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Tired of Smut?

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Dec 22, 2010
Hey there! I know I know, there can never be enough smut...but here I offer something. An alternative to sex. What goes perfect with sex? VIOLENCE!

I just finished a large project, which is looming in the non-sexual RPs section. Go check it out! I'm sure your curiosity will lead ya there. I sure do hope it does!

And if that's not enough to convince you, you can always do PM sex scenes with other characters. Or whatever. I'm not too partial to anything. Anyway, go over there and check it out! Follow the instructions there to get started!
Allow me to elaborate on what you're going to find when you go over there.

War is coming to Earth. The year is 2022, and the nations of the world have finally found a year of international peace. The world is working together to create a top secret military program, called the ACES initiative. The ultimate weapon of humanity. To face what foe though? And what exactly is an ACES unit? You'll just have to apply to the program. Find out what is in store for you. Fight for not only your survival, but for humanities survival.
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