Widow & The Beast (DanceWithDemise x Rand)


Apr 6, 2012
Several weeks had passed since the massive attack on New York City where the world was properly introduced to the premiere team of the worlds greatest heroes. Many of these so-called Avengers had gone their separate paths since then, with several of them needing to both clean up personal matters along with cleaning up the destruction which had followed the alien invasion led by the superbeing known as Loki. One of those whom were in need of some repairing of their own was the brilliant doctor known as Bruce Banner. Or, perhaps more famously at this point, recognized the world over by his once thought unfathomable alter ego of the Hulk.

Deep within the jungles of Brazil, an isolated hut stood, with a dim light seeping out from the corners of the hastily put together door and the open window from one side of its four corners. Bruce had been here for a few weeks now, with little else then his notes and research to keep himself busy as the brilliant mind worked diligently on the gamma radiation related reports afforded to him by Fury following his assistance with the Avengers Initiative. The often elusive doctor, whom was currently hunched over a table while reading over the reports for the dozenth time, had for the longest time sought out a way of either ridding himself or at least further controlling the beast which raged within his body. This was nothing new for those whom had kept tabs on him in the past.

What none of the others had known at this point, however, was how things had changed within him following the manipulation mindjob done to Dr. Banner by Loki himself. Where once Bruce had seemingly gained a semblance of control over his 'other half' over the past few months prior to Fury making the call for his help, Loki had undone much of it within a few days time. Bruce could feel the incredible green behemoth knocking about within his head. The feel of the Hulk in there was stronger then it had been in a long while. Only now it was strangely... different.

Where anger had once been the lone potential trigger for releasing the beast within, Dr. Banner had noticed a similar warning reaction within occasionally set itself off due to other stimuli. Excessive exorcise being the main one which he'd noticed, but there were other... rather embarrassing stimulations which seemed to have a similar effect. And it was the effort to find a scientific way of correcting this apparent imbalance which had driven the lab coat wearing young man, as the late night dragged on with Bruce taking a moment to adjust his glasses while looking over the paperwork by the lamplight.

While indeed secluded out here in the jungle, Bruce wasn't necessarily completely cut off from humanity - however much the reclusive male may wish to be at times. There were a number of communication devices which were rarely used but had a place in one corner of the fairly large hut. Amongst them, buried beneath a few crumbled up and discarded notes of paper, was a specific tracker used for in the event of an Avengers emergency. The tracking device remained silent, yet glowed with a seemingly unnoticed red light - indicating its current usage and the now likely event of Dr. Banner having an unexpected guest very shortly.
While most of the Avengers had either gone back to their regular lives or retreated to some remote part of the world to do whatever it was that they needed to do in seclusion after the battle against Loki and his Chitauri legion, the Black Widow had carried on with business as usual. Most of her assignments since then had been run-of-the-mill intel gathering, sabotage runs and assassinations targeted at some of the most dangerous and volatile terrorist organizations on the planet.

The last one had been quite different, however. While Natasha had been trying to gather up info on the leaders of the Hammer of Retribution - who were currently considered as one of the highest global threats by SHIELD - she'd managed to sneak into a hidden lab which contained much more than just plans for chemical weapons. She'd read the Bruce Banner and Steve Roger files enough times to recognize a supersoldier formula when she saw one, and luckily had managed to hack the lab's database and download a copy before being compromised and having to flee, leaving a trail of bodies behind.

That had all gone down in Bolivia which was where the Hammer's home base of operations was, and - coincidentally - Dr. Banner happened to be right next door in Brazil as Natasha found out when she activated his tracking beacon. Since he was by far the leading authority on Earth when it came to such matters, the Widow wasted no time in getting on the nearest SHIELD helicopter and being flown over to meet him.

Banner might have heard the helicopter's rotors as it hovered briefly near his little makeshift home and lab just long enough for Natasha to be lowered down from a rope before flying away again. If she'd wanted to surprise him like she'd done during their first meeting, that obviously wouldn't have been her approach, but that was obviously unnecessary this time around.

