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Dominant Male Prowling the Fields of Justice (League of Legends) (MxF or FxF)

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Oct 28, 2012
Hello Blue Moon Roleplaying Community! I am going to keep this short, as I have a load of crap that I have to do before work tonight. I wish that I had more time to dedicate to this right now and make it look a lot better than I am sure that it will but I sadly do not. I will look into doing that come Tuesday when I have a day off. For now, please excuse my sorry excuse for a request thread.

I am looking for female partners (or male partners willing to play as female champions) for one-shot League of Legends roleplay here on the forums. I can play both male and female champions, depending on your preference. The RP won't be anything super-special or long-term, but they will be fun. I am not the absolute best typist in the world but I can promise that I won't disappoint you, at least. Examples of my writing can be found here and here.

The general premise of any given scene is simple. I 'lock-in' my champ, you 'lock-in' yours, and the hunt begins. Pushing too hard up the top lane as Riven? Rengar might just jump out of the bushes and 'gank' your fine ass. Getting a little overzealous in mid as Lux? Better watch out for my Spirit Rush and Charm. Ashe getting too aggressive down on bot? Better watch out for that wild tryndamere in the jungle nearby!

As you can imagine, a lot of these scenes would probably be heavy on the force, rape, and/or reluctance. But there are some pairings, such as Tryndamere and Ashe, that might not be so... rapey? As for other kinks, I do not yet have an F-List available but I will be working on one. For now, the best I can do is say that my offs are bathroom play, vore, gore (in sex scenes) and futanari. I will not play or play with 'chicks with dicks'. Not my thing. Aside from that, I am a very open roleplayer.

Send me a PM or post here if you are interested.

UPDATE: Please note that I only RP via thread. Do not message me if you want to RP via PMs or IMs. I will share my IM with any partner who asks, but I do not RP there.
Ooh, a fellow summoner? How I would love to discuss some potential plots with you! Drop me a PM?
I have had a couple of wonderful hits, but I won't say no to any further interest. I'll give this one last bump before I let it slip into the annals of the Male Requests until all of the wonderful ladies that messaged me are done with our League escapades and more summoners are needed.
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