Psirens Song

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Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was a calm Saturday morning for the sixth years of Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Most everyone was at breakfast, enjoying the day off and the would be Hogsmead Weekend. Everyone was chattering excitedly as they ate their breakfast, but a few students where missing. Of the small number of missing students, only two where together. Luna Lovegood, and Cho Chang where both locked in a disused classroom, though really, Luna should have known better than to simply physically lock the lock. She should have magically locked the door too, how could she have known someone would interrupt? No one had ever interrupted her before, why would she have thought someone would now?

Luna wasn't human, not by a long shot, no one suspected because she was so... strange, they just thought she was weird, talking about crumple-horned snorkstacks and things in the mistletoe... but she could simply see things that others couldn't, being what she was. She was bent over another woman, Cho Chang, who was moaning, loudly, arching off the table as Fluer thrust, fast and hard, deep into the other woman, her head tossed back as she cried out in extasy, fucking Cho as fast and hard as she pleased. Cho was one of her favorite meals, the woman was still torn up about Cedric, and threw herself into the coupling with such a frenzy that Luna could go days without having to feed again. Cho cried out in pain and pleasure as Luna leaned down and bit her shoulder, moaning and grunting as she fucked the other woman, panting and moaning as they both arched, and came hard, Luna gasping as the door swung open.

Luna turned, her thick cock slipping free of Cho, spilling thick white seed across the woman's inner thighs, the sudden light from the hall filling the room, Cho shrieking in horror as she grabbed the blanket they had been fucking on, using it to cover herself as Luna turned and stared at the person who had interrupted them with large, slitted purple eyes that where anything but human, her lips thinning. “...Hello Harry, nice day we're having.” she stated simply, blinking at him. She wondered how to contain the situation. She knew Harry was immune to the Imperio, which meant Obliviate only had a fifty fifty chance of working. She could possibly use her allure to seduce him then and there, but that wouldn't stop him from finding a teacher, or telling everyone afterwords.
Harry had finished his breakfast and found himself alone in the hall. Hermione was off studying somewhere, Ron had insisted on staying in bed all day rather than coming down for breakfast, so Harry had been alone. Without the chatter of his friends Harry had finished his breakfast in record time, suddenly finding himself with little or nothing to do. He had no intention of going to study with Hermione and he had no intention of just sitting in bed all day either. So, he had stood up from the table and turned to leave the hall alone, starting to wander the rather empty halls. A few students had begun to wander the grounds, but none the hallways or classrooms. Harry wasn't even sure why he was wandering them himself to be honest...but hey, at least it gave him some incredibly rare alone time. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been alone with his thoughts like this....there had always been a voice in his ear...Ron or Hermione usually. This was rather....nice.

As he wandered though, he could hear a slightly odd noise. It was almost like a voice, but rather different to someone was almost like a scream of some kind. With a gasp Harry took off into a run towards the source of the sound, thinking that someone might need help. Oh how wrong he was....if anything it was the exact opposite. When he first tried the door Harry found it locked, but he quickly pulled his wand and cast a simple spell to unlock it, no magical protection at all. Well, that was a good sign at least. As soon as the door was unlocked Harry flung the door open and dashed into the room, wand ready, though as soon as he saw what was going on he froze up, gasping and his mouth dropping and hanging open. He just stared at the scene before him....Cho Chang bent over a desk naked, then shrieking and covering up with a blanket. It was Luna who drew Harry's attention far more however. He stared in amazement as he watched her.....cock...slip from Cho's body, then spray a sea of cum across Cho's body, some of the desks as she turned and then the floor between her and Harry. He'd heard about spells or potions with such effects but...he'd never seen them 'in action' so to speak.

