Too Close For Comfort [Darkling_Thrush and PredatoryFantasia]

Apr 22, 2011
The library was one of the oldest buildings in town. The whole building smelled faintly of cedar and old paper, and there always seemed to be the sound of rustling pages, no matter the hour. The sun shone in through the windows, falling across old tables and new computer monitors. The shelves seemed to go on forever, sometimes. Especially to a child. Janice smiled at the little girl chattering to her mother about how many books, how many words there must be in the building. She turned her attention back to putting away the short story collections in the children's section, her last duty before heading home for the weekend. She really loved her job, especially seeing the kids' faces light up when she read to them. They believed everything, that anything was possible. She remembered those days. A wistful sigh escaped her lips. Maybe today would be the day she'd start believing again. She nodded to herself, putting the last book on the shelf with a determined 'thunk' of hardcover on wood.

The young woman clocked out and grabbed her jacket, calling goodbyes to the other librarians. She left the front of the red coat unbuttoned. It was too warm to bundle up. It was almost too warm to wear a jacket, but she didn't really mind. She hummed to herself to bring her spirits as high as she could; the sun was out, the day was wonderful. People had been nice to her lately! She always loved when things were going right. She couldn't stop smiling! Her brother was supposed to be coming home soon, too. She couldn't remember what day that was supposed to be; next week some time, she was sure. She quickly darted across the street, hoping that the blinding flash of sun on her freckled legs wasn't going to cause an accident. Maybe the shorter skirt wasn't such a good idea...

It wasn't a particularly long walk home, but she took her time, breathing in the scent of flowers and the feel of sunshine on her back. Of course, if she took too long she knew she'd regret it. It wasn't blindingly hot out, but the ginger woman had to be careful about burning. She'd made that mistake too many times. Way too many... She picked up the pace a little and soon turned up the driveway to her parents' house. Her nose crinkled up at the thought while she pulled her keys from the pocket of her jacket. Hopefully soon, after working at the library for a little longer, she could afford to move out. She opened the door, hung her keys from a hook, and kicked off her shoes. "I'm home," she called, hanging her coat up in the hall closet and heading towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat.
Logan Masters hadn't been home for nearly six years now while he was off at college studying medicine. He had come home for the holidays each year sure, but his college was nearly three hundred miles from home and he had a summer job there working as a medical apprentice in the nearby hospital. Coming home for frequent visits during all of that time would have been a little inconvenient. Besides, Logan had always had a bit of an unhealthy attraction toward his little sister, whom was three years younger than him, and he had thought that maybe his time away from home would put a stop to all of that.

His little plan to cut himself cold from the object of his affection did not do as he had hoped, of course. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and every time that Logan had come home for the holidays, that cliche was made all too real. Seeing her for only a few short weeks out of a whole year had secretly been killing him inside. Seeing her development as a young woman in yearly spurts as opposed to being there to witness the changes gradually seemed to make her even more appealing and before long, he couldn't help but think of Janice when he was laying with the odd college girl now and then.

Today would bring an end to all of that pain, however. Logan had spent the past week packing up his things from his dorm room and loading them into his old dark blue ninety-five mustang so that he could get home from college a week early. No one had been told that he would be home early; not even his parents. He wanted it to be a surprise for everyone back home. It was a surprise that he was certain that everyone would enjoy.

It wasn't too long, fifteen minutes perhaps, after Janice had gotten home that a familiar dark blue vehicle pulled into the drive of the suburban home where Logan had been raised. Moments later, a familiar figure was stepping out of the car. Logan was roughly six feet and two inches in height with an athletic physique. His body was toned, but not overly muscular, and his clothes clung to him tightly enough to emphasize the fact without being restrictive. Dark denim blue jeans were an almost constant part of his attire, as was his black leather jacket. Today, a navy tee shirt was worn under the jacket, complimenting both of the other pieces of his ensemble.

It took Logan only moments to gather the luggage bag that held his clothes from the back seat of his car before turning around and making his way toward the door. His black leather boots thumped against the concrete sidewalk with each step. As he approached the door, his azure eyes scanned the house for any signs that someone was home, but he couldn't see anything with the curtains drawn.

