Trials of Loki (Benen X Darkling_Thrush)

Benen Eachann

Apr 4, 2011
Off in my own world
The ground beneath him was cold, and harsh against his back, cool desert air rushing in to meet his every rasping breath of air. Slowly Loki sat up from where he laid, remnants of the dark energy the All Father used to cast him out Asgard. His chest was heavy, for the first time, and he tried to walk but found himself stumbling over every step and move he tried to perform.

Slowly he found his stride, albeit slow, as he began to follow the sun, hoping to find civilization soon. For two days and nights he walked, never ceasing before he finally fell to the sanded earth, not knowing where he was, nor what hell he would be put through.

When he awoke there was a small drip in his ear, and a loud beep his eyes groggy and he knew not where he was. At least is was not the damned desert. He spoke slowly, his voice raspy "Where am I?"
Susan Makenzie was busy cleaning up the room the John Doe had been sent into when he spoke. "Loki,' the necklace he wore had said. She jumped a little, looking over at him sharply. It wasn't the first time she'd been in the middle of a task when someone had come to, but it still always got her. She'd always been a little bit on edge, which wasn't a bad thing, per se...

"You're in Tuscon General, in Arizona," she informed him, turning away again and buzzing for the doctor to come check him out. She finished cleaning and turned back to him with a warm smile. She had impeccable patience with the patients that were here. It was probably due to helping take care of her sister's demon-spawn she called children. If someone didn't have endless patience with those kids, they would probably go ahead and let them set the house on fire.

Susan brushed a dark brown curl out of her face, tucking it back into the ponytail at the back of her head. "How are you feeling, sir?" She picked up a plastic cup of water and offered it to him. "Do you need assistance drinking? You were severely dehydrated when you came in."
Loki looked at the kind woman and smiled.. though he had been cast out of Asgard he had found his way here to earth. with a gentle nod he shook his head yes. the arms week from the lack of nourishment. when he finally had some water in him he spoke slowly.

"Thank you for your help, so tell, what year is it? I know this place somewhat, and if you could what would be your name?" he was sincere about his words, he may have been the god of magic and mischief, but he was still able to say the truth.
Susan set the cup down on the side table, still half-full of water when the man stopped drinking. She frowned a little at his question. The year? Wow, this guy was really far gone... "The year is two-thousand and twelve," she said. "And my name's Susan." She paused. "You've been here before? When was that, were you just passing through?" She sat gently on the edge of the bed, watching the man carefully.

Her eyes kept traveling back to his necklace. Loki. Where had she heard that name before? She knew she recognised it from somewhere, it was nagging at the back of her mind, but she couldn't place it. The facts were evading her, taunting her memory. She swallowed a sigh and glanced out the door. The Doctor should be coming soon. Until then, she may as well keep the patient company, make sure he was comfortable. He looked so lean, almost frail. Of course, that was due to the dehydration, and should clear up soon.
Loki though about the words she spoke to him, long and hard. Not wanting her to know of his true nature, nor what he was. he leaned his body up, his strength slowly returning to him as he grasped the water and drank more. when he placed the cup down he spoke as slowly as he had before, making sure to say the right words.

"It was many years ago, you could say I've been gone for a very long time, and this is my first time back since then. The years slowly feel like they blur together after a while." when he felt her sit near the bed, he couldn't help but give a small frail smile, hoping she would be here for him more.
Susan pondered his words, watching him carefully to make sure he didn't strain himself while he moved. He didn't look that old, but it was almost impossible to tell. How could he have been away for that long, and have it 'blur', as he put it? Unless he'd just been a child... that must have been it. It sure didn't sound that way, but it was the only explanation the nurse could think of.

She returned the smile warmly, and stood up quickly when the doctor arrived. He looked at the man's chart and looked over him. The verdict, in the end, was that he'd stay for another day to recover from the dehydration, and then be sent on his way. Susan made herself busy around the room again, making sure everything was sterile and clean until the doctor left. She turned back to 'Loki' with another smile.

"Are you feeling up for having some lunch?" she asked pleasantly. "I can go into the kitchen and grab some for you."
Loki looked at her, his eyes blinking lightly as he tried to get his strength up. "I would love to have something to eat. anything you bring would be a fantastic." he knew he was in for a treat, but wanted to wait and see what Susan would bring back, her absence giving him a chance to think. what would he do, he was on Earth, Thor's realm. a silent shudder worked through him as he thought. '2012, last time I was here on earth it was the early 1800's.' but he cut his thoughts short as he noticed Susan returning.

"So what have you brought me to eat Susan?"
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