"H-huh...?" Harry barely heard Luna talk. His attention was focused on her cock for a few moments before he slowly looked up. "L-Luna...? is...." He was about to apologise, just assume it was a simple lesbian relationship and that the girls were using magic to spice things up a little. He had even taken a step back in order to leave. But then he spotted Luna's eyes, gasping as he noticed the purple slits. This was definitely no simple magic. "L-Luna! I...your eyes....who...what....." He glanced at Cho, then back to Luna again, the boy still clutching his wand tightly, the door still wide open behind him. His instinct told him to run, but shock was over-riding that instinct....for now at least.
Luna smiled a little as she tilted her head a little. "oh Harry, don't leave." Luna ordered, her voice was, strange... it was almost as if she was singing, her voice fluttering across Harry's mind, making his shock even worse as her slitted purple eyes stared into Harry's, blocking all his chances at thinking. "Come here Harry." she ordered, motioning him forward with a single crooked finger, her nail was so long it might as well have been a claw, an she smiled at him, revealing sharp fangs in her mouth. any normal person might have thought she was a vampire... what with her voice, and her eyes mesmerizing so effortlessly. and not even Harry's impressive mind stopped him from stepping forward towards Luna, the door swinging shut behind him and locking, this time with magic and physically... Harry wouldn't be getting out without Luna's permission. "Cho, you should go my darling." Luna ordered, kissing the other woman who giggled and flushed hard as she gathered her clothes, glancing at Harry. "uhm... bye.. harry..." she muttered, fleeing quickly, the door opening for Cho effortlessly as Luna settled onto the table they had been fucking on.

she wasn't even trying to hide her nudity, in fact, she leaned back, spreading her legs, showing off her cock and cunt, letting him see her flat belly and large breasts as she tossed her hair out of the way as the door closed with a click, indicating that it had locked again. "so, Harry." Luna purred. "we're at a problem point now." she admitted simply. "i can't have you running off after all, and telling people about what you've seen here..." she almost sounded like she was teasing him, playing her silly games again as she studied him. "what's the matter harry? haven't you ever seen a woman with a dick before?" she asked, gripping her own thick cock, staring at him with an amused grin. "it's real you know, due to the sensitive nature of the blood vessels running through it, i was never able to have mine removed, not that i want it removed... it's ever so much fun." she teased, stroking the thick, hard length of her cock with a slow sigh of pleasure. "hermaphrodites are about as common in the wizarding world as they are in the muggle." she admitted, smirking. "but wizards are so much better at hiding it." Luna admitted, chuckling a little. "as is hiding inhuman bloodlines." she admitted licking her lips.

"so, we have a problem." she mused rather playfully. "how do i convince you not to run off and tell anyone what you've seen here." she mused, tapping her lips with her long, ever so long fingernail, her eyes narrowed as she studied Harry. "have you ever had Sex harry?" she asked her head tilted. "it feels really, very good." she admitted, slipping off the table and advancing slowly on Harry. "i can make you feel, ever so good Harry, whenever you want if you keep my secrete." she purred, her hands settling on his chest, running her hands lower. "shall i show you, just how good you can feel?" her voice was doing that strange, singing thing again, making Harry feel fuzzy, and aroused, making it so very hard for him to think. she couldn't control him, no, but she could make it oh so easy to seduce him. "let me show you passion Harry." she whispered, one hand sliding down his pants to cup his cock, giving it a firm rub with a small moan. "so large Harry... i'd live to wrap my mouth around it, and let you fuck my throat, i'd live to feel it sleeping deep inside my tight little channel, filling my cunt to the brim..." what male could resist her?
Harry found himself....stuck....when Luna spoke. He...knew he wanted to leave but....he didn't want to at the same time. When she motioned for him to come closer instead, he hesitated, seemingly resisting whatever power Luna had over him....for a few moments at least, longer than most would or should be capable of doing anyway. After a few moments, he took a single step towards Luna, then moving a little more, stepping through the puddle of cum Luna had left on the floor, an oddly erotic noise coming from him stepping in the thick fluid. He glanced at Cho as she gathered up her clothes and left during the process of getting dressed. He'd come close to seeing Cho naked before but....he'd never quite managed to get her to go all the way before....which had sadly left his virginity quite intact seeing as how Cho had been his only girlfriend to date.