"Ah well," Logan muttered to himself in a smooth voice as he took the final steps up to the door. He hesitated for a moment then, bringing a hand to run through his earthy-brown hair before he reached out to knock on the door. He could have probably just walked in, sure, but he had been gone for six years. This place felt like home, but at the same time it felt different. Knocking only seemed natural.
It seemed that she was the only one that was home. Her parents must have been out grocery shopping, probably preparing for Logan's return home. Janice polished off an apple and wandered up the stairs to her room. It had barely changed since she was a young teen; most of the same books lined the shelf on the wall, a laptop sat on her desk now, with a stack of DVDs on the floor. The only significant change was a box at the foot of her bed, almost like a chest, that she kept a blanket thrown over most of the time. She had something of an embarrassing collection in there; a remotely impressive collection of pornographic magazines. Well, everyone had their dirty little secrets, and as a young woman with no love life and very little sex life, she figured it wasn't too shameful to own a little... well, it was more than a little. She kept it a secret from her family, and more or less everyone in the town. She didn't want her job compromised just because she was a little frisky. The young woman flopped on her bed and looked up at the ceiling with a yawn. She was debating taking a nap when she heard the knock at the door.

She groaned, pushing herself up off the bed and tugging her skirt down from where it had ridden halfway up her thighs. She walked down the stairs, feeling no inclination to rush. Who the hell was here, anyway? Probably some UPS guy with something for Dad. She knew she hadn't ordered anything, and definitely wasn't expecting anything for her. Nobody had been invited over, that she could think of, they didn't have new neighbors in the area... Maybe a dog was missing or something? With a shrug, she tucked a ginger curl behind her ear and opened the door. The sight of her brother stunned her for a moment, then a smile split across her face.

"You're home!" she exclaimed, flinging her arms around Logan's neck. It was nice to see him after so long! She felt like she'd barely heard from him at all while he'd been away studying. Even his brief visits, which seemed to become less and less in recent years, had felt too short. There'd always been so much to catch up on. He'd missed out on the last six years of her life. Sure, there had been occasional phone calls and letters in between visits, but for a very long time, Janice had felt like she'd lost her elder brother. Now he was home! For how long, she didn't know, but she intended on making the best of it.

She released her brother and beamed up at him. "Come on in! Why'd you knock? It's not like you, you know, live here or anything," she teased, leading the way inside and stepping aside to hold the door open for him. "Mom and Dad aren't home. I think they're at the store, probably getting your favourite foods and stuff to spoil you with until they remember that you live here again." Her voice had a pleasant, teasing tone to it, and her eyes had a mischievous twinkle to them.
When the door opened and Logan saw that it was Janice on the other side, a wide smile spread across his lips. Out of everyone that was waiting at home for him - his parents, his friends, the rest of the family; Janice was the person that he had missed the most. Before Logan had left, he and his sister had been a lot closer than other siblings were who were close to the same age. The fact that Logan was eighteen and on the constant lookout for the next big 'score' with girls and the fact that he found Janice to be pretty damn attractive probably had something to do with that. Sure, Logan knew that bedding his sister was a sick concept, but as long as he only dreamed about it and didn't actually do it then there was no harm or foul, right?

Then, moments later, Janice launched herself forward and threw her arms around her big brother. With no hesitation, Logan returned the hug but in the back of his mind, he was wishing that he could be kissing her instead. Again, Logan knew that this wasn't something that should have ever crossed his mind. He just couldn't help himself when it came to Janice. She had blossomed into a gorgeous young woman and the memories of just how close they used to be were still fresh in his head. That is not to say that they were not still close. Logan wrote her every chance that he had and called home to talk to her frequently, but he still only saw her for a few weeks out of the year. Despite not being in touch physically very often, Logan still considered his baby sister to be his best friend. He had never been able to decide if that was sweet or pathetic.

"Yeah, I'm home Kiddo," Logan said with a sigh of relief when Janice broke their hug and beckoned him inside. He was right behind her as she stepped into their childhood home and as though it had never been there to begin with, his apprehension about coming home was gone. That feeling that this wasn't really home all washed away when he saw that the place hadn't changed at all. In fact, he had to question whether or not the furniture had even ever been moved so that their mother could clean underneath of it.

"Yeah, well you know me. I'm always the gentleman," Logan said with a smirk in retort to his little sister's teasing joke. It seemed that Janice was teasing Logan about something every time that he turned around and Logan, in turn, always had some smart-ass remark to make in return. Perhaps that was part of the reason that the two got along so well. It had to be nearly impossible for one of them to take the other seriously.

