop being so damn shy and sign aboard!
*nods* Yes, again. They aren't NPCs in the truest sense of the term. But they aren't my main character. And.... again, if things go as I hope, I give options for people to allow their NPCs to be controlled by the creator or others. But... you'll see, assuming this goes where I hope it does. :)

And yes, anyone showing the tiniest bit of interest, don't be shy, please speak up. I'd love to hear what you have to say, suggest, etc.
Well, I haven't begun recruiting yet (which I'll do after a few days if no one else starts to show interest, yeah, I have no shame in recruiting). And..... it's only been a single day. I have another group RP going called Space Pirates that took nearly a week for people to start responding to. So, I haven't given up hope yet. :)
AND MY HOPE HAS BEEN RESTORED!!! I thought group RPs would take off faster than this, but it has been a long time since I was last on the site. I can't remember much. =P
Hehe. Well, I'm glad of that. And yeah, it kind of depends. I've had some of my group RPs take off right away while others can take nearly a week. But rest assured, I make sure that they all do in some way. Even if it's just the bare minimum of 3 people who join it. It WILL take off. :)
This sounds like a solid idea to me I'm definitely in. I'm thinking of making a pirate as well as a mercenary. Two brothers perhaps each taking their own road maybe even falling for the same girl. Maybe both getting rejected XD.

Maybe even create an underground assassin group. As we know from hurricane sandy politics still go on in it's violent ways. Somebody's going to want to place a hit on someone.
Now that's the spirit!!! And I like the ideas thrown forth too. Excellent. Keep them coming and we can all put together something fabulous!!! :)
Aye aye captain. I have a question though. Should this little 'organization' have a hq set in one location or home bases in each city along with a few guilds along the roads and monitoring the skies? I'm trying to get all the facts together before putting it together. I know how much you loooooove orginizing everything.
Oh you do, huh..... hrmmm... I have notoriety. lolol. XD

But anyway, feel free to organize the group as you'd like. If you'd like to have them have bases in each city, that's fine. I'd just leave it open then for others to have their characters join them if they so choose. AND..... you can perhaps do a mini blurb about the group so that others can have an idea about it and then you all can discuss via PM and/or the OOC thread what you'd like to do together within the organization itself.

For now, though, you can give a rough description here. But later on, when I create the subforum for this, you can do something a bit prettier because I'll put up a thread where those of us participating can put up the nifty things we create for the group RP. To get an idea of what I mean by that, you can take a peek at the Space Pirates group I run. I have a thread in there called 'notable creations' where we all post blurbs about the stuff we create as we go and build the story. That way we can give some detail about things for reference and the like should any of us need it for later. Plus it helps for descriptions and the like for posts.
Yep. It'll get it's own subforum under groups since I prefer multi-thread organization and this RP will have multiple threads and meet the requirements for having a subforum under groups (minimum of 3 people, minimum of 3 threads). XD
*Scratches head* Eh it looked a lot smaller in my head. Let me know if I should merge anything.

The Assassins

The History:
The comet brought about ruins to the world and humans began to recreate it. Humans have that instinct to survive. But humans also have dark desires to embrace any or all of the 7 deadly sins. In the chaos something was born from the shadows. In a world where the best way to end a threat is death humans have sympathy and allow that threat to leave. Someone had to step up and help restore order right? They say there was this one man who came from a lineage of the darker arts but he was the sole survivor that could pass on those arts. Taking a stand he gathered five individuals that had the potential to carry out his plan and pass on his legacy. Together with their master these five created a guild of assassins. They became the council a watched over the guild passing or denying the assignments they received. Though no one could ever tell when they were in the presence of a council member. They blended in so well they could have easily been a guild master or a member of the guild possibly even a pledge. They were a mysterious force that kept the ranks tight and the identity as well as their presence in the shadows. Word began to spread that if you were corrupt and guilty of any major crime the assassins could possibly behind you at any time.

The Creed
(All punishable up to death)

1) Never kill an innocent man.
2) Hide in plain sight or stay in the shadows.
3) To expose an assassin or guild is to sign your own death you will be found and killed.

The Hierarchy

Slots open: 4
The secretive overall leaders said to possess the highest forms of the dark arts. Also known as "The Godly Eagles of the shadows."

Guild masters
Slots open: 4
The masters of each guild known throughout the guild for specific skills and training. Also known as "The Grand Eagles"

S Rank Assassins
Slots open: 5 per guild
The Veterans of the shadows mostly likely to become a guild master. They are usually the right hands of the guild masters. They take the hardest jobs that require utmost stealth and precision. They make sure the city doesn't fall into corruption and/or ruins. Also Known as "The Hawks of the city."

City Assassins
Slots open: Always open
They take care of the mildly hard jobs that are less important to the higher ranks but still a plausible issue. Also used as spies to infiltrate the government systems. They may also take on other jobs as a cover or to place themselves in a spot to receive intel. Also known as "The Falcons of the streets."

Slots open: Always open
These assassins watch the roads and take out incoming threats. Mostly loners and wanderers take up this job. "The Swifts of the roads."

Pledges Slots open: Always open
The ones that take the mild to low threat assignments. They are usually hazed by the higher ranks in joke. Simply known as "The Sparrows."
In reading what you wrote up for the organization of assassins and such, that sounds great to me not to mention very plausible given the times and the set up. So, that should work really well. I like that it allows for people to join it should they choose and I figure if they don't, those of us who make this group into something can just make multiple characters to fill up slots as needed should we need to. Anyway, seems like we can have a few sub-plots going on with this, which is fantastic. So me likies a lot!!! Thanks for this awesome idea to add to the mix!!! :)

What does everyone else think.... PF, Snake?
Thanks for the support I have plenty of ideas running through my head so if you feel things are dull just ask. Sometimes being a writer has its perks. :D
Most definitely. And all ideas are welcome and even more so when they are fantastic fits like this. I'll probably make the sub-forum soonish. So, be on the lookout for that. When it pops up, I'll be making a bunch of stickied threads for us including the OOC and character profile thread. So, start thinking about profiles to make up for submission. And also, once that's up, I'll also have a 'notable creations' thread made as well. Soooo..... if PrinceAltair wouldn't mind copy/pasting and reposting the assassin info there once that is up, that would be great. :)

Woot! Now I'm getting pumped! XD
No problem I came up with the idea so I'll make sure to take care of it. It'll put less on your plate.
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