Harry was somewhat mesmerised by Luna's naked body. He slowly looked down from her face, stopping at her large, round, firm breasts....sitting perfectly on her chest, defying gravity in an almost magical way...topped by large, hard nipples that were just begging to be sucked and played with. His stare travelled down once more, quickly coming to the tip of her throbbing cock, moving slowly down the shaft. She was bigger than him that was for sure. Hell, virtually all of the men in this school were probably smaller than her.... Harry swallowed nervously as he glanced at her glistening, dripping wet pussy beneath the base of her cock, juices flowing onto the desk she was sitting upon and then loudly dripping onto the floor beneath, the noise echoing around the empty classroom, every drip sending a shiver up Harry's spine.

"I.....wh-who am I gonna tell....?" He laughed nervously, though the answer to that was obvious. Harry was well known as almost incapable of keeping a secret from either Ron or Hermione, the former of which would almost certainly tell someone else and the latter who would certainly go to the library to research it in some way. "I um....w-well...." When Luna asked if he had ever had sex Harry couldn't help but blush in embarrassment and glance away....suddenly he felt rather childish besides Luna who, it seemed, had been rather more sexually active for far longer....a rather intense pang of jealousy shot through Harry's body at the thought. "Well I...." He gasped when suddenly she cupped his crotch through his pants. It was already rock had been since almost the moment he had entered the room...the boy was most definitely aroused by the whole situation. And every word Luna said just made him more and more turned on. "W-well....I...that....sounds like...a pretty fair me...." He swallowed nervously, dropping his wand to the floor as his hands relaxed.
she chuckled a little, her eyes narrowed. "don't hold it against Cho, she wanted to have sex with you, but her addiction to me was a little stronger." she admitted simply, licking her lips. "she always felt guilty for leading you on." Luna admitted, smirking a little. "maybe she can stop feeling so guilty now that you know her dirty little secrete." she mused rather playfully as she watched him looking her over, smirking as she felt hsi arousal throbbing through the room, his lust had only been growing from the first moment he walked in the room. he wanted to run, she knew he did, but like all humans, his arousal was winning. "you know exactly who you'll tell Harry." Luna scolded almost playfully. "we all know you can't keep a secrete." she teased, shaking her head a little. "but i just can't risk that." she admitted smirking as she studied him. "a virgin then, good. i like virgins." she admitted, licking her lips. "they taste the best you know." she teased, smirking a little as she watched his hand dropping to the floor, and with a single thought, it was sliding across the room, out of the way.

"shall we start now Harry?" she asked, smirking a little as she licked her lips. "let's get you naked, shall we?" she asked, giving his cock another squeeze before stepping back and studying him intently, her head tilted. "i wonder, Harry... are you Bisexual? are you as curious about being fucked, as you are about fucking?" she asked, smirking at him a little, her eyes narrowed a little. "shall i do naughty things to you Harry?" she asked, tapping her lips. "oh think of all the fun things i could show you, hmm?" she asked, blinking at him a little, clearly very amused as she licked her lips. "what would you like to do first, hmm? would you like to fill my throat with your pretty dick? do you want to flood my tight little pussy with your hot seed? do you want me to bend you over this table, and give it to you just as i was giving it to Cho?" she asked, smirking at Harry. "maybe i'll lay my eggs inside of you, and make you give birth to my offspring, i have been looking for a nice breeder, you would make such lovely babies." she teased, licking her lips in delight. "oh yes, i'm going to do so many lovely things to you Harry." she purred. "i'm going to make sure you never want to leave me." she purred.

she smirked a little as she studied him, and with a snap of her fingers, he was completely naked, and she was licking her lips, delighting in his nudity. "such a fine male you are Harry, such a lovely body, firm muscles an a large cock." she purred stepping forward, running her nails down his abs, licking her lips happily. "oh yes... you won't be stepping out of this room for some time Harry... i am going to fuck you, and you are going to fuck me, until my body is the only thing that you ever desire again." because a Psiren, was very addicting, and the more you fucked one, the more you needed to fuck. the more energy you gave it, the more trapped you became. a Psiren could rape you, and make you like it, and then you where there's, forever. there was no telling how many people Luna had under her thrall... but Harry wouldn't know anything about that, Psiren where not taught in DADA, or Care of Magical Creatures until Seventh Year, and even then it was only general warnings. Harry would have no idea the troubles he was getting into, and no doubt dragging Hermione and Ron into.
Cho's addiction to Luna was stronger? They had been doing this for that long? Now Harry really did feel somewhat jealous...just what had he been missing out on all this time? Then again it shouldn't really come as a really hadn't taken him long to figure out Cho was more or less incapable of being faithful to just one person. She'd found a new boyfriend after him far far too quickly for it to have been something new. Though he was snapped away from those thoughts, swallowing nervously when she mentioned something about virgins 'tasting good'.....just what in the world was that supposed to mean? She was going him? he doubted that....something like that would certainly have been noticed by now. She must've been referring to something a little less literal. "Uhh....y-yeah...why not...start now...?"