Frankly, Logan was happy to hear that his parents were not home. He wanted to get himself settled back into his old bedroom before their mother was all over him questioning why he didn't bring a steady girl back home with him. He also wasn't looking forward to their father telling their mother not to worry - that it was only natural for a young man to 'throw a few back before he finds a keeper'. The fact of the matter was that Logan had found his keeper long ago. There were just certain complications in their potential relationship.
Janice simply couldn't stop beaming. "Gentleman?" She snorted. "Sure, let's go with that. Making me get out of my nice cozy bed, so very gentlemanly." She looked at his bag. "Is that all you brought home?" she asked. She ran up the stairs ahead of him to beat him to his own room, right beside hers. She darted inside and plopped down on his bed, curling her legs under her and tugging her skirt over her knees. "Do you want help with anything? Or something to eat? It's been a long trip." She hoped she wasn't smothering him, but she was so grateful to have her brother back, the young woman felt like she was practically vibrating.

She looked around Logan's room. It had never been changed, not since he left for school. Her father had suggested once or twice that they convert it into a nice, simple guest room, but both of the women had shot that idea down without further elaboration. Neither Janice nor her mother were willing to let Logan go, and to change his room would be the first step. They were all a little surprised to hear that he would be coming back to stay. They were sure he'd go off and find his own place, especially with the job, and his friends were there. No one was happier than Janice. She hadn't really believed it was possibly true until now.

She smiled up at Logan from the bed, trying not to bounce. She was twenty-one, not twelve, and should act as such. She cleared her throat and relaxed her shoulders, folding her hands almost primly in her lap. Still, the smile on her face refused to go away. "If you need anything at all, let me know. We have a lot to catch up on, too, you know! Did I tell you I have a real grown-up job now?" she grinned. She'd done some seasonal work doing things in retail, but never what she'd call a 'real' job. Never anything that lasted, until now.
Logan was right on Janice's heels when she took off up the stairway toward his bedroom. Having been his high school soccer captain, he would have easily beaten his book-worm little sister there if he wasn't carrying a bag full of clothes. The bag wasn't his only piece of luggage, of course. It was just the only one that he had brought in from the car. He wouldn't need all of his clothes right away, after all. There would be plenty of time to get the rest of his things later once he had settled in and gotten himself comfortable again in his childhood home. Janice was already making the transition back into normal life a lot easier than he could have hoped for.

Upon entering his room, Logan tossed his bag down onto the floor next to the door. The room hadn't changed at all and, honestly, Logan wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Though he had been popular back in high school, a lot of his closer friends were part of the 'goth' crowd. Logan might not have gone so far as to wear eye liner and paint his nails black, but he did wear mostly black clothes and his bedroom had been 'gothed out' to fit the style of the age.

Black carpet stretched from wall to wall. The walls themselves matched the dark grey ceiling tiles and were adorned with crimson pentagrams, crucifixes, and other various symbols that probably had a lot less meaning than people liked to pretend. Black curtains hung from each of the windows and black bed sheets decorated the bed. The rest of the furniture; the dresser, the wardrobe, the bed frame, and the nightstand were all hardwood - cherry to be precise.

It took Logan only a quick look around before he turned to set his gaze upon his little sister whom had perched herself on the edge of his bed. "Not that I don't appreciate the shrine to my eternal awesomeness, but do you think that you guys could have made this place a little less... this?" Logan's arms were out as if to direct Janice's attention to what he was talking about, as if it was really necessary.
Janice had never really done much of a phase thing herself. She'd tried to be the popular type, and didn't fit in. She'd been too intimidated by the goths and punks, and was never athletic enough to be a jock. She mostly stuck to the book clubs and things, so, as far as people in school were concerned, she'd been a geek. She didn't have enough of the gadgetry to be classified as a nerd, which she'd had to inform people on several accounts, which really just solidified that opinion of her. Well, no matter, it had suited her just fine. She did what felt right to her. Much of the time people left her alone, but there was always to one or two girls who felt it their life's purpose to make her own life a living hell. She stood up to them when she had to, but most of the time, when she came home, she just felt shattered. Well, that was years ago. Now she was a grown woman, and people left her to her own devices.

"I never really thought about it," she said, honestly. "And Mom was adamant that every little thing be left the way it was the day you went away." She looked around at the occult symbols and smirked a little. She knew the meanings of many of them, just from her dabbling in all types of random research. "You know the pentacle is the sign of balance and the ankh symbolizes fertility and everlasting life?" she mused aloud. The young woman stood and clasped her hands behind her back. "Well, if you want help moving anything, or what have you, let me know! You know where to find me." she smiled widely at Logan and stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind her. She figured he probably wanted some time to himself before the parents came home and smothered him ten times worse than she had. And at least she knew when to stop.

