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Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) 3.5, anyone? : OOC Chatter

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Oct 17, 2012
American Mid-West
Okay! Since I know we're going to want to chit-chat a little, I'm going to lay down some rules for our chitter-chatter.

1) Do not ask for another player's real life info.
2) Do not ask for another player's attribute scores, skill ranks, or other numerical information. If you want to know, either ask in-game and in character and get a relatively close answer, or not at all.
3) You may not use the word 'fuck' more than twice a post.
4) If you accidently post a person's real life name or info, edit it away immediately. I will beat you if you don't, foo! ... When I find you, anyway.
4) Don't cry if I'm forced to beat you for breaking these rules too many times or in too frustrating a way. In order to maintain my real life sanity points, these rules WILL be followed. (Only kinda joking, by the way.)

Other than that, have a ball. =]
Perhaps we'll protect each other? After all, we'll both slip up eventually.
I chose to make my avatar what my character looks like
Pwned for being Human

....I spelled Hume first.... I've been playing too much final fantasy
It would have been cross class for me, so I put it in Diplomacy instead. (cross class as well, but I get bonuses from my traits to it)
I also just noticed our druid has the aberration subtype. I find that ironic for some reason.

Also, dang that 29 listen check o.o
All heavy fighters need ranks in swim or they will drown from the armor penalty. True story

Zeheris beat all of us
explodingiggy said:
All heavy fighters need ranks in swim or they will drown from the armor penalty. True story
Oh yes, that is true until you get underwater breathing/action forever on a ring :p Also my character lived in a pseudo desert, so no swim for her. :(
I may be able to swim with you on my back. I dunno though.
With a 13? It'd be close. Probably me naked but not in all my gear. Full plate is a pain to swim with, even if you don't wear it.
Yeah... but Balmung is the type of person who would jump in front of a speeding truck to save a child, so if it meant a friend's safety, he'd probably do it anyway
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