By the time that she'd made it to his hut, there were already a few beads of sweat visible on Natasha's brow from the short walk through the jungle which happened to be blisteringly hot and humid. A few strands of her eye catching coppery hair (which she'd grown out since the incident in New York so that it was a few inches past shoulder length now) were matted against her forehead, hear heartbeat was slightly and her breathing was noticeably heavier than usual, but overall that wasn't so bad considering that even an average athlete would have been exhausted by that point. She reflected that perhaps her black SHIELD catsuit might now have been the most appropriate choice of attire in these conditions, her skin feeling a bit clammy underneath, but then again she hadn't been expecting to stay very long either.

"Quite the...cozy little place you've got here, doctor," Natasha said as she opened the hut door and stepped inside, the hint of an amused smile lingering upon her glossy pink lips afterwards. "I hope this isn't a bad time."
The good doctor had grown increasingly involved with his studious reading to the point of nearly drowning out any and all outside distractions as if they weren't part of the same plane of existence as his own racing thought process. It was something often chalked up as simple daydreaming while younger, but when it came to Bruce and that genius brain of his it was never anything so simple. Still, the rather driven male had learned to avoid in completely blocking out any outside noises (thanks in no small part to the numerous incidents of attempted capture), and had thus spun around with sudden alertness at the initial sound of the hut door being pushed open.

"Natasha?!" He blurted, raising a hand to briefly rub at his eyes while they attempted to refocus after the hours of reading, "I, uh... I didn't expect to see you or any of the others again so soon." Adjusting his glasses for a moment, the dark haired male slowly stood from his chair - only now realizing how long he'd been hunched over as his legs and back gave a light ache at the shifting of positions. "No, no... it's not like I really have anything close to resembling an active schedule." He offered in response to her last query, observing the redhead spy whose beauty was a stark contrast from his rather disheveled appearance.

After all, there wasn't much point for daily shaves or laundry washed clothing when one spent most of their days alone - as the man became slightly aware of his five o'clock shadow and largely dirt stained clothing. His navy blue pants fit loosely, largely due to the humid nature of the jungle, but also thanks to the need of such 'flexible' materials thanks to his other, as he rolled back the white sleeves of his labcoat which was wrapped around his grey shirt that clung to his average built chest due to the resulting perspiration of his choice of living arrangements.

"Sorry I can't really offer you much to eat or drink. I head into the nearest village for supplies when needed, but I mostly get by on fruits and water out here." He offered as a bit of small talk while leaning slightly against his work table, arms crossed, while also appearing a bit apprehensive on what may have dragged her out here to see him considering the circumstances of her first out of the way 'visit'. At the same time, however, Bruce had to admit that it was a somewhat nice change to have a familiar face which he mostly trusted lingering about however briefly.

At the same time, considering his current unshared issues with outside stimuli, Bruce wasn't certain of how wise it was to be around others for too long. Particularly somebody so 'stimulating' as the infamous Black Widow, as the scientist finally got down to the point. "So... what brings you all the way out here to Brazil? I can't imagine it was simply a social call." He inquired, seemingly more curious than confrontational at the moment as he continued, "Did Fury send you out here to retrieve me? Or is this Avengers business?"
Natasha involuntarily twitched and took half a step back upon seeing Dr. Banner's rather brusque reaction, a quick flashback of the time when he transformed and stalked her through the SHIELD helicarrier crossing her mind before she caught herself. It had been by far the most terrifying experience of her life; nothing had ever left Natasha so rattled, and she wasn't going to forget it anytime soon, so it was natural that she was a tad on edge, but it still bothered her. She hated not feeling in control, especially when it was herself that she wasn't in full control of.

"Some water would be fantastic," the Widow replied as she pushed her hair over her shoulders with the backs of her hands, leaving her chest and cleavage just little bit more exposed than it had been previously, though she didn't even think about it. Exhaling deeply through her mouth, Natasha then grabbed her suit by the two sides of the zipper where it was open near the top of her breasts and tugged on it a few times, airing herself out a bit to combat the suffocating heat. It also had the side effect of making her jiggle a little bit.

"You really should take better care of yourself, you look like a hobo." Natasha was only half joking, but she clearly sounded slightly concerned rather than insulting. "But you're right, I didn't come all this way just for the waxing," she went on, unbuttoning one of the several pouches attached to her belt so that she could retrieve a small round device. "Trust me, I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important. I needed an expert opinion, and men like you aren't exactly a dime a dozen." A bit of flattery never hurt when trying to gain a favor.

