Hell Of A Sale (Dr. Nibbles x Rand)


Apr 6, 2012
Chaos had descended upon the happy shoppers of newly opened supermall which was recently built near the center of the city - and it wasn't because of the sale of new designer high heels in the second story shoe shop. There had been reports of strange activities within the large three story shopping center since it's grand opening earlier in the month. Nothing which couldn't be explained away by pointing the blame on the rebellious youth of today and their lack of moral decency thanks to bad upbringing and the internet causing a downfall of social standards.

You know, the sudden raising of women's skirts as they made their way through areas with no apparent drafts of wind. The occasional groping of busty customers by either phantom hands or even male patrons whom claimed to have blacked out only moments prior. That incident involving a threeway between a middle aged couple and a seemingly traumatized yet oddly satisfied store clerk. Not to mention what a couple of the female customers were doing with the ketchup bottles before pleading ignorance to their acts even after being shown the security camera footage.

Okay, so maybe they weren't exactly normal incidents, but they certainly weren't completely above a good PR spin to put a positive face on them. Unfortunately, not even the greatest of public relations could hope to cover up what was happening now. The chaos of the moment was seemingly punctuated by the almost piercing scream of a woman whom could be seen racing down the aisles of the mall in her underwear while a mixture of ghostly figures and human males with strangely glowing eyes gave chase - ripped skirt in hand and rather clear intentions in their almost comically twisted features.

She wasn't alone in her shock and terror, as numerous customers of both male and female persuasion were seen trying to fend off possessed human and ghost alike. There were women running from men and apparition. Men trying to defend their wives and dates. Not to mention a few pimply faced teens whom were being chased by a number of evidently possessed toys - with their greatest horror seemingly being due more to said toys being taken out of their mint boxes, rather then the possessions themselves.

"Sinners!!" Shouted a light complexioned, dark haired male in his mid-twenties whom was dressed as a Priest and stood near the center of this madness while perched upon a bench - an opened bible in hand as he further scolded, "You see now what your life of sin, debauchery and greed has brought down upon you? This is your time of judgment! This is the final fate of your immortal souls! This... well, this is just a shitty time for most of you in general." A snicker escaped the male's lips after that final bit; his lips curving into a sly little smirk as the head ghost which resided within took a moment to survey his handiwork. If one were to peak down at the bible in his hand, they would find little else then mostly blank pages - save for the occasional dirty scribble jolted down in his free time as the possessed male reflected, "A guy could get used to this whole wrath and judgment crap."
The massive glass entryway to the mall's lower floor exploded as the infamous Pink SUV of Daten city known to most as "See Through" utterly destroyed everything in its path. The vehicle powered through everything in its path people darted out of its way almost in more fear for their lives then their nether regions at this point.

"Stocking, ejected me at the food court!" shouted the blonde passenger, standing in her seat and removing her g-string "These cunts are scaring away all the hot ass here."

"Christ Panty, you can't stop thinking about sex for like, five seconds can you?" replied the gothic driver

"Sure I can, 1...2...3...4...5, there I did it now hurry up, I have a hot date tonight and I don't wanna be covered in ghost guts this time." within the one called Panty's hands, the undergarment from which her name derived was magically transformed into a holy Desert Eagle that gleamed with an ethereal aura.

"Gladly, I don't want herpes all over the seat." Stocking slammed her Mary Jane stiletto hard into the brakes and down shifted until she skidded to a stop. Panty was, as demanded, ejected into the air two stories up. Panty glided with grace and determination despite the high octane speeds. She cocked her weapon and began her rapid decline.

Beneath Panty, a devilish looking ghost hovered above a possessed human, marionette guides in his hands as if he were controlling a puppet. It cackled maniacally before sensing the angel's presence. It looked up to see the muzzle of the glowing gun inches away from his yellow eyes. He frowned an whimpered a bit as she shouted her "holy" quote of judgement.

"REPENT, MOTHER FUCKER." the gun was practically touching his eye by the time she pulled the trigger, the spirit bullet firing through his eye and hollowing out his skull. The gun's muzzle pushed fully into his open wound and was carried with panty down to the ground, landing with a heavy thud that cracked the flooring.

Panty grip the ghosts dissipating shoulder, keeping him bound to the mortal realm for a while longer and ran with him, using him as a fleshy, riot shield. The back of his skull flashed repeatedly, every shot fired blowing massive chunks of flesh and bone from the ghosts that surrounded her. By the time most could react half of the specters could react, the other half was already shot down, their ethereal bodies obliterated by Panty's holy ammunition

Behind her, leapt her sister, Stocking, jumping from See Through and pulling off one of her stockings. The thigh high garment gleaned into a long sabre and was quickly being slashed through the air, decapitating all the dazed ghosts her sister had missed or ignored with her fire-arm. As quickly as they arrived, the Anarchy sisters had utterly annihilated all resistance, standing triumphantly in the mall centre, the wind of their fast arrival finally catching up, blowing their short dresses in between their milky thighs and revealing their own nether-regions to the daemon who had afflicted such chaos upon these innocent people.
The resulting counter-chaos which had begun to undo his current attack on the populace of the supermall had happened rather quickly. The possessed human could only stand there for now, observing as the pair of females started slicing and blasting their way through the currently assembled ghosts. Many of the freed humans either hid within the nearby stores when the pressure was off of them, while a few others tried to make their way toward the nearest exits. For his part, the demon was left with a rather dumbfounded, but also annoyed expression as the dust started to settle on the scene.

"Angels, huh? Well aint that a bitch...." He grumbled, sticking to his possessed body for now as he took a step off of the bench while keeping the short distance away from the pair - a faint smirk touching onto the males devilish features at the brief peepshow inadvertently granted to him, "You are a tad sight better appealing to the eyes than the average overweight mall patron, I'll give you that."

