The Last Line

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Dec 22, 2010
This is a little project of mine, feel free to pm me your application at the bottom of the page.

A comprehensive guide to the ACES program!

Congratulations trooper! You have been accepted into the exclusive, experimental ACES (Armored Combat Exo-Suit) program! As a part of this program, you will be partnered with a brand new, state of the art ACES Unit. As a Pilot, your mind will be completely synchronized with this giant weapon to perform extraordinary tasks. This guide will help you in becoming the best ACES Pilot in the program!

The Crazier You Are, The Better!
- an observed phenomena among the ACES units, is that those with a chemical unbalance in their brain have much higher synchronization rates than those who don't. These unbalances are related to genetic differences, as well as disabilities. These unbalances can have no symptoms, or can cause anti-social behaviour, either way it makes you a much better ACES pilot!

It Mimics You!
- the ACES are designed to mimic your movements completely. Whatever you're good at, the ACES unit is good at! It would be beneficial to all ACES pilots to get acquainted with their unit and become familiar with their equipment and weaponry.

It's Not Just a Machine!
- the ACES units are the epitome of modern weapon's research. They use state of the art computer systems and mechanical engineering! However, they also have a biological make-up! Using synthetic compounds and various techniques that we can't even hope to understand, the ACES Unit can be described as a bio-mechanical warrior!

What It Feels, You Feel!
- While it is highly unlikely you will lose your life while using the ACES unit, there are still several dangers. A side effect of the synchronization process, any damage inflicted to the ACES unit will be felt by you. There are inhibitors in place, however the only way to avoid this side effect is to decrease the synchronization level. Which unfortunately makes the ACES unit inoperable. Better toughen up!

Be Aware of Power!
- We are currently researching new sources of power, however it was deemed too dangerous to outfit each ACES unit with it's own fusion reactor. Therefore, each ACES Unit is attached to the main power source via an umbilical cable attached to the cockpit. Don't worry, you have a lot of room to operate! This umbilical cable can be disabled, however this will leave you with only minutes of power left. This is failsafe to allow the ACES Unit to leave the field.

Your Cockpit!
- The cockpit is truly an innovation. Fully removable, the cockpit is plugged into the ACES Unit with the pilot inside, rather then having the cockpit hard wired to the ACES Unit. This allows a more modular experience as well as an easy ejection. Be aware of all it's subsystems!

You Have Shielding!
- another new innovation by our boys down in the lab! Not only do you have a Negative Electromagnetic Pulse Field (NEG-EMP field), but you also have a current controller! That's right, you can not only control how much power is used, but you can also manipulate that power! We recommend experimenting with this system in combat simulations, one Pilot was even able to create a kinetic field attack with his NEG-EMP field!

"Why does it look like a person?"
- well trooper, why are you asking a question like that when you have enemies to kill?! But we'll answer anyway! The reason the ACES look so humanoid is to give the best possible control over it. You see, as it mimics your movements in your mind, it must have the limbs you are thinking of moving to move! If we gave an ACES unit 4 arms and 8 legs, you would have a little more trouble piloting it wouldn't you?
The Last Line is a game about tough decisions, giant death robots and saving the world. There is also alot more to it though. This game is a huge project of mine, and I hope alot of you will get on board. This game takes inspiration from media such as Evangelion, X-Com, MechWarrior and many others works. I'm sure you'll see them all, and I hope you can point out some in an OOC post.

You will pilot the ACES units if the situations deserves. You can read everything below. After I have acquired some applications, I will start putting up the rest of my content and we can begin! Make sure to state which version you would support in your pm to me.

There are currently two versions of the game I have tittled "The Last Line". The hardcore heavy version, and the forum friendly version. I'll explain the forum friendly version first.

Forum Friendly Version:

The game plays as your typical post-by-post combat RP. However, the game doesn't solely focus on combat. There will be various factors at play, including the use of the ACES (read- Evangelions) causing neural degradation (read- insanity). As the game goes on, as a GM (game master), I will be actively participating as well as tossing out NPCs and random acts of god. I welcome collaboration, and if you have any ideas for the story or wish to discuss a story-arc for a character, I'd be happy to get that going. So, the tl;dr version is:

Run around in a giant bio-mechanical robot and step on people, but it makes you insane.

Hardcore Heavy Version:

This is a much more involved version I like to think. I will copy and paste from the template I made for my old forum (I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, it was late and I was tired).

The game works as a series of "Sets" that all have 3 phases. For each set to be completed, all 3 phases must be occupied with an action. The current available actions are Investigate, Research, Production, Recruitment and Sortie. Additional actions per set can be unlocked through the various actions, but at the beggining you only have 3.

In order to succeed, you must be able to evaluate situations and make the tough decisions. Now a bit on each action

Investigate: this action allows the player to look into various sources of information to recover crucial intel on situations.

Sortie: Each set will have an available mission or several missions. You are able to take on as many missions per Set you want, just keep in mind the consequences of being unprepared.

Research: While out in the field, you will recover several pieces of tech and discover plans for new tech. The Research phase allows you to reverse engineer tech, innovate old tech, and even create new tech. Research is crucial to the ACES Program.

Production: The production phase involves building an armory and other projects to help expand the program. You will also need the production phase to build the things you research.

Recruitment: the recruitment phase is not nearly as crucial as the other phases, but can help. This involves hiring from a pool of specialists that will give random bonuses. IE: you may end up hiring a renowned scientist who gives a free research phase credit, allowing you to research 2 things in one set without a loss of a phase.

The Sortie phase will be your most involved phase. You will be going out into the field and engaging in various special operations. These operations may or may not involve the use of the ACES. This will play as the standard EW format.

A bit about ACES. ACES are Armored Combat Exo-Suits, and are the epitome of weapon's manufacturing. They are still in testing stage, and as such are used at the discretion of their pilots. Each ACES unit is specially suited to their pilot, being synchronized to their mind. A phenomena found among the ACES pilots is that those with an unstable chemical make-up in their brain have better synchronization rates with their ACES. More information can be found in the ACES Pilot handbook.

You do not have to use an ACES unit however. The ACES are designed to move as the pilot does, and as such all Pilots are specially trained soldiers. Some missions may require the ACES units, while others may require no presence of the ACES whatsoever.

A little long eh? Sorry about that. I will also be pitching "Colonies" once I've typed everything up. Let me know what you think!

PM me your character's bio, the templates are listed below

Basic Description:
Military Experience:
Genetic History:
ACES Unit:

Name: this is the model and the number. IE: ACES-00 would be the first model.
Callsign: This is a nickname given by the pilot to the ACES Unit IE: Alpha, Nomad, Patriot
Classification: This is a brief description of what the ACES unit is designed for IE: long range combat unit, demolitions unit
Main Armaments: List off any weapons currently equipped to your unit. A comprehensive guide to weapons systems is in the armory
Designated Pilot: This is you! Your ACES unit is bonded to you, however you are able to switch ACES, there can be difficulties
Special Features: Just some special features that make your ACES unit unique! Like a cloaking device, increased muscle mass
Description: Just give a brief description of the ACES Unit, paint job, what it looks like, anything special.
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