Natasha casually tossed the projector which she'd been holding on to the table that Bruce was standing by. While it activated, she took a few steps closer until she was standing right next to him so that they could both look at the holographic projection which had just sprouted out of the device. A strong bluish green light filled the dimly lit hut as mathematical equations and DNA codes and much more appeared before their eyes.

"Stumbled across this not too far away, just over in Bolivia. Obviously, you don't need me to tell you that it's some kind of supersoldier formula. The thing is that we'd really need to know if it's viable or close to it, or if it's just a science project gone wrong and doomed to failure. I'm sure you can appreciate how bad it would be if the wrong people got their hands on a working formula." Natasha paused to give him a slightly solemn look, highlighting the potential gravity of the situation.

"If you need resources or equipment to run tests, I can get you to a state of the art lab with all the toys and furnishings forthwith, just say the word. And hey, it might do you some good to get out of this...umm...place for a while." She smiled knowingly. "I promise to bring you right back when the job is done, or whenever you want, so what do you say?"
"Sure thing..." He replied simply at the request for water, as he lingered for only a moment while she moved to push her hair over her shoulders - leaving the good doctor with a rather tempting view of her partially exposed cleavage. She was a very beautiful woman, Bruce considered, and it had been a long time since he had any female company. Feeling a familiar (and not particularly welcomed) sensation as Natasha began to 'air out' her body from the jungle's humid weather, the dark haired male tried to refocus his attention on fetching her water and attending to whatever matters were at hand behind her visit.

"When ones usual house guest is limited to primates and arachnids, personal hygiene isn't always at the top of ones daily scheduling." He offered to Natasha with a half-smile which grew a little wider at the noticeable yet oddly appreciated bit of flattery - pouring her a cup of filtered water from a jug near the table as she got down to business on her reason for being here.

Diverting his eyes toward the tossed over projector, Dr. Banner allowed for his scientific curiosity to override any other distractions for a short while as he observed the projected image. His eyes widened slightly at the full realization of what she had brought to his attention. Curious. It was certainly enough to keep his mind off of where his thoughts were drifting earlier, although the up close presence of the stunning redhead hadn't gone without notice to the gamma radiation expert.

"Yeah... I'm kind of a walking poster boy for what can go wrong when tampering with supersoldier efforts gone array." He responded with a hint of self depreciating humor - glancing over to meet her gaze, only to find his eyes beginning to wander when she wasn't paying direct attention toward him. Her skintight uniform was open enough to offer the slightly taller male a rather generous view down at her cleavage - with the portions that remained fully covered not exactly leaving much to the imagination.

Normally, this wouldn't be any big problem. Guys got aroused. Even bookworms who spent more time looking at molds through a microscope then girls in magazines like Bruce did growing up. But as the chemical reaction which resulted due to his physical arousal began to kick up, so did a slow, almost dull burn deep inside of the doctor. A sensation which he'd come to know all too well, as his heart rate began picking up even as his eyes were pulled away from the source of their distraction.

With a subtle anxiousness becoming evident within his demeanor, a slight strain to his voice, Bruce straightened himself out while finally offering the tin cup of water to his unexpected guest as he addressed her proposal, "You, uh... you do make a rather tempting offer, Miss Romanoff. Much as any good scientist can make do with the bare necessities, a little luxury and state of the 'toys' to play with is always a welcomed change after a few weeks in the jungle."

There were a few beads of perspiration running down his forehead, although it was difficult for one to say if it were due to the weather or another factor entirely as Bruce began to loosen a couple of buttons around his collar while continuing, "But you'll understand if I'm a little... apprehensive, considering the mishap which occurred the last time I tried to help out directly with any government related superperson business." Dr. Banner hadn't yet closed the door on the matter, as the development of another supersoldier serum did stir his scientific interest. However, the longer he stayed around Natasha, the more evident his issues of personal control were at question within himself - as his heartbeat continued to thud away at a somewhat alarming rate for the gamma radiated scientist.
Natasha gave her eyebrows a quick raise as if to say 'yeah, pretty much' while still making it obvious that she was only kidding when Banner described himself as the poster boy for supersoldier experiments gone wrong. She tried to gauge his reaction the the news that she'd brought, noticing that he seemed to be getting just the least bit flustered, which she supposed was a normal enough reaction, although she made sure to keep her eyes peeled just in case he started to get too riled up.