The demon continued to flash that rather snarky grin, hinting of plans most devious as the possessed male stood there with open bible in hand while musing, "Still, though. Two Angels here to break up my fun in turning this mall into the greatest monument of lust and sin the world has ever seen. Most would see this as a setback of rather grievous proportions."

Head tilted slightly, the possessed male grew bold enough to take a few steps forward, keeping himself alert for any further attacks on their part, as he finished with a hint of amusement to his voice, "I, on the other hand...." With the closing of his book, this seemed to be an unspoken signal for the next wave of ghostly apparitions to begin making their presence known.

The ground beneath the Anarchy sisters started to shake, with beams of light seemingly seeping out from the few cracks in the polished mall floor. However the sisters may react, it was evident that their fight had only just begun, as a sudden eruption of ghosts, each seemingly faster (and perhaps stronger?) then the previous batch, began spilling outward to pick up where their exorcised comrades had left off. A few of them resumed their chase after the mall patrons - cutting off the exits of their escape - while the majority quickly made after the pair of Angels. Ghostly limbs reached out, trying to swipe at and grab the girls arms and legs, as a seemingly endless supply of them literally flew into action for their masters amusement.

"Best of luck with the second wave. And believe me, there are far more where they came from." The demonic male warned, a sense of amused mockery behind his cold voice, while observing the resulting show as his subjugated servants went about trying to deal with the sisters as he tested and played with these party crashers.
"Who the hell is this douche nozzle?" Said Panty uninterested, ignoring his speech. "He looks like a pussy version of Garter. Well, more of a pussy."

"True," replied Stocking stepping forward toward the priest "Let's ask him!"

"Hey dick-wad," said Panty following her sister "Who the fuck are you, and why do you have such a hard-on for forced orgies?"

Panty and Stocking never got their answer as a dozen or more ghosts lept from the underworld; the Sisters Anarchy immediately went back to back. Stocking, her blade set level with her eyes and her feet, shifting to a guard stance. Panty leaned back, her gun cocked, her arm straight allowing her to look down the sight of the mystic gun and scope the heads over the nearest ghost threat in her crosshairs.

"Stocking, if you have an idea, it would be really fucking useful." barked Panty as the ghosts approached.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" stressed Stocking, looking at all the undead spectres approaching.
As the new wave of ghosts sprung out and began to make their move, the demon would simply watch with a snickering face as what was to come next. "Restrain them, you bunch of Casper rejects! I don't care how many of you it takes, just bring them down!" He shouted, watching as the swarm of ghosts heeded his command and moved on the sisters.

They moved quickly, with surprising unison in terms of managing to take advantage of any blind spots the others afforded them with their own maneuvers. Truly, the Anarchy sisters had little chance, as the small army of spectres eventually managed to dog pile onto both of them. There was a series of frantic movements and the sounds of body parts swooshing around as they were knocked around within the hurried assault - until finally the ghosts moved away to show both Panty and Stocking held by their wrists, weapons knocked aside, while held within the mall center in a kneeling position.

"There. On your knees. That seems a much better position for a couple of actual bible thumpers." The demon spoke, slowly walking closer by now, remaining within his human host form as a few more demonic looking features began forming out in the shape of a reddening complexion and a set of horns growing out of the now whitening hair, "As for your questions? You may call me.... Jon. A little boring, I'm aware, but it's a shortened version of a name that's... well, perhaps a little embarrassing without proper context."

A short pause there, as the now demonic looking 'Priest' gave a throat clearing sound before moving on with the introductions for his 'captive' audience, "As for my so called obsession with forced orgies? Well.... why not? Don't you think this world is incredibly dull the way it is? Wouldn't a modern housing of debauchery and lust on a level the world had never seen before help to spruce up the place? A place where one can have all of the sex, alcohol, drugs and anything else you can ever ask for and more?"

His red eyes surveyed the pair of sisters, before settling on Panty for a moment and then giving a knowing smirk as he added, "I'll bet this one knows what I'm talking about. You strike me as the type who could go for a good, hard, group screwing every now and again. Am I close?"
The sisters Anarchy quickly fell prey to the burning legionaires. Their stength and speed greatly outmatching those of their fallen former comrades.

"You wanna play rough mother fucker lets play! Stocking!" Panty, shouted with anger " Lets turn this bitch up to eleven"

"Already on it!" Replied her raven sister with her own, black lace panties in hand. She tossed them too her sister, tansforming it into an identical twin of Panty's own gun. Stocking had already removed her other legging at this point, the stripped, ethreal blades shimmering in her hands. The guns of the blonde angel barked and the blades of the gothic angle cut the air. Ghosts were slain in scores and from the perspective of the sisters, the angels were quickly winning. But for every ghost slain two mores tood in its place. The army was relentless and never ending. It was only a matter of time before the two legendary fighters were out numbered, bogged down and captured, forced to kneel before this demonic enemy.

Stocking felt the hands of her innumerable captors feeling her precious womanhood. They did not do anything to her but it was far worse than just raping her, they were observing, thinking intently on how to defile her already impure body even more. Unphased by such actions, Panty was furious struggling and fighting seven still in their invalid state. She looked into the Demon Priest's eyes with spite. Grinding her teeth and baring down on him with venom. Before he could even finish his sentence she spat, with incredible accuracy mind you, into the mouth of the demon.

"Only thing you're close to is kissing my ass, ya fuckin' saturday morning cartoon villain." she spat, breaking her wrist free of one of her captors and repeatedly punching the other "Why don't you go back to Disney, they just bought Star Wars and could probably use an ugly fuck like you as an extra or something."
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