Harry laughed nervously, then gasped as she gave his cock another squeeze before stepping back. He'd never really thought about it before....was he bisexual? Well he didn't consider himself to be. "Um..well....bisexual? No....not at all really. But're still a girl right?'s....not really bisexual after all..." Harry chuckled nervously again, then blushed and glanced away when she started talking about what she could do with him...various images running through Harry's mind, memories of how he had heard Cho screaming being brought back...was he going to feel that good? "F-first? Oh uh...I uh....well...whatever you'd like..." He chuckled, then blinked when she mentioned laying her eggs. "Uhh...wait...did you say....eggs? Lay your...eggs...inside me? Make... me give birth? But....I'm a guy....I'm not actually able to give birth...." Was Luna really that out of touch with how to pro-create? She always was weird but to not know something like that at her age?

The boy shivered as he was suddenly naked, the cold chill of the room biting at his skin for a moment before he was warmed again by arousal, his cock twitching and already dripping pre-cum from the tip. He shivered again as her sharp nails ran down his chest. It was at that simple touch though that Luna would notice that Harry was her usual meals. Oh sure there was the usual magic flowing through his body, and plenty of it, perhaps more raw power than she had ever fed on before. But there was something....else. Perhaps it was due to the taint that Voldemort had left upon him....but even this simple touch of Harry's skin was...addictive....perhaps as addictive to her as she was to humans like him....and that was just from a simple touch of his skin whilst she was in this form. Just think what she could get by taking things all the unleashing herself fully upon him...he could truly be a feast unlike any other, one that she would be unable to give up any more easily than he could give her up.
she smiled at Harry's nerves, he was so cute when he was terrified, he really was. "oh Harry, your really so very adorable." she teased, licking her lips with a bright little laugh. "do you find my cock arousing Harry?" she asked, rubbing the tip of her length against his hip with a low, happy moan laughing a little at his confusion. "oh Harry, so Naive about the magical world." she teased laughing a little. of course, normally, males couldn't give birth, but she was half male. in Psiren breeding, the Male laid the eggs inside the female, and the eggs absorbed the mothers genetic material. male Psiren where known to impregnate anything when they felt like it, from males, to women, to fish really. whatever they wanted, they took it, bred with it, and vanished. being both land, and aquatic creatures, nothing was safe from a Psiren. she growled happily as she touched him, feeding on his arousal as her own cock twitched and oozed the thick pre, letting Harry knew how much she wanted him. he felt so... very powerful, she could feed on him for days on end and not have to stop for fear that he would die... and there was something... more, about him... was he not human? she didn't know, she only knew, that she wanted him.

"let's start with you on your knees." she ordered, her voice letting off that singing tone again as she slowly led him to his knees, her eyes staring down at him as she licked her lips and prodded his lips with the tip of her cock. "suck me off Harry, and i'll suck you off." she promised, smirking because she knew Harry had never gotten a blow job before. she gripped the shaft of her own cock, and nudged his lips again, smearing the thick perky lips with her sweet, sweet pre. there was no salty or bitter taste, it was just sweet, almost like fresh spring water with just a touch of sugar to it. "open your mouth." she ordered, her voice ringing in his ears, refusing to let him think or protest as she sighed softly. "taste it Harry, taste my dick, run your tongue all over my throbbing shaft." she ordered, smirking at him as she stared at him. "pleasure me, and i will give you everything you have ever desired in sex." even the things he didn't know he wanted.
"Um...thanks...I think..." Harry laughed nervously when she called him adorable. He really wasn't sure if her thinking that was a good thing or not actually.... "I um...y-yeah...actually..." He really did find her cock arousing....though only because it was on her, on a woman....a damned hot woman at that...the tip oozing with pre-cum, set against the frame of her gorgeous breasts that just begged to be played with...god he wanted to touch her...wanted to touch them....touch her everywhere possible. He licked his lips at the thought, then somehow found himself getting down onto his knees without even thinking about it. It wasn't so much the wasn't what she was simply the way she said it....there was something about how she spoke to him didn't force him to merely made him want to obey.