She ducked into her bedroom and laid on her bed again, closing her eyes. Her own room had spearmint-green wallpaper and a brown carpet, with bright paintings on the walls, and her books, of course. It was pretty simple. It was comfortable. She yawned and rolled onto her side, facing away from the door. Maybe a nap wouldn't be so bad...
Once Janice had left, Logan just stood there looking around his room for what felt like hours, though it was probably only ten minutes or so at the absolute longest. Janice had been right - these symbols all had meanings that had been misconstrued by either time and misinterpretation or a fad trying to Americanize them. The giant pentagram, or pentacle rather, that was drawn on the wall behind his bed was one of the largest misinterpretations of all times. The pentacle was thought to be a satanic symbol by the Christians, which is probably why the gothic youth of the day probably adopted it so heavily into their culture. In reality, the pentacle predated Christianity. Developed in ancient China, the pentacle's true meaning lied in its connections to what the ancient world believed to be the five elements that governed the universe - fire, water, earth, metal, and wood. On paper, the elements were often sorted with wood being placed above the other elements with water and fire just below it and spread about twice as far apart from one another as they were from wood. Metal and earth were depicted below them, spread an even distance apart as they were from water and fire, respectively. Then a pentagram was drawn connecting the five elements in the cycle of destruction. Lastly, a circle was drawn connecting the five elements, forming the cycle of creation. The two cycles represented balance in the universe. Who is to say how the Christians began associating it with Lucifer and his band of merry demons.

"The things you learn at college," Logan muttered to himself before turning away from the pentacle and moving to pick up his luggage pack. He didn't waste time in starting to put things away, replacing the old clothes that he had left in his drawers with the new ones that he had brought home. He knew that the old clothes wouldn't fit so he began placing them back in the same bag that he was pulling new clothes from so that he could donate them later.

Once all of his clothes wee put away, he took notice to how quiet the house was. Though Janice was not the little girl that he had left behind anymore, he had still half expected her to be on his heels for at least the first day or two. He wouldn't have minded, of course. Having his parents up his ass about something was significantly different from having Janice do the same. His parents were just that, but Janice was more than his sister. She was his best friend and, if truth were to be told, his dirty little secret.

"I hope she isn't sick or anything," Logan muttered, once again, to himself. "I had better go check in on her." With that, he took leave of his bedroom and went looking for Janice.

It wouldn't take Logan long to find her laying on her bed, seeing as she was in the next room down the hall from his own bedroom. About twenty minutes had passed since she left him alone in his room and he was willing to bet that she was asleep. It had always been pretty common for her to sneak off in the middle of the day for a nap. Knowing his sister's habits all too well caused Logan's concern to wash away as quickly as they had come. She wasn't acting strangely, after all. Well, not any less than normal.

"Hey Kiddo, you awake?" Logan asked in a hushed whisper from her bedroom door so that she could hear him if she was awake, but he wouldn't wake her up if she was asleep.
Janice was definitely nowhere near being a light sleeper. When Logan came into her room, she was sprawled on her stomach in a most unladylike fashion, with one arm hugging her pillow up to her face. Her ginger curls were every way they could possibly be, some fanned out in a halo around her head, some fallen across her face, one very dangerously close to her slightly open mouth. She'd tossed and turned a bit before falling asleep, apparently. One other pillow was near her feet (somehow), her blankets were rumpled, and the folded sheet on top of the chest at the foot of her bed had slid off. She herself had no blankets or anything covering her, just her clothing, which was doing a shoddy job, the way it was riding up.

She didn't stir when Logan whispered to her, the words not penetrating her wall of sleepy dreamspace. Her dream at the moment was involving a pineapple and three patients in a mental ward. Much other than that, it was impossible to specify... She made a strange, almost catlike sound, and the pillow found its way over her head to block out the late afternoon sunshine that was finding its way through the Venetian blinds.
Any other brother would have turned and walked away from the sight of their own sister sleeping soundly in her bed. A more caring brother might have even shut the door before doing so but Logan's relationship with Janice was anything but average for a pair of siblings so close in age. Where your average brother would have drawn the line, Logan crossed it and stepped forward into his baby sister's bedroom. His footsteps were slow and quiet as he made his way over to where Janice laying until he was standing at the foot of her bed and towering over her sleeping form.

Logan knew all too well how heavy of a sleeper Janice was in thanks to all of the pranks that he used to play on her. Seeing her sleeping there in such a disheveled state and knowing that anything short of shaking her would have virtually no chance of waking her up caused a dark excitement to swell inside of him. In truth, this exact situation had been one of his secret fantasies for years. He had never acted on it before because Janice was fifteen the last time that he was home and while he loved her and found her attractive, he wouldn't dare touch her at such a young age.