"You, uh... you do make a rather tempting offer, Miss Romanoff. Much as any good scientist can make do with the bare necessities, a little luxury and state of the 'toys' to play with is always a welcomed change after a few weeks in the jungle."

"A girl does what she can," Natasha replied with a nonchalant shrug.

She gladly accepted the cup of water and gulped it all down in one go after briefly glancing at it and making sure that it was clean (Natasha doubted that Banner's other half would allow him to get sick, so she assumed that he'd be fine drinking dirty water if he wanted to, and he'd already shown a propensity to neglect his personal hygiene). For the next few seconds, she studied Bruce while he studied the holographic data projection, her expression hardening slightly.

Since the doctor hadn't dismissed the formula outright after his initial consultation, Natasha could only assume that there was at least something to it. That didn't exactly bode well for humanity in general, although perhaps she was jumping to conclusions too hastily over a few seconds of silence. However, by the time that Bruce got around to considering her offer, Natasha could be pretty certain that the formula was no joke.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were trying to make me beg." It seemed like keeping the tone of the conversation more or less lighthearted worked well with Dr. Banner, so Natasha continued with that strategy. "I could do that...or I could help you pack instead," she added, spying a small suitcase underneath the pathetic excuse for a bed in the far corner of the hut.

Natasha tapped the table lightly with her hand once before striding over to the bed, where she bent over to reach for the suitcase, giving Bruce a front row view of her lovely heart shaped rear. A low, slightly frustrated cross between a moan and a grunt escaped the Widow's lips as she struggled with the suitcase, finding that it was stuck, probably snagged on something. "Come on, goddamn it..."
Although Bruce couldn't truly say until he was given a chance to look over Natasha's findings more carefully, the formula did indeed appear to be the genuine article. It was something which had both concerned Dr. Banner and stirred about his scientific curiosity. There was, however, a more immediate yet unspoken concern at mind. One which Natasha's lighthearted remark on his making her beg wasn't doing them any favors toward. Plus, in spite of the humid weather and her noticeable amount of perspiration, the good doctor hadn't gone without noticing how nicely she smelled whenever they were within close proximity to each other.

So not the type of thing to be focusing on, Bruce scolded himself, while using the mention of packing up as an excuse to further divert his gaze without rousing any immediate suspicion. A task which grew further difficult, as the increased heart rate was joined by a slightly labored breathing. Dammit. Bruce knew he was better than this. Stronger than this. But then his alter ego was known to be quoted as saying nobody was stronger then the Hulk. It was a thought which Bruce tried to ignore, as he remarked with a slightly labored tone of his voice, "You're, uh... not exactly leaving me many options here, are you?"

Despite his continued reluctance and full intention of protesting further, the genius scientist did give an amuse 'hmph' noise even as Natasha moved to pull out his suitcase. Unfortunately, any further attempts at avoiding the trip or at least taking the time to explain his situation were further hindered by the redheads bending over to retrieve said case - stirring both man and beast into a further and increasingly dangerous state of arousal as Bruce attempted to intervene. "Natasha, I can get my own..." His voice became caught within his throat, as the dull thud within his head began increasing into a throbbing headache.

"Damn you.... don't..." He started to mutter as both hands raised to grab at the sides of his head - both legs struggling with maintaining their balance while fighting a futile battle to push back the monster within. Soon, even the act of pulling his eyes away from the crimson haired beauty whom had unknowingly triggered the man's sensitive transformation seemed beyond Bruce's abilities. "Natasha..." Bruce called out, voice almost growling now as his eyes began to take on a familiar and (for many) ominous green hue to them while mustering up the power for letting out a single final word, "....Run!"

With that, Dr. Bruce Banner suddenly let out a seemingly pained growl before crumbling down to his knees. One hand had propped down onto the floor of the hut, while the other continued grasping at his head as his world began to fade out around him to make way for his secondary consciousness. The normally average build of the genius scientist began to transform instantly, with that unimpressive muscle mass beginning to grow in size - stretching and ripping at his clothing - while the green hue which filled his eyes had even more quickly taken to filling out the male's entire complexion. The hulking form of the green goliath began to fill out within the hut - knocking over chairs and files of paper - as it became clear that even standing would be enough for the massive figure's head to punch through the top of the hut.