Before he knew it, Harry was on his knees, eye level with Luna's throbbing erection, staring at it and licking his lips once again, then shivering as she poked herself against him, smearing a sticky pre-cum across his lips, causing him to lick them once again in order to taste her. Oh it tasted very good. He eagerly opened his mouth, and not perhaps necessarily because Luna had told him to. He wanted to taste her...he wanted to taste her cock...if only to get to what he knew would be coming later. He shivered as he leaned forwards, taking the tip of Luna's cock into his mouth and suckling on it for a moment, then leaning a little further forward, running his tongue across the tip and head, then the end of the shaft.
Again, Luna would be able to feel it....raw power flowing into her from Harry....this simple blowjob was already giving her more sustenance than even her most satisfying fucks from the past, and they had barely gotten started, barely gotten to the good stuff...
he smiled at him, her head tilted a little, chuckling as he stuttered again, he was so cute when he was stuttering and nervous, he really, really was. she moaned as she rubbed her cock along his lips, and smirked down at him, gasping in delight as he opened his mouth, and stroked her cock. it jerked just as she did, tossing her head back as she shuddered and moaned eagerly, squirming as she wriggled and looked down at him, panting in delight. "fuck, Harry, that feels so damn good... you taste.. SO good." she moaned, feeling his power, his energy, his LIFE flooding her, making her want more and more from him. she knew he was addictive, she knew she should stop, but already, she couldn't. she NEEDED his touch, needed his pleasure, needed his flesh, and his blood, and his love. she moaned loudly as she slowly rocked her hips, pushing her cock deeper into his mouth, deeper and deeper, wanting him to swallow her whole, even if she wasn't sure he could yet.

she never got the chance, she felt the need to cum, his power making her oh so very sensitive, she pulled back, away from him and she offered him a smirk. "not yet." she gasped, panting slightly. "not yet... sit on the table." she ordered, licking her lips. "i wish to taste you." she growled, helping him to settle onto the table, spreading his legs so she could wash his balls with her hot tongue, kissing along his shaft and tracing his head with her tongue, moaning loudly at the taste of his cock, fitting her mouth around it as she suckled on his flesh, moving deeper and deeper until he was in her throat, and her chin was hitting her balls. clearly he had done this, often, because she was sucking, and stroking with her tongue, and her throat was convulsing and squeezing around the head of his cock as her hands rubbed and stroked his balls, squeezing and rubbing them before slipping lower, two fingers rubbing at his tight little ass. teasing the puckered entrance while he was distracted with his very first Blowjob. her fingers where slick, wet with something slippery, and without warning, her longest finger was buried deep inside of his ass, and was swirling around, looking for that spot deep inside, that would literally bring starts to Harry's eyes.
Harry jumped slightly when Luna's cock jerked in his mouth, pre-cum splashing across his tongue and all around his mouth before he swallowed it was the greatest thing he had ever tasted...better than pumpkin juice, better than fire whisky...better than....anything. Hearing Luna moan like gave Harry an odd feeling of satisfaction actually....though it was still rather odd to be complimented for your cock sucking skills by a woman. He slurped and gargled on her cock, letting out a muffled groan around the shaft of her cock until she suddenly pulled back, her cock slipping out his mouth with a loud slurping noise, a trail of saliva connecting them for a few moments until Luna pulled away enough for it to break. "H-huh? Oh...uh....right..."