Now the rules were different. Now Janice was twenty-one and Logan had no personal qualms with doing a little exploring. Sure, she was his sister and if she woke up he would need a damn good excuse to be in her room with his hand on her bust, but those were semantics to Logan. He wasn't going to fuck her or anything. He just wanted to touch her and he didn't see anything wrong with that. She was a beautiful young woman and he was a young man. Sister or not, acknowledging her physical attractiveness was natural. Feeling her up in her sleep might have been an extremely creepy thing to do but Logan was alright with that. Any of his exes could have warned Janice that Logan had a thing for playing with them while they were asleep. Logan used to be insecure about that particular fetish but after seeing some of the kinky shit that college girls got into, he felt much more comfortable about it these days.

"Hey, Janice," he whispered again as he reached out to nudge her shoulder with his hand. If he was going to live this fantasy, then he needed to be absolutely positive that Janice was lost in her sleep and not in that deceptive stage of sleep where she was technically asleep but could still be woken up by the sound of a falling needle. The last thing that he wanted was his baby sister waking up while his hand was up her skirt.
Janice simply pulled the pillow tighter about her head. She was so far gone, it would take a lot more than a simple shoulder nudge to rouse her from her slumber. She'd once slept through a neighbor's tree snapping in half and taking down their back room, right next door. She didn't wake up until her alarm clock went off, the one thing she'd managed to train herself to get her out of bed. She'd been very disoriented and confused as to why there were fire trucks and an ambulance outside, until she'd been brought up to speed.

But, right now, she was out cold. She rolled back onto her side, facing her brother, the pillow still mostly covering her face. At this point in the dream, the pineapple had disappeared and she and the three mental patients were on a quest to find the land of mice, so that they could ask their permission to build houses. She probably wouldn't remember the dream after. She would just know that her subconscious is really, really messed up.
Logan just couldn't believe it. He had been home for a half of an hour and Janice had knowingly handed him a dream come true. Of course, there were certain parts of his twisted little fantasy that he wouldn't dare try. Though his baby sister was a very heavy sleeper, he was pretty sure that she would probably wake up if he tried to fuck her and there would be no explaining that one if and when she did. He would just have to make do with the more 'tame' aspects of his fantasy. Tame being merely a relative term, of course.

There was a moment of hesitation, during which Logan tried to process all of the possibilities of what he could do right then and there and the situations that might arise if Janice should wake up. He realized, in that short blink of time, that if she woke up, he would be screwed completely. Fortunately, Janice was such a heavy sleeper that the rewards outweighed the risks. He had wanted this opportunity for years and to pass it up would be stupid. The fact that this chance would come along very frequently now that he was home was overridden by a severe case of the 'here and now'.

All doubt cast aside, Logan reached out and placed his hand firmly on Janice's shoulder so that he could roll her over onto her back. She tried to roll back over onto her side, but Logan was much stronger than her and her subconscious seemed to give up on that notion after just a few seconds. "That's a good girl," Logan whispered as his attention then turned toward the sleeping ginger's arms. He positioned them out from her sides with her hands resting at nearly an even level with her head. The pose complimented her bust rather nicely and Logan found himself unable to focus on anything else for a moment.

Janice had never been a big girl in the terms of cup size, but she had a fair handful sitting on top of her chest right now, slowly rising and falling with each breath. Janice had the only pair of breasts that Logan had ever wanted to see and touch that he'd never been able to seduce or con his way into. That was about to change.

First, however, he needed to finish getting Janice ready, so he stole his thoughts away for a minute and turned his attention lower. Since Janice hadn't had any blankets on her, all Logan needed to do now was straighten out his sister's legs. He was much more careful with this process, knowing that if she woke up while he was down here staring up her skirt at her black panties, she would kill him. He wasn't too surprised to see that she wore black under her skirt. Janice had always fancied herself a bit of a rebel, but she just didn't have it in her to wear anything too out there. Black was a happy medium between rebel, sexy, and 'normal'.

Now that Janice was laying there on her back with her hands beside her head and legs out straight, Logan began going around the room and fixing any potential problems that he saw. He closed the blinds more and drew the shades so that there wouldn't be any light disturbing his sister while he worked. Then he moved over and shut the door just as a precautionary measure. He didn't need his parents coming in and finding him there if he got caught up in his work and didn't hear them. Only after he'd done these two small, but vital things, did he return his attention to the sleeping redhead.