The shoes worn by Bruce had ripped apart as the pair of massive feet spilled out of them, with his shirt and labcoat not holding up much better. What remained of them would hang off of the Hulk's huge frame, while the loose fitting pants of earlier would stretch until only barely managing to keep from following the other articles of clothing's lead. Standing slowly, proudly, the Hulk's attention would immediately fall upon the only other person remaining within the hut. With a snort of his nostrils, the Hulk glared down at Natasha with a seemingly unreadable expression - save for the noticeable fact that this wasn't the same mindset the emerald goliath had been in during the New York incident.

His lips spreading into a strangely intimidating grin, the Hulk would only spare the time to utter the nickname of "Red Woman..." before suddenly giving an intense glare as he shot out an arm in her direction without any prior warning. It may have been unclear to Natasha just what the Hulk wanted, but it probably wasn't the worst of ideas for her to begin moving quickly before she found out the hard way.
"What? Did you say something?" Natasha asked, glancing briefly over her shoulder, not at all expecting to see Bruce clutching at his head and muttering hysterically in an all too familiar manner. She let go of the jammed suitcase and immediately spun back around to face him, not knowing what to do first. Instinctively, Natasha did a quick visual sweep of the inside of the hut and listened for any clues that mint point towards some sort of danger or whatever else that might be causing the doctor to transform, presumably against his will, but she neither saw nor heard anything.

The sound of her own name being uttered with a cross between Bruce's strained voice and the Hulk's guttural growl was enough to make Natasha's blood turn into a thick frozen slush in her veins. Terror glimmered in her wide open, pale blue eyes as she stood there frozen in place like a fawn caught in the headlights of an eighteen wheeler. Her muscles seemingly refused to listen to any commands that her brain was sending while she watched Dr. Banner's skin take on the Hulk's green tint and his muscles begin to bulge and grow at an unbelievable rate.

No, no, no, not again, the Widow thought to herself as she watched the grotesque transformation take place, her own body shaking like a leaf. Anything else but this.

"Bru - Bruce! Wait, calm down, it's safe, everything's fine!" Reasoning with the doctor - or the Hulk, rather, by that point - was probably not the smartest or most effective course of action, but the Widow was so bewildered with fear that she couldn't think of anything else.

Natasha's voice caught in her throat before she could continue, however, as the fully transformed Hulk glared down at her. She had no idea what he wanted or what had prompted his untimely arrival in the first place. All that Natasha could remember was the sound of screaming steel and deafening footsteps and savage roars from when the Hulk had chased her through the helicarrier and the fact that she'd come within an inch of being mauled to death by those giant green hands.

Finally, she snapped out of her fear induced stupor just in time to duck below the Hulk's outreaching hand and roll away in the direction of the door before he could catch her. Natasha's heart was thumping as if it were likely to burst out of her ribcage at any moment, the same Natasha who's vitals barely even flinched during most missions. The Hulk struck a primal sense of terror and dread into her unlike anything else that the deadly redhead had ever encountered.

Not even daring to look back at him for fear that she might freeze again, Natasha sprinted towards the door and out into the wilderness, finally heeding the advice that Bruce had given to her right before he'd been overpowered by his other, angrier half. As she was running as fast as her legs could carry her without getting tripped up in any of the jungle's very thick vegetation, the Widow brought a finger up to her ear, activating her tiny earpiece by proximity.

"This is agent Romanoff, I need..." she paused to take a shallow breat, "...immediate evac half a mile west of my current position. It's urgent." Hopefully she'd be able to reach the rendezvous point at the same time as the chopper with the Hulk far enough away for him not to interfere...but Natasha had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach.
The deadly spy's pleads for reason would fall on deaf ears when it came to the emerald behemoth known as the Hulk. Instead, her efforts would only be met with brute force, as the lumbering goliath's meaty paw missed its target and ended up smashing a fist sized hole through the already flimsy wall of the hut behind her. Grimacing, the Hulk let out a roar of frustration at the splintering wood which fell to the floor, before turning his head just quick enough to spot the redheaded Avenger making her escape through the door.