Harry nodded obediently and slowly got up onto the table and spread his legs as Luna seemed to want. He shivered and groaned when her tongue touched at his balls. "Ooooooh....oh god..." His cock twitched, dripping pre-cum into Luna's blonde hair as she worked his balls with her tongue, then slowly lifted up and began to give him his first ever blowjob. "Oh...OOOH!" Harry moaned loudly, arching his back and pushing more of his cock up into Luna's mouth until she had engulfed him completely, sucking on him with her throat like a pro. The motion gave her much easier access to his ass too, easily allowing her to start rubbing at it with her fingers. The pleasure was so great though that he barely even noticed her fingers, not until he felt the pinch of something pushing into his ass. "NYA!" Harry's eyes snapped open widely when he felt her fingers sliding up into his virgin ass. "H-huh? O-oh I...I...I-!" Harry never got to finish the sentence. His virginal body could take no more stimulation. His cock jerked and then practically exploded into Luna's mouth, unloading a massive surge of cum down her throat.
That first taste of thick, sticky cum would seal the addiction. Luna would get her first true taste of the raw power within Harry. Any hope of not becoming addicted to him was gone the second that first drop of semen touched Luna.
Luna moaned and groaned as she touched and tasted him. he was so... so good, his taste, his power, his lust, she growled and groaned as she shivered and stroked his balls and ass as she sucked and stroked his cock. the best part, in her mind, about being a Psiren, was that her taste buds ran all the way into her throat, so she could still taste his flesh and his pre, even with him buried in her throat. she moaned eagerly as she felt the hot, tightness wrapped around her finger, making her shiver and shudder as she squirmed. she choked as he arched, crying out and she swallowed thickly around his cock, moaning loudly, her cock throbbing with need as she swallowed and sucked an stroked and ran her mouth and throat along his cock, milking out his orgasm as she savored his seed, slowly loosing control of her human form as she gasped and groaned, pulling back to stare at him, licking her lips. "i'm going to fuck you Harry.. you're mine now... all mine." she hissed, wrapping her hand around her own thick length as her legs began to twist and stretch until her lower half was a writhing mass of long, thin tentacles.

they where as white as Luna herself was, and they began to wrap around Harry's ankles and legs, slowly pulling him off of the table as the tips of the tentacles stroked and teased Harry's shaft, wrapping around it and giving it gentle squeezes, as if they where going to stroke him off. more slid along his belly, tickling his sides as they moved upwards to tease and tick;e his nipples as Luna licked her lips. "do you know what a Psiren is Harry?" she asked, her head tilted a little as she licked her lips. "i'd tell you to look it up, but we both know your not good at research." she purred rather playfully as the tip of a thicker tentacle pressed against his ass. this one was much thicker, and a lot more blunt than the others, and it was spewing forth something thick and wet and slippery like a Lube. another one, just as thick was pressing against Harry's lips, pressing against his mouth as it sought entrance to his tight, hot throat. "these are my Egg Laying Tentacles." she admitted with a smirk. "but don't worry, i won't be laying Eggs in you just yet, i don't have any to lay, they'll just stuff you full of thick seed instead." she teased, smirking a little. "open wide my little Breeder." she ordered, licking her lips.
Harry gurgled as Luna continued to suck on him, swallowing down every single drop of cum his cock was giving her until he felt completely drained having just had the most powerful orgasm of his life...masturbation would never satisfy him after this. "Unnn...." He panted, dropping back to the desk when Luna released his cock from her mouth, looking up at her slowly. "H-huh...?" He blinked when he saw her body...shifting. "Uhh....wh-what? Luna...what...what's happening to you?!" Harry looked up and gasped as he watched Luna's legs splitting and twisting, until her lower half was just a writing mass of tentacles from just below her still dripping wet pussy, then his eyes slowly moving to her cock. "Uhh....did uh....did that...get....bigger? It definitely looks...longer and...thicker...." Harry blinked, then yelped as he was suddenly grabbed by tentacles, being pulled off the table.