By now, Logan's pants were already a little uncomfortable and when he put his hand in his pocket to retrieve his cell phone, it only served to make matters worse. It was then that Logan remembered why he hated new jeans. They were stiff, tight, you couldn't get much in the pockets, it was hard to put your hand itself in the pockets, and when you had a hard-on, they were just so damn uncomfortable. It took some effort, but Logan did manage to fish his phone out of his jeans pocket after a good thirty second of fighting with them. Afterward, he unzipped the front of his pants. It didn't help a lot, but it did relieve at least a little bit of the stress that the denim prison was putting on his erect member.

Before Logan went back to work, he opened up his phone and took a few quick snapshots of Janice how she was. These pictures would come in handy later. They were for his personal viewing pleasure, of course. He wouldn't dare share his little Janice with another man. He took one or two that got her whole body in the shot, one or two of just the top part of her body, and one good upskirt shot before he sat the phone down on the bed.

Logan then turned his attention back to Janice's chest. He reached out and placed his hands upon those soft, clothed mounds so that he could kneed them with the gentlest of touched. If he hadn't known better, he could have sworn that he had heard Janice make a soft sound of approval when he did this. The idea brought a smile to his lips, which he then leaned forward and then brushed against Janice's own. "I'm glad you like that, kiddo," he whispered. His hot breath crashed against Janice's sensitive erogenous organs.

Now that Logan had had his feel, it was time to get back to work. Using an even more careful touch than he used when positioning her, Logan began the slow process of scooting Janice's shirt up her body until it had been moved up and over her breasts to reveal a black bra that matched her panties. Again, Logan wasn't surprised. Janice did tend to like matching her clothes and, as with panties, black gave her a tasteful color that might have let her feel just a little naughty.

With Janice's bra exposed, Logan grabbed his phone off of the bed and started to take a few more snapshots of his sister's pale bust. "Work it for me, Janice," he whispered more to himself than to his sister as her chest rose and fell with her breath. He took about as many pictures this time as he had taken last time before tossing his phone back on the bed. They were mostly close-ups of Janice's bra but there were some top shots and one or two full body shots taken from the same angle as the others.

Now it was time for Logan to do something about that skirt. This, he knew, would be a tricky one, so when he leaned out over Janice's bed and hooked his fingers underneath of the bottom hem of her skirt, he did so with even more care than before. It was a slow process, hiking the skirt up inch by inch, making sure to raise the back, which Janice was laying on, and making sure that he didn't get too overzealous and wake her. Eventually, however, her panties were as open and visible to the world as her bra was.

Again, Logan scooped up his cell phone and started snapping pictures. he took more than before this time, not stopping until he had about fifty pictures or so collectively from this little adventure. He knew that it was kind of pathetic of him to be doing these things to his own sister, but he didn't much care right now. She was the object of his affection and always had been. To him, this was natural, regardless of what others felt.

When he was finished, Logan threw his phone down once again and stared at his sister admiringly. His pants were getting so uncomfortable now that he considered taking them off, but he thought that might be a bad idea. What would he do if she woke up? When he asked himself that question, he realized that if she woke up in the condition that she was in, he was already in hot water. At least without his pants, he would be comfortable in the metaphorical hot-tub.

That decided it, then. Logan's hands moved to the buckle of his belt and unfastened it, followed by the button on his pants. Logan allowed his jeans to hit the floor, stepping out of them and leaving them in a nice neat pile. He then decided that if he was going to be comfortable, then he had might as well be really comfortable. Without a second thought, his denim jacket and his shirt were cast to the side too. Now he was standing in Janice's bedroom in only a pair of black boxer-briefs while she, herself, was half-naked.

Unfortunately, Janice was about as naked as she was going to get. Logan didn't dare try to take her bra or panties off. That would be a bold move, even on Janice. Instead, he decided to poke around and see if he could find her diary. She always used to keep one, though now she was twenty-one and he doubted that she still did. Regardless, he wouldn't find it if he didn't look for it now would he? Besides, if anyone could find it, he could.

Logan had always been good at finding things that Janice didn't want found because he understood her. She hid things, instinctively, right out in the open. Most people, their parents especially, just looked too hard for things. They never expected something hidden to be completely visible so they never checked the obvious places. To them, that new chest at the foot of Janice's bed was probably just that - a chest that was probably for clothes. To Logan, it looked like a classic Janice hidey-hole.