Natasha was wise not to look back, as the sight behind her would be that of the giant slipping its fingers through the open doorway and ripping the walls apart from there like one tearing into a wound. Letting out another triumphant growl at his display of strength, the beastly male than started racing after her into the forest vegetation. This chase was a familiar one for the gamma radiated monster. But where the previous one had been fueled by manipulated rage, this one had a far different emotion as its primal trigger. Hulk didn't actually view her as an enemy like before, but that would matter little for her sense of well being if she were caught by the simple minded brute.

The thumping sounds of the Hulk's large footfalls filled the jungle as he continued giving chase - finding himself growing increasingly frustrated with the stupid trees which slowed him down for even a second by obstructing the path before being knocked over in his wake. If Natasha were able to hear the mighty footsteps of the Hulk, she may soon find the menacing sound to completely, suddenly, vanish as if into thin air. They would, however, be replaced by that of a loud thudding noise caused by the Hulk suddenly landing right before her path after leaping over the jungle enough to close the gap between them.

She was cut off right as Natasha had entered a clearing, which meant there was little to obstruct her view as the behemoth stood before her - glaring down with a menacing stare which was as hard to read as it was frightening for most people. "Red Woman no run away." He told her as if issuing a command, perhaps even a warning, before reaching forward yet again and finally managing to snatch Natasha by an arm - lifting her upward so that her face was level with his own as he let out a triumphant roar which would cause her red locks of hair to wave noticeable behind the sheer force.

Any efforts she may have had to fight back or break free were easily ignored or swatted away if needed, which would include most handheld weapons she may have managed to strap onto her form fitting uniform. Just then, perhaps even more frightening than his usual grimacing stare, the Hulk began to smile as his emerald eyes took in the sight of the beautiful female. "Puny Banner want red woman." He stated plainly, with a hint of disgust at mentioning his alter ego, before adding proudly with a bit of boom behind his voice, "But only Hulk is strong enough to have her!"

With this proud declaration, the Hulk let out another roar, his mouth held wide open as warm breath and bits of saliva flung out, before suddenly, leaning forward. If one were to believe the urban myths of the Hulk eating people, they might believe this to be a killing strike on the Hulk's part. Instead, that wide open mouth would tilt just enough to claim Natasha's own lips within a heated embrace. Not just her lips. His mouth was wide enough to cover much of the lower portion of her face, with the redheads nose only managing to escape being enveloped as well into the sloppy kiss.

The kiss wasn't exactly the romantic kind, as one might guess, as Natasha would find her lips instantly attacked by the massive, lengthy tongue of the Hulk. The moment she parted them in an attempt to scream or catch a breath, she would find her mouth violated by the slippery appendage. The tongue was about on par with the average male's cock, as it slipped further into her mouth and down her throat - forcing her to taste him just as he was tasting her rather thoroughly. The goliath's saliva would trail down his lips, running along her chin and down the females neck before starting to pool slightly within her exposed cleavage. Even lower, if her feet were to move in the right direction, she would find them pressing or kicking into the by now very noticeable and massive bulge which was threatening to burst through the remains of his pants - giving the Black Widow a good idea of how far her assailant was planning on take matters even as her orally violated her mouth.
All sorts of exotically shaped leaves and low branches slapped and whipped at Natasha's body as she darted through the jungle, but the pain was a small price to pay as long as it meant not getting crushed to death by the furious green behemoth who was tracking her down. Every one of her pursuer's footsteps were announced by a loud thud and caused the very ground beneath the redhead's feet to shake, making it even harder to navigate the treacherous amazonian terrain, but through some perfect storm of instincts, adrenaline and luck she managed to move forward without tripping.

But it was the ominous silence that followed which had been the most terrifying. Complete and utter silence, since there must not have been even a single other living creature left in the vicinity, all of them having had the sense to run in the opposite direction from the monster. Unlike Natasha, they had the advantage of not being chased by him, however, so it was easy enough for them to escape with nothing more than a good scare. It was probably only a few seconds long, but the silence felt like it had dragged on for minutes or hours while she kept running, forcing her aching legs and overworked lungs to keep going until she reached the evac location.

Natasha definitely hadn't been expecting the Hulk to land in front of her out of nowhere. She desperately tried to brake before running into him, but her boots slid through the soft dirt underneath and the small earthquake rippling outwards from the spot where the Hulk had landed was enough to make her lose her balance. Stumbling as she tried to twist her body around to face the other direction, the Widow fell to one knee and broke her fall with her hands, getting ready to push herself up so that she could run back in the other direction...but she never made it back to her feet.

