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MxF, FxF, FutaxF Role Play Search: Dom Prefered, Ideas within

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Oct 16, 2012
I came upon this site by way of google and decided it was worth a shot. I've been role playing for years now and have a few steady partners offsite but I'm always open to new partners. I typically role play by email, or google documents but am willing to role play here in PMs or threads. IMs are good for OOC but I don't like using them to work out role plays. My IM is my gtalk as I am an apt supporter of Google and all it's workings. Google Docs is awesome as it's like an online word document.

That being said, I'll tell you what I like in an RP and what I do. I write 1-5 paragraphs on average. I like dark themes and light themes and role playing with capable partners. I like a person that can write with good grammar and spelling. Giving me a post filled with text speak and a lot of misspelled words really doesn't encourage me to write. I like a person to put effort into their post. To give me one line is a joke. I like at least a paragraph going back and forth between us (five to seven sentences). Dialogue I know requires smaller posts. I'm not asking for fluff and stuff, I'm just asking for a post I can reply to. Sometimes my life gets busy so I won't be able to reply but maybe once that day. Please do not keep asking me over and over again when I will reply. That makes me want to delay longer or feel harrassed and not reply at all.

Please do not ditch me. If you aren't feeling the role play, do not just stop replying. Send me a note saying you aren't feeling it and I'll be okay with it. Not getting a reply for over a week and me seeing you online will prompt me to email you but just once. If I don't get a reply I'll consider the role play canned. I won't harrass you with 'why haven't you replied' messages. I'll just brush it off but it is common courtesy you know?

Now I think I should go over the genres that I love to role play (as there are a few):
Renaissance England, Italy, France - Fantasy
Renaissance England, Italy, France - Historical
Medieval - Fantasy
Medieval - Historical
Pirates (think late 1600s, early 1700s, Pirates of the Carribean) - Fantasy
Pirates - Historical
Late 1700s - Fantasy
Late 1700s - Historical
Regency England (1810-1820) - Fantasy
Regency England (1810-1820) - Historical
Victorian - Fantasy
Victorian - Historical
Western United States (1870-1900) - Historical
Edwardian (1910-1920) - Historical
Modern - Fantasy
Modern - Normal
Futuristic - ( a little iffy on this one. Really depends on a plot)

I guess I prefer playing the more innocent, submissive type of character but I don't like to box myself into a particular corner. I like creating characters, new for each role play and do not have any premade characters with set traits.

I don't have any particular roleplay pairings listed because I just want to hear your ideas and pairing ideas. The most I can say is no right? Just PM me and we can discuss. I'm not going to check this thread except to bump it up so PMing me will get the quickest response. Hope to hear from you.
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