Imagine Logan's surprise when he slid the chest opened, expecting to find stored winter clothes or something of that sort with a diary underneath of them all and instead found a collection of adult magazines that would shame any of the college boys that he had palled around with. As quickly as he had opened it, Logan snapped the chest back shut. He wasn't sure what to think of all of those magazines. Janice had to be quite the little minx to have all of these and he couldn't help but allow that thought to bring a smile to his lips.

It was then that he heard Janice stir a little as she rolled back onto her side. Taking that as his que to get out of there before he got caught, Logan quickly gathered up his clothes and his phone before heading for the door. Once he was out of Janice's bedroom, Logan started making his way toward the bathroom. He was going to go think on everything that had just happened while he sat under a nice hot shower.
Janice woke some time after her brother left. She'd rolled back onto her side and curled into a half-fetal position, with her hands folded under her pillow, which was neatly tucked under her chin. She yawned and rolled onto her stomach to stretch, and only then did she realise that her clothing was so terribly disheveled. She was a little surprised, but not too alarmed. She'd always been something of a restless, if deep- sleeper. She'd never had any incidents with sleepwalking that she knew of, but it was an incredible wonder that she hadn't. She pulled her clothing back into place and sat up, running her fingers quickly through her hair to detangle some of the curls. They could get more than a little unruly when she slept, and the last thing she wanted was half her hair being up in a half beehive while the rest was acceptable to be seen.

She heard the shower running and assumed that, since she didn't hear her parents anywhere in the house yet, her brother was busy in the washroom. Janice pulled her skirt down a little bit again and opened her door to wander out into the hall. She lifted her arms straight above her head, fingers locked together, and made a small squeaking noise as she stretched, sauntering downstairs to the kitchen to make some tea. The young woman sifted through the cupboard for several minutes, picking up packets, sniffing loose-leaf teas, comparing one to another, before finally settling on one that she deemed acceptable for the moment. She filled the electric kettle and clicked the button that would start the water boiling, and bustled around the kitchen to make the cup ready beforehand. When she was done, while she waited, she picked up the newspaper and flipped it open. She never read the articles in the morning, because they were so gloomy that they set the tone for her whole day. Janice preferred to read them at the end of her work day.
While Logan took his shower, he allowed his mind to wander. The shower had always been something along the lines of his 'thinking place'. Growing up with a little sister, it had been the only place that he'd ever really been able to be alone, not to mention that the hot water crashing against his shoulders and sliding down his body was so relaxing. Sure, he liked Janice, even moreso than he should have, but every young man just needs alone time now and then and Logan had never been an exception to that rule.

The first thing that he had thought of was Janice, of course, and the pictures that he had just taken of her while he lathered his hand up with some body soap and worked on relieving a little 'pressure' from a very sensitive part of his body. He was cursing himself for stopping when he did. Janice was such a heavy sleeper that he could have lifted her bra up and maybe pulled her panties down a bit. Perhaps pulling them off completely would have been a little too bold, but he could have caught a peek at least. Hell, she was such a heavy sleeper that he could have probably used her hand to rub one out. That idea only served to turn him on more while he worked at his own manhood.

Then his mind turned to the magazines. He had never seen a collection like that and for them to be Janice's was almost unthinkable. She had always been so shy and insecure about sex. Whatever had happened in the past couple of years must have turned her into quite the closet pervert. It was probably sexual frustration, Logan thought. Janice had always been so shy and insecure about sex and he would have bet that his twenty-one year old sister was still a virgin. Man, how he would have loved to fix that for her.

Once the 'pressure' had been relieved from Logan's manhood, he turned the shower off. A few minutes later, he was all toweled off and sliding back into his clothes. The magazines kept returning to his mind as he got ready to go back out of the washroom. He could use them. Somehow, he could use them. He didn't know what he could use them for, but he knew that Janice would have been mortified that anyone knew about them, even Logan. If he could think of a realistic price for his silence, then he would certainly make use of this dirty little secret. It wouldn't have been the first time that Logan had blackmailed his sister. There was the broken vase that he use to get her to do his chores for a month, the incident with the lawnmower and mom's rose bushes that he had used to get her to make him breakfast for two weeks, and the time that he caught her watching a movie that she had been forbidden to see because of the rating that he had used to make her his slave for three days. She had been fourteen at the time, so he didn't make her do anything sexual, but he had wanted to. Instead, she had make him three square meals all three days, washed his clothes, did his chores, and slept with him in his bed. He had intended to make her do more than sleep but had decided against it.