Instead, Natasha was yanked up into the air as if she were nothing more than a child's doll. When she used her free hand to draw one of her pistols from the holsters strapped to her thighs, it was swatted away with enough force to leave the bones in the spy's arm ringing, leaving her completely defenseless (not that the gun would have been of any use either way). It was all that she could do to turn her head away and clench just about every single muscle in her body as the Hulk let out a deafening roar just inches away from her. Large drops of spittle spattered against her face and chest while her mane of fiery red hair was blown back as if by a gust of wind.

The Widow's head and neck trembled as she kept her eyes shut hard, thankfully sparing her from the Hulk's grim smile while she waited for the life to be crushed out of her. She had no idea what the phrase Banner want red woman was supposed to mean. When she felt the warmth and wetness of the Hulk's huge mouth closing in around the lower half of her face, Natasha's first reaction was to scream, thinking that he was going to tear her apart with his teeth rather than killing her in a more conventional way like she'd first assumed.

Saying that it was a shock when the monster's massive tongue barreled its way into her mouth would have been an understatement. He's kissing me, Natasha's mind finally registered as she choked on the Hulk's tongue, her would-be screams being reduced to pathetic gurgling sounds as she futilely tried to push him out of her mouth with her own comparatively feeble tongue. Finally, Natasha gagged and tilted her head back as the Hulk forced his tentacle-like appendage all the way to the back of her throat. Her eyes were frozen wide open with terror and shock now, staring right into his where she was quite horrified to recognize blazing lust.

Thrashing about reactively as her throat muscles continued to clench down on the Hulk's wet, thick and raspy tongue, making it impossible for her to breath, Natasha's feet ended up tapping against what could only be an erection. A gargantuan, throbbing, green erection. The thought of being split in half by it was enough to put the fear of god into her. The Widow's thrashing became wild and violent as a wave of desperation rippled through her, providing her with a short burst of energy which she used to smash her feet against the giant bulge in the Hulk's shorts as hard as she could possible manage. If her had any weakness at all, Natasha guessed that that would be it. After all, he was still a man despite his transformation, that much had already been made much too obvious.
The behemoth's emerald eyes stared intensely into Natasha's own frightened gaze as his long tongue continued to violate her mouth and throat with the rather disgusting yet impassioned embrace. More of his saliva would continue to roll out of his clamped lips and down her heated flesh, as the Hulk began to feel the redhead's feet coming into contact with his throbbing erection. At first, the goliath of a man was aroused by the inadvertent stimulation brought about by any contact to his groin region. But then came the understandable attack on the Black Widow's part as her strong legs thrust her feet into the sensitive region of her assailants crotch.

Now, Hulk may not be nearly so soft compared to puny people like Banner. But there was a universal trait which the large, green complexioned male shared with others like Bruce. That being the simple fact of indeed being a male, as the kick caused enough pain for the Hulk to suddenly ended the embrace with Natasha and let out a pained, but perhaps more so frustrated grunt while reaching down with his free hand to cup at the surprising pain. "Red woman hurt Hulk...." He growled - a hint of surprise on his voice as he glared at the desperate Natasha Romanoff, but mostly seeming angered as he roared right into her face.

The sound was loud enough for several birds to be heard flying away in the distance, as the emerald goliath angrily shouted, "NOBODY HURT HULK!! NOBODY!!!" For a moment, it may have crossed the monsters mind to indeed kill, or at least several injure Natasha before either leaving her on the spot or having his way whether she was conscious or not. Instead, whether it be for better or worse on Natasha's part, the Hulk suddenly moved his free hand to grab at his largely tattered shorts and rip the already tearing material away with a single action.

Like many other aspects of the Hulk's unique biology, his sexual organ and the size of it tended to vary depending on how the level of stress behind it. Anger made the Hulk bigger and stronger. While lust made him thicker and longer. And with the pent up sexual frustrations Bruce had been experiencing since his accident cost him any hope of a love life, it was perhaps understandable why Natasha was now finding herself staring down the barrel of a very thick and nearly two feet long sexual reproduction organ as she was danged before it by the Hulk's continued grasp on her arm.

