The War Continues

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Sep 13, 2011
Admiral Hacket: "Shepard I need you to head back to Eden Prime, the resistance there has turned for the worst. Cerberus has sent additional reinforcements to quell the rebellion and take back the colony. The resistance leaders have requested our assistance and say that in exchange they will provide resources, troops, scientists, and funding. We need those supplies, head down there and see what your team can do."

Shepard: "Will do sir."
Hacket: "Hacket out."
Shepard: "Joker, set a course for Eden Prime, and tell the team to gear up."
Joker: "Aye, Aye sir."

The journey through the relay was uneventfull, but once at Eden Prime Shepard could already tell things were getting ugly as he could see Cerberus was tearing through the colonists that were trying to take a power station.
As soon as Garrus, and Javik were ready they dropped down and started laying down covering fire for the colonists. He had Garrus quickly take the high ground and start sniping Cerberus troopers, Javik launched a lift grenade and took out a cluster of Cerberus engineers and centurions that were setting up a holding point with deployable turrets. Shepard himself took his antisynthetic rifle and directly charged into the fray quickly moving to the attacking colonists. To a young woman with long black hair he felt seemed to be leading the attack he quickly spoke.
"What's the situation, how can we help?"
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