"L-Luna I...wh-what's happened to you?" He gasped as a tentacle wrapped around his still hard cock, starting to squeeze and stroke it, Luna's saliva meaning it was already plenty slick. "I...I...n-no I have no idea what a Psiren all..." Harry had never heard of such a thing....they hadn't covered it at all in class and things they'd never heard of were more Hermione's department than his. He gasped as something thick pressed against his ass, shivering and groaning lightly. "H-huh? Your...egg laying...?" He was worried for a moment, until she said she wasn't going to be laying her eggs into him yet.....though he wondered why she didn't have any to lay. Had she already lay them into someone else? No...he doubted that. It would be impossible for Luna to have impregnated a bunch of eggs into someone and then have a few little kids running around. More than likely Luna simply hadn't produced any eggs yet....infact he felt rather special to think he might be the first she was to lay her eggs into.
"Umm....right..." Harry swallowed nervously, then opened his mouth to allow Luna's tentacle entry, shivering as he prepared himself for this rather....unique...experience.
Luna chuckled a little as she shook her head. "it's alright Harry, i'm not human. that's all." she teased chuckling as she watched him a little, stroking her little human toy. "it's alright Harry, if you don't know what i am, most people don't, just ask Hermione." she ordered, chuckling a little. "i could use another fuck toy." she teased, smirking a little. "yes, Egg laying Tentacles." she teased with a low eager growl as he opened his mouth ever so obediently. "there's a good little boy." in all honesty, Harry was right, she hadn't produced any yet. she was due to start forming eggs soon though. every month, eggs where formed deep inside of her, most of them ended up unused in the lake where she released them because she didn't have a tight, hot human to lay them in. Cho was nice, but she was weak magically, she could not feed her babies the way Luna needed... but Harry... oh yes. Harry was so STRONG, he would give birth to many, many young. he would make such a lovely little breeding bitch.

she moaned eagerly as she slid her tentacle into his mouth, the tip of the phallic like tentacle was oozing that sweet taste, giving him all the more reason to open wider as she slid her tentacle deeper down into his throat, the thickness forcing his jaw as open as it could get, making her moan and groan as her hips thrust into empty air as the tip of her tentacle slid into his ass with a tight little popping noise. "oooh fuck, your so goddamn TIGHT my little Harry." she moaned, tipping her head back as she moved closer to him, forcing more of her thick tentacles into his throat and ass, forcing his throat open,choking him on the length and girth as she shuddered. "fuck, yes... yes... oh god yes... take my cocks..." she moaned, stroking her human shaped length, shuddering and shivering as the tentacles thrust in and out if his tight ass and throat. the others where wrapping around him, pinning Harry to the floor, tight so that he couldn't move as the tentacles violated every available orifice he had. "aaah yesss, so goddamn tight." she groaned. "i'm going to stuff you so full of my seed Harry.. that you look as if your pregnant." she growled happily.
Not human? Well that was an understatement if ever he had heard one. She might have appeared human....mostly....but there was no sign of her legs now...her eyes were definitely not human...even her skin seemed to have some kind of it...oh yes...right now, everything about her screamed 'not human' that was for sure. When she mentioned asking Hermione though Harry was a tad unsure.....asking such a question...Hermione was sure to ask why he wanted to know...which would mean it could lead back to Luna. And right now....Harry didn't want Luna to have anyone but him...he wanted her to himself...all to himself.

Harry returned her moan as the tentacle slipped into his mouth, though the moan quickly became a gurgle as it continued to slide rather deeper than he had been expecting. He tried to squirm a little, though was being held firmly in place by her thinner tentacles. He let out a few muffled cries, but even those were soon silenced as the tentacle pushed into his throat and started forcing its way deeper and deeper into his body along with its twin inside of his felt like the tentacles were going to reach his stomach at this rate! He managed a very slight gurgling noise, his cock twitching and occasionally squirting pre-cum all over his chest and Luna's tentacles, his body squeezing at Luna tightly. Despite everything he had been through during his time at Hogwarts, this was definitely the strangest experience of Harry's life....and he was absolutely loving every single second of it. When Luna started thrusting her tentacles into him, he squirmed a little in pleasure, bucking against her tentacles as his own pleasure built, though even those small movements were pinned by the tightening grip of her tentacles as Luna seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"MMMMF!" Harry's body convulsed and tightened as her stimulation became too much, his cock erupting in a fountain of cum all over himself and Luna, somehow squirting out an even bigger load than the one he had not long ago unleashed into her throat.
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