Not long after the shower could be heard turning off, Logan was on his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. It hadn't been too long since he had last eaten at a roadside McDonalds on his way home, but he was feeling a little peckish. Much to his surprise, it seemed that Janice had woken up and was in the kitchen preparing something herself.

"Anything interesting today?" he asked as he entered the kitchen and noticed that Janice was reading the paper. "Don't suppose there were any home invasions or sex scandals?" It was a horrible joke that Logan knew that he shouldn't have made, but knowing that Janice wouldn't know anything about what had happened brought a smirk to his lips.
Janice had flipped through page after page looking for a headline to catch her eye. She stopped every so often to read through an article, and when her water was boiling, she poured it over the teabag sitting in the mug; a green tea with honey and lemon. The aroma floated from the steaming cup as she carried it back to the table and traded it for the paper so that it could steep. She had engrossed herself in an article on a women's rights protester being taken into custody for her radical actions. She lifted her eyebrows and read the follow-up, a poll that had been posted online regarding the incident and comments from readers. The article, or a version of it, had been posted online for people to vote on and talk about. As someone who, for a while, had been a radical feminist, Janice always kept an eye open for such things in the media.

She looked up when Logan entered the room and lowered her paper, smiling up at him. Her smile faltered a little at his question. "Erm... No? Why?" The hell was he on about, sex scandals and home invasions? "Not today..." What had happened to him at school that made him so interested in such specific issues? She shoved the thought out of her mind and folded the newspaper shut, setting it on the table and picking up her tea. It was just right at this point, and she gleefully sipped the hot beverage. Logan's smirk was a little concerning to her, but she cast it aside. "Do you want to make yourself some tea?" she asked. "The kettle should still be hot enough." She nodded towards the appliance, but kept her eyes on her big brother. She was curious as to what he meant...

"So what's got you so interested in sex scandals?" she asked abruptly.
For a moment, Logan brushed Janice's question off as though he hadn't heard it while he made his way across the kitchen to take a seat across the table from his gorgeous baby sister. As he took his seat, Logan undressed Janice with his eyes and started to curse himself again for not going further. He could have - he should have. Of course, it didn't seem like the redhead had woken up too much later after he had slipped out of her bedroom. Perhaps it was best that he had stopped himself, after all.

"Oh, no reason in particular," Logan said nonchalantly as he played his joke off as nothing more than idle chat. "I just figured that with the mayoral election right around the corner, it was about time for the political shit storm to start stirring itself up in the news. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I do enjoy reading all of the rediculus stories that get tossed around during the season and the sex scandals are usually the most interesting, even if most of them are false accusations."

Logan was certain that his lie would take the sudden edge off of the situation. Though their home town of Ashburn, Virginia was not the big city, it was still a plenty big enough and busy enough area to draw out the crazies around the time of any election. Sex scandals would be everywhere in the news in the coming months, as they were every time a political seat opened up and there was an election.

"I think one of the best ones that I've read was back in college," Logan continued as he scooted his chair up to the table and made himself comfortable. In his head, he quickly formulated another lie that would help him gauge Janice's reaction to the idea of 'close siblings'. It was a safe way to test the waters - to see if he might be able to use her little secret to get what he wanted. "The student body president was accused of sleeping with his little sister when the election first started up and the rumor was that the baby that she was carrying was his."
Janice had completely forgotten about the election. She'd never been one to care much for politics, especially something so... little. Sure, it might have pertained directly to her community, but there were no real issues that any party was addressing that she cared about. She probably wouldn't even vote. "Nope," she said, flipping through the pages and glancing over the headlines. "No scandals. I guess it's been a pretty quiet spurt. Or I've missed out on the news." She frowned. She felt like she was way behind, lately. She rarely had moments like these, sitting and reading the paper. She never watched TV. She'd been spending her time working, technically... She'd been diving headlong into book after book, freshening up on the classics and reading the newest best sellers. "I probably just missed it..."

She figured his reasoning was fair enough. She let it slide, listening to him talk. When he'd finished, her brow furrowed. "That's horrible..." She shook her head. "For people to speak such hideous rumors. That's nobody's business but their own." Janice bit her lip. People could be so cruel... "You'd think that people would get over such petty malevolence after high school, but apparently not. You know, that's one of the reasons that Henry VIII had Anne Boleyn beheaded? He thought she was sleeping with her brother, and that was why she couldn't bear a son." She scoffed and took a long drink of her tea.

"I hope that the two of them recovered from the torture, no matter what the truth was."
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