Without warning, the Hulk moved his other arm to grab at the darkly clad female - lifting her over the head of the cock and then turning her to facing the length of that arousal. She was positioned over it, a leg on either side, straddling the shaft with her back pressing into the Hulk's strong chest, as he used one hand to hold her in place so she could try to slip away. Perhaps, also, to keep the threat of causing her physical harm if she tried to hurt him again as a very real one for Natasha, whom would find that the Hulk's throbbing erection was indeed strong enough to support her body weight as her legs dangled over either side of it without being able to touch the ground.

"Red woman hurt Hulk." The gamma radiated monster repeated, grimly speaking, as he finished, "Red woman make Hulk feel better. Or Hulk SMASH red woman." Sure enough, the Hulk's grip on Natasha's back tightened, making it clear that he'd every intention of following through if he caused him any further pain, while similarly pressing her forward to press further into the upper portion of his cock. Her breasts would begin to press into the upper-side, the pulse of his arousal felt along her body, as the bulbous green tip swelled with anticipation only inches away from her beautiful face - thick globs of sticky precum forming out of said tip and slowly flowing downward to begin pooling into the exposed cleavage of her partially unzipped uniform.
Perhaps Natasha hadn't exactly thought things through perfectly when she decided that kicking the Hulk in what she presumed to be his most sensitive region would be a good idea, but then again her situation wasn't particularly conducive to great ideas. It was only after the fact that she realized how expecting that it might be enough to make him lose his grip on her was nothing more than wishful thinking and that in reality all it had accomplished was to make him angry - or angrier.

Against, she expected to be crumpled up like a scrap piece of paper at any second. She certainly never would have guessed that the monster would strip off the tattered remains of his shorts, leaving him nude and his gargantuan member completely exposed. Obviously, Natasha had been able to tell that it was big when her feet had touched it and when she'd looked down at the bulge in the Hulk's shorts, but it was even more enormous than she could have guessed.

Her nostrils were already full of his thick, musky scent even as he dangled her in front of her menacing erection by her arm which was beginning to hurt. "No, don't..." was the only feeble protestation that the Widow could muster while she was unceremoniously dropped on to the emerald behemoth's cock, still fearing that he might squash her like an actual spider if she dared to struggle more fiercely.

Even compared to the smothering warmth of the jungle, the Hulk's shaft felt burning hot even through Natasha's uniform. She had to wrap her arms and thigh around it to keep steady as if she were climbing a giant heat pipe or something, only most pipes didn't throb and swell underneath you like this one.

When she tried to pull away to avoid the first big glob of precum trickling down the length of his cock, the Hulk kept her pressed against it helplessly so that the gooey liquid found its way over her tits and in between them where it mixed with the saliva that had already began to pool there. All that Natasha could do was grimace and shudder in disgust, the monster's scent even stronger now to the point where it became overpowering.

Despite his limited ability to communicate, the Hulk had succeeded in making what he wanted from the curvaceous redhead abundantly clear.

"You've got to be kidding..." she mumbled to herself, hardly able to believe her eyes or ears, or any of her senses for that matter.

The way that he roared the word 'smash' was more than sufficient to convince Natasha that he was quite willing to follow through on his threat (not that she'd doubted that before), so it didn't seem like she had much of a choice if she wanted to remain in one piece. Of course, there was still no guarantee that the monster wouldn't kill her afterwards, but it was better than nothing.

While it may not have been the most elegant or dignified way to try to save herself, Natasha begrudgingly came to terms with the fact that she'd have to somehow jerk the Hulk's impossibly large cock off to appease him and got to work, albeit somewhat reluctantly.

Now that he was pinning her down with his hand, Natasha didn't really need to hold on anymore, so she unwrapped her arms from around the thick shaft and began massaging it with both hands, unintentionally spreading the precum around and using it as lubricant. The Widow could tell that it was working just by the sounds that the Hulk was making and the way that his manhood throbbed and twitched beneath her, but she also knew that it wouldn't be enough to keep him appeased for very long.

With a heavy sigh of defeat, she started sliding her hips back and forth, feeling the raging erection in between her legs even more clearly than before with every passing second. With sweat already dripping off of her face and making her entire body feel slick and wet under her black suit, Natasha's gyrations settled into a somewhat steady - albeit markedly hurried - pace as she continued rub and dryhump the monster's raging hard-on, praying that it would be enough